The Linnean Society of NSW

The Linnean Society of NSW

The Linnean Society of New South Wales appointed its first Linnean Macleay Fellow in 1905.

Since then, award of the Fellowship has enabled well over fifty talented graduates to undertake significant research in the sciences of ‘Natural History Biological and Geological’. Many former Fellows have achieved scientific distinction, some having been appointed to professorial chairs and three having been elected Fellows of the Royal Society of London. The results of the Fellows’ work are generally published in the Proceedings. Linnean Macleay Fellowships are funded from a bequest of the Society’s first President, Sir William Macleay, whose intention it was that the Fellowships:

‘encourage and advance research in Natural Science by enabling those who wish to continue their studies at the University [of Sydney] or elsewhere after having completed the regular curriculum and taken a Science degree to do so.’

Fellowships are offered by the Society in terms of directions set out by the donor and the Equity Court of New South Wales, acting in accordance with those directions and with Article 6 of the Society’s Act of Incorporation.

The main points are:

1. Every candidate must be a member of the Linnean Society of NSW, must reside in New South Wales, and must hold a degree in Science or Agricultural Science from the University of Sydney.

2. Fellowships may be held for research in any of the following branches of Science:

  • Animal or Plant Physiology
  • Animal or Plant Pathology
  • Biochemistry
  • Botany
  • Comparative Anatomy and Embryology
  • General Biology, including Ecology
  • Physical Geography
  • Geology
  • Palaeontology
  • Physical Anthropology
  • Zoology


3. Fellowships are tenable for one year, renewable for up to a maximum five years subject to the approval of Council.


4. The annual emolument of a Fellow is not less than $800 and not more than $3200, payable quarterly.

5. Each Fellow shall be allowed a period of four weeks’ leave a year to be taken, by agreement with Council, as a rule during the year of tenure.

6. No Fellow shall undertake any employment for payment during his or her Fellowship without the special sanction of Council.

7. A Fellow shall be required to furnish a report of progress in the investigation half-yearly to the Council.

8. A Fellow shall submit to the Council any paper completed for publication that embodies results obtained during tenure of the Fellowship.

For further information, click here to contact the Linnean Society of NSW.