The Linnean Society of NSW

The Linnean Society of NSW

The four categories of Linnean Society Membership, and current annual subscriptions are shown below:

Because we are receiving very little income from our investments due to the low interest rates we urgently need Bequests and Donations for our Research Funds (these are Tax Deductible) –

Ordinary (Full) Member: $50 p.a.

An Ordinary (Full) Member of the Linnean Society has voting rights receives the Proceedings, the Newsletter, program notifications, and invitations to special lectures and functions. Candidates for election as Ordinary (Full) Members must be nominated by two current members. However, should circumstances (such as residence) make it difficult for an applicant to find a proposer and seconder, send an application and the Society will arrange nomination.

Ordinary Member (retired): $30 p.a.

Available to those having attained 65 years of age & no longer in paid employment. Same benefits as Ordinary (Full) Member.

Ordinary Member (Student ): $30 p.a.

Available to Full-time students and Part-time students not in full-time employment. Same benefits as Ordinary (Full) Member. Please include proof of student status with application or renewal.

Associate Member: $30 p.a.

Available to all. Receives the Newsletter etc. but do NOT have voting rights. The titles of all papers accepted for publication in the Proceedings are included in the Newsletter, so Associates are kept informed. Nomination for Associate Membership is NOT necessary.

Membership Form

Print out and complete the application form, then either email or post with the appropriate subscription amount, to:

The Secretary
Linnean Society of NSW
PO Box 291
Tel: 0490 542 524 Email:

Preferred method of payment is via bank transfer; our details are:

Account Name: Linnean Society of NSW
St George Bank
BSB: 112879
Account Number: 466447867

Please put your full name as reference