The Linnean Society of NSW produces a number of periodicals, and publishes books and pamphlets by its members.
For all publications, click here to contact the Secretary re availability and prices, including postage and handling charges.
Recent Publications
Field Guide to the Royal National Park
The Linnean Society of NSW is pleased to offer this up-to-date and comprehensive 176 page guide, extensively illustrated in colour, to the natural history of the Royal National Park: its geology and geomorphology; plants and vegetation; mammals, birds, frogs and reptiles; insects, spiders and non-marine molluscs.
Limited stock $18 + post & pack $6 (within Australia)

Official Guide to the National Park of NSW
This beautiful 128 page hardcover facsimile edition of the 1902 Official Guide to the National Park of New South Wales is complete with original map and 23 plates. The fascinating text describes the history and the beauties of the park through the eyes of the author more than 110 years ago.
This is a limited print run so don’t miss out.
$4 + $6 postage (within Australia)
Freshwater Crayfishes of New South Wales by John R. Merrick
This small handbook (208 x 145 mm; 128 pp) provides a comprehensive introduction to the biology and conservation of Australian representatives of this important group of aquatic invertebrates. The contents cover those species that occur in the state of New South Wales – about 25% of the Australian fauna – but many observations and recommendations have relevance for other areas.

The text is fully sourced and maintains a clear, readable style for readers without specialised knowledge of crays. Environmental management , anatomy and identification are covered, a glossary of technical terms and an index are included. Diagrams and the excellent colour plates of live crays or habitats have been placed next to the relevant text. Some plates are the first published colour photographs of rare or poorly known species.
The cover is conspicuous for easy identification and laminated for hard wear; there is no dust jacket. The tough water-repellent cover enables the book to be used in field conditions with reduced risk of damage.
ISBN 0 9590535 1 4
Copies are now available only from the author.
e-mail: john.merrick@mq.edu.au
A large quarto volume containing 308 pages, 42 plates and an actual photograph (not a printer’s reproduction) of Sir William Macleay. A fascinating piece of Victoriana.
Price, excluding postage and packing $AU150.00
Contents, Corrigenda, Preface. Pp. i-vi.
The Hon. Sir William Macleay, Kt., F.L.S., M.L.C. Pp. vii-li.
Spencer, W. Baldwin: Contributions to our knowledge of Ceratodus. Part I. – The Blood Vessels. Pp. 1-34, plates i-v.
Hutton, F. W.: The Pliocene Mollusca of New Zealand. Pp. 35-92, plates vi-ix.
Haswell, William A.: A Monograph of the Temnocephaleae. Pp. 93-152, plates x-xv.
Haswell, William A.: On an apparently New Type of the Platyhelminthes (Trematoda?). Pp. 153-158, plate xvi.
Parker, T. Jeffery & Rich, Josephine G.: Observations on the Myology of Palinurus Edwardsii, Hutton. Pp. 159-178, plates xvii-xxi.
Wilson, J. T. & Martin, C. J.: Observations upon the Anatomy of the Muzzle of the Ornithorhyncus. Pp. 179-189, plates xxii-xxiii.
Wilson, J. T. & Martin, C. J.: On the peculiar Rod-like Tactile Organs in the Integument and Mucous Membrane of the Muzzle of Ornithorhyncus. Pp. 190-200, plates xxiv-xxvi.
Hedley, C.: On Parmacochlea Fischeri, Smith. Pp. 201-204, plate xxvii.
Tate, Ralph: On the Geographic Relations of the Floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. Pp. 205-221.
Baron von Mueller: Notes on an Undescribed Acacia from New South Wales. Pp. 222-225, plate xxviii.
Baron von Mueller: Description of a New Hakea from Eastern New South Wales. Pp. 226-227, plate xxix.
Etheridge, R., Jnr.: A Description of some Weapons and Implements of the Alligator Tribe, Port Essington, North Australia. Pp. 228-251, plates xxx-xxxv.
Cobb, N. A.: Nematodes, mostly Australian and Fijian. Pp. 252-308, plates xxxvi-xlii.
Obituaries of distinguished members.
Series No:
9. Herbert J Carter 1858-1940 [with portrait]
10. Alexander G Hamilton 1852-1941 [with portrait]
11. Robin J Tillyard 1881-1937 [with portrait]
12. Carl A Sussmilch 1875-1946 [with portrait]
13. Ernest C Andrews 1870-1948 [with portrait]
14. Gustavus A Waterhouse 1877-1950 [with portrait]
15. George D Osborne 1899-1955 [with portrait]
16. William N Benson 1885-1957 [with portrait]
17. Douglas Mawson 1882-1958 [with portrait]
18. Anthony Musgrave 1895-1959 [with portrait]
19. Theodore C Roughley 1888-1961 [with portrait]
20. Alan N Colefax 1908-1961 [with portrait]
21. Anthony R Woodhill 1900-1965 [with portrait]