The Linnean Society of NSW

vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by author

Nateewathana, A. & Hylleberg, J. 1986. Nephtyid polychaetes from
the west coast of Phuket Island, Andaman Sea, Thailand, with
description of five new species. 108: 195-215.

Naumann, I. D., Cardale, J. C., Taylor, R. W. & MacDonald, J.
1994. Type specimens of Australian Hymenoptera (Insecta)
transferred from the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney, to
the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 114: 69-

New, T. R. 1994. A second species of Amphientomidae (Insecta:
Psocoptera) from Western Australia. 114: 233-235.

New, T. R. & Smithers, C. N. 1994. Two new species of Myrmeleon
L. and new records of Myrmeleontini (Insecta, Neuroptera:
Myrmeleontidae) from Australia. 114: 189-194.

Newman, I. V. 1929. The life history of Doryanthes excelsa. Part
II. The gametophytes, seed production, chromosome number and
general conclusion. 54: 411-435.

Newman, I. V. 1934a. Studies in the Australian acacias. III.
Supplementary observations on the habit, carpel, spore
production and chromosomes of Acacia Baileyana F.v.M. 59:

Newman, I. V. 1934b. Studies in the Australian acacias. IV. The
life history of Acacia Baileyana F.v.M. Part 2. Gametophytes,
fertilization, seed production and germination, and general
conclusion. 59: 277-313.

Newman, I. V. 1935a. Studies in the Australian acacias. V. The
problems of the status and distribution of Acacia Baileyana
F.v.M. 60: 428-442.

Newman, I. V. 1935b. A preliminary note on the Acacia legume as a
lateral organ. 60: 457-458.

Newman, I. V. 1936. Studies in the Australian acacias. VI. The
meristematic activity of the floral apex of Acacia longifolia
and Acacia suaveolens as a histogenetic study of the ontogeny
of the carpel. 61: 56-88.

Newman, I. V. 1961. Presidential Address. 86: 1-59.

Nicholls, G. E. 1929. Some new species of Stenetrium from Western
Australia. 54: 361-374.

Noble, N. S. 1938. Tepperella trilineata Cam., a wasp causing
galling of the flower buds of Acacia decurrens. 63: 389-411.

Noble, N. S. 1939a. A new species of chalcid (genus Eurytoma)
associated with Tepperella trilineata Cam., a wasp causing
galling of the flower buds of Acacia decurrens. 64: 223-241.

Noble, N. S. 1939b. A new species of Megastigmus parasitic on
Tepperella trilineata Cam., a wasp causing galling of the
flower buds of Acacia decurrens. 64: 266-278.

Noble, N. S. 1941. Trichilogaster maideni (Froggatt) (Hymenopt.,
Chalcidoidea), a wasp causing galls on Acacia implexa Benth.,
and A. maideni F.v.M. 66: 178-200.

Noble, N. S. 1942. Melittobia (Syntomosphyrum) indicum (Silv.)
(Hymenopt., Chalcidoidea), a parasite of the Queensland fruit
fly, Strumeta tryoni (Frogg.). 67: 269-276.

North, A. J. 1887a. Notes on the bower-birds (fam. Scenopidae) of
Australia. (2)1: 1155-1162.

North, A. J. 1887b. List of references to authentic descriptions
of Australian birds’ eggs. (2)1: 1163-1174.

North, A. J. 1887c. Notes on the nests and eggs of certain
Australian birds. (2)2: 405-411.

North, A. J. 1887d. Contributions to the oology of the Austro-
Malayan and Pacific regions. (2)2: 441-446.

North, A. J. 1887e. Descriptions of the eggs of two species of
Australian birds. (2)2: 554-555.

North, A. J. 1888a. Notes on the nidification of certain
Australian birds. (2)2: 985-988.

North, A. J. 1888b. Notes on the nests and eggs of certain
Australian birds. (2)3: 146-149.

North, A. J. 1888c. Notes on the nesting of Alcyone pulchra,
Gould. (2)3: 269-270.

North, A. J. 1888d. Notes on the nidification of Rhipidura
preissi, Cabanis, and Malurus pulcherrimus, Gould. (2)3: 414-

North, A. J. 1889. A list of the birds found in the county of
Cumberland, New South Wales. (2)3: 1773-1780.

North, A. J. 1890a. Notes on a small collection of birds made by
Mr. E. H. Saunders, at Roeburne, north-western Australia.
(2)4: 1023-1026.

North, A. J. 1890b. On the nidification of Heteromyias
cinereifrons, Ramsay, and Orthonyx spaldingi, Ramsay. (2)4:

North, A. J. 1890c. Notes upon the plumage of the adult males in
certain species of the genus Malurus. (2)5: 505-509.

North, A. J. 1891. Notes on the nidification of the Torres
Straits pigeon, Myristicivora spilorrhoa. (2)5: 880-882.

North, A. J. 1893. Oological notes. (2)7: 395-398.

North, A. J. 1894a. Notes on the red-crowned parrakeet
(Cyanorhamphus cooki) of Norfolk Island. (2)8: 517-521.

North, A. J. 1894b. Note on the habitat of the naked-eyed
cockatoo, Cacatua gymnopis, Sclater. (2)9: 37-38.

North, A. J. 1894c. Oological notes. (2)9: 39-42.

North, A. J. 1895. Oological notes. (2)10: 215-220.

North, A. J. 1897. Descriptions of the nests and eggs of three
species of Australian birds. 22: 56-61.

North, A. J. 1898. Descriptions of the nests and eggs of four
species of Australian birds. 23: 380-382.

Norton, J. 1882. Fructification of the bunya. (1)6: 727-729.

Norton, J. 1883. Notes on the fructification of the bunya. (1)8:

Norton, J. 1900. Presidential Address. 25: 1-14.

Norton, J. 1901. Presidential Address. 25: 763-796.

O’Brien, B. R. A. 1948. Studies in the metabolism of normal and
regenerating tissue of the earthworm. Part I. Factors
affecting the endogenous oxygen consumption of normal and
regenerating muscle tissue. 72: 367-378.

Och, D. J., Percival, I. G. & Leitch, E. C. 2007. Ordovician
conodonts from the Watonga Formation, Port Macquarie,
northeast New South Wales. 128[2006]: 209-216.

O’Dwyer, M. H. 1921. Preliminary report on the nutritive value of
certain Australian grasses. 46: 239-251.

O’Dwyer, M. H. 1922a. A note on protein precipitation in grasses.
47: 513-515.

O’Dwyer, M. H. 1922b. Further report on the nutritive value of
certain Australian grasses. 47: 516-518.

Officer, G. 1901. Notes on an aboriginal grave in the Darling
River district, N.S.W. 26: 238-241.

Ogilby, J. D. 1885a. Notes and descriptions of some rare Port
Jackson fishes. (1)10: 119-123.

Ogilby, J. D. 1885b. Descriptions of new fishes from Port
Jackson. (1)10: 225-230.

Ogilby, J. D. 1885c. Note on Neoanthias guentheri Casteln. (1)10:

Ogilby, J. D. 1885d. Description of a new Diplocrepis from Port
Jackson. (1)10: 270-272.

Ogilby, J. D. 1885e. Descriptions of three new fishes from Port
Jackson. (1)10: 445-447.

Ogilby, J. D. 1885f. Notes on the distribution of some Australian
sharks and rays, with a description of Rhinobatus
bougainvillei, Mull. and Henle. (1)10: 463-466.

Ogilby, J. D. 1886. Remarks on the Trachichthys of Port Jackson.
(1)10: 580-582.

Ogilby, J. D. 1888. Description of a new genus and species of
deep-sea fish from Lord Howe Island. (2)3: 1313.

Ogilby, J. D. 1889a. List of the Australian Palaeichthyes, with
notes on their synonymy and distribution. Part I. (2)3: 1765-

Ogilby, J. D. 1889b. List of the Australian Palaeichthyes, with
notes on their synonymy and distribution. Part II. (2)4: 178-

Ogilby, J. D. 1890a. Description of a new snake belonging to the
genus Hoplocephalus. (2)4: 1027-1028.

Ogilby, J. D. 1890b. Description of a new snake from the Herbert
River district. (2)5: 51-52.

Ogilby, J. D. 1894a. Description of a new Australian snake. (2)9:

Ogilby, J. D. 1894b. Description of five new fishes from the
Australasian region. (2)9: 367-374.

Ogilby, J. D. 1895a. Description of a new Australian eel. (2)9:

Ogilby, J. D. 1895b. On two new genera and species of fishes from
Australia. (2)10: 320-324.

Ogilby, J. D. 1896a. On a new genus and species of fishes from
Maroubra Bay. 21: 23-25.

Ogilby, J. D. 1896b. On a Galaxias from Mount Kosciusko. 21: 62-

Ogilby, J. D. 1896c. A new family of Australian fishes. 21: 118-

Ogilby, J. D. 1896d. Descriptions of two new genera and species
of Australian fishes. 21: 136-142.

Ogilby, J. D. 1896e. A monograph of the Australian
Marsipobranchii. 21: 388-426.

Ogilby, J. D. 1897a. On some Australian Eleotrinae. 21: 725-757.

Ogilby, J. D. 1897b. New genera and species of Australian fishes.
22: 62-95.

Ogilby, J. D. 1897c. On a larval teleost from New South Wales.
22: 158-160.

Ogilby, J. D. 1897d. Some new genera and species of fishes. 22:

Ogilby, J. D. 1898a. Note on the genus Aphritis, C.V. 22: 554-

Ogilby, J. D. 1898b. On a Trachypterus from New South Wales. 22:

Ogilby, J. D. 1898c. New species of Australian fishes. 22: 759-

Ogilby, J. D. 1898d. A contribution to the zoology of New
Caledonia. 22: 762-770.

Ogilby, J. D. 1898e. On some Australian Eleotrinae. Part 2. 22:

Ogilby, J. D. 1898f. New genera and species of fishes. 23: 32-41.

Ogilby, J. D. 1898g. New genera and species of fishes. 23: 280-

Ogilby, J. D. 1899a. Additions to the fauna of Lord Howe Island.
23: 730-745.

Ogilby, J. D. 1899b. Contribution to Australian ichthyology. 24:

O’Gower, A. K. 1955. The influence of the physical properties of
a water container surface upon its selection by the gravid
females of Aedes scutellaris scutellaris (Walker) for
oviposition (Diptera, Culicidae). 79: 211-218.

O’Gower, A. K. 1957. The influence of the surface on oviposition
by Aedes aegypti (Linn.) (Diptera, Culicidae). 82: 240-244.

O’Gower, A. K. 1958. The influence of the surface on oviposition
by Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Aedes scutellaris
katherinensis Woodhill (Diptera, Culicidae). 82: 285-288.

O’Gower, A. K. 1959. The oviposition behaviour of Aedes australis
(Erickson) (Diptera, Culicidae). 83: 245-250.

O’Gower, A. K. 1960. The larval ecology of Aedes australis
(Erichson) (Diptera, Culicidae) in the Sydney area. 85: 233-

Oke, C. 1928. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with description
of new species. Part i. 53: 1-30.

Oke, C. 1932. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions
of new species. II. 57: 148-172.

Oldroyd, H. 1947. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
XIV. Family Tabanidae. Part II. Pangoniinae, except the genus
Chrysops. 72: 125-142.

Oldroyd, H. 1949. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
XIV. Family Tabanidae. Part III. Tabaninae. 73: 304-361

Olliff, A. S. 1885a. Notes on certain Ceylonese Coleoptera
(Clavicornia) described by the late Mr. Francis Walker.
(1)10: 69-72.

Olliff, A. S. 1885b. A list of the Cucujidae of Australia, with
notes and descriptions of new species. (1)10: 203-224.

Olliff, A. S. 1885c. Contributions towards a knowledge of the
Coleoptera of Australia. (1)10: 467-472.

Olliff, A. S. 1886a. A list of the Trogositidae of Australia,
with notes and descriptions of new species. (1)10: 699-715.

Olliff, A. S. 1886b. Notes from the Australian Museum. A new
butterfly of the family Lycaenidae from the Blue Mountains.
(1)10: 716-717.

Olliff, A. S. 1886c. Remarks on Australian Ptinidae and
descriptions of new genera and species. (1)10: 833-840.

Olliff, A. S. 1886d. Notes from the Australian Museum. Description
of a new aphanipterous insect from New South Wales. (2)1:

Olliff, A. S. 1886e. A revision of the Staphylinidae of Australia.
Part I. (2)1: 403-473.

Olliff, A. S. 1886f. Contributions towards a knowledge of the
Coleoptera of Australia. (2)1: 861-864.

Olliff, A. S. 1886g. A revision of the Staphylinidae of Australia.
Part II. (2)1: 887-906.

Olliff, A. S. 1887a. Contributions towards a knowledge of the
Coleoptera of Australia. (2)2: 153-155.

Olliff, A. S. 1887b. Notes on Zelotypia stacyi, and an account of
a variety. (2)2: 467-470.

Olliff, A. S. 1887c. A revision of the Staphylinidae of Australia.
(2)2: 471-512.

Olliff, A. S. 1888a. On a new butterfly of the family Satyridae.
(2)2: 976-977.

Olliff, A. S. 1888b. On Rhopalocera from the vicinity of Mt.
Bellenden-Ker, Queensland. (2)3: 394-396.

Olliff, A. S. 1888c. On two instances of colour variation in
butterflies. (2)3: 1250-1252.

Olliff, A. S. 1889a. Contributions towards a knowledge of the
Coleoptera of Australia. (2)3: 1510-1513.

Olliff, A. S. 1889b. Description of a new moth of the genus
Phyllodes. (2)4: 113-116.

Olliff, A. S. 1890a. On Rhopalocera from Mt. Kosciusko, New South
Wales. (2)4: 619-624.

Olliff, A. S. 1890b. Pielus hyalinatus and P. imperialis. (2)4:

Olliff, A. S. 1890c. New species of Lampyridae, including a
notice of the Mt. Wilson fire-fly. (2)4: 643-653.

Olliff, A. S. 1890d. Contributions towards a knowledge of the
Coleoptera of Australia. (2)5: 5-11.

Olliff, A. S. 1890e. Stray notes on Lepidoptera. No. I. (2)5: 515-

Olliff, A. S. 1891. Stray notes on Lepidoptera. No. 2. (2)6: 27-

Olliff, A. S. & Prince, H. 1888. On a new Pielus from the Blue
Mountains. (2)2: 1015-1016.

O’Reilly, S. Y. 1972. Petrology and stratigraphy of the Brayton
district, New South Wales. 96: 282-296.

Osborn, T. G. B. 1932. Presidential Address. 57: i-xxii.

Osborn, T. G. B. 1937. Some notes on the nomenclature of certain
common species of Eucalyptus. 62: 73-77.

Osborn, T. G. B. & Robertson, R. N. 1939. A reconnaissance survey
of the vegetation of the Myall Lakes. 64: 279-296.

Osborn, T. G. B., Wood, J. G. & Paltridge, T. B. 1931. On the
autecology of Stipa nitida, a study of a fodder grass in arid
Australia. 56: 299-324.

Osborn, T. G. B., Wood, J. G. & Paltridge, T. B. 1932. On the
growth and reaction to grazing of the perennial saltbush,
Atriplex vesicarium. An ecological study of the biotic
factor. 57: 377-402.

Osborn, T. G. B., Wood, J. G. & Paltridge, T. B. 1935. On the
climate and vegetation of the Koonamore Vegetation Reserve to
1931. 60: 392-427.

Osborne, G. D. 1922a. The geology and petrography of the
Clarencetown-Paterson district. Part i. 47: 161-198.

Osborne, G. D. 1922b. The geology and petrography of the
Clarencetown-Paterson district. Part ii. Tectonic geology and
physiography. 47: 519-534.

Osborne, G. D. 1925a. The geology and petrography of the
Clarencetown-Paterson district. Part iii. A study of the main
glacial beds at Seaham. 50: 67-79.

Osborne, G. D. 1925b. The geology and petrography of the
Clarencetown-Paterson district. Part iv. Petrography. 50:

Osborne, G. D. 1926. Stratigraphical and structural geology of
the Carboniferous rocks in the Mt. Mirannie and Mt. Dyrring
districts, near Singleton, N.S.W. 51: 387-407.

Osborne, G. D. 1927. The geology of the country between Lamb’s
Valley and the Paterson River. 52: 84-103.

Osborne, G. D. 1929. Some aspects of the structural geology of
the Carboniferous rocks in the Hunter River district between
Raymond Terrace and Scone. 54: 436-462.

Osborne, G. D. 1948. Presidential Address. 73: i-xxxvii.

Osborne, G. D. 1949. The stratigraphy of the lower marine series
of the Permian system in the Hunter river valley, New South
Wales. 74: 203-223.

Osborne, G. D. & Browne, W. R. 1921. Note on a glacially-
striated pavement in the Kuttung series of the Maitland
district. 46: 259-262.

Osborne, R. A. L. 1983. Cainozoic stratigraphy at Wellington
Caves, New South Wales. 107: 129-145.

Osborne, R. A. L. 1997. Rehabilitation of the Wellington Caves
phosphate mines: implications for Cainozoic stratigraphy.
117: 175-180.

Osborne, R. A. L. 1999. Presidential Address for 1998-1999. The
origin of Jenolan Caves: elements of a new synthesis and
framework chronology. 121: 1-27.

Osborne, R. A. L. 2000. Presidential Address for 1999-2000.
Geodiversity: “green” geology in action. 122: 149-173.

O’Shanesy, P. A. 1882. The botany of the Springsure district.
(1)6: 730-744.

Owen, J. F. & Merrick, J. R. 1998. Re-interpretation of remains
of snapper (Pagrus auratus) from Holocene middens at Bass
Point and Currarong, New South Wales. 120: 191-201.

Packham, G. H. 1968a. Monograptus cf. ultimus Perner and
Monograptus formosus Boucek from the Hume series of the Yass
district, New South Wales. 92: 217-221.

Packham, G. H. 1968b. The Lower and Middle Palaeozoic
stratigraphy and sedimentary tectonics of the Sofala – Hill
End – Euchareena region, N.S.W. 93: 111-163.

Pan Jiang [P’an Kiang]. 1984. The phylogenetic position of the
Eugaleaspida in China. 107: 309-319.

Pannell, J. R. 1995. Factors affecting seedling recruitment of
Allocasuarina distyla and A. nana at burnt and unburnt
sites. 115: 121-133.

Parent, O. 1939. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
VIII. Dolichopodidae. 64: 155-168.

Parnaby, H. E. 1987. Distribution and taxonomy of the long-eared
bats, Nyctophilus gouldi Tomes, 1858 and Nyctophilus bifax
Thomas, 1915 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in eastern
Australia. 109: 153-174.

Parrott, A. W. 1955a. A new genus and species of the tribe
Labenini from Australia (Pimplinae, Ichneumonidae). 79: 230-

Parrott, A. W. 1955b. A new species of Cidaphus Foerster from
Australia, with a note on the systematic position of
Tetragonalys pagana Morley. 80: 142-146.

Pasfield, G. & Woodhill, A. R. 1942. Ground derris root as a
mosquito larvicide. 67: 343-348.

Paterson, B. R. 1958. Revision of the genus Melichrus R. Br.
(Epacridaceae). 82: 303-313.

Paterson, B. R. 1960. Revision of the genus Acrotriche R. Br.
(Epacridaceae). 85: 75-93.

Paterson, J. R. 2005. Revision of Discomesites and Estaingia
(Trilobita) from the Lower Cambrian Cymbric Vale Formation,
western New South Wales; taxonomic, biostratigraphic and
biogeographic implications. 126: 81-93.

Peacock, J. 1990. The Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture 1989.
Haemoglobin in plants: evolution really is conservative. 112:

Peacock, W. J. 1963a. Chromosome races in Goodenia bellidifolia
Sm. 87: 388-396.

Peacock, W. J. 1963b. Chromosome numbers and cytoevolution in the
Goodeniaceae. 88: 8-27.

Pedder, A. E. H. 1964. Two new genera of Devonian tetracorals
from Australia. 88: 364-367.

Pedder, A. E. H. 1966. The Devonian tetracoral Haplothecia and
new Australian phacellophyllids. 90: 181-189.

Pedder, A. E. H., Jackson, J. H. & Ellenor, D. W. 1970. An
interim account of the Middle Devonian Timor limestone of
north-eastern New South Wales. 94: 242-272.

Pemberton, J. W. 1989. The Ordovician-Silurian stratigraphy of
the Cudgegong-Mudgee district, New South Wales. 111: 169-200.

Pemberton, J. W., Colquhoun, G. P., Wright, A. J., Booth, A. N.,
Campbell, J. C., Cook, A. G. & Millsteed, B. D. 1994.
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the northern
Capertee high. 114: 195-224.

Peou, S. 1980. Some Carboniferous articulate brachiopods from
eastern New South Wales. 104: 1-15.

Pepperell, J. & Grigg, G. 1974. A labyrinthodont trackway from
the Mid-Triassic near Sydney, New South Wales. 99: 54-56.

Percival, I. G. 1979. Late Ordovician articulate brachiopods from
Gunningbland, central western New South Wales. 103: 175-187.

Percival, I. G. 2009a. Late Ordovician strophomenide and
pentameride brachiopods from central New South Wales. 130:

Percival, I. G. 2009b. Rare fossils (Conulata; Rostroconchia;
Nautiloidea) from the Late Ordovician of central New South
Wales. 130: 179-191.

Percival, I. G. & Engelbretsen, M. J. 2007. Early Ordovician
lingulate brachiopods from New South Wales. 128[2006]: 223-

Percival, I. G. & Wright, A. J. 2005. A new Early Silurian
species of Trimerella (Brachiopoda: Craniata) from the
Orange district, New South Wales. 126: 111-120.

Percival, I. G., Zhen, Y. Y. & Pickett, J. 2006. Late Ordovician
faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden district, south-central
New South Wales. 127: 235-255.

Percival, I. G., Zhen, Y. Y., Pogson, D. J. & Thomas, O. D. 2008.
The Upper Ordovician Kenyu Formation in the Boorowa District,
southeastern New South Wales. 129: 197-206.

Petch, T. 1940. An Empusa on a mite. 65: 259-260.

Petersen, E. 1914. Australian Neuroptera. Part i. 39: 635-640.

Petersen, E. 1915a. Australian Neuroptera. Part i. [continued].
39: 641-645.

Petersen, E. 1915b. Australian Neuroptera. Part ii. 40: 56-74.

Petersen, E. 1917. Australian Neuroptera. Part iii. 42: 203-219.

Petrie, A. H. K. 1925. An ecological study of the flora of Mount
Wilson. Part ii. The Eucalyptus forests. 50: 145-166.

Petrie, J. M. 1906. The stinging property of the giant nettle
tree (Laportea gigas Wedd.). 31: 530-545.

Petrie, J. M. 1908. Solandrine, a new midriatic alkaloid. 32:

Petrie, J. M. 1909. The role of nitrogen and its compounds in
plant-metabolism. Part I. Historical. Part II. The non-
protein nitrogen in seeds. 33: 801-844.

Petrie, J. M. 1911. The role of nitrogen in plant-metabolism.
Part iii. The distribution of nitrogen in Acacia seeds. 36:
97-126. / Part iv. The nitrogen of ripening seeds. 36: 127-
134. / Part v. The occurrence of potassium nitrate in plants.
36: 135-140.

Petrie, J. M. 1912a. The chemistry of Doryphora sassafras. 37:

Petrie, J. M. 1912b. Hydrocyanic acid in plants. Part i. Its
distribution in the Australian flora. 36: 220-234.

Petrie, J. M. 1914a. Hydrocyanic acid in plants. Part ii. Its
occurrence in the grasses of New South Wales. 38: 624-638.

Petrie, J. M. 1914b. Note on the occurrence of strychnicine. 38:

Petrie, J. M. 1916. The chemical investigation of some poisonous
plants in the N.O. Solanaceae. Part ii. Nicotiana suaveolens,
and the identification of its alkaloid. 41: 148-151.

Petrie, J. M. 1917a. The chemical investigation of some poisonous
plants in the N.O. Solanaceae. Part iii. The occurrence of
nor-hyoscyamine in Solandra longiflora. 41: 815-822.

Petrie, J. M. 1917b. Hydrocyanic acid in plants. Part iii. 42:

Petrie, J. M. 1917c. The chemical investigation of some poisonous
plants in the N.O. Solanaceae. Part iv. The chemistry of the
Duboisias. 42: 118-135.

Petrie, J. M. 1917d. The chemical investigation of some poisonous
plants in the N.O. Solanaceae. Part v. The alkaloids of
Duboisia Leichhardtii F.v.M. 42: 137-145.

Petrie, J. M. 1919. The occurrence of methyl laevo-inositol in
an Australian poisonous plant. 43: 850-867.

Petrie, J. M. 1920a. The chemical examination of Macrozamia
spiralis. 45: 424-442.

Petrie, J. M. 1920b. Cyanogenesis in plants. Part IV. The
hydrocyanic acid of Heterodendron – a fodder plant of New
South Wales. 45: 447-459.

Petrie, J. M. 1921. The active principle of Erythrophloeum
Laboucherii. 46: 333-348.

Petrie, J. M. 1923. Studies in plant pigments. Part i. The
yellow colouring matter of the Acacias. 48: 356-367.

Petrie, J. M. 1924. Studies in plants pigments. Part II. The red
pigment induced by insect injury in Eucalyptus stricta. 49:

Petrie, J. M. & Chapman, H. G. 1909. The hexone bases of egg
white. 34: 302-309.

Philip, G. M. 1964. Australian fossil crinoids. I. Introduction
and terminology for the anal plates of crinoids. 88: 259-272.

Philip, G. M. 1965. Australian fossil crinoids. II.
Tribrachiocrinus clarkei McCoy. 89: 199-202.

Philip, G. M. 1966. Notes on three recently proposed Australian
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