The Linnean Society of NSW

vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by author

Hackney, F. M. V. 1943a. Studies in the metabolism of apples. II.
The respiratory metabolism of granny smith apples of
commercial maturity after various periods of cool storage.
68: 33-47.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1943b. Studies in the metabolism of apples. III.
Preliminary investigations on the effects of an artificial
coating on the respiratory metabolism of granny smith apples
after various periods of cool storage. 68: 48-56.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1944a. Studies in the metabolism of apples. IV.
Further studies in the respiratory metabolism of granny smith
apples, with special reference to the importance of oxygen
supply. 69: 91-107.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1944b. Studies in the metabolism of apples. V.
The respiratory metabolism of delicious apples of commercial
maturity after various periods of cool storage. 69: 108-119.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1945. Studies in the metabolism of apples. VI.
Preliminary investigations on the respiration of sliced apple
tissue. 70: 333-345.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1949a. Studies in the metabolism of apples.
VII. A study of the polyphenolase system in apples. 73: 439-

Hackney, F. M. V. 1949b. Studies in the metabolism of apples.
VIII. Ascorbic acid oxidase in apples. 73: 455-465.

Hackney, F. M. V. 1950. A review of and contribution to
knowledge of Phylloglossum drummondii Kunze. 75: 133-152.

Hadlington, P. & Gardner, M. J. 1960. Diadoxus erythrurus
(White) (Coleoptera – Buprestidae), attack of fire-damaged
Callitris spp. 84: 325-331.

Hadlington, P. & Hoschke, F. 1959. Observations on the ecology
of the phasmatid Ctenomorphodes tessulata (Gray). 84: 146-

Hadlington, P. & Shipp, E. 1962. Diapause and parthenogenesis in
the eggs of three species of Phasmatodea. 86: 268-279.

Hale, H. M. 1924. Two new Hemiptera from New South Wales. 49:

Hale, H. M. 1925. The development of two Australian sponge-crabs.
50: 405-413.

Hall, C. 1913. The eucalypts of Parramatta, with description of
a new species. 37: 561-571.

Hall, C. 1914. The evolution of the eucalypts in relation to the
cotyledons and seedlings. 39: 473-532.

Hall, C. 1919. On a new species or form of Eucalyptus. 43: 747-

Hall, L. D. 1926. The physiography and geography of the
Hawkesbury River between Windsor and Wiseman’s Ferry. 51:

Hall, L. D. 1927. The physiographic and climatic factors
controlling the flooding of the Hawkesbury river at Windsor.
52: 133-152.

Hall, R. 1899. Note on the occurrence in Victoria of a phase of
the subspecies Pardalotus assimilis, Ramsay. 24: 472-475.

Hall, R. L. 1978. A Silurian (Upper llandovery) coral fauna from
the Woolomin beds near Attunga, New South Wales. 102: 85-108.

Hall, T. S. 1903. On the occurrence of Monograptus in New South
Wales. 27: 654-655.

Halligan, G. H. 1907. Sand movement on the New South Wales coast.
31: 619-640.

Hallmann, E. F. 1914a. A revision of the monaxonid species
described as new in Lendenfeld’s “Catalogue of the sponges
in the Australian Museum.” Part i. 39: 263-315.

Hallmann, E. F. 1914b. A revision of the monaxonid species
described in Lendenfeld’s “Catalogue of the sponges in the
Australian Museum.” Part ii. 39: 327-376.

Hallmann, E. F. 1914c. A revision of the monaxonid species
described as new in Lendenfeld’s “Catalogue of the sponges
in the Australian Museum.” Part iii. 39: 398-446.

Hallmann, E. F. 1916. A revision of the genera with microscleres
included, or provisionally included, in the family
Axinellidae; with description of some Australian species.
[Porifera]. Part i and ii. 41: 453-491 ; 495-552.

Hallmann, E. F. 1917a. A revision of the genera with microscleres
included, or provisionally included, in the family
Axinellidae; with descriptions of some Australian species
[Porifera}. Part iii. 41: 634-675.

Hallmann, E. F. 1917b. On the genera Echinaxia and Rhabdosigma
[Porifera]. 42: 391-405.

Hallmann, E. F. 1920. New genera of monaxonid sponges related to
the genus Clathria. 44: 767-792.

Hamilton, A. A. 1910. A new species of Lepidosperma [N.O.
Cyperaceae] from the Port Jackson district; with some
miscellaneous botanical notes. 35: 411-415.

Hamilton, A. A. 1913. A new species of Eriochloa from the
Hawkesbury river. [N.O. Gramineae]. 37: 709-711.

Hamilton, A. A. 1915. Topographical and ecological notes on the
flora of the Blue Mountains. 40: 386-413.

Hamilton, A. A. 1916. The instability of leaf-morphology in its
relation to taxonomic botany. 41: 152-179.

Hamilton, A. A. 1917. Notes on the genus Lepidium [N.O.
Cruciferae], from the National Herbarium, Sydney. 42: 445-

Hamilton, A. A. 1919. An ecological study of the saltmarsh
vegetation in the Port Jackson district. 44: 463-513.

Hamilton, A. A. 1920. Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. 45:

Hamilton, A. G. 1885. On the fertilization of Goodenia hederacea
(Sm.). (1)10: 157-161.

Hamilton, A. G. 1886. List of the Orchideae of the Mudgee
district. (2)1: 865-878.

Hamilton, A. G. 1887. A list of the indigenous plants of the
Mudgee district. (2)2: 259-306.

Hamilton, A. G. 1894a. On the fertilisation of Clerodendron
tomentosum, R. Br., and Candollea (Stylidium) serrulata,
Labill. (2)9: 15-24.

Hamilton, A. G. 1894b. Notes on the methods of fertilisation of
the Goodeniaceae. Part I. (2)9: 201-212.

Hamilton, A. G. 1895. Notes on the methods of fertilisation of
the Goodeniaceae. Part II. (2)10: 361-373.

Hamilton, A. G. 1897a. On domatia in certain Australian and other
plants. 21: 758-792.

Hamilton, A. G. 1897b. On the fertilisation of Eupomatia laurina,
R. Br. 22: 48-55.

Hamilton, A. G. 1899a. Notes on the fertilisation of some
Australian and other plants. 23: 759-766.

Hamilton, A. G. 1899b. On the flora of Mt. Wilson. 24: 346-372.

Hamilton, A. G. 1903. Notes on Byblis gigantea, Lindl. [N. O.
Droseracea]. 28: 680-684.

Hamilton, A. G. 1904. Notes on the West Australian pitcher plant
(Cephalotus follicularis, Labill.). 29: 36-53.

Hamilton, A. G. 1914. The xerophilous characters of Hakea
dactyloides Cav. [N.O.Proteaceae]. 39: 152-156.

Hamilton, A. G. 1916. Presidential Address. 41: 1-35.

Hamilton, A. G. 1917. Presidential Address. 42: 1-25.

Hamilton, A. G. 1927a. Chairman’s Address. 52: i-xiv.

Hamilton, A. G. 1927b. The xerophytic structure of the leaf in
the Australian Proteaceae. Part i. 52: 258-274.

Hamilton, S. G. & Barlow, B. A. 1963. Studies in Australian
Loranthaceae. II. Attachment structures and their
interrelationships. 88: 74-90.

Hamond, R. 1973. Four new copepods (Crustacea: Harpacticoida,
Canuellidae) simultaneously occurring with Diogenes senex
(Crustacea: Paguridea) near Sydney. 97: 165-201.

Hancock, M. A., Timms, B. V., Morton, J. K. & Renshaw, B. A.
2000. The structure of the littoral invertebrate communities
of the Kosciusko region lakes. 122: 69-77.

Hannon, N. J. 1956. The status of nitrogen in the Hawkesbury
sandstone soils and their plant communities in the Sydney
district. I. The significance and level of nitrogen. 81: 119-

Hannon, N. J. 1958. The status of nitrogen in the Hawkesbury
sandstone soils and their plant communities in the Sydney
district. II. The distribution and circulation of nitrogen.
83: 65-85.

Hannon, N. J. 1961. The status of nitrogen in the Hawkesbury
sandstone soils and their plant communities in the Sydney
district. III. The sources of loss of nitrogen. 86: 207-216.

Hannon, N. J. 1963. The regeneration of plant cover on a denuded
sandstone area. With a species list by O. D. Evans. 88: 47-

Hansford, C. G. 1953. Australian fungi. New species and revision.
I. The Meliolaceae of Australia. 78: 51-82.

Hansford, C. G. 1954. Australian fungi. II. New records and
revisions. 79: 97-141.

Hansford, C. G. 1956. Australian fungi. III. New species and
revisions (continued). 81: 23-51.

Hansford, C. G. 1957. Australian fungi. IV. New records and
revisions (continued). 82: 209-229.

Hardy, G. H. 1920a. Descriptions of Australian flies of the
family Asilidae [Diptera], with synonyms and notes. 45: 185-

Hardy, G. H. 1920b. On the male genitalia of some robber-flies
belonging to the subfamily Asilinae [Diptera]. 45: 250-259.

Hardy, G. H. 1921a. A revision of the Chiromyzini (Diptera). 45:

Hardy, G. H. 1921b. A preliminary revision of some genera
belonging to the Diptera Brachycera of Australia. 46: 285-

Hardy, G. H. 1924a. A revision of the Australian Chiromyzini
(Stratiomyiidae, Diptera). 49: 360-370.

Hardy, G. H. 1924b. Australian Nemestrinidae (Diptera). 49: 447-

Hardy, G. H. 1925. Australian Mydaidae (Diptera). 50: 139-144.

Hardy, G. H. 1926a. A new classification of Australian
robberflies belonging to the subfamily Dasypogoninae
(Diptera, Asilidae). 51: 305-312.

Hardy, G. H. 1926b. A reclassification of Australian robberflies
of the Cerdistus – Neoitamus complex (Diptera – Asilidae).
51: 643-657.

Hardy, G. H. 1927a. On the phylogeny of some Diptera Brachycera.
52: 380-386.

Hardy, G. H. 1927b. Further notes on a new classification of
Australian robberflies (Diptera – Asilidae). 52: 387-398.

Hardy, G. H. 1927c. Notes on Australian and exotic sarcophagid
flies. 52: 447-459.

Hardy, G. H. 1928. Third contribution towards a new
classification of Australian Asilidae. 53: 469-473.

Hardy, G. H. 1929a. On the type locality of certain flies
described by Macquart in “Dipteres exotiques,” supplement
four. 54: 61-64.

Hardy, G. H. 1929b. Notes on the identity of described Australian
flies of the genus Cerdistus (Asilidae). 54: 80-88.

Hardy, G. H. 1929c. Fourth contribution towards a new
classification of the Australian Asilidae. 54: 353-360.

Hardy, G. H. 1930. Fifth contribution towards a new
classification of Australian Asilidae (Diptera). 55: 249-260.

Hardy, G. H. 1932. Two new Australian species of Pollenia. 57:

Hardy, G. H. 1933. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. I.
58: 408-420.

Hardy, G. H. 1934. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. II.
59: 173-178.

Hardy, G. H. 1935. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
III. 60: 248-256.

Hardy, G. H. 1936. Notes on Sarcophiginae in India and
Australia. 61: 89-97.

Hardy, G. H. 1937. Notes on genus Calliphora (Diptera).
Classification, synonymy, distribution and phylogeny. 62: 17-

Hardy, G. H. 1938. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
IV. Genus Odontomyia (Stratiomyiidae). 63: 70-74.

Hardy, G. H. 1939a. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. V.
On eye-coloration, and other notes. 64: 34-50.

Hardy, G. H. 1939b. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. VI.
Dolichopodinae. 64: 345-352.

Hardy, G. H. 1940. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
VII. On body-colour; and on species of Tabanidae, Cyrtidae
and Asiloidea. 65: 484-493.

Hardy, G. H. 1941. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
VIII. Subfamily Lomatiinae. 66: 223-233.

Hardy, G. H. 1942. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
IX. Superfamily Asiloidea. 67: 197-204.

Hardy, G. H. 1943. The Sarcophaginae of Australia and New
Zealand. 68: 17-32.

Hardy, G. H. 1944. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. X.
Distribution, classification and the Tabanus posticus-group.
69: 76-86.

Hardy, G. H. 1945. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera. XI.
Evolution of characters in the order: venation of the
Nemestrinidae. 70: 135-146.

Hardy, G. H. 1946. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
XII. Cyrtidae, Dolichopodidae and Phoridae. 71: 65-71.

Hardy, G. H. 1947. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
XIII. The origin of the vena spuria. 72: 229-232.

Hardy, G. H. 1949. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
XIV. Venation and other notes. 73: 298-303.

Hardy, G. H. 1952. Miscellaneous notes on Australian Diptera.
XV. Tabanus, Heteropsilopus. 76: 222-225.

Hardy, G. H. 1955. The Diptera of Katoomba. Part I. Therevidae.
80: 177-179.

Hardy, G. H. 1956. The wing venation of Lomatiinae (Diptera –
Bombyliidae). 81: 78-81.

Hardy, G. H. 1959a. The Diptera of Katoomba. Part 2. Leptidae and
Dolichopodidae. 83: 291-302.

Hardy, G. H. 1959b. Diptera of Katoomba. Part 3. Stratiomyiidae
and Tachinidae. 84: 209-217.

Harker, J. E. 1950. Australian Ephemeroptera. Part I. Taxonomy of
New South Wales species and evaluation of taxonomic
characters. 75: 1-34.

Harper, W. R. 1898. A description of certain objects of unknown
significance, formerly used by some New South Wales tribes.
23: 420-436.

Harper, W. R. 1899. Results of an exploration of aboriginal rock-
shelters at Port Hacking. 24: 322-332.

Harper, W. R. 1901. On the “onvar” of Malekula, New Hebrides. 26:

Harris, J. M. 2006. The discovery and early natural history of
the eastern pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus (Geoffroy and
Desmarest, 1817).

Harris, J. M. & Goldingay, R. L. 2009: Museum holdings of the
broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Squamata:
Elapidae). 130: 1-19.

Harris, M. McD., King, R. J. & Ellis, J. 1980. The eelgrass
Zostera capricorni in Illawarra Lake, New South Wales. 104:

Harrison, L. 1914. On some Pauropoda from New South Wales. 39:

Harrison, L. 1921. Note on the pigmentation of frogs’ eggs. 46:

Harrison, L. 1928. Presidential Address. Host and parasite. 53:

Harrison, L. & Weekes, H. C. 1925. On the occurrence of
placentation in the scincid lizard Lygosoma entrecasteauxi.
50: 470-486.

Hartman, W. D. 1892. Description of a new Diplomorpha. (2)6: 571.

Harwood, P. D. 1948. Strongyluris davisi, n. sp. (Nematoda), from
the stomach of a lizard, Diporiphora australis. 72: 311-312.

Hassiotis, M., Paxinos, G. & Ashwell, K. W. S. 2004. Anatomy of
the central nervous system of the Australian echidna. 125:

Haswell, W. A. 1879a. On six new species of annelids, belonging
to the family Amphinomidae. (1)3: 341-347.

Haswell, W. A. 1879b. On two new species of crabs, of the genus
Stenorhynchus. (1)3: 408-409.

Haswell, W. A. 1879c. Notes on the anatomy of birds. 1. The
brachial plexus of birds. (1)3: 409-413.

Haswell, W. A. 1879d. On the Australian species of Penaeus, in
the Macleay Museum, Sydney. (1)4: 38-44.

Haswell, W. A. 1879e. Contributions to a monograph of Australian
Leucosiidae. (1)4: 44-60.

Haswell, W. A. 1879f. On Australian Amphipoda. (1)4: 245-279.

Haswell, W. A. 1879g. Note on the phyllosoma stage of Ibacus
Peronii, Leach. (1)4: 280-282.

Haswell, W. A. 1879h. Notes on the anatomy of birds. (1)4: 303-

Haswell, W. A. 1879i. On some additional new genera and species
of amphidopous crustaceans. (1)4: 319-350.

Haswell, W. A. 1879j. On the cyclostomatous Polyzoa of Port
Jackson and neighbourhood. (1)4: 350-356.

Haswell, W. A. 1880a. Note supplementary to a paper on the
Australian Leucosiidae. (1)4: 403-404.

Haswell, W. A. 1880b. On the Australian Brachyura Oxyrhyncha.
(1)4: 431-458.

Haswell, W. A. 1880c. On some Polyzoa from the Queensland coast.
(1)5: 33-44.

Haswell, W. A. 1880d. On some amphipods from Australia and
Tasmania. (1)5: 97-105.

Haswell, W. A. 1881a. On some new Australian marine Isopoda. Part
I. (1)5: 470-481.

Haswell, W. A. 1881b. On some new Australian marine Isopoda. Part
II. (1)6: 181-196.

Haswell, W. A. 1881c. Note on the occurrence on the coast of New
South Wales of the genus Mesenteripora, Bl., (Polyzoa
Cyclostomata). (1)6: 199-202.

Haswell, W. A. 1881d. On some new Australian Brachyura. (1)6: 540-

Haswell, W. A. 1882a. Description of a new species of Apseudes.
(1)6: 748-749.

Haswell, W. A. 1882b. Description of some new species of
Australian Decapoda. (1)6: 750-763.

Haswell, W. A. 1882c. On the structure of the paired fins of
Ceratodus, with remarks on the general theory of the
vertebrate limb. (1)7: 2-11.

Haswell, W. A. 1882d. Note on the anatomy of two rare genera of
pigeons. (1)7: 115-116.

Haswell, W. A. 1882e. On Australian fresh-water sponges. (1)7:

Haswell, W. A. 1882f. Note on the brain of the tiger shark
(Galeocerdo Rayneri). (1)7: 210-211.

Haswell, W. A. 1882g. A monograph of the Australian Aphroditea.
(1)7: 250-299.

Haswell, W. A. 1882h. Note on some points in the anatomy of the
pigeons referred to by Dr. Hans Gadow in a recent paper on
the anatomy of Pterocles. (1)7: 397-402.

Haswell, W. A. 1883a. Preliminary note on an Australian species
of Phoronis (Gephyrea `Tubicola’). (1)7: 606-608.

Haswell, W. A. 1883b. Note on a curious instance of symbiosis.
(1)7: 608-610.

Haswell, W. A. 1883c. Note on the segmental organs of Aphrodita.
(1)7: 610-611.

Haswell, W. A. 1883d. On some new Australian tubicolous annelids.
(1)7: 633-638.

Haswell, W. A. 1884a. On the brain of Grey’s whale (Kogia Greyi).
(1)8: 437-439.

Haswell, W. A. 1884b. Studies on the elasmobranch skeleton. (1)9:

Haswell, W. A. 1884c. Note on the claspers of Heptanchus. (1)9:

Haswell, W. A. 1884d. The marine annelides of the order Serpulea.
Some observations on their anatomy, with the characteristics
of the Australian species. (1)9: 649-675.

Haswell, W. A. 1884e. On a new crustacean found inhabiting the
tubes of Vermilia (Serpulidae). (1)9: 676-680.

Haswell, W. A. 1884f. Note on the young of the saw-fish shark
(Pristiophorus cirratus). (1)9: 680-681.

Haswell, W. A. 1885a. Revision of the Australian Laemopodida.
(1)9: 993-1000.

Haswell, W. A. 1885b. A revision of the Australian Isopoda. (1)9:

Haswell, W. A. 1885c. On a new instance of symbiosis. (1)9: 1019-

Haswell, W. A. 1885d. On the Pycnogonida of the Australian coast,
with descriptions of new species. (1)9: 1021-1034.

Haswell, W. A. 1885e. Notes on the Australian Amphipoda. (1)10:

Haswell, W. A. 1885f. Jotting from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (1)10: 273-279.

Haswell, W. A. 1885g. Jotting from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (1)10: 331-333.

Haswell, W. A. 1886a. Observations on some Australian Polychaeta.
Part I. (1)10: 733-756.

Haswell, W. A. 1886b. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)1: 176-182.

Haswell, W. A. 1886c. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)1: 489-490.

Haswell, W. A. 1887. Observations on the early stages in the
development of the emu (Dromaeus novae-hollandiae). (2)2:

Haswell, W. A. 1888. Jottings from the biological of Sydney
University. (2)2: 1025-1034.

Haswell, W. A. 1889a. On simple striated muscular fibres. (2)3:

Haswell, W. A. 1889b. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)3: 1711-1716.

Haswell, W. A. 1891. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)5: 661-666.

Haswell, W. A. 1892a. Observations on the Chloraemidae, with
special reference to certain Australian forms. (2)6: 329-356.

Haswell, W. A. 1892b. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)6: 433-436.

Haswell, W. A. 1892c. President’s Address. (2)6: 706-722.

Haswell, W. A. 1892d. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)7: 197-199.

Haswell, W. A. 1893a. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. (2)7: 340-342.

Haswell, W. A. 1893b. President’s Address. (2)7: 668-690.

Haswell, W. A. 1896. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. No. 18. (2)10: 544-548.

Haswell, W. A. 1897. On the development of Heterodontus
(Cestracion) Phillipi. Part I. 22: 96-103.

Haswell, W. A. 1900a. On Didymorchis, a rhabdocoele turbellarian
inhabiting the branchial cavities of New Zealand crayfishes.
25: 424-429.

Haswell, W. A. 1900b. Supplement to a “Monograph of the
Temnocephaleae”. 25: 430-435.

Haswell, W. A. 1902. On a Gyrocotyle from Chimaera Ogilbyi, and
on Gyrocotyle in general. 27: 48-54.

Haswell, W. A. 1903. On two remarkable sporocysts occurring in
Mytilus latus, on the coast of New Zealand. 27: 497-515.

Haswell, W. A. 1920. Australian Syllidae, Eusyllidae and
Autolytidae. 45: 90-112.

Haswell, W. A. 1922. Astacocroton, a new type of acarid. 47:

Haswell, W. A. 1924. Critical notes on the Temnocephaloidea. 49:

Haswell, W. A. & Hill, J. P. 1894. On Polycercus: a proliferating
cystic parasite of the earthworms. (2)8: 365-376.

Haviland, E. 1882. Occasional notes on the inflorescence and
habits of plants indigenous in the immediate neighbourhood
of Sydney. (1)7: 392-397.

Haviland, E. 1883a. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. No. II. (1)7: 613-619.

Haviland, E. 1883b. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. (No. 3). (1)8: 182-186.

Haviland, E. 1883c. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. No. 4. (1)8: 289-294.

Haviland, E. 1884a. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. No. 5. (1)8: 421-425.

Haviland, E. 1884b. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. No. 6. (1)9: 67-71.

Haviland, E. 1884c. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. (1)9: 449-452.

Haviland, E. 1885a. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. No. 8. (1)9: 1171-1174.

Haviland, E. 1885b. Some remarks on the fertilization of the genus
Goodenia. (1)10: 237-240.

Haviland, E. 1885c. Occasional notes on plants indigenous in the
immediate neighbourhood of Sydney. (1)10: 459-462.

Haviland, E. 1886. On a microscopic fungus parasitic upon the
Cucurbitaceae. (2)1: 173-175.

Haviland, E. 1887a. Flowering seasons of Australian plants.
(2)1: 1049-1051.

Haviland, E. 1887b. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)1:

Haviland, E. 1887c. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)2:

Haviland, E. 1887d. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)2:

Haviland, E. 1887e. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)2:

Haviland, E. 1887f. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)2:

Haviland, E. 1887g. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)2:

Haviland, E. 1888. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. (2)3:

Haviland, F. E. 1912. Notes on the indigenous plants in the
Cobar district. 36: 507-540.

Haviland, F. E. 1914. Notes on the indigenous plants in the
Cobar district. No. ii. 38: 639-655.

Haviland, F. E. 1915. The pollination of Goodenia cycloptera.
(N.O. Goodeniaceae). 39: 851-854.

Hedley, C. 1890. On the structure and systematic position of
Cystopelta. (2)5: 44-46.

Hedley, C. 1891a. On the anatomy of some Tasmanian snails. (2)6:

Hedley, C. 1891b. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)6: 67-116.

Hedley, C. 1892a. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)6: 685-698.

Hedley, C. 1892b. Observations on the Charopidae. Part I. (2)7:

Hedley, C. 1892c. On the genus Perrieria. (2)7: 311-313.

Hedley, C. 1893a. The range of Placostylus; a study in ancient
geography. (2)7: 335-339.

Hedley, C. 1893b. Schizoglossa; a new genus of carnivorous snails.
(2)7: 387-392.

Hedley, C. 1894a. Description of Caecum amputatum, an undescribed
mollusc from Sydney Harbour. (2)8: 504.

Hedley, C. 1894b. On the Australian Gundlachia. (2)8: 505-514.

Hedley, C. 1894c. Description of Calliostoma purpureocinctum, a
new marine Australian shell. (2)9: 35-36.

Hedley, C. 1894d. On some naked Australian marine Mollusca. Part
I. (2)9: 126-128.

Hedley, C. 1894e. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)9: 384-392.

Hedley, C. 1895. Notes on Australian shipworms. (2)9: 501-505.

Hedley, C. 1896. Stray notes on Papuan ethnology. (2)10: 613-617.

Hedley, C. 1897. Stray notes on Papuan ethnology. Part II. 22:

Hedley, C. 1898a. Further notes on Australian shipworms. 23: 91-

Hedley, C. 1898b. Descriptions of new Mollusca, chiefly from New
Caledonia. 23: 97-105.

Hedley, C. 1899. A zoogeographic scheme for the mid-Pacific. 24:

Hedley, C. 1900a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part I. 25: 87-

Hedley, C. 1900b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part II. 25:

Hedley, C. 1901a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part III. 25:

Hedley, C. 1901b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part IV. 26: 16-

Hedley, C. 1902a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part V. 26:

Hedley, C. 1902b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VI. 27: 7-

Hedley, C. 1903. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VII. 27:

Hedley, C. 1904a. The effect of the Bassian isthmus upon the
existing marine fauna: a study in ancient geography. 28: 876-

Hedley, C. 1904b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VIII. 29:

Hedley, C. 1906a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part IX. 30:

Hedley, C. 1906b. The Mollusca of Mast Head Reef, Capricorn
Group, Queensland. Part I. 31: 453-479.

Hedley, C. 1907. The Mollusca of Mast Head Reef, Capricorn Group,
Queensland. Part II. 32: 476-513.

Hedley, C. 1908. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part X. 33: 456-

Hedley, C. 1909. Mollusca from the Hope Islands, north
Queensland. 34: 420-466.

Hedley, C. 1910. Presidential Address. 35: 1-22.

Hedley, C. 1911. Presidential Address. A study of marginal
drainage [Pp. 13-39]. 36: 1-39.

Hedley, C. 1912. On some land shells collected in Queensland, by
Mr. Sidney W. Jackson. 37: 253-270.

Hedley, C. 1913. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XI. 38:

Hedley, C. 1914. The Bondi anticline. 39: 316-321.

Hedley, C. 1915. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XII. 39:

Hedley, C. 1917. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XIII. 41:

Hedley, C. 1923. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part xiv. 48:

Hedley, C. & Hull, A. F. B. 1912. The Polyplacophora of Lord
Howe and Norfolk Islands. 37: 271-281.

Hedley, C. & Musson, C. T. 1891. Description of a new marine
shell. (2)6: 247.

Hedley, C. & Musson, C. T. 1892. On a collection of land and
fresh water shells, from Queensland. (2)6: 551-564.

Hedley, C. & Suter, H. 1893. Reference list of the land and
freshwater Mollusca of New Zealand. (2)7: 613-665.

Hedley, C. & Willey, A. 1896. Description of a new species of
Astralium from New Britain. 21: 107-109.

Helms, R. 1894. On the recently observed evidences of an
extensive glacier action at Mount Kosciusko plateau. (2)8:

Helms, R. 1896. Anthropological notes. (2)10: 387-408.

Henn, A. U. 1894. List of Mollusca found at Green Point, Watson’s
Bay, Sydney; with a few remarks upon some of the most
interesting species and descriptions of the new species, by
John Brazier, F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. (2)9: 165-182.

Hennelly, J. P. F. 1959. Spores and pollens from a Permian –
Triassic transition, N.S.W. 83: 363-369.

Henry, M. 1922a. A monograph of the freshwater Entomostraca of
New South Wales. Part i. Cladocera. 47: 26-52.

Henry, M. 1922b. A monograph of the freshwater Entomostraca of
New South Wales. Part ii. Copepoda. 47: 551-570.

Henry, M. 1923. A monograph of the freshwater Entomostraca of
New South Wales. Part iii. Ostracoda. 48: 267-286.

Henry, M. 1924a. A monograph of the freshwater Entomostraca of
New South Wales. Part IV. Phyllopoda. 49: 120-137.

Henry, M. 1924b. Entomostraca collected in the vicinity of
Auckland, New Zealand. 49: 313-318.

Henry, M. 1924c. Notes on breeding Entomostraca from dried mud
and their habits in aquaria. 49: 319-323.

Herbst, R. 1979. Review of the Australian Dipteridaceae. 103: 7-

Hering, E. M. 1962. Galls of Agromyzidae (Dipt.) on Pittosporum
undulatum Andr. 87: 84-91.

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Hill, G. F. 1922b. A new Australian termite. 47: 275-277.

Hill, G. F. 1922c. A new species of Mordellistena (Coleoptera,
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Hill, J. P. 1894b. Preliminary note on a Balanoglossus from the
coast of New South Wales. (2)8: 324.

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Hill, J. P. 1895b. On a platypus embryo from the intra uterine
egg. (2)9: 738-739.

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Hill, J. P. 1895d. On a fiddler (Trygonorhina fasciata), with
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district. 28: 842-875.

Jensen, H. I. 1905. Contributions to a knowledge of Australian
Foraminifera. Part I. 29: 810-831.

Jensen, H. I. 1906a. Geology of the volcanic area of the east
Moreton and Wide Bay districts, Queensland. 31: 73-173.

Jensen, H. I. 1906b. Preliminary note on the geological history
of the Warrumbungle Mountains. 31: 228-235.

Jensen, H. I. 1907a. The geology of Samoa, and the eruptions in
Savaii. 31: 641-672.

Jensen, H. I. 1907b. The geology of the Warrumbungle Mountains.
32: 557-626.

Jensen, H. I. 1908a. Note on a glaucophane schist from the
Conandale Range, Queensland. 32: 701-705.

Jensen, H. I. 1908b. Chemical note on a recent lava from Savaii.
32: 706-707.

Jensen, H. I. 1908c. The geology of the Nandewar Mountains. 32:

Jensen, H. I. 1908d. The distribution, origin and relationships
of alkaline rocks. 33: 491-588.

Jensen, H. I. 1908e. The alkaline petrographical province of
eastern Australia. 33: 589-602.

Jensen, H. I. 1909. Notes on the geology of the Mt. Flinders and
Fassifern districts, Queensland. 34: 67-104.

Jensen, H. I. 1910a. Note on some recent work on the rocks of
Samoa. 34: 694-696.

Jensen, H. I. 1910b. The variable character of the vegetation on
basalt soils. 34: 713-720.

Jensen, H. I. 1923. Some notes on the Permo-carboniferous and
overlying systems in central Queensland. 48: 153-158.

Jensen, H. I. 1936. Problems in the geology of New Caledonia.
(With a note on the petrology of a small collection of
schists, by Germaine A. Joplin, B.Sc., Ph.D.). 61: 262-276.

Jensen, H. L. 1930a. The genus Micromonospora Orskov, a little
known group of soil microorganisms. 55: 231-248.

Jensen, H. L. 1930b. Notes on a cellulose-decomposing soil fungus
of an unusual character. 55: 699-707.

Jensen, H. L. 1931a. Contributions to our knowledge of the
Actinomycetales. I. A case of hereditary variation in the
genus Actinomyces. 56: 79-98.

Jensen, H. L. 1931b. A note on the systematic position of
Mycobacterium coeliacum. 56: 201-203.

Jensen, H. L. 1931c. Contributions to our knowledge of the
Actinomycetales. II. The definition and subdivision of the
genus Actinomyces, with a preliminary account of Australian
soil Actinomycetes. 56: 345-370.

Jensen, H. L. 1932a. Contributions to our knowledge of the
Actinomycetales. III. Further observations on the genus
Micromonospora. 57: 173-180.

Jensen, H. L. 1932b. Contributions to our knowledge of the
Actinomycetales. IV. The identity of certain species of
Mycobacterium and Proactinomyces. 57: 364-376.

Jensen, H. L. 1933. Corynebacteria as an important group of soil
microorganisms. 58: 181-185.

Jensen, H. L. 1934a. Studies on saprophytic mycobacteria and
corynebacteria. 59: 19-61.

Jensen, H. L. 1934b. Contributions to the microbiology of
Australian soils. I. Numbers of microorganisms in soil, and
their relation to certain external factors. 59: 101-117.

Jensen, H. L. 1934c. Contributions to the microbiology of
Australian soils. II. A comparison of the Rossi-Cholodny
method and the plate method for studying the soil microflora.
59: 200-211.

Jensen, H. L. 1935. Contributions to the microbiology of
Australian soils. III. The Rossi-Cholodny method as a
quantitative index of the growth of fungi in the soil, with
some preliminary observations on the influence of organic
matter on the soil microflora. 60: 145-154.

Jensen, H. L. 1936. Contributions to the microbiology of
Australian soils. IV. The activity of microorganisms in the
decomposition of organic matter. 61: 27-55.

Jensen, H. L. 1939. Contributions to the microbiology of
Australian soils. V. Abundance of microorganisms and
production of mineral nitrogen in relation to temperature.
64: 601-608.

Jensen, H. L. 1940a. Contributions to the nitrogen economy of
Australian wheat soils, with particular reference to New
South Wales. 65: 1-122.

Jensen, H. L. 1940b. Nitrogen fixation and cellulose decomposition
by soil microorganisms. I. Aerobic cellulose-decomposers in
association with Azotobacter. 65: 543-556.

Jensen, H. L. 1941a. Nitrogen fixation and cellulose
decomposition by soil micro-organisms. II. The association
between Azotobacter and facultative-aerobic cellulose-
decomposers. 66: 89-106.

Jensen, H. L. 1941b. Nitrogen fixation and cellulose decomposition
by soil micro-organisms. III. Clostridium butyricum in
association with aerobic cellulose-decomposers. 66: 239-249.

Jensen, H. L. 1941c. Microbiological investigations on the dew-
retting of flax. 66: 276-286.

Jensen, H. L. 1942a. Nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. I.
General characters of root-nodule bacteria isolated from
species of Medicago and Trifolium in Australia. 67: 98-108.

Jensen, H. L. 1942b. Nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. II.
Is symbiotic nitrogen fixation influenced by Azotobacter? 67:

Jensen, H. L. 1942c. A note upon the utilization of xylose and
xylan by Azotobacter. 67: 318-320.

Jensen, H. L. 1943a. Observations on the vegetative growth of
actinomycetes in the soil. 68: 67-71.

Jensen, H. L. 1943b. Nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. IV.
The influence of reaction on the formation of root nodules
in Medicago and Trifolium. 68: 207-220.

Jensen, H. L. 1944. Nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. V.
Gains of nitrogen by Medicago and Trifolium in acid and
alkaline soil. 69: 229-237.

Jensen, H. L. 1945. Nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. VI.
Further observations on the effect of molybdenum on symbiotic
nitrogen fixation. 70: 203-210.

Jensen, H. L. 1947a. Observations on properties of certain
fungicidal compounds. 71: 119-129.

Jensen, H. L. 1947b. The calcium content of legume root nodules.
72: 203-206.

Jensen, H. L. 1948a. Nitrogen-fixation in leguminous plants. VII.
The nitrogen-fixing activity of root nodule tissue in
Medicago & Trifolium. 72: 265-291.

Jensen, H. L. 1948b. The influence of molybdenum, calcium and agar
on nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter indicum. 72: 299-310.

Jensen, H. L. & Betty, R. C. 1943. Nitrogen fixation in
leguminous plants. III. The importance of molybdenum in
symbiotic nitrogen fixation. 68: 1-8.

Jensen, H. L. & Frith, D. 1944. Production of nitrate from roots
and root nodules of lucerne and subterranean clover. 69: 210-

Jensen, H. L. & Spencer, D. 1947. The influence of molybdenum and
vanadium on nitrogen fixation by Clostridium butyricum and
related organisms. 72: 73-86.

Jensen, H. L. & Swaby, R. J. 1940. Further investigations on
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil. 65: 557-564.

Jerry, D. R. 2005. Electrophoretic evidence for the presence of
Tandanus tandanus (Pisces: Plotosidae) immediately north and
south of the Hunter River, New South Wales. 126: 121-124.

Johnson, A. G. 1994. Late Holocene environmental changes on
Kurnell Peninsula, NSW. 114: 119-132.

Johnson, B. 1957. Studies on the dispersal by upper winds of
Aphis craccivora Koch in New South Wales. 82: 191-198.

Johnson, L. A. S. 1954. Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell. and a
related new species. 79: 15-18.

Johnson, L. A. S. 1959. The families of cycads and the Zamiaceae
of Australia. 84: 64-117.

Johnson, L. A. S. 1968. Presidential Address. Rainbow’s end: the
quest for an optimal taxonomy. 93: 1-45 [8-45]

Johnson, L. A. S. 1972. Presidential Address. Evolution and
classification in Eucalyptus. 97: 11-29.

Johnston, J. 1941. Studies in Silurian Brachiopoda. I.
Description of a new genus and species. 66: 160-168.

Johnston, S. J. 1901. Contributions to a knowledge of Australian
Entozoa. No. i. On a new species of Distomum from the
platypus. 26: 334-338.

Johnston, S. J. 1902. Contributions to a knowledge of Australian
Entozoa. No. ii. 27: 326-330.

Johnston, S. J. 1904. Contributions to a knowledge of Australian
Entozoa. No. iii. – On some species of Holostomidae from
Australian birds. 29: 108-116.

Johnston, S. J. 1912. On some trematode parasites of Australian
frogs. 37: 285-362.

Johnston, S. J. 1913. On some trematode parasites of marsupials
and of a monotreme. 37: 727-740.

Johnston, S. J. 1915. On Moreauia mirabilis, gen. et sp. nov., a
remarkable trematode parasitic in Ornithorhynchus. 40: 278-

Johnston, T. H. 1909a. On some haemogregarines from Australian
reptiles. 34: 400-410.

Johnston, T. H. 1909b. The Entozoa of Monotremata and Australian
Marsupialia. No. I. 34: 514-523.

Johnston, T. H. 1910. The haematozoa of Australian Reptilia. No.
i. 35: 677-685.

Johnston, T. H. 1911a. The Entozoa of Monotremata and Australian
Marsupialia. No. ii. 36: 47-57.

Johnston, T. H. 1911b. New species of avian cestodes. 36: 58-80.

Johnston, T. H. 1911c. Notes on some mallophagan generic names.
36: 321-328.

Johnston, T. H. 1912. The haematozoa of Australian Reptilia. No.
ii. 36: 479-491.

Johnston, T. H. 1924. An Australian caryophyllaeid cestode. 49:

Johnston, T. H. 1934a. Notes on some monocotylid trematodes. 59:

Johnston, T. H. 1934b. Remarks on some Australian Cestodaria. 59:

Johnston, T. H. 1937. Entozoa from the Australian hair seal. 62:

Johnston, T. H. & Cleland, J. B. 1909. Notes on some parasitic
Protozoa. 34: 501-513.

Johnston, T. H. & Hardy, G. H. 1923. A revision of the Australian
Diptera belonging to the genus Sarcophaga. 48: 94-129.

Johnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. 1941. Some nematode parasites of
Australian birds. 66: 250-256.

Johnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. 1939. Strongylate nematodes from
marsupials in New South Wales. 64: 513-536.

Johnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. 1940. New and known nematodes
from Australian marsupials. 65: 468-476.

Johnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. 1942. Some new and known
Australian parasitic nematodes. 67: 90-94.

Johnston, T. H. & Tiegs, O. W. 1919. Pseudobonellia, a new
echiuroid genus from the Great barrier Reef. 44: 213-230.

Johnston, T. H. & Tiegs, O. W. 1922. New gyrodactyloid trematodes
from Australian fishes, together with a reclassification of
the super-family Gyrodactyloidea. 47: 83-131.

Johnstone, R., Koop, K. & Larkum, A. W. D. 1989. Fluxes of
inorganic nitrogen between sediments and water in a coral
reef lagoon. 110: 219-227.

Jones, B. G., Hall, C. G., Wright, A. J. & Carr, P. F. 1986. The
geology of the Bungonia-Windellama area, New South Wales.
108: 267-286.

Jones, R. H. & Bruhl, J. J. 2006. Acacia beadleana (Fabaceae:
Mimosoideae), a new, rare localised species from Gibraltar
Range National Park, New South Wales. 127: 5-10.

Jones, R. L. & Dodson, J. R. 1997. A Holocene vegetation record
from Wrights Creek Valley, New South Wales. 118: 1-22.

Jonsell, B. 1982. Linnaeus and his two circumnavigating apostles.
106: 1-19.

Joplin, G. A. 1931. Petrology of the Hartley district. I. The
plutonic and associated rocks. 56: 16-59.

Joplin, G. A. 1933. The petrology of the Hartley district. II.
The metamorphosed gabbros and associated hybrid and
contaminated rocks. 58: 125-158.

Joplin, G. A. 1935. The petrology of the Hartley district. III.
The contact metamorphism of the Upper Devonian (Lambian)
series. 60: 16-50.

Joplin, G. A. 1936. A comparison of the Rydal and Hartley
exogenous contact-zones. 61: 151-154.

Joplin, G. A. 1937. The petrology of the Hartley district. IV.
The altered dolerite dykes. 62: 263-268.

Joplin, G. A. 1942. Petrological studies in the Ordovician of
New South Wales. I. The Cooma complex. 67: 156-196.

Joplin, G. A. 1943. Petrological studies in the Ordovician of New
South Wales. II. The northern extension of the Cooma complex.
68: 159-183.

Joplin, G. A. 1944a. Petrology of the Hartley district. V.
Evidence of hybridization in the Moyne farm intrusion: a
revision. 69: 129-138.

Joplin, G. A. 1944b. The geology of the Albury district. 69: 198-

Joplin, G. A. 1945. Petrological studies in the Ordovician of New
South Wales. III. The composition and origin of the Upper
Ordovician graptolite-bearing slates. 70: 158-172.

Joplin, G. A. 1947. Petrological studies in the Ordovician of New
South Wales. IV. The northern extension of the north-east
Victorian metamorphic complex. 72: 87-124.

Joplin, G. & others. 1952. A note on the stratigraphy and
structure of the Wellington-Molong-Orange-Canowindra region.
77: 83-88.

Jordan, K. 1936. Two new Australian fleas. 61: 184-185.

Jull, R. K. 1969. Aphrophyllum (Rugosa) from Lower Carboniferous
limestones near Bingara, New South Wales. 93: 193-202.

J. W. E. 1947. Robin John Tillyard. 1881-1937. (Memorial Series,
No. 11). 71: 252-256.

Kabata, Z. 1965. On the adult and juvenile stages of Vanbenedenia
chimaerae (Heegaard, 1962) (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) from
Australian waters. 89: 254-267.

Kailola, P. J. 1975. Notes on some fishes of the families
Uranoscopidae, Scorpaenidae, Ophichthidae and Muraenidae
from Torres Strait. 100: 110-117.

Kalchbrenner, C. 1882. Definitions of some new Australian fungi.
(1)7: 104-106.

Kalchbrenner, C. 1883a. Fungi aliquot Australiae orientalis.
(1)7: 563-565.

Kalchbrenner, C. 1883b. New species of Agaricus discovered in
West Australia. (1)7: 638-640.

Kalchbrenner, C. 1883c. Description of two new fungi. (1)8: 175.

Karny, H. H. 1922. A remarkable new gall-thrips from Australia.
47: 266-274.

Karsten, U. 2000. Occurrence of photoprotective mycosporine-like
amino acid compounds (MAAs) in marine red macroalgae from
temperate Australian waters. 122: 123-129.

Katz, O. 1886a. Notes on the bacteriological examination of water
from the Sydney supply. No. I. (2)1: 907-924.

Katz, O. 1886b. On a remarkable bacterium (Streptococcus) from
wheat-ensilage. (2)1: 925-928.

Katz, O. 1887a. Notes on the bacteriological examination of water
from Sydney supply. No. II. (2)1: 1205-1206.

Katz, O. 1887b. Notes on the bacteriological examination of water
from the Sydney supply. No. III. (2)2: 151-152.

Katz, O. 1887c. On an improved method of cultivating micro-
organisms on potatoes. (2)2: 187-190.

Katz, O. 1887d. Bacteriological observations made at the Little
Bay Coast hospital. (2)2: 203-212.

Katz, O. 1887e. Notes on the bacteriological examination of water
from the Sydney supply. No. IV. (2)2: 329-330.

Katz, O. 1887f. Preliminary remarks on phosphorescent bacteria
from sea-water. (2)2: 331-336.

Katz, O. 1887g. General remarks on protective inoculation for
bovine pleuro-pneumonia. (2)2: 423-434.

Katz, O. 1887h. On micro-organisms in tissues of diseased horses.
(2)2: 567-576.

Katz, O. 1888a. Further remarks on phosphorescent bacteria. (2)2:

Katz, O. 1888b. Notes on the bacterioscopical examination of ice
supplied in Sydney. (2)3: 256-266.

Katz, O. 1888c. Some experiments with the “Cattanach disinfectant
and deodorant,” as compared with the ordinary carbolic
powder. (2)3: 727-738.

Katz, O. 1889a. Bacteriological notes. (2)4: 325-330.

Katz, O. 1889b. Experimental researches with the microbes of
chicken-cholera. (2)4: 513-597.

Keith, D. 1995. How similar are geographically separated stands
of the same vegetation formation? A moorland example from
Tasmania and mainland Australia. 115: 61-75.

Keith, D. 1996. Fire-driven extinction of plant populations: a
synthesis of theory and review of evidence from Australian
vegetation. 116: 37-78.

Keith, D. A. 1990. Rare and biogeographically significant
vascular plant species of the Eden region, south-eastern New
South Wales: a listing for the ‘fine-filter’ approach. 112:

Keith, D. A., Simpson, C., Tozer, M. G. & Rodoreda, S. 2007.
Contemporary and historical descriptions of the vegetation of
Brundee and Saltwater Swamps on the lower Shoalhaven River
floodplain, southeastern Australia. 128[2006]: 123-153.

Keith, D. & Pellow, B. 2005. Effects of Javan rusa deer (Cervus
timorensis) on native plant species in the Jibbon-Bundeena
arrea, Royal National Park, New South Wales. 126: 99-110.

Kellermann, J. & Udovicic, F. 2007. A revision of the Cryptandra
propinqua complex (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae). 128[2006]: 81-

Kemp, A. 1984. A comparison of the developing dentition of
Neoceratodus forsteri and Callorhynchus milii. 107: 245-262.

Kennedy, C. M. A. 1989a. Pycnodithella harveyi, a new Australian
species of the Tridenchthoniidae (Pseudoscorpionida:
Arachnida). 110: 289-296.

Kennedy, C. M. A. 1989b. Conicochernes doyleae, a new Australian
species of the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpionida: Arachnida).
111: 123-129.

Kennedy, C. M. A. 1989c. Redescription of Austrochthonius
australis Hoff (Chthoniidae: Pseudoscorpionida). 111: 233-

Kenyon, A. F. 1896. On the occurrence of callosities in Cypraea
other than Cy. bicallosa and Cy. rhinocerus; and on the
occurrence of a sulcus in Trivia. 21: 26-27.

Kenyon, A. F. 1897. Descriptions of two new species of Cypraea
from Western Australia. 22: 145.

Kerr, H. B. 1952. The use of excised shoots in linseed
investigations. 76: 183-186.

Kerr, H. B. 1954. Abnormalities in Linum usitatissimum L. 78:

Kerr, H. B. 1959a. Melampsora lini (Pers.) Lev. uredospore
longevity and germination. 83: 259-287.

Kerr, H. B. 1959b. Physiological specialization of Melampsora
lini (Pers.) Lev. in Australia. 84: 36-63.

Kerr, H. B. 1961. The inheritance of resistance of Linum
usitatissimum L. to the Australian Melampsora lini (Pers.)
Lev. race complex. 85: 273-321.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902a. The systematic position of Purpura
tritoniformis of Blainville. 26: 533-538.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902b. The protoconchs of certain Port Jackson
Gasteropoda. 26: 709-716.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902c. A note on two species of Astralium from
Port Jackson. 27: 2-6.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902d. Notes on Prosobranchiata. 27: 443-483.

Kesteven, H. L. 1903a. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. ii. 27: 620-

Kesteven, H. L. 1903b. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. iii. 28: 443-

Kesteven, H. L. 1905. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. iv. – The
ontogenetic stages represented by the gastropod protochonch.
30: 325-335.

Kesteven, H. L. 1909. Studies on Tunicata. No. I. 34: 276-295.

Kesteven, H. L. 1912. The constitution of the gastropod
protoconch: its value as a taxonomic feature and the
significance of some of its forms. 37: 49-82.

Kesteven, H. L. 1913. A new endoparasitic copepod: morphology
and development. 37: 673-688.

Kesteven, H. L. 1918. The origin of yolk in the ova of an
endoparasitic copepod. 43: 136-141.

Kesteven, H. L. 1940a. On the interpretation of certain features
of an embryonic skull of platypus. 65: 144-154.

Kesteven, H. L. 1940b. The osteogenesis of the base of the saurian
cranium and a search for the parasphenoid bone. 65: 447-467.

Kesteven, H. L. 1941. On certain debatable questions in
cranioskeletal homologies. 66: 293-334.

Kesteven, H. L. 1942a. The ossification of the avian
chondrocranium, with special reference to that of the emu.
67: 213-237.

Kesteven, H. L. 1942b. The ossification of the basisphenoid and
presphenoid bones in Melopsittacus. 67: 349-351.

Kesteven, H. L. 1945. The cranial nerves of Neoceratodus. 70: 25-

Kesteven, H. L. 1947. The evolution of the maxillo-palate. 71:

Kesteven, H. L. 1957a. Notes on the skull and cephalic muscles of
the Amphisbaenia. 82: 109-116.

Kesteven, H. L. 1957b. On the development of the crocodilian
skull. 82: 117-124.

Kesteven, L. 1914. The venom of the fish, Notesthes robusta. 39:

Khan, A. G. & Valder, P. G. 1972. The occurrence of root nodules
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Kiely, T. B. 1949. Preliminary studies on Guignardia citricarpa,
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its relation to black spot of citrus. 73: 249-292.

Kiernan, K. & McConnell, A. 2001. Land surface rehabilitation
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King, R. J. 1986. Aquatic angiosperms in coastal saline lagoons
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King, R. J. 1995. Presidential Address 1993. Mangrove macroalgae:
a review of Australian studies. 115: 151-161.

King, R. J. & Barclay, J. B. 1986. Aquatic angiosperms in coastal
saline lagoons of New South Wales. III. Quantitative
assessment of Zostera capricorni. 109: 41-50.

King, R. J. & Hodgson, B. R. 1986. Aquatic angiosperms in
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King, R. J. & Holland, V. M. 1986. Aquatic angiosperms in coastal
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Tuggerah Lakes, with specific comments on the growth of
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Kluge, A. G. 1963. A new species of gekkonid lizard, genus
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Kobayashi, T. 1992a. A study of physicochemical conditions,
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Kobayashi, T. & Kotlash, A. 1994. Interactions between
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