Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW
by author
E. C. A. [E. C. Andrews]. 1934. Richard Hind Cambage. 1859-1928.
(Memorial Series No. 4). 59: 435-447.
E. C. A. [E. C. Andrews]. 1944. Alexander Greenlaw Hamilton.
1852-1941. (Memorial Series, No. 10). 69: 176-184.
Edgecombe, G. D. 2004. A new species of the henicopid centipede
Dichelobius (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) from southeastern
Australia and Lord Howe Island. 125: 189-203.
Edgecombe, G. D. & Wright, A. J. 2004. Silicified Early Devonian
trilobites from Brogans Creek, New South Wales. 125: 177-188.
Edmonds, E. 1935. The relations between the internal fluid of
marine invertebrates and the water of the environment, with
special reference to Australian Crustacea. 60: 233-247.
Edwards, E. T. 1941. The relation of temperature and soil
moisture to the development of seedling blight of maize due
to Gibberella fujikuroi and Gibberella fujikuroi var.
subglutinans. 66: 425-439.
Edwards, F. W. 1929. Notes on the Ceroplatinae, with descriptions
of new Australian species (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). 54: 162-
Edwards, H. 1890. Notes on the habits and earlier stages of
Cryptophasa unipunctata, Don. (2)5: 300-302.
Ekert, P. A. & Bucher, D. J. 1999. Winter use of large-leafed
privet Ligustrum lucidum (family: Oleaceae) by birds in
suburban Lismore, New South Wales. 121: 29-38.
Elix, J. A. & Streimann, H. 1989. The lichens of Norfolk Island.
1: introduction and the family Parmeliaceae. 111: 103-121.
Elix, J. A., Streimann, H. & Archer, A. W. 1992. The lichens of
Norfolk Island. 2: The genera Cladonia, Pertusaria,
Pseudocyphellaria and Ramalina. 113: 57-76.
Elliott, C. G. 1948. The embryogeny of Pherosphaera hookeriana.
73: 120-129.
Elliott, C. G. 1950. A further contribution on the life history
of Pherosphaera. 75: 320-333.
Elliott, C. G. 1951. Some notes on Athrotaxis. 76: 36-40.
Elliott, D. K. 1984. Siluro-Devonian fish biostratigraphy of the
Canadian arctic islands. 107: 197-209.
Endean, R. 1964. A new species of brittle-star (Echinodermata,
Ophiuroidea) from northern New South Wales. 88: 295-297.
Engel, B. A. 1979. Fenestrate bryozoans with large apertural
form in the Carboniferous of eastern Australia. 103: 135-170.
Engelhardt, B. G. 1891. Notes on the occurrence of stilbite in
the eruptive rocks of Jamberoo, N.S.W. (2)6: 5-7.
English, K. M. I. 1940. Notes on the life-history of Limnophora
nigriorbitalis Mall. (Diptera, Anthomyiidae). 65: 161-166.
English, K. M. I. 1947. Notes on the morphology and biology of
Apiocera maritima Hardy (Diptera, Apioceridae). 71: 296-302.
English, K. M. I. 1949. Notes on the morphology and biology of a
new species of Tabanus (Diptera, Tabanidae). 74: 153-160.
English, K. M. I. 1950. Notes on the morphology and biology of
Anabarrhynchus fasciatus Macq. and other Australian
Therevidae (Diptera, Therevidae). 75: 345-359.
English, K. M. I. 1953. Notes on the morphology and biology of
Ectenopsis vulpecula Wied. var. angusta Macq. (Diptera,
Tabanidae, Pangoniinae). 77: 270-274.
English, K. M. I. 1955. Notes on the morphology and biology of
Scaptia vicina Tayl. and a new species of Scaptia (Diptera,
Tabanidae). 79: 219-229.
English, K. M. I. 1961. Notes on the morphology and biology of
Caenoprosopon trichocerus (Bigot) (Diptera, Tabanidae,
Pangoniinae). 86: 169-176.
English, K. M. I., Mackerras, I. M. & Dyce, A. L. 1958. Notes on
the morphology and biology of a new species of Chalybosoma
(Diptera, Tabanidae). 82: 289-296.
Esben-Petersen, P. 1923a. Australian Neuroptera. Part iv. 48:
Esben-Petersen, P. 1923b. Australian Neuroptera. Part v. 48: 593-
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888a. Description of fish-remains from the
“Rolling Downs formation” of northern Queensland. (2)3: 156-
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888b. On additional evidence of the genus
Ichthyosaurus in the Mesozoic rocks (“Rolling Downs
formation”) of north eastern Australia. (2)3: 405-409.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888c. On additional evidence of the occurrence
of Plesiosaurus in the Mesozoic rocks of Queensland. (2)3:
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888d. Additions to the fossil flora of
eastern Australia. (2)3: 1300-1309.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1889. Remarks on fossils of Permo-
Carboniferous age, from north-western Australia, in the
Macleay Museum. (2)4: 199-214.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890a. Note on the fructification of
Phlebopteris alethopteroides, Etheridge, Fil., from the Lower
Mesozoic beds of Queensland. (2)4: 625-626.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890b. Note on the bibliography of Lord Howe
Island. (2)4: 627-631.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890c. On the further structure of Conularia
inornata, Dana, and Hyolithes lanceolatus, Morris, sp., (=
Theca lanceolata, Morris). (2)4: 751-756.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890d. Note on the structure of Annularia
australis, Feistmantel. (2)5: 47-50.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890e. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)5: 251-258.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890f. Has man a geological history in
Australia. (2)5: 259-266.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890g. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)5: 289-293.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890h. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)5: 367-372.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890i. A large Equisetum from the Hawkesbury
sandstone. (2)5: 445-448.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890j. On the identity of Bronteus Partschi,
de Koninck (non Barrande), from the Upper Silurian rocks of
New South Wales. (2)5: 501-504.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1891. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)6: 31-43.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892a. The Silurian trilobites of New South
Wales, with references to those of other parts of Australia.
Part I. (2)6: 311-320.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892b. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)6: 357-380.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892c. On a form of womerah, or “throwing-
stick”, presumed to be undescribed. (2)6: 699-702.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892d. A second undescribed form of womerah
from northern Australia. (2)7: 170-173.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892e. On Leaia Mitchelli, Etheridge, Fil.,
from the Upper Coal Measures of the Newcastle district.
(2)7: 307-310.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1893. Modifications of the billetta or
gnalealing womerah. (2)7: 399-402.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894a. Notes on Australian aboriginal stone
weapons and implements. (2)8: 295-299.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894b. Three additional types of womerah or
“throwing-stick”. (2)8: 300-302.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894c. On an aboriginal implement, believed to
be undescribed, and supposed to be a hoe. (2)9: 109-112.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894d. On three highly ornate boomerangs from
the Bulloo River. (2)9: 193-200.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894e. On the mode of attachment of the leaves
or fronds to the caudex in Glossopteris; with remarks on the
relation of the genus to its allies; with a note on its
stratigraphical distribution in Australasia by T. W. E.
David. (2)9: 228-258.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1895a. On five interesting shields from
northern Queensland, with an enumeration of the figured
types of Australian shields. (2)9: 506-517.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1895b. Additional notes on the palaeontology
of Queensland. Part I. Palaeozoic. (2)9: 518-539.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1895c. The kuditcha shoes of central Australia.
(2)9: 544-550.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1896. Descriptions of further highly ornate
boomerangs from New South Wales and Queensland. 21: 14-22.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1897. Two ornate boomerangs from north
Queensland. 22: 260-262.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1899a. Further carved boomerangs, and two
varieties of the langeel from north Queensland. 23: 701-704.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1899b. The spear-becket, or “doigtier” of New
Caledonia, the New Hebrides and other Pacific islands. 24:
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1899c. The “widow’s cap” of the Australian
aborigines. 24: 333-345.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1899d. Method of suspending the palu, or so-
called “shark” hooks, as deduced from a model. 24: 424-426.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1899e. The Tanna spear-becket. 24: 427-428.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1892. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. (2)6: 311-320.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1894. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part II. (2)8: 169-178.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1896. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part III. (2)10: 486-511.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1897. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part IV. 21: 694-721.
Etheridge, R. & Mitchell, J. 1916. The Silurian trilobites of New
South Wales, with references to those of other parts of
Australia. 40: 646-680.
Etheridge, R. & Mitchell, J. 1917. The Silurian trilobites of New
South Wales, with references to those of other parts of
Australia. Part vi. The Calymeneidae, Cheirudidae, Harpeidae,
Bronteidae, etc., with an appendix. 42: 480-510.
Evans, J. W. 1931. Notes on the biology and morphology of the
Eurymelinae (Cicadelloidea, Homoptera). 56: 210-226.
Eyer, J. R. 1925. A comparison of the male genitalia of the
Palaeosetidae with those of other Lepidoptera Homoneura. 50:
Eyer, J. R. & Turner, A. J. 1925. The Australian species of
Oncopera (Hepialidae, Lepidoptera). 50: 272-274.
Facer, R. A. 1977. Geochemistry and heat generation in the
Durandal Adamellite at Yetholme, New South Wales. 102: 26-35.
Facer, R. A., Hutton, A. C. & Frost, D. J. 1980. Heat generation
by siliceous igneous rocks of the basement and its possible
influence on coal rank in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales.
104: 95-109.
Fain, A. 1961. The psoric mites parasitic on bats. XVI. A new
species of the genus Teinocoptes Rodhain from the fruit-bat
Pteropus conspicillatus in Queensland (Teinocoptidae,
Sarcoptiformes). 85: 268-272.
Fain, A. 1968. Notes on two new heteromorphic deutonymphs
(hypopi) (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes). 92: 246-250.
Fain, A. & Domrow, R. 1973. Two new fur-mites (Acari:
Atopomelidae) from an Australian tiger cat (Marsupialia:
Dasyuridae). 97: 161-164.
Fain, A. & Domrow, R. 1974. Two new parasitic mites (Acari:
Sarcoptidae and Atopomelidae) from Tasmanian marsupials. 98:
Fain, A. & Domrow, R. 1976. The genera Campylochirus Trouessart
and Campylochiropsis Fain (Acari: Atopomelidae), parasites
of phalangeroid marsupials in Australasia. 101: 27-37.
Fain, A. & Domrow, R. 1979. The family Hypoderidae (Acari) in
Australia. 103: 43-46.
Fairchild, G. B. 1952. Notes on Phlebotomus from the Australasian
region (Dipt. Psychodidae). 77: 189-208.
Farquhar, H. 1898. On the echinoderm fauna of New Zealand. 23:
Farquhar, H. 1899. Description of a new ophiuran. 24: 187-189.
Farrant, P. A. & King, R. J. 1989. The Dictyotales (Algae:
Phaeophyta) of New South Wales. 110: 369-405.
Faulder, R. J. 1985. Some species of Aganippe (Araneae:
Ctenizidae) from eastern Australia. 108: 83-96.
Fell, H. B. 1962. A revised classification of the Australian
Amphiuridae (Ophiuroidea). 87: 79-83.
Ferguson, E. J. 1960. Antarctic phytoplankton studies. 85: 215-
Ferguson, E. W. 1909. Revision of the Amycteridae. Part I. Genus
Psalidura. 34: 524-585.
Ferguson, E. W. 1911. The Amycteridae of the “Voyage de
l’Astrolabe,” 1835. 36: 141-153.
Ferguson, E. W. 1912. Revision of the Amycterides. Part ii.
Talaurinus. 37: 83-135.
Ferguson, E. W. 1913. Revision of the Amycterides. Part ii.
Talaurinus (continued). 38: 340-394.
Ferguson, E. W. 1914. Revision of the Amycterides. Part iii.
Notonophes, Macramycterus, and genera allied to Talaurinus.
39: 217-252.
Ferguson, E. W. 1916a. Revision of the Amycterides. Part iv.
Sclerorinus [Section i.]. [Coleoptera]. 40: 685-718.
Ferguson, E. W. 1916b. Revision of the Amycterides. Part iv.
Sclerorinus [Section ii.]. [Coleoptera]. 40: 759-805.
Ferguson, E. W. 1916c. Revision of the Amycterides. Part v.
Molochtus and Cubicorrhynchus. 41: 422-452.
Ferguson, E. W. 1920a. Tabanidae from Camden Haven district, New
South Wales, with descriptions of new species. 44: 828-849.
Ferguson, E. W. 1920b. Notes on Australian Tabanidae. 45: 460-467.
Ferguson, E. W. 1921a. Revision of the Amycterides. Part vi.
Acantholophus. 46: 19-75.
Ferguson, E. W. 1921b. Revision of the Amycterides. Part vii.
Hyborrhynchus and allied genera. 46: 393-406.
Ferguson, E. W. 1922. Notes on Australian Tabanidae. Part ii.
47: 245-265.
Ferguson, E. W. 1923. Revision of the Amycterides (Coleoptera).
Part viii. The Euomides. 48: 381-435.
Ferguson, E. W. 1925. Description of a new species of
Mycetophilidae (Diptera) with luminous larvae. 50: 487-488.
Ferguson, E. W. 1926a. Revision of Australian Syrphidae
(Diptera). Part i. 51: 137-183.
Ferguson, E. W. 1926b. Revision of Australian Syrphidae (Diptera).
Part ii, with a supplement to Part i. 51: 517-544.
Ferguson, E. W. 1927. Presidential Address. Medical and
veterinary entomology in Australia. – A review. 52: xv-
Fergusson, C. L. 1987. Multiple folding of the Ordovician
sequence, Tambo River, eastern Victoria. 109: 293-309.
Findlay, C. S. 1996. Placoderm (Pisces: Placodermi) remains from
Lower Devonian rocks at Taemas, New South Wales. 116: 161-
Fitzgerald, R. D., Jr. 1888. Notes on the nidification of
Sphecotheres maxillaris, (Lath.), and of Campephaga
leucomelaena, (V. & H.), with descriptions of their eggs.
(2)2: 970-971.
Fitzgerald, W. V. 1902. Notes on some hitherto unrecorded
species of plants indigenous in the state of Western
Australia. 27: 241-245.
Fitzgerald, W. V. 1903. Descriptions of some new species of west
Australian plants. 28: 104-113.
Fitzsimmons, S. D. & Warburton, K. 1996. The effects of spatial
constraints on fish shoal cohesion. 116: 209-212.
Flannery, T., Colgan, D. & Trimble, J. 1994. A new species of
Melomys from Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, with notes on
the systematics of the M. rufescens complex (Muridae:
Rodentia). 114: 29-43.
Flannery, T. F. 1989. Microhydromys musseri n. sp., a new murid
(Mammalia) from the Torricelli Mountains, Papua New Guinea.
111: 215-222.
Flannery, T., Mountain, M-J. & Aplin, K. 1983. Quaternary
kangaroos (Macropodidae: Marsupialia) from Nombe rock
shelter, Papua New Guinea, with comments on the nature of
megafaunal extinction in the New Guinea highlands. 107: 75-
Fleming, C. A. 1977. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture, 1976.
The biogeographic basis of national cultures. 101: 218-236.
Fletcher, J. J. 1882. On the existence after parturition of a
direct communication between the median vaginal cul-de-sac
so-called, and the urogenital canal, in certain species of
kangaroos. (1)6: 796-811.
Fletcher, J. J. 1883a. On some points in the anatomy of the
urogenital organs in females of certain species of kangaroos.
Part I. (1)7: 640-659.
Fletcher, J. J. 1883b. On some points in the anatomy of the uro-
genital organs in females of certain species of kangaroos.
Part II. (1)8: 6-11.
Fletcher, J. J. 1883c. Note on a viviparous lizard (Hinulia
elegans). (1)8: 215-217.
Fletcher, J. J. 1884. Catalogue of papers and works relating to
the mammalian orders, Marsupialia and Monotremata. (1)9: 809-
Fletcher, J. J. 1886a. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part I.
(2)1: 523-574.
Fletcher, J. J. 1886b. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part II.
(2)1: 943-973.
Fletcher, J. J. 1887a. Remarks on an introduced species of land
planarian apparently Bipalium Kewense, Moseley. (2)2: 244-
Fletcher, J. J. 1887b. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part III.
(2)2: 375-402.
Fletcher, J. J. 1887c. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part IV.
(2)2: 601-620.
Fletcher, J. J. 1889a. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part V.
(2)3: 1521-1558.
Fletcher, J. J. 1889b. Observations on the oviposition and habits
of certain Australian batrachians. (2)4: 357-387.
Fletcher, J. J. 1890a. Notes on Australian earthworms. Part VI.
(2)4: 987-1019.
Fletcher, J. J. 1890b. Additional notes on Peripatus leuckarti.
(2)5: 469-486.
Fletcher, J. J. 1891a. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of
the geographical distribution of Australian Batrachia. No. 1.
(2)5: 667-676.
Fletcher, J. J. 1891b. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of
the geographical distribution of Australian Batrachia. No.
II. (2)6: 263-274.
Fletcher, J. J. 1891c. Description of a supposed new cystignathoid
frog. (2)6: 275-276.
Fletcher, J. J. 1892a. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of
the geographical distribution of Australian Batrachia. No.
III. (2)7: 7-19.
Fletcher, J. J. 1892b. A viviparous Australian Peripatus (P.
leuckartii, Saeng.). (2)7: 179-196.
Fletcher, J. J. 1894a. Description of a new cystignathoid frog
from New South Wales. (2)8: 229-236.
Fletcher, J. J. 1894b. Description of a new cystignathoid frog
from New South Wales. (2)8: 522-523.
Fletcher, J. J. 1894c. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of
the geographical distribution of Australian Batrachia. No.
IV. (2)8: 524-533.
Fletcher, J. J. 1895. On the specific identity of the Australian
Peripatus usually supposed to be P. leuckarti, Saenger.
(2)10: 172-194.
Fletcher, J. J. 1896. On the dates of publication of the early
volumes of the Society’s Proceedings. (2)10: 533-536.
Fletcher, J. J. 1898. Contributions to a more exact knowledge of
the geographical distribution of Australian Batrachia. No. V.
22: 660-684.
Fletcher, J. J. 1909. Illustrations of polycotyledony in the
genus Persoonia, with some reference to Nuytsia. [N. OO.
Proteaceae; Loranthaceae]. 33: 867-882.
Fletcher, J. J. 1920a. Presidential Address. 45: 1-47.
Fletcher, J. J. 1920b. Special General Meeting, 14th June, 1920.
In commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Sir William
Macleay. Presidential Address, “The Society’s heritage from
the Macleays.”. Brief synopsis, and list of some of the
exhibits. 45: 218-220.
Fletcher, J. J. 1921a. Special General Meeting. 14th June 1920.
In commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Sir William
Macleay. Presidential Address. “The Society’s heritage from
the Macleays.” 45: 567-635.
Fletcher, J. J. 1921b. Presidential Address. 46: 1-13.
Fletcher, J. J. 1929. The Society’s heritage from the Macleays.
Part ii. 54: 185-272.
Fletcher, J. J. & Hamilton, A. G. 1887. Notes on Australian land
planarians, with descriptions of some new species. Part I.
(2)2: 349-374.
Fletcher, J. J. & Musson, C. T. 1918. On certain shoot-bearing
tumours of eucalypts and angophoras, and their modifying
influence on the growth-habit of the plants. 43: 191-233.
Florence, R. G. 1963. Vegetational pattern in east coast forests.
88: 164-179.
Florence, R. G. 1965. Edaphic control of vegetational pattern in
east coast forests. 89: 171-190.
Flynn, T. T. 1911. Contributions to a knowledge of the anatomy
and development of the Marsupialia. No. i. The genitalia of
Sarcophilus satanicus (female). 35: 873-887.
Flynn, T. T. 1922. The phylogenetic significance of the
marsupial allantoplacenta. 47: 541-544.
Flynn, T. T. 1930. The uterine cycle of pregnancy and pseudo-
pregnancy as it is in the diprotodont marsupial Bettongia
cuniculus. With notes on other reproductive phenomena in this
marsupial. 55: 506-531.
Foldvary, G. Z. 2006. Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in
the Siluro-Devonian of eastern Australia with comments on
its global biogeography. 127: 175-189.
Ford, R. J. 1982. A. W. H. Humphreys, his majesty’s mineralogist
in New South Wales, 1803-12 – A comment.
Forsyth, W. 1900. Contribution to a knowledge of the mosses of
New South Wales. 24: 674-686.
Foster, B. A. 1982. Two new intertidal balanoid barnacles from
eastern Australia. 106: 21-32.
Francis, W. D. 1928a. The growth rings in the wood of Australian
araucarian conifers. 53: 71-79.
Francis, W. D. 1928b. Features of the vegetative anatomy of the
Australian white beech (Gmelina leichhardtii). 53: 474-484.
Frankel, O. H. 1970. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture 1970.
Variation – the essence of life. 95: 158-169.
Fraser, L. 1931a. The reaction of Viminaria denudata to increased
water content of the soil. 56: 391-406.
Fraser, L. 1931b. An investigation of Lobelia gibbosa and Lobelia
dentata. I. Mycorrhiza, latex system and general biology. 56:
Fraser, L. 1933a. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. I. Historical and introductory account. 58: 375-
Fraser, L. 1933b. The Mycetozoa of New South Wales. 58: 431-436.
Fraser, L. 1934. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. II. An examination of the cultural behaviour of
certain sooty mould fungi. 59: 123-142.
Fraser, L. 1935a. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. III. The life histories and systematic positions
of Aithaloderma and Capnodium, together with descriptions of
new species. 60: 97-118.
Fraser, L. 1935b. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. IV. The species of the Eucapnodieae. 60: 159-
Fraser, L. 1935c. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. V. The species of the Chaetothyrieae. 60: 280-
Fraser, L. 1936. Notes on the occurrence of the Trichopeltaceae
and Atichiaceae in New South Wales, and on their mode of
nutrition, with a description of a new species of Atichia.
61: 277-284.
Fraser, L. 1937. The distribution of sooty-mould fungi and its
relation to certain aspects of their physiology. 62: 35-56.
Fraser, L. 1949. Presidential Address. 74: i-xviii.
Fraser, L. 1954. A new genus of the Plectascales. 78: 241-246.
Fraser, L. R. 1958. Presidential Address. 83: 1-19.
Fraser, L. R. 1960. Woody gall, a suspected virus disease of
rough lemon and other citrus varieties. 84: 332-334.
Fraser, L. & Vickery, J. W. 1937a. The ecology of the upper
Williams River and Barrington Tops districts. I.
Introduction. 62: 269-283.
Fraser, L. & Vickery, J. W. 1937b. Notes on some species occurring
in the upper Williams River and Barrington Tops districts,
with descriptions of two new species and two new variety. 62:
Fraser, L. & Vickery, J. W. 1938. The ecology of the upper
Williams River and Barrington Tops districts. II. The rain-
forest formations. 63: 139-184.
Fraser, L. & Vickery, J. W. 1939. The ecology of the upper
Williams River and Barrington Tops districts. III. The
eucalypt forests, and general discussion. 64: 1-33.
Frith, H. J. 1969. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture, 1968.
Wildlife conservation. 93: 270-279.
Froggatt, J. L. 1918. A study of the external breathing-apparatus
of the larvae of some muscoid flies. 43: 658-667.
Froggatt, W. W. 1888. Notes on the natives of west Kimberley,
N.W. Australia. (2)3: 651-656.
Froggatt, W. W. 1890a. Notes on the life-history of certain saw
flies (genus Perga), with description of a new species.
(2)5: 283-288.
Froggatt, W. W. 1890b. Descriptions of a new genus and two new
species of Tenthredinidae. (2)5: 487-490.
Froggatt, W. W. 1891a. Catalogue of the described Hymenoptera of
Australia. (2)5: 689-762.
Froggatt, W. W. 1891b. Notes on a small collection of Hymenoptera
from Narrabri, N.S.W. (2)6: 13-16.
Froggatt, W. W. 1892. Catalogue of the described Hymenoptera of
Australia. Part II. (2)7: 205-248.
Froggatt, W. W. 1893a. Gall-making buprestids. (2)7: 323-326.
Froggatt, W. W. 1893b. Notes on the family Brachyscelidae, with
some account of their parasites, and descriptions of new
species. (2)7: 353-372.
Froggatt, W. W. 1893c. On the life-histories of Australian
Coleoptera. Part I. (2)8: 27-42.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894a. Notes on the family Brachyscelidae, with
descriptions of new species. (2)8: 209-214.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894b. Notes on the family Brachyscelidae, with
descriptions of new species. Part III. (2)8: 335-348.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894c. On the nests and habits of Australian
Vespidae and Larridae. (2)9: 27-34.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894d. On the life histories of Australian
Coleoptera. Part II. (2)9: 113-125.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894e. Description of a new mite belonging to the
genus Heteropus, found in wasps’ nests. (2)9: 259-260.
Froggatt, W. W. 1894f. Wood moths: with some account of their
life histories. Chiefly compiled from the notes of Mr. R.
Thornton, of Wallsend, N.S.W. (2)9: 375-383.
Froggatt, W. W. 1895a. Notes on the sub-family Brachyscelinae
with descriptions of new species. part IV. (2)10: 201-205.
Froggatt, W. W. 1895b. Life-histories of Australian Coleoptera.
Part III. (2)10: 325-336.
Froggatt, W. W. 1896a. Australian Termitidae. Part I. (2)10: 415-
Froggatt, W. W. 1896b. Notes on cicadas. (2)10: 526-532.
Froggatt, W. W. 1896c. The entomology of the grass-trees
(Xanthorrhoea). 21: 74-87.
Froggatt, W. W. 1896d. On the bag-shelters of lepidopterous
larvae of the genus Teara. 21: 258-260.
Froggatt, W. W. 1897. Australian Termitidae. Part II. 21: 511-
Froggatt, W. W. 1898a. Australian Termitidae. Part III. 22: 721-
Froggatt, W. W. 1898b. Notes on the subfamily Brachyscelinae,
with descriptions of new species. Part V. 23: 370-379.
Froggatt, W. W. 1899. A new genus and species of sawfly. 24: 130-
Froggatt, W. W. 1900. Australian Psyllidae. 25: 250-302.
Froggatt, W. W. 1901. Australian Psyllidae. Part II. 26: 242-298.
Froggatt, W. W. 1902. Notes on Australian Neuroptera and their
life-histories. 27: 358-369.
Froggatt, W. W. 1903a. Australian Psyllidae. Part III. 28: 315-
Froggatt, W. W. 1903b. Notes on the genus Psychopsis, Newman,
with descriptions of new species. 28: 453-456.
Froggatt, W. W. 1904. Studies on Australian Thysanoptera: the
genus Idolothrips, Haliday. 29: 54-57.
Froggatt, W. W. 1905. Notes on Neuroptera and descriptions of new
species. 29: 671-676.
Froggatt, W. W. 1906a. Notes on the hymenopterous genus Megalyra
Westw., with descriptions of new species. 31: 399-407.
Froggatt, W. W. 1906b. Description of a new tick belonging to the
family Argasidae. 31: 408.
Froggatt, W. W. 1910. The entomological fauna of Nauru Island, of
the Ocean Island group. 35: 407-410.
Froggatt, W. W. 1911a. Notes on fruit-flies (Trypetidae) with
descriptions of new species. 35: 862-872.
Froggatt, W. W. 1911b. Description of a new lac-coccid (genus
Tachardia) from New South Wales. 36: 154.
Froggatt, W. W. 1912. Presidential Address. 37: 1-43.
Froggatt, W. W. 1913. Presidential Address. 38: 1-42.
Froggatt, W. W. 1916. Notes on a collection of Australian and
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Froggatt, W. W. 1918. Notes on Australian sawflies
(Tenthredinidae). 43: 668-672.
Froggatt, W. W. 1919. A new species of wax scale (Ceroplastes
murrayi) from New Guinea. 44: 439-440.
Froggatt, W. W. 1922. Description of a new phasma belonging to
the genus Extatosoma. 47: 344-345.
Froggatt, W. W. 1925. Notes on Australian Coccidae with
descriptions of new species. 50: 378-280.
Froggatt, W. W. 1929. Notes on gall-making coccids, with
descriptions of new species. 54: 375-378.
Froggatt, W. W. 1930. Notes on gall-making coccids with
descriptions of new species. II. 55: 468-474.
Froggatt, W. W. 1931. A classification of the gall-making coccids
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Froggatt, W. W. 1933. The Coccidae of the casuarinas. 58: 363-
Frost, C. & Lucas, A. H. S. 1894. On a new skink lizard from
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Fry, D. B. 1917. Description of Aphantophryne, a new batrachian
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musculature. 41: 770-785.
Fryxell, P. A. 1968. Taxonomic notes on Australian Malvaceae. 92:
Fuller, M. E. 1931. The life history of Calliphora ochracea
Schiner (Diptera, Calliphoridae). 56: 172-181.
Fuller, M. E. 1932. The larvae of the Australian sheep blowflies.
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Fuller, M. E. 1934b. The early stages of Actina incisuralis
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Fuller, M. E. 1934c. Notes on the genus Ophiodesma (Dipt.,
Stratiomyiidae). 59: 421-429.
Fuller, M. E. 1935. Notes on Australasian Anisopodidae (Diptera).
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Fuller, M. E. 1936. Notes on the biology of Scaptia auriflua
Don. (Diptera, Tabanidae). 61: 1-9.
Fuller, M. E. 1937. Notes on the biology of Tabanus froggatti, T.
gentilis, and T. neobasalis (Diptera). 62: 217-229.
Fuller, M. E. 1938a. Notes on Trichopsidea oestracea
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(Bombyliidae) – two dipterous enemies of grasshoppers. 63:
Fuller, M. E. 1938b. On the biology and early stages of Helicobia
australis (Sarcophaginae), a dipterous insect associated with
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Fuller, M. E. & Lee, D. J. 1938. A new termitophilous phorid
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Fullerton, R. A. & Langdon, R. F. N. 1969. A study of some smuts
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Funnell, G. R. & Tchan, Y. T. 1977. Nitrogenase activity during
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Furey-Greig, T. 1999. Initial report on discovery of Ordovician
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Gay, F. J. 1955. A new Coptotermes and Ahamitermes (Isoptera)
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Gemmell, P. 1979. Feeding habits and structure of the gut of the
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Gibson, J. A. E., Jordan, G. J. & Gibson, D. L. 1994. Partially
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Gilliatt, H. 1883. Some remarks on the action of tannin on
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Gillies, C. D. 1918. On the seasonal distribution of some
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yorkensis, andersoni complex. 75: 153-157.
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Given, B. B. 1958. A note on the status of Aphodius tasmaniae
Hope. 83: 196.
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Given, B. B. 1960a. Notes on Australian Thynninae. IV. The
morphology of Thynnoides rufithorax Turner with notes on the
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Given, B. B. 1960b. Notes on Australian Thynninae. V. Aeolothynnus
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Goddard, E. J. 1909a. Contribution to a further knowledge of
Australasian Oligochaeta. Part I. Descriptions of two species
of a new genus of Phreodrilidae. 33: 768-793.
Goddard, E. J. 1909b. Contribution to a further knowledge of
Australian Oligochaeta. Part II. Description of a Tasmanian
phreodrilid. 33: 845-853.
Goddard, E. J. 1909c. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian
Hirudinea. Part II. 33: 854-866.
Goddard, E. J. 1909d. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian
Hirudinea. Part III. 34: 467-486.
Goddard, E. J. 1909e. Australian freshwater Polyzoa. Part I. 34:
Goddard, E. J. 1910a. Contribution to our knowledge of Australian
Hirudinea. Part IV. With a note on a parasitic entoproctous
polyzoon. 34: 721-732.
Goddard, E. J. 1910b. Contribution to a knowledge of Australian
Hirudinea. Part V. Leech-metamerism. 35: 51-76.
Goddard, E. J. & Jensen, H. I. 1907. Contributions to a
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Goding, F. W. 1898. A preliminary study of the Membracidae
described from Australia and Tasmania. 23: 85-90.
Goding, F. W. 1903. A monograph of the Australian Membracidae.
28: 2-41.
Goding, F. W. & Froggatt, W. W. 1904. Monograph of the Australian
Cicadidae. 29: 561-670.
Goldfinch, G. M. 1929. Revision of Australian Geometridae
(Lepidoptera), containing a revision of the archaic types of
the family, with notes and descriptions of new species. 54:
Goldfinch, G. M. 1944. Notes on Australian Boarmiidae and
Oenochromidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of new species.
69: 189-197.
Goldingay, R. 1998. Between a rock and a hard place: conserving
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120: 1-10.
Goldingay, R. L. & Newell, D. A. 2006. A preliminary assessment
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Goldman, J., Hill, L. & Stanbury, P. J. 1969. Type specimens in
the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. II. Amphibians and
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Grant, T. R. 2004. Captures, capture mortality, age and sex
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Grant, T. [R]. 2004a. Depth and substrate selection by
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Gray, M. R. 1983a. The taxonomy of the semi-communal spiders
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Gray, M. R. 1983b. A new genus of spiders of the subfamily
Metaltellinae (Araneae, Amaurobioidea) from southeastern
Australia. 106: 275-285.
Gray, M. R. 1983c. The male of Progradungula carraiensis Forster
and Gray (Araneae, Gradungulidae) with observations on the
web and prey capture. 107: 51-58.
Gray, M. R. 1992. The troglobitic spider genus Tartarus Gray
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(Araneae: Stiphidiidae). 113: 165-173.
Gray, M. R. & Anderson, G. J. 1989. A new Australian species of
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Gray, M. R. & Robinson, M. L. 1986. Observations on the behaviour
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pescotti Dunn (Amblypygi: Charontidae). 108: 217-224.
Green, E. E. 1901. On some new species of Coccidae from
Australia, collected by W. W. Froggatt, F.L.S. 25: 559-562.
Green, E. E. 1904. Notes on Australian Coccidae, ex coll. W. W.
Froggatt, with descriptions of new species. No. i. 29: 462-
Green, J. W. 1959. The genus Conostylis R. Br. I. Leaf anatomy.
84: 194-206.
Green, J. W. 1961. The genus Conostylis R. Br. II. Taxonomy. 85:
Green, K. 2008. Fragmented distribution of a rock climbing fish,
the Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus, in the Snowy
Mountains. 129: 175-182.
Green, P. A. & Anderson, D. T. 1973. The first zoea larvae of
the estuarine crabs Sesarma erythrodactyla Hess, Helograpsus
haswellianus (Whitelegge) and Chasmagnathus laevis Dana
(Brachyura, Grapsidae, Sesarminae). 98: 13-28.
Greenwood, W. 1929. The food plants or hosts of some Fijian
insects. III. 54: 344-352.
Greenwood, W. 1940. The food-plants or hosts of some Fijian
insects. IV. 65: 211-218.
Greenwood, W. 1945. Notes on some Fijian mosses. 70: 213-218.
Greenwood, W. 1977. The food plants or hosts of some Fijian
insects. V. 101: 237-241.
Greer, A. E. 1977. On the adaptive significance of the loss of
an oviduct in reptiles. 101: 242-249.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900a. The tick fever parasite. 24: 585-595.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900b. The nodule organism of the Leguminosae.
24: 653-673.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900c. The flocculation of bacteria. 25: 65-74.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900d. The mechanism of agglutination. 25: 75-83.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900e. A new bacillus pathogenic to fish. 25:
Greig-Smith, R. 1900f. The double staining of spores and bacilli.
25: 394-397.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900g. Contribution to the bacterial flora of the
Sydney water supply, I. 25: 436-462.
Greig-Smith, R. 1900h. The measurement of bacteria. 25: 533-536.
Greig-Smith, R. 1901a. A fish disease from George’s River. 25:
Greig-Smith, R. 1901b. The clouding of white wine. 25: 650-658.
Greig-Smith, R. 1901c. Contribution to the bacterial flora of the
Sydney water supply, II. 25: 740-759.
Greig-Smith, R. 1901d. Bacteria and the disintegration of cement.
26: 107-117.
Greig-Smith, R. 1901e. Notes on Vibrio denitrificans, Sewerin.
26: 118-121.
Greig-Smith, R. 1901f. The nature of the bacteroids of the
leguminous nodule and the culture of Rhizobium leguminosarum.
26: 152-155.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902a. The gum fermentation of sugar cane juice.
26: 589-625.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902b. The deterioration of raw and refined sugar
crystals in bulk. 26: 674-683.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902c. The acid fermentation of raw sugar
crystals. 26: 684.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902d. The gummosis of the sugar-cane (Bact.
vascularum, Cobb). 27: 31-47.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902e. Further remarks upon the mechanism of
agglutination. 27: 66-72.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902f. An ascobacterium from the sugar-cane, with
notes upon the nature of the slime (Bacterium sacchari, n.
sp.). 27: 137-145.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902g. A gum (levan) bacterium from a saccharine
exudate of Eucalyptus stuartiana (Bacterium eucalypti, n.
sp.). 27: 230-236.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902h. The ulcer disease (black ophthalmia?) of
rainbow trout (Micrococcus pyogenes). 27: 352-357.
Greig-Smith, R. 1902i. The bacterial origin of the gums of the
arabin group. 27: 383-407.
Greig-Smith, R. 1903a. The bacterial origin of the gums of the
arabin group. 28: 114-131.
Greig-Smith, R. 1903b. A slime bacterium from the peach, almond
and cedar (Bacterium persicae, n. sp.). 28: 338-348.
Greig-Smith, R. 1903c. The bacterial origin of the gums of the
arabin group. X. – The pararabin gum or Sterculia. (Bact.
pararabinum, n. sp.). 28: 541-552.
Greig-Smith, R. 1904a. The slime of Dematium pullulans. 28: 826-
Greig-Smith, R. 1904b. The gum and byproducts of Bacterium
sacchari. 28: 834-838.
Greig-Smith, R. 1904c. The loss of colour in red wines. 29: 213-
Greig-Smith, R. 1904d. The bacterial origin of the gums of the
arabin group. XI. – The nutrition of Bacterium acaciae. 29:
Greig-Smith, R. 1904e. A variable galactan Bacterium (Bacillus
Atherstonei, n. sp.). 29: 442-448.
Greig-Smith, R. 1904f. The red string of the sugar-cane (Bacillus
pseudarabinus, n. sp.). 29: 449-459.
Greig-Smith, R. 1905a. A yellow race of Bacillus pseudarabinus,
from the quince. 29: 860-862.
Greig-Smith, R. 1905b. The bacterial origin of Macrozamia gum
(Bacillus macrozamiae, n. sp.). 29: 863-868.
Greig-Smith, R. 1905c. The possible relationship between bacteria
and the gum of Hakea saligna (Bac. pseudarabinus ii, n.sp.).
30: 136-148.
Greig-Smith, R. 1905d. The origin of natural immunity towards the
putrefactive bacteria. 30: 149-160.
Greig-Smith, R. 1905e. The probable bacterial origin of the gum
of linseed mucilage. (Bacilli lini, i-ii, n. spp.). 30: 161-
Greig-Smith, R. 1905f. The role of agglutination in immunity. 30:
Greig-Smith, R. 1905g. A gelatin-hardening bacterium. (Bacillus
indurans, n. sp.). 30: 339-343.
Greig-Smith, R. 1906a. The probable identity of the opsonins with
the normal agglutinins. 30: 555-569.
Greig-Smith, R. 1906b. A pleomorphic slime bacterium. (Bacillus
alatus, n.sp.). 30: 570-573.
Greig-Smith, R. 1906c. The formation of slime or gum by Rhizobium
leguminosarum. 31: 264-294.
Greig-Smith, R. 1906d. The structure of Rhizobium leguminosarum.
31: 295-302.
Greig-Smith, R. 1907a. The fixation of nitrogen by Rhizobium
leguminosarum. 31: 608-615.
Greig-Smith, R. 1907b. The fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter
chroococcum. 31: 616-618.
Greig-Smith, R. 1908. Opsonisation from a bacterial point of
view and opsonic technique. 33: 669-700.
Greig-Smith, R. 1909a. Can opsonins be obtained directly from
bacteria and yeasts? 34: 105-106.
Greig-Smith, R. 1909b. The coagulation of condensed milk. 34:
Greig-Smith, R. 1909c. The influence of the dilution of serum
upon the phagocytic index. 34: 384-399.
Greig-Smith, R. 1910a. The slime of the household bath-sponge.
35: 29-35.
Greig-Smith, R. 1910b. The bacterial flora of rachitic stools.
35: 36-46.
Greig-Smith, R. 1911a. The permanency of the characters of the
bacteria of the Bac. coli-group. 35: 806-807.
Greig-Smith, R. 1911b. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. i. 35: 808-822B.
Greig-Smith, R. 1912a. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. ii. 36: 492-503.
Greig-Smith, R. 1912b. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. iii. 36: 609-612.
Greig-Smith, R. 1912c. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. iv. 36: 679-699.
Greig-Smith, R. 1912d. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. v. 37: 238-243.
Greig-Smith, R. 1913. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. vi. 37: 655-672.
Greig-Smith, R. 1914a. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. Nos. vii to xi. 38: 725-746.
Greig-Smith, R. 1914b. Note on the bacteriotoxic action of water.
39: 533-541.
Greig-Smith, R. 1915a. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. xii. The action of toluene upon the soil Protozoa.
39: 839-850.
Greig-Smith, R. 1915b. A new levan-gum-forming bacterium
(Bacillus hemiphloiae, n. sp.). 40: 174-175.
Greig-Smith, R. 1916a. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. No. xiii. The toxicity of soils. 40: 631-645.
Greig-Smith, R. 1916b. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. No. xiv. The stimulative action of chloroform
retained by the soil. 40: 724-733.
Greig-Smith, R. 1917a. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility, xv. The action of certain micro-organisms upon the
numbers of bacteria in the soil. 42: 162-166.
Greig-Smith, R. 1917b. The single cell cultivation of yeast. 42:
Greig-Smith, R. 1918. Contributions to our knowledge of soil
fertility. No. xvi. The search for toxin-producers. 43: 142-
Greig-Smith, R. 1919a. The germicidal activity of the Eucalyptus
oils. Part i. 44: 72-92.
Greig-Smith, R. 1919b. The germicidal activity of the Eucalyptus
oils. Part ii. The action of the oils in aqueous dilutions.
44: 311-347.
Greig-Smith, R. 1920. Ropiness in wattle bark infusions. 45: 52-
Greig-Smith, R. 1921a. The high temperature organism of
fermenting tan-bark. Part i. 46: 76-98.
Greig-Smith, R. 1921b. Note upon the extraction of acids from
cultures. 46: 154-156.
Greig-Smith, R. 1923a. The high temperature organism of
fermenting tan-bark. Part ii. 48: 1-16.
Greig-Smith, R. 1923b. The high temperature organism of fermenting
tan-bark. Part iii. 48: 475-480.
Greig-Smith, R. 1923c. The high temperature organism of fermenting
tan-bark. Part iv. The effect of chill. 48: 623-633.
Greig-Smith, R. 1924a. The influence of certain colloids upon
fermentation. Part i. 436-446.
Greig-Smith, R. 1924b. Note upon determinig the hydrogen-ion
concentration colorimetrically, in small quantities of
fluids. 49: 504-508.
Greig-Smith, R. 1925. The influence of certain colloids upon
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