Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW serve as the Society’s scientific journal.
They are fully refereed and publish primarily original research papers dealing with any topic of natural science, particularly biological and earth sciences.
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VOLUME 127 : Issued February 2006
Augee, M. L
Book review. Conservation of Australia’s Forest Fauna (Second Edition). Daniel Lunney (editor). Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
Baker, A. C., Hose, G. C. & Murray, B. R.
Vegetation responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) invasion: a multivariate analysis using principal response curves.
Caddy, H. A. R. & Gross, C. L.
Population structure and fecundity in the putative sterile shrub, Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae).
Campbell, M. L. & Clarke, P. J.
Response of montane wet sclerophyll forest understorey species to fire: evidence from high and low intensity fires.
Clarke, P. J. & Myerscough, P. J.
Introduction to the biology and ecology of Gibraltar Range National Park and adjacent areas: patterns, processes and prospects.
Croft, P., Hofmeyer, D. & Hunter, J. T.
Fire responses in four rare plant species at Gibraltar Range National Park, Northern Tablelands, NSW..
Foldvary, G. Z.
Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in the Siluro-Devonian of eastern Australia with comments on its global biogeography.
Goldingay, R. L. & Newell, D. A.
A preliminary assessment of disturbance to rock outcrops in Gibraltar Range National Park.
Harris, J. M
The discovery and early natural history of the eastern pygmy-possum, Cercartetus nanus (Geoffroy and Desmarest, 1817).
Jones, R. H. & Bruhl, J. J.
Acacia beadleana (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a new, rare localised species from Gibraltar Range National Park, New South Wales.
Knox, K. J. E. & Clarke, P. J.
Response of resprouting shrubs to repeated fires in the dry sclerophyll forest of Gibraltar Range National Park
Mahony, M.
Amphibians of the Gibraltar Range.
Percival, I. G., Zhen, Y. Y. & Pickett, J. 2006. Late Ordovician faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden district, south-central New South Wales.
Piper, K. J. & Herrmann, N.
Additions to knowledge of the Early Pleistocene wallaby, Baringa nelsonensis Flannery and Hann 1984 (Marsupialia: Macropodinae).
Timms, B. V.
The geomorphology and hydrology of saline lakes of the middle Paroo, arid-zone Australia.
Valentine, J. L., Cole, D. J. & Simpson, A. J.
Silurian linguliformean brachiopods and conodonts from the Cobra Formation, southeastern New South Wales, Australia..
Vaughton, G. & Ramsey, M.
Selfed seed set and inbreeding depression in obligate seeding populations of Banksia marginata.
Vernes, K., Green, S., Howes, A. & Dunn, L.
Species richness and habitat associations of non-flying mammals in Gibraltar Range National Park.
Virgona, S., Vaughton, G. & Ramsey, M.
Habitat segregation of Banksia shrubs at Gibraltar Range National Park.
Williams, P. R. & Clarke, P. J.
Fire history and soil gradients generate floristic patterns in montane sedgelands and wet heaths of Gibraltar Range National Park.
Williamson, P. L. & Rickards, R. B. 2006. Eastonian (Upper Ordovician) graptolites from Michelago, near Canberra..
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