The Linnean Society of NSW

The Linnean Society of NSW
vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by subject

Ancey, C. F. 1895. On some new and hitherto little known land
shells from New Guinea or adjacent islands. (2)10: 374-381.

Ancey, C. F. 1898. Observations on Papuan land and freshwater
shells, with descriptions of new species from New Guinea and
Western Australia. 22: 771-778.

Anderson, D. T. 1959. The reproduction and early life history of
the gastropod Cymatilesta spengleri (Perry) (fam. Cymatidae).
84: 232-237.

Anderson, D. T. 1961. The reproduction and early life history of
the gastropod Bembicium nanum (Lamarck, 1822) (fam.
Littorinidae). 86: 203-206.

Anderson, D. T. 1962. The reproduction and early life histories
of the gastropods Bembicium auratum (Quoy and Gaimard) (fam.
Littorinidae), Cellana tramoserica (Sower.) (fam. Patellidae)
and Melanerita melanotragus (Smith) (fam. Neritidae). 87: 62-

Anderson, D. T. 1965. The reproduction and early life histories
of the gastropods Notoacmaea petterdi (Ten.-Woods),
Chiazacmaea flammea (Quoy and Gaimard) and Patelloida
alticostata (Angas) (fam. Acmaeidae). 90: 106-114.

Anderson, D. T. 1966a. Further observations on the live histories
of littoral gastropods in New South Wales. 90: 242-251.

Beddome, C. E. 1896. Note on Cypraea angustata, Gray, var.
subcarnea, Ancey. 21: 467-468.

Beddome, C. E. 1897a. Description of a new species of Pupina from
Queensland. 21: 814-815.

Beddome, C. E. 1897b. Description of a new species of land shell.
22: 123.

Beddome, C.E. 1898. Notes on species of Cypraea inhabiting the
shores of Tasmania. 22: 564-576.

Bedford, L. 1965. The histology and anatomy of the reproductive
system of the littoral gastropod Bembicium nanum (Lamarck)
(fam. Littorinidae). 90: 95-105.

Brazier, J. 1875a. Description of fourteen new species of shells
from Australia and the Solomon Islands. (1)1: 1-9.

Brazier, J. 1875b. Descriptions of eight species of Australian
and Tasmanian land and fresh water shells. (1)1: 17-20.

Brazier, J. 1876a. Description of two new species of Australian
land shells. (1)1: 97.

Brazier, J. 1876b. Descriptions of thirty-five new species of land
shells from New Guinea, Australia, and islands in Torres
Straits, collected during the Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 98-

Brazier, J. 1876c. List of land shells collected during the
Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 117-133.

Brazier, J. 1876d. Description of a new Pupina collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 136-137.

Brazier, J. 1876e. A list of the Pleurotomidae collected during
the Chevert Expedition, with the description of the new
species. (1)1: 151-162.

Brazier, J. 1877a. List of marine shells, with descriptions of
the new species collected during the Chevert Expedition.
(1)1: 169-181.

Brazier, J. 1877b. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 199-215.

Brazier, J. 1877c. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 224-240.

Brazier, J. 1877d. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition, with descriptions of the new species. (1)1: 249-

Brazier, J. 1877e. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition, with new species. (1)1: 283-301.

Brazier, J. 1877f. Notes on Laevicardium Beechei. (1)1: 306-307.

Brazier, J. 1877g. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 311-321.

Brazier, J. 1877h. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 362-368.

Brazier, J. 1877i. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)2: 1-6.

Brazier, J. 1877j. Description of a new Murex, collected at Port
Darwin, by Mr. W. Bednall. (1)2: 6-7.

Brazier, J. 1877k. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 20-25.

Brazier, J. 1877l. Description of three new species of shells,
from Australia and New Guinea. (1)2: 25-27.

Brazier, J. 1877m. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 41-46.

Brazier, J. 1877n. Continuation of the Mollusca, collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 46-53.

Brazier, J. 1877o. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 55-60.

Brazier, J. 1877p. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 74-89.

Brazier, J. 1877q. Description of two new species of Helix, from
New Guinea and the Louisiade Islands. (1)2: 120-122.

Brazier, J. 1878a. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 128-135.

Brazier, J. 1878b. Mollusca of the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 143-

Brazier, J. 1878c. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)2: 368-369.

Brazier, J. 1878d. Notes and remarks on Mollusca recently found
in Port Jackson and New Caledonia. (1)2: 369-371.

Brazier, J. 1878e. Descriptions of seven new species of
terrestrial and Marine shells from Australia. (1)3: 77-81.

Brazier, J. 1878f. Mollusca of the Chevert Expedition. (1)3: 155.

Brazier, J. 1879a. Description of a new species of Vivipara.
(1)3: 221-222.

Brazier, J. 1879b. A series of Cylindrella from the West Indies
and South America. (1)3: 305.

Brazier, J. 1880a. Synonymy of, and remarks upon Port Jackson,
New Caledonian and other shells, with their distribution.
(1)4: 388-392.

Brazier, J. 1880b. List of land shells found on Thursday Island,
with descriptions of the new species. (1)4: 392-396.

Brazier, J. 1880c. List of Brachiopoda or lamp shells found in
Port Jackson and the coast of New South Wales. (1)4: 399-403.

Brazier, J. 1880d. Tropical Mollusca recently dredged at Port
Jackson Heads. (1)4: 428-431.

Brazier J. 1880e. Note on Oniscia ponderosa, with its locality.
(1)4: 431.

Brazier, J. 1880f. Notes on a new variety of Bulimus Caledonicus.
(1)5: 190-191.

Brazier, J. 1881a. Notes on shells from the Solomon Islands and
Australia. (1)5: 444-447.

Brazier, J. 1881b. Notes on recent Mollusca found in Port Jackson
and on the coast of New South Wales and other localities
with their synonyms. (1)5: 481-488.

Brazier, J. 1881c. List of species of Porcellana or Cypraea found
in Moreton Bay, Queensland. (1)5: 496-503.

Brazier, J. 1881d. Remarks on some recently redescribed Australian
shells. (1)5: 630-633.

Brazier, J. 1883a. Synonymy of Australian and Polynesian land and
marine Mollusca. (1)8: 224-234.

Brazier, J. 1883b. Localities of some species of recent Polynesian
Mollusca. (1)8: 294-296.

Brazier, J. 1884a. Critical list of Mollusca from north-west
coast of Australia. (1)9: 793-803.

Brazier, J. 1884b. Synonymy of some land Mollusca from Papua or
New Guinea. (1)9: 804-806.

Brazier, J. 1885a. List of some recent shells found in layers of
clay on the Maclay coast, New Guinea. (1)9: 988-992.

Brazier, J. 1885b. Synonymy of and remarks upon the specific names
and authorities of four species of Australian marine shells,
originally described by Dr. John Edward Gray in 1825 and
1827. (1)10: 85-94.

Brazier, J. 1886a. Description of a new species of Onchidium.
(1)10: 729.

Brazier, J. 1886b. New species of land and fresh water Mollusca
from Maclay coast and Triton bay, New Guinea, collected by
baron Maclay. (1)10: 841-844.

Brazier, J. 1890. Mollusca trawled off Merimbula, New South
Wales. (2)4: 747-750.

Brazier, J. 1891. Description of a new cone from Mauritius.
(2)6: 276.

Brazier, J. 1892. On the synonymy of Helix (Hadra) gulosa,
Gould. (2)6: 321-328.

Brazier, J. 1893. Synonymy of and remarks on old-described
Australian Mollusca, with notes on their distribution. (2)8:

Brazier, J. 1894a. On a new Murex from South Australia. (2)8:

Brazier, J. 1894b. Distribution of little-known Mollusca from
Polynesia and Australia, with their synonyms. (2)8: 430-435.

Brazier, J. 1894c. On a Patella said to have been found on the
Kermadec Islands. (2)9: 183-184.

Brazier, J. 1895a. On the correct habitat of Patella
kermadecensis, Pilsbry. (2)9: 566.

Brazier, J. 1895b. Trochus Adamsi from Port Jackson, and new
varieties of Bulimus miltocheilus from the Solomon Islands.
(2)9: 567-570.

Brazier, J. 1895c. On some Australian and Tasmanian Mollusca,
with their synonyms. (2)9: 691-700.

Brazier, J. 1895d. A British bivalve mollusc (Cryptodon flexuosus,
Mont.) found in Australia and Tasmania, with its
distribution. (2)9: 725-727.

Brazier, J. 1895e. Rossiteria, a new subgenus of the family
Trochidae. (2)9: 728.

Brazier, J. 1896a. New species of cone from the Solomon Islands.
(2)10: 471.

Brazier, J. 1896b. A new genus and three new species of Mollusca
from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia.
21: 345-347.

Brazier, J. 1898a. New marine shells from the Solomon Islands and
Australia. 22: 779-782.

Brazier, J. 1898b. Four new species of Mollusca from Victoria.
23: 271-272.

C. A. [C. Anderson]. 1936. Charles Hedley. 1862-1926. (Memorial
Series, No. 5). [List of papers compiled by Tom Iredale]. 61:

Cheeseman, T. F. 1895. Note on the correct habitat of Patella
(Scutellastra) kermadecensis, Pilsbry. (2)10: 221-223.

Cleland, K. W. 1947a. Some observations on the cytology of
oogenesis in the Sydney rock oyster (Ostrea commercialis I. &
R.). 72: 159-182.

Cleland, K. W. 1950c. Respiration and cell division in developing
oyster eggs. 75: 282-295.

Cleland, K. W. 1950d. The intermediary metabolism of unfertilized
oyster eggs. 75: 296-319.

Cox, J. C. 1879a. On two new species of Helix from the Louisiade
Archipelago. (1)4: 114-116.

Cox, J. C. 1879b. Notes on the genus Cypraea. (1)4: 385-387.

Cox, J. C. 1881c. On the nomenclature and distribution of the
genus Pythia, Bolton. (1)6: 587-621.

Cox, J. C. 1882a. Australian Octopodidae. (1)6: 773-789.

Cox, J. C. 1882c. On the edible oysters found on the Australian
and neighbouring coasts. (1)7: 122-134.

Cox, J. C. 1883a. On the edible oysters found on the Australian
and neighbourhood coasts. (1)7: 555-560.

Cox, J. C. 1888a. Contributions to conchology, No. 1. (2)2: 1061-

Cox, J. C. 1889. Note on Cypraea venusta, (Sowerby). (2)4: 187.

Cox, J. C. 1890. Descriptions of two new species of Australian
Mollusca. (2)4: 658-660.

Cox, J. C. 1892. Descriptions of some new species of pulmonate
Mollusca from Australia and the Solomon Islands. (2)6: 565-

Cox, J. C. 1894. Notes on the occurrence of a species of
Plecotrema and of other species of Mollusca in Port Jackson.
(2)8: 422-429.

Cox, J. C. 1899. Description of a new species of Liparus from
west Australia. 24: 435-436.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890c. On the further structure of Conularia
inornata, Dana, and Hyolithes lanceolatus, Morris, sp., (=
Theca lanceolata, Morris). (2)4: 751-756.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892e. On Leaia Mitchelli, Etheridge, Fil.,
from the Upper Coal Measures of the Newcastle district.
(2)7: 307-310.

Hartman, W. D. 1892. Description of a new Diplomorpha. (2)6: 571.

Haswell, W. A. 1896. Jottings from the biological laboratory of
Sydney University. No. 18. (2)10: 544-548.

Hedley, C. 1890. On the structure and systematic position of
Cystopelta. (2)5: 44-46.

Hedley, C. 1891a. On the anatomy of some Tasmanian snails. (2)6:

Hedley, C. 1891b. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)6: 67-116.

Hedley, C. 1892a. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)6: 685-698.

Hedley, C. 1892b. Observations on the Charopidae. Part I. (2)7:

Hedley, C. 1892c. On the genus Perrieria. (2)7: 311-313.

Hedley, C. 1893a. The range of Placostylus; a study in ancient
geography. (2)7: 335-339.

Hedley, C. 1893b. Schizoglossa; a new genus of carnivorous snails.
(2)7: 387-392.

Hedley, C. 1894a. Description of Caecum amputatum, an undescribed
mollusc from Sydney Harbour. (2)8: 504.

Hedley, C. 1894b. On the Australian Gundlachia. (2)8: 505-514.

Hedley, C. 1894c. Description of Calliostoma purpureocinctum, a
new marine Australian shell. (2)9: 35-36.

Hedley, C. 1894d. On some naked Australian marine Mollusca. Part
I. (2)9: 126-128.

Hedley, C. 1894e. The land molluscan fauna of British New Guinea.
(2)9: 384-392.

Hedley, C. 1898a. Further notes on Australian shipworms. 23: 91-

Hedley, C. 1898b. Descriptions of new Mollusca, chiefly from New
Caledonia. 23: 97-105.

Hedley, C. 1900a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part I. 25: 87-

Hedley, C. 1900b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part II. 25:

Hedley, C. 1901a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part III. 25:

Hedley, C. 1901b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part IV. 26: 16-

Hedley, C. 1902a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part V. 26:

Hedley, C. 1902b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VI. 27: 7-

Hedley, C. 1903. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VII. 27:

Hedley, C. 1904a. The effect of the Bassian isthmus upon the
existing marine fauna: a study in ancient geography. 28: 876-

Hedley, C. 1904b. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part VIII. 29:

Hedley, C. 1906a. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part IX. 30:

Hedley, C. 1906b. The Mollusca of Mast Head Reef, Capricorn
Group, Queensland. Part I. 31: 453-479.

Hedley, C. 1907. The Mollusca of Mast Head Reef, Capricorn Group,
Queensland. Part II. 32: 476-513.

Hedley, C. 1908. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part X. 33: 456-

Hedley, C. 1909. Mollusca from the Hope Islands, north
Queensland. 34: 420-466.

Hedley, C. 1912. On some land shells collected in Queensland, by
Mr. Sidney W. Jackson. 37: 253-270.

Hedley, C. 1913. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XI. 38:

Hedley, C. 1915. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XII. 39:

Hedley, C. 1917. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part XIII. 41:

Hedley, C. 1923. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part xiv. 48:

Hedley, C. & Hull, A. F. B. 1912. The Polyplacophora of Lord
Howe and Norfolk Islands. 37: 271-281.

Hedley, C. & Musson, C. T. 1891. Description of a new marine
shell. (2)6: 247.

Hedley, C. & Musson, C. T. 1892. On a collection of land and
fresh water shells, from Queensland. (2)6: 551-564.

Hedley, C. & Suter, H. 1893. Reference list of the land and
freshwater Mollusca of New Zealand. (2)7: 613-665.

Hedley, C. & Willey, A. 1896. Description of a new species of
Astralium from New Britain. 21: 107-109.

Henn, A. U. 1894. List of Mollusca found at Green Point, Watson’s
Bay, Sydney; with a few remarks upon some of the most
interesting species and descriptions of the new species, by
John Brazier, F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. (2)9: 165-182.

Hobson, J. 1879. Notes on Cypraea Guttata. (1)4: 243-244.

Hull, A. F. B. 1910b. Description of a fossil Lorica from north-
western Tasmania [Mollusca: Polyplacophora]. 35: 654-655.

Hull, A. F. B. 1915. On a collection of fossil Polyplacophora
from north-western Tasmania, with descriptions of three new
species [Mollusca]. 39: 855-857.

Hull, A. F. B. 1924. Presidential Address. 49: i-xvii.

Humphrey, G. F. 1943. The biology and cultivation of oysters in
Australia. IV. Oyster catalase. 68: 13-16.

Hutton, F. W. 1884a. Revision of the recent rhipidoglossate and
docoglossate Mollusca of New Zealand. (1)9: 354-378.

Hutton, F. W. 1884b. Revision of the recent Lamellibranchiata of
New Zealand. (1)9: 512-533.

Hutton, F. W. 1885a. Revision of the marine taenioglossate and
ptenoglossate Mollusca of New Zealand. (1)9: 932-948.

Hutton, F. W. 1885b. Revision of the toxoglossate Mollusca of New
Zealand. (1)10: 115-118.

Hutton, F. W. 1886a. The Mollusca of the Pareora and Oamaru
systems of New Zealand. (2)1: 205-237.

Hutton, F. W. 1904. Three new generic names for Mollusca. 29:

Iredale, T. 1924. Results from Roy Bell’s molluscan collections.
49: 179-278.

Iredale, T. & Roughley, T. C. 1933. The scientific name of the
commercial oyster of New South Wales. 58: 278.

Kenyon, A. F. 1896. On the occurrence of callosities in Cypraea
other than Cy. bicallosa and Cy. rhinocerus; and on the
occurrence of a sulcus in Trivia. 21: 26-27.

Kenyon, A. F. 1897. Descriptions of two new species of Cypraea
from Western Australia. 22: 145.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902a. The systematic position of Purpura
tritoniformis of Blainville. 26: 533-538.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902b. The protoconchs of certain Port Jackson
Gasteropoda. 26: 709-716.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902c. A note on two species of Astralium from
Port Jackson. 27: 2-6.

Kesteven, H. L. 1902d. Notes on Prosobranchiata. 27: 443-483.

Kesteven, H. L. 1903a. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. ii. 27: 620-

Kesteven, H. L. 1903b. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. iii. 28: 443-

Kesteven, H. L. 1905. Notes on Prosobranchiata. No. iv. – The
ontogenetic stages represented by the gastropod protochonch.
30: 325-335.

Kesteven, H. L. 1912. The constitution of the gastropod
protoconch: its value as a taxonomic feature and the
significance of some of its forms. 37: 49-82.

MacIntyre, R. J. 1961. Larval development of Velacumantus
australis. 86: 183-184.

Macleay, W. 1875c. Notes on the zoological collections made in
Torres Straits and New Guinea during the cruise of the
Chevert. (1)1: 36-40.

McMichael, D. F. 1957. A review of the fossil freshwater mussels
(Mollusca, Pelecypoda) of Australasia. 81: 222-244.

Millington, J. A. M., Ogilby, J. D., Brazier, J. & Olliff, A. S.
1888. Report on a small zoological collection from Norfolk
Island. (2)2: 989-1014.

Mitchell, J. 1922a. A new gasteropod (fam. Euomphalidae) from the
Lower Marine Series of New South Wales. 47: 278.

Mitchell, J. 1924b. Eleven new species of Aviculopecten from
Carboniferous rocks, Myall Lakes, N.S.W. 49: 468-474.

Mitchell, J. 1924c. A further reference to the occurrence of
Merista plebeia Sowerby in New South Wales. 49: 499-503.

Mitchell, J. 1927a. A new Deltopecten from the Illawarra
district, N.S.W. 52: 104.

Mitchell, J. 1927b. The fossil Estheriae of Australia. Part i.
52: 105-112.

Morris, M. C. 1950. Dilation of the foot in Uber (Polinices)
strangei (Mollusca, class Gastropoda). 75: 70-80.

Moulds, T. 2004. Review of Australian cave guano ecosystems with
a checklist of guano invertebrates. 125: 1-42.

Musson, C. T. 1891. On the naturalised forms of land and fresh-
water Mollusca in Australia. (2)5: 883-896.

Ponder, W. F. 1981. Posticobia norfolkensis (Sykes), an
apparently-extinct, fresh-water snail from Norfolk Island
(Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). 105: 17-21.

Ponder, W. F. & Stanbury, P. J. 1972. Type specimens in the
Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. VI. Molluscs. 97: 42-

Ramsay, E. P. 1877h. Notes of a collection of birds from New
Britain, New Ireland, and the Duke of York Islands, with some
remarks on the zoology of the Group. (1)1: 369-378.

Read, R. B. 1879. On Doris Arbutus, Angas. (1)4: 291-292.

Rose, R. A. 1985. The spawn and development of twenty-nine New
South Wales opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda). 108: 23-

Roughley, T. C. 1926. An investigation of the cause of an oyster
mortality on the George’s River, New South Wales, 1924-5.
51: 446-491.

Roughley, T. C. 1933. The life history of the Australian oyster
(Ostrea commercialis). 58: 279-333.

Sherrard, K. 1960. Some Silurian lamellibranchs from New South
Wales. 84: 356-372.

Smith, A. K. 1992. Notes and discussion. Tropical scallop found
in Jervis Bay, New South Wales. 113: 339-340.

Smith, E. A. 1901. Note on the subgenus Salinator of Hedley. 26:

Smith, E. A. 1904. Note on Terebra Hedleyi, Tate. 29: 211-212.

Steel, T. 1915. Feeding-track of Limax maximus Linn. 40: 114.

Steel, T. 1924a. Observations on Helix aspera in Australia. 49:

Steinberg, J. E. 1956. The pelagic nudibranch, Cephalopyge
trematoides (Chun, 1889), in New South Wales with a note on
other species in this genus. 81: 184-192.

Stratford, J. & Aitchison, J. 1995. Lower permian fauna from
Manning facies rocks along the Peel-Manning fault system,
Glenrock Station, southern New England orogen. 115: 239-246.

Suter, H. 1894. Additions and emendations to the reference list
of the land and freshwater Mollusca of New Zealand. (2)8:

Tate, R. 1878. Descriptions of three new species of Helix, from
South Australia. (1)2: 290-291.

Tate, R. 1880. Rectification of the nomenclature of Purpura
anomala, Angas. (1)5: 131-132.

Tate, R. 1894a. Note on Colina Brazieri, Tryon. (2)8: 244.

Tate, R. 1894b. Note on the Tertiary fossils from Hall Sound, New
Guinea. (2)9: 213-214.

Tate, R. & May, W. L. 1901. A revised census of the marine
Mollusca of Tasmania. 26: 344-471.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1877a. Observations on the genus Risella.
(1)1: 242-249.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1877b. On some Australian species of
Trochocochlea. (1)2: 89-96.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878a. On a new species of Neaera. (1)2:

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878b. On a variety of Trigonia Lamarckii.
(1)2: 125.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878e. On some Australian shells, described
by Dr. A. Gould. (1)2: 250-261.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878f. On some new marine shells. (1)2: 262-

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878g. On some Tertiary fossils, from New
Guinea. (1)2: 267-268.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878j. On an Australian variety of Neritina
pulligera, Linn. (1)3: 3-6.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878n. On some Australian Littorinidae.
(1)3: 55-72.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878o. On Bulimus Dufresnii. (1)3: 81-91.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878q. On two new species of land shells.
(1)3: 123-126.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1878u. On some freshwater shells from New
Zealand. (1)3: 135-139.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879b. On some Tertiary fossils. (1)4: 1-20.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879c. On some new marine shells. (1)4: 21-

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879d. On some freshwater shells from N.
Guinea. (1)4: 24-26.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879e. On some new marine shells from
Moreton Bay. (1)4: 108-111.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879k. On some fossils from Levuka, Viti.
(1)4: 358-359.

Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879l. On some post Tertiary fossils from
New Caledonia. (1)4: 360-363.

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