Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW
by subject
Anderson, C. 1933. Presidential Address. 58: i-xxv.
Armand, L., Ride, W. D. L. & Taylor, G. 2000. The stratigraphy
and palaeontology of Teapot Creek, MacLaughlin River, NSW.
122: 101-121.
Armstrong, J. 1971. Pallial marking of some Permian spiriferids.
95: 201-208.
Augee, M. L. 1997. Dedication. Professor Richard Dehm. July 1907
– March 1996. 117: 1.
Bamber, K. & McGarity, J. W. 1956. A note on the identification
of plant remains in sandrock near Evans Head, N.S.W. 81: 59-
Barnard, C. 1927. A note on a dicotyledonous fossil wood from
Ulladulla, New South Wales. 52: 113-121.
Benson, W. N., Dun, W. S. & Browne, W. R. 1920. The geology and
petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales.
Part IX. The geology, palaeontology and petrography of the
Currabubula district, with notes on adjacent regions. 45:
285-317 ; 337-374 ; 405-423.
Brazier, J. 1882c. Notes on Bulimus Gunni. (1)7: 121-122.
Broom, R. 1896c. On a small fossil marsupial with large grooved
premolars. (2)10: 563-567.
Broom, R. 1896d. On a small fossil marsupial allied to Petaurus.
(2)10: 568-570.
Broom, R. 1898b. On the affinities and habits of Thylacoleo. 23:
Broom, R. 1929. On some recent new light on the origin of
mammals. 54: 688-694.
Brown, I. A. 1946. Presidential Address. 71: i-xviii.
Brown, I. A. 1964. A new cystoid (Pelmatozoa, Echinodermata) from
the Silurian of New South Wales. 88: 386-391.
Brown, I. A. 1967. A Devonian echinoid from Taemas, south of
Yass, N.S.W. 92: 157-161.
Campbell, K. S. W. & Barwick, R. E. 1984. The choana, maxillae,
premaxillae and anterior palatal bones of early dipnoans.
107: 147-170.
Carey, S. W. 1935. Note on the Permian sequence in the Werrie
basin. With description of new species of fossil plants. 60:
Chang, M-M. & Yu, X. 1984. Structure and phylogenetic
significance of Diabolichthys speratus gen. et sp. nov., a
new dipnoan-like form from the Lower Devonian of eastern
Yunnan, China. 107: 171-184.
Chapman, F. 1918. Appendix i. Devonian Foraminifera; Tamworth
district, New South Wales / Appendix ii. Note on a new
species of Chaetetes. 43: 385-394.
Cookson, I. C. 1946. Pollens of Nothofagus Blume from Tertiary
deposits in Australia. 71: 49-63.
Cookson, I. C. 1947a. On fossil leaves (Oleaceae) and a new type
of fossil pollen grain from Australian brown coal deposits.
72: 183-197.
Cookson, I. C. 1947b. Fossil fungi from Tertiary deposits in the
southern hemisphere. Part I. 72: 207-214.
Crockford, J. 1943. Bryozoa from the Port Keats bore, Northern
Territory. 68: 145-149.
Crockford, J. 1944. Bryozoa from the Permian of Western
Australia. Part I. Cyclostomata and Cryptostomata from the
north-west basin and Kimberley district. 69: 139-175.
Crockford, J. 1945a. Stenoporids from the Permian of New South
Wales and Tasmania. 70: 9-24.
Crockford, J. 1945b. A bryozoan fauna from the Lake’s Creek
quarry, Rockhampton, Queensland. 70: 125-134.
Crockford, J. 1947. Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous of New
South Wales and Queensland. 72: 1-48.
Crockford, J. 1949. Bryozoa from the Upper Carboniferous of
Queensland and New South Wales. 73: 419-429.
Crockford, J. 1951. The development of bryozoan faunas in the
Upper Palaeozoic of Australia. 76: 105-122.
Crockford, J. M. & Brown, I. A. 1940. A Permian blastoid from
Belford, New South Wales. 65: 167-170.
Curran, J. M. 1884. On some fossil plants from Dubbo, New South
Wales. (1)9: 250-254.
Curran, J. M. 1888b. Carboniferous and Silurian fossils from
central New South Wales. (2)3: 800-804.
David, T. W. E. 1897. The occurrence of Radiolaria in Palaeozoic
rocks in N.S.Wales. 21: 553-570.
David, T. W. E. & Howchin, W. 1897. Note on the occurrence of
casts of Radiolaria in Pre-Cambrian (?) rocks, South
Australia. 21: 571-583.
Davis, C. 1939c. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. III. The
genus Burmitembia Cockerell. 64: 369-372.
Davis, C. 1942b. Hemiptera and Copeognatha from the Upper Permian
of New South Wales. 67: 111-122.
Dawson, L. 1983. The taxonomic status of small fossil wombats
(Vombatidae: Marsupialia) from Quaternary deposits, and of
related modern wombats. 107: 99-121.
Dawson, L. & Augee, M. L. 1997. The late Quaternary sediments
and fossils vertebrate fauna from Cathedral Cave, Wellington
Cave, New South Wales. 117: 51-78.
de Vis, C. W. 1883d. On remains of an extinct marsupial. (1)8: 11-
de Vis, C. W. 1883e. On tooth-marked bones of extinct marsupials.
(1)8: 187-190.
de Vis, C. W. 1883f. On Brachalletes Palmeri an extinct marsupial.
(1)8: 190-193.
de Vis, C. W. 1883g. Notes on a lower jaw of Palorchestes Azael.
(1)8: 221-224.
de Vis, C. W. 1883j. On a fossil calvaria. (1)8: 392-395.
de Vis, C. W. 1883k. On a fossil humerus. (1)8: 404-408.
de Vis, C. W. 1888b. On a supposed new species of Nototherium.
(2)2: 1065-1070.
de Vis, C. W. 1888c. On an extinct genus of the marsupials allied
to Hypsiprymnodon. (2)3: 5-8.
de Vis, C. W. 1888d. A glimpse of the post-Tertiary avifauna of
Queensland. (2)3: 1277-1292.
de Vis, C. W. 1891b. In confirmation of the genus Owenia so-
called. (2)6: 159-165.
de Vis, C. W. 1891c. Remarks on post-Tertiary Phascolomyidae.
(2)6: 235-246.
de Vis, C. W. 1891d. The incisors of Sceparnodon. (2)6: 258-262.
de Vis, C. W. 1892. Residue of the extinct birds of Queensland
as yet detected. (2)6: 437-456.
de Vis, C. W. 1893. Note on the upper incisor of Phascolonus.
(2)8: 11-12.
de Vis, C. W. 1894. A thylacine of the earlier nototherian
period in Queensland. (2)8: 443-447.
de Vis, C. W. 1895a. [Abstract] A review of the fossil jaws of
the Macropodidae in the Queensland Museum. (2)9: 735.
de Vis, C. W. 1895b. A review of the fossil jaws of the
Macropodidae in the Queensland Museum. (2)10: 75-133.
Deane, H. 1900. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. 25: 463-475.
Deane, H. 1901. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. Part II. 25: 581-590.
Dineley, D. L. 1984. Devonian vertebrates in biostratigraphy.
107: 185-196.
Dugan, K. G. 1981. Darwin and Diprotodon: the Wellington caves
fossils and the law of succession. 104: 265-272.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1945. Principal microspore-types in the Permian
coals of New South Wales. 70: 147-157.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1947a. Distribution of microspore types in New
South Wales Permian coalfields. 71: 239-251.
Dulhunty, J. A. & Dulhunty, R. 1949. Notes on microspore-types
in Tasmanian Permian coals. 74: 132-139.
Dun, W. S. 1897. Note on the occurrence of sponge remains in the
Lower Silurian of New South Wales. 22: 436-437.
Dun, W. S., Rands, W. H., David, T. W. E. 1901. Note on the
occurrence of diatoms, Radiolaria and Infusoria in the
Rolling Downs formation (Lower Cretaceous), of Queensland.
26: 299-309.
Edgecombe, G. D. & Wright, A. J. 2004. Silicified Early Devonian
trilobites from Brogans Creek, New South Wales. 125: 177-188.
Elliott, D. K. 1984. Siluro-Devonian fish biostratigraphy of the
Canadian arctic islands. 107: 197-209.
Engel, B. A. 1979. Fenestrate bryozoans with large apertural
form in the Carboniferous of eastern Australia. 103: 135-170.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888a. Description of fish-remains from the
“Rolling Downs formation” of northern Queensland. (2)3: 156-
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888b. On additional evidence of the genus
Ichthyosaurus in the Mesozoic rocks (“Rolling Downs
formation”) of north eastern Australia. (2)3: 405-409.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888c. On additional evidence of the occurrence
of Plesiosaurus in the Mesozoic rocks of Queensland. (2)3:
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888d. Additions to the fossil flora of
eastern Australia. (2)3: 1300-1309.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1889. Remarks on fossils of Permo-
Carboniferous age, from north-western Australia, in the
Macleay Museum. (2)4: 199-214.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890a. Note on the fructification of
Phlebopteris alethopteroides, Etheridge, Fil., from the Lower
Mesozoic beds of Queensland. (2)4: 625-626.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890c. On the further structure of Conularia
inornata, Dana, and Hyolithes lanceolatus, Morris, sp., (=
Theca lanceolata, Morris). (2)4: 751-756.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890d. Note on the structure of Annularia
australis, Feistmantel. (2)5: 47-50.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890i. A large Equisetum from the Hawkesbury
sandstone. (2)5: 445-448.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890j. On the identity of Bronteus Partschi,
de Koninck (non Barrande), from the Upper Silurian rocks of
New South Wales. (2)5: 501-504.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892a. The Silurian trilobites of New South
Wales, with references to those of other parts of Australia.
Part I. (2)6: 311-320.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1892e. On Leaia Mitchelli, Etheridge, Fil.,
from the Upper Coal Measures of the Newcastle district.
(2)7: 307-310.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894e. On the mode of attachment of the leaves
or fronds to the caudex in Glossopteris; with remarks on the
relation of the genus to its allies; with a note on its
stratigraphical distribution in Australasia by T. W. E.
David. (2)9: 228-258.
Etheridge, R., Jr. 1895b. Additional notes on the palaeontology
of Queensland. Part I. Palaeozoic. (2)9: 518-539.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1892. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. (2)6: 311-320.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1894. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part II. (2)8: 169-178.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1896. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part III. (2)10: 486-511.
Etheridge, R., Jr. & Mitchell, J. 1897. The Silurian trilobites
of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts
of Australia. Part IV. 21: 694-721.
Etheridge, R. & Mitchell, J. 1916. The Silurian trilobites of New
South Wales, with references to those of other parts of
Australia. 40: 646-680.
Etheridge, R. & Mitchell, J. 1917. The Silurian trilobites of New
South Wales, with references to those of other parts of
Australia. Part vi. The Calymeneidae, Cheirudidae, Harpeidae,
Bronteidae, etc., with an appendix. 42: 480-510.
Findlay, C. S. 1996. Placoderm (Pisces: Placodermi) remains from
Lower Devonian rocks at Taemas, New South Wales. 116: 161-
Foldvary, G. Z. 2006. Pseudoplasmopora (Cnidaria, Tabulata) in
the Siluro-Devonian of eastern Australia with comments on
its global biogeography. 127: 175-189.
Furey-Greig, T. 1999. Initial report on discovery of Ordovician
scolecodonts from eastern Australia. 121: 85-88.
Gibson, J. A. E., Jordan, G. J. & Gibson, D. L. 1994. Partially
pyritised Holocene Banksia cones from Tianjara Plateau, New
South Wales. 114: 171-177.
Goujet, D. F. 1984. Placoderm interrelationships: a new
interpretation, with a short review of placoderm
classifications. 107: 211-243.
Gould, R. E. 1973. A new species of Osmundacaulis from the
Jurassic of Queensland. 98: 86-94.
Hall, R. L. 1978. A Silurian (Upper llandovery) coral fauna from
the Woolomin beds near Attunga, New South Wales. 102: 85-108.
Hall, T. S. 1903. On the occurrence of Monograptus in New South
Wales. 27: 654-655.
Hennelly, J. P. F. 1959. Spores and pollens from a Permian –
Triassic transition, N.S.W. 83: 363-369.
Hill, D. 1940. The Silurian Rugosa of the Yass-Bowning district,
N.S.W. 65: 388-420.
Holmes, W. B. K. 1974. On some fructifications of the
Glossopteridales from the Upper Permian of N.S.W. 98: 131-
Holmes, W. B. K. 1977. A pinnate leaf with reticulate venation
from the Permian of New South Wales. 102: 52-57.
Holmes, W. B. K. 2000. The Middle Triassic megafossil flora of
the Basin Creek formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, NSW,
Australia. Part 1: Bryophyta, Sphenophyta. 122: 43-68.
Holmes, W. B. K. 2001. The Middle Triassic megafossil flora of
the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South
Wales, Australia. Part 2. Filicophyta. 123: 39-87.
Holmes, W. B. K. 2003. The Middle Triassic megafossil flora of
the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal Measures, New South
Wales, Australia. Part 3. Fern-like foliage. 124: 53-108.
Holmes, W. B. K. & Anderson, H. M. 2005a. The Middle Triassic
megafossil flora of the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal
Measures, New South Wales, Australia. Part 4. Umkomasiaceae.
Dicroidium and affiliated fructifications. 126: 1-37.
Holmes, W. B. K. & Anderson, H. M. 2005b. The Middle Triassic
megafossil flora of the Basin Creek Formation, Nymboida Coal
Measures, New South Wales, Australia. Part 5. The genera
Lepidopteris, Kurtziana, Rochipteris and Walkomiopteris.
126: 39-79.
Holmes, W. B. K. & Ash, S. R. 1979. An early Triassic megafossil
flora from the Lorne Basin, New South Wales. 103: 47-70.
Holmes, W. B. K. & Holmes, F. M. 1992. Fossil flowers of
Ceratopetalum Sm. (family Cunoniaceae) from the Tertiary of
eastern Australia. 113: 265-270.
Holmes, W. B. K., Holmes, F. M. & Martin, H. A. 1983. Fossil
Eucalyptus remains from the Middle Miocene Chalk Mountain
formation, Warrumbungle Mountains, New South Wales. 106: 299-
Howie, A. 1972. A brachyopid labyrinthodont from the Lower Trias
of Queensland. 96: 268-277.
Hull, A. F. B. 1910b. Description of a fossil Lorica from north-
western Tasmania [Mollusca: Polyplacophora]. 35: 654-655.
Hull, A. F. B. 1915. On a collection of fossil Polyplacophora
from north-western Tasmania, with descriptions of three new
species [Mollusca]. 39: 855-857.
Hutton, F. W. 1886a. The Mollusca of the Pareora and Oamaru
systems of New Zealand. (2)1: 205-237.
Hutton, F. W. 1886b. Notes on some Australian Tertiary fossils.
(2)1: 481-482.
Hutton, F. W. 1887. On a trilobite from Reefton, New Zealand, new
to Australasia. (2)2: 257-258.
Hutton, F. W. 1893. On Dinornis (?) Queenslandiae. (2)8: 7-10.
Jenkins, C. J. 1982a. Late Pridolian graptolites from the Elmside
formation near Yass, New South Wales. 106: 167-172.
Jenkins, C. J. 1982b. Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) graptolites
from the Monaro Trough sequence east of Braidwood, New South
Wales. 106: 173-179.
Johnston, J. 1941. Studies in Silurian Brachiopoda. I.
Description of a new genus and species. 66: 160-168.
Kemp, A. 1984. A comparison of the developing dentition of
Neoceratodus forsteri and Callorhynchus milii. 107: 245-262.
Lindley, I. D. 2000. Pentremites australis sp. n., a new Lower
Carboniferous (Tournaisian) blastoid from New South Wales.
122: 33-42.
Lindley, I. D. 2001. Tertiary echinoids from Papua New Guinea.
123: 119-139.
Lindley, I. D. 2003a. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Clypeasteroida.
124: 125-136.
Lindley, I. D. 2003b. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Regularia. 124:
Lindley, I. D. 2003c. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Spatangoida. 124:
Lindley, I. D. 2004b. Some living and fossil echinoderms from the
Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, and two new echinoid
species. 125: 115-139.
Long, J. A. 1984. New phyllolepids from Victoria and the
relationships of the group. 107: 263-308.
Martin, H. A. 1987. Presidential Address. Cainozoic history of
the vegetation and climate of the Lachlan River region, New
South Wales. 109: 213-257.
McDowell, M. C. 1997. Taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental
interpretation of a late Holocene deposit from Black’s Point
Sinkhole, Venus Bay, S. A. 117: 79-96.
McLean, R. A. 1974b. The rugose coral genera Streptelasma Hall,
Grewingkia Dybowski and Calostylis Lindstrom from the Lower
Silurian of New South Wales. 99: 36-53.
McLean, R. A. 1975. Silurian rugose corals from the Mumbil area,
central New South Wales. 99: 181-196.
McLean, R. A. 1976. Aspects of the Silurian rugose coral fauna of
the Yass region, New South Wales. 100: 179-194.
McLean, R. A. & Werby, B. D. 1976. Upper Ordovician rugose corals
of central New South Wales. 100: 231-244.
McNamara, J. A. 1997. Some smaller macropod fossils of South
Australia. 117: 97-106.
Metcalfe, I., Aitchison, J. C. & Stratford, J. M. C. 1997. Lower
Devonian (Emsian) microfauna from the Gamilaroi terrane at
Glenrock in the southern New England orogen, New South
Wales. 118: 123-130.
Mitchell, J. 1887b. On some new trilobites from Bowning, N.S.W.
(2)2: 435-440.
Mitchell, J. 1888. On a new trilobite from Bowning. (2)3: 397-
Mitchell, J. 1897. On the occurrence of the genus Palaechinus in
the Upper Silurian rocks of New South Wales. 22: 258-259.
Mitchell, J. 1918. The Carboniferous trilobites of Australia. 43:
Mitchell, J. 1919. On two new trilobites from Bowning. 44: 441-
Mitchell, J. 1920. Some additional trilobites from New South
Wales. 44: 850-856.
Mitchell, J. 1921. Some new brachiopods from the Middle
Palaeozoic rocks of New south Wales. 45: 543-551.
Mitchell, J. 1922a. A new gasteropod (fam. Euomphalidae) from the
Lower Marine Series of New South Wales. 47: 278.
Mitchell, J. 1922b. Descriptions of two new trilobites, and note
on Griffithides convexicaudatus Mitchell. 47: 535-540.
Mitchell, J. 1923. The Strophomenidae from the fossiliferous beds
Bowning, New South Wales. Part I. Stropheodonta. 48: 465-474.
Mitchell, J. 1924. A preliminary reference to a new species of
Elonichthys from the lower beds of the Newcastle Coal
Measures. 49: 503.
Mitchell, J. 1924a. New trilobites from Bowning, with notes on
Encrinurus and Cordania gardneri. 49: 46-54.
Mitchell, J. 1924b. Eleven new species of Aviculopecten from
Carboniferous rocks, Myall Lakes, N.S.W. 49: 468-474.
Mitchell, J. 1924c. A further reference to the occurrence of
Merista plebeia Sowerby in New South Wales. 49: 499-503.
Mitchell, J. 1925. Descriptions of new species of Leaia. 50: 438-
Mitchell, J. 1927a. A new Deltopecten from the Illawarra
district, N.S.W. 52: 104.
Mitchell, J. 1927b. The fossil Estheriae of Australia. Part i.
52: 105-112.
Mitchell, J. & Dun, W. S. 1920. The Atrypidae of New South
Wales, with references to those recorded from other states
of Australia. 45: 266-276.
Molnar, R. E. & Kurz, C. 1997. The distribution of Pleistocene
vertebrates on the eastern Darling Downs, based on the
Queensland Museum collections. 117: 107-134.
Osborne, R. A. L. 1997. Rehabilitation of the Wellington Caves
phosphate mines: implications for Cainozoic stratigraphy.
117: 175-180.
Owen, J. F. & Merrick, J. R. 1998. Re-interpretation of remains
of snapper (Pagrus auratus) from Holocene middens at Bass
Point and Currarong, New South Wales. 120: 191-201.
Packham, G. H. 1968a. Monograptus cf. ultimus Perner and
Monograptus formosus Boucek from the Hume series of the Yass
district, New South Wales. 92: 217-221.
Pan Jiang [P’an Kiang]. 1984. The phylogenetic position of the
Eugaleaspida in China. 107: 309-319.
Paterson, J. R. 2005. Revision of Discomesites and Estaingia
(Trilobita) from the Lower Cambrian Cymbric Vale Formation,
western New South Wales; taxonomic, biostratigraphic and
biogeographic implications. 126: 81-93.
Pedder, A. E. H. 1964. Two new genera of Devonian tetracorals
from Australia. 88: 364-367.
Pedder, A. E. H. 1966. The Devonian tetracoral Haplothecia and
new Australian phacellophyllids. 90: 181-189.
Peou, S. 1980. Some Carboniferous articulate brachiopods from
eastern New South Wales. 104: 1-15.
Pepperell, J. & Grigg, G. 1974. A labyrinthodont trackway from
the Mid-Triassic near Sydney, New South Wales. 99: 54-56.
Percival, I. G. 1979. Late Ordovician articulate brachiopods from
Gunningbland, central western New South Wales. 103: 175-187.
Percival, I. G. & Wright, A. J. 2005. A new Early Silurian
species of Trimerella (Brachiopoda: Craniata) from the
Orange district, New South Wales. 126: 111-120.
Percival, I. G., Zhen, Y. Y. & Pickett, J. 2006. Late Ordovician
faunas from the Quandialla-Marsden district, south-central
New South Wales. 127: 235-255.
Philip, G. M. 1964. Australian fossil crinoids. I. Introduction
and terminology for the anal plates of crinoids. 88: 259-272.
Philip, G. M. 1965. Australian fossil crinoids. II.
Tribrachiocrinus clarkei McCoy. 89: 199-202.
Philip, G. M. 1966. Notes on three recently proposed Australian
Tertiary echinoid genera. 91: 114-117.
Philip, G. M. & Jackson, J. H. 1971. Late Devonian conodonts from
the Luton formation, northern New South Wales. 96: 66-76.
Piper, K. J. & Herrmann, N. 2006. Additions to knowledge of the
Early Pleistocene wallaby, Baringa nelsonensis Flannery and
Hann 1984 (Marsupialia: Macropodinae). 127: 125-131.
Rade, J. 1963. Permian microspores and tracheids from the
Narrabri-Curlewis area, New South Wales. 88: 130-136.
Ratte, F. 1885a. On Tribrachyocrinus corrugatus (F. Ratte) spec.
nov. from the Carboniferous sandstone of New South Wales.
(1)9: 1158-1164.
Ratte, F. 1885c. On a Devonian fossil allied to Worthenia (de
Koninck) from New South Wales. (1)10: 79-80.
Ratte, F. 1886b. Note on Crioceras australe, Moore? a lower
Cretaceous fossil from Queensland. (2)1: 133-135.
Ratte, F. 1887a. Notes on Australian fossils. (2)1: 1065-1084.
Ratte, F. 1887b. Note on some trilobites new to Australia. (2)2:
Ratte, F. 1887c. Note on some Australian fossils. (2)2: 137-139.
Retallack, G., Gould, R. E. & Runnegar, B. 1977. Isotopic dating
of a middle Triassic megafossil flora from near Nymboida,
northeastern New South Wales. 101: 77-113.
Rickards, R. B., Farrell, J. R., Wright, A. J. & Morgan, E. J.
2005. Silurian graptolites from the Barnby Hills Shale and
Hanover Formation, New South Wales. 126: 153-169.
Rickards, R. B., Parkes, R. A. & Wright, A. J. 2005. Llandovery
(Early Silurian) graptolites from the Quidong Basin, NSW.
126: 143-152.
Rickards, R. B., Percival, I. G., Simpson, A. J. & Wright, A. J.
2001. Silurian biostratigraphy of the Cadia area, south of
Orange, New South Wales. 123: 173-191.
Rickards, R. B. & Wright, A. J. 2004. Early Silurian graptolites
from Cadia, New South Wales. 125: 173-175.
Ride, W. D. L. & Davis, A. C. 1997. Origins and setting: mammal
Quaternary palaeontology in the eastern highlands of New
South Wales. 117: 197-222.
Ride, W. D. L., Pridmore, P. A., Barwick, R. E., Wells, R. T. &
Heady, R. D. 1997. Towards a biology of Propleopus oscillans
(Marsupialia: Propleopinae, Hypsiprymnodontidae). 117: 243-
Riek, E. F. 1954a. The fossil Diptera of the Tertiary Redbank
Plains Series, Queensland. 79: 58-60.
Riek, E. F. 1954b. A second specimen of the dragon-fly
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