The Linnean Society of NSW

vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by subject

Adam, D. B. & Stokes, J. 1942. The association of Rhizoctonia
bataticola with retting flax in South Australia. 67: 313-317.

Adam, P. 2004. Admiral Doenitz’s legacy. Book review. Murray, D.
R. 2003. Seeds of concern. The genetic manipulation of
plants. UNSW Press. ISBN 0 86840 460 8. $34.95.

Adamson, E., Adamson, H., Vesk, M. & Seppelt, R. D. 1990.
Morphological, ultrastructural and physiological
characteristics of damage to an extensive stand of the lichen
Usnea sphacelata at Casey Station, East Antarctica. 112: 229-240.

Anderson, D. T. 1967. Presidential Address. The concept of the
inflorescence in the order Campanulales. 92: 1-6, 7-26.

Anderson, E. J. 1966. Plant parasitic nematodes in fruit tree
nurseries of New South Wales. 90: 225-230.

Anderson, R. H. 1923. A revision of the Australian species of the
genus Bassia. 48: 317-355.

Anderson, R. H. 1926. A revision of certain Australian
Chenopodiaceae. 51: 382-386.

Anderson, R. H. 1930. Notes on the Australian species of the
genus Atriplex. 55: 493-505.

Anderson, R. H. 1934. Notes on Australian Chenopodiaceae. 59:270-272.

Anderson, R. H. 1941. Presidential Address. 66: i-xxiii.

Andrew, W. D. & David, D. J. 1959. Iron deficiency in Eucalyptus
dives Schauer. 84: 256-258.

Andrews, E. C. 1913. The development of the natural order
Myrtaceae. 38: 529-568.

Archer, A. W. 1988. The lichen genus Cladonia section Cocciferae
in Australia. 110: 205-213.

Ashby, E. & May, V. 1941. Physiological studies in drought
resistance. I. Technique. 66: 107-112.

Ashton, D. H., Bond, H. & Morris, G. C. 1975. Drought damage on
Mount Towrong, Victoria. 100: 44-69.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1956. Resistance to Puccinia
graminis tritici in Khapstein, a vulgare derivative of
Khapli emmer. 81: 71-77.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1957a. Inheritance of resistance to
wheat leaf rust in Mentana, a variety of Triticum vulgare.
82: 245-251.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1957b. Inheritance studies with
certain leaf rust resistant varieties of Triticum vulgare
Vill. 82: 272-284.

Auld, B. A. & Martin, P. M. 1976. Morphology and distribution of
Bassia birchii (F. Muell.) F. Muell. 100: 167-178.

Auld, T. D. 1987. Post-fire demography in the resprouting shrub
Angophora hispida (Sm.) Blaxell: flowering, seed production,
dispersal, seedling establishment and survival. 109: 259-269.

Auld, T. D. & Tozer, M. 1995. Patterns in emergence of Acacia
and Grevillea seedling after fire. 115: 5-15.

Bailey, F. M. 1878a. A general account of the flora of tropical
Queensland. (1)2: 276-286.

Bailey, F. M. 1878b. On the ferns of Queensland. (1)3: 118-122.

Bailey, F. M. 1879a. On some of the introduced plants of
Queensland. (1)4: 26-36.

Bailey, F. M. 1879b. On a new species of fern, Asplenium
Prenticei. (1)4: 36-38.

Bailey, F. M. 1880a. Medicinal plants of Queensland. (1)5: 1-29.

Bailey, F. M. 1880b. On Queensland ferns, with a description of
two new species. (1)5: 29-33.

Bailey, F. M. 1880c. On a new species of Nepenthes. (1)5: 185-187.

Bailey, F. M. 1881. On the flora of Stradbroke Island, with a
description of new species. (1)6: 139-146.

Bailey, F. M. & Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879. A census of the flora
of Brisbane. (1)4: 137-204.

Baker, A. C., Hose, G. C. & Murray, B. R. 2006. Vegetation
responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) invasion: a multivariate
analysis using principal response curves. 127: 191-197.

Baker, E. P. 1967. Inheritance of resistance to bunt in turkey
wheat selections. 91: 189-210.

Baker, E. P. & Upadhyaya, Y. M. 1967. Studies on the inheritance
of rust resistance in oats. IV. Expression of allelomorphism
and gene interaction for crown rust resistance in crosses
involving the oat variety bond. 91: 155-175.

Baker, R. T. 1892. Some New South Wales plants illustrated. No.
1. (2)6: 572-573.

Baker, R. T. 1893a. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 333-334.

Baker, R. T. 1893b. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 379-380.

Baker, R. T. 1893c. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 666.

Baker, R. T. 1894a. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)8: 167-168.

Baker, R. T. 1894b. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)8: 237.

Baker, R. T. 1894c. Plants of New South Wales illustrated. (2)9:

Baker, R. T. 1895a. Description of a new Isopogon from New South
Wales. (2)9: 658-659.

Baker, R. T. 1895b. Plants of New South Wales illustrated. No.
VIII. (2)10: 382-384.

Baker, R. T. 1896a. Two new species of Prostanthera from New
South Wales. 21: 378-381.

Baker, R. T. 1896b. On the botany of Rylstone and the Goulburn
River districts. Part I. 21: 427-466.

Baker, R. T. 1897a. Descriptions of two new species of Acacia
from New South Wales. 22: 153-157.

Baker, R. T. 1897b. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. No. I. 22: 230-239.

Baker, R. T. 1897c. On the Cinnamomums of New South Wales: with a
special research on the oil of C. Oliveri, Bail. 22: 275-284.

Baker, R. T. 1898a. Descriptions of two new species of Pultenaea.
22: 438-440.

Baker, R. T. 1898b. Plants of New South Wales, illustrated. Part
IX. 22: 693-697.

Baker, R. T. 1898c. On two well-known but hitherto undescribed
species of Eucalyptus. 23: 162-171.

Baker, R. T. 1898d. On two new species of Eucalyptus. 23: 414-419.

Baker, R. T. 1899a. On a supposed new genus of the N.O.
Myrtaceae. 23: 767-771.

Baker, R. T. 1899b. On three new species of Eucalyptus. 24: 292-

Baker, R. T. 1899c. On an apocynaceous plant yielding large edible
tubers. 24: 385-390.

Baker, R. T. 1899d. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. No. II. 24: 437-447.

Baker, R. T. 1900a. On three new species of Eucalyptus. 24: 596-

Baker, R. T. 1900b. On two new species of Casuarina. 24: 605-611.

Baker, R. T. 1900c. On a new species of Angophora. 25: 84-86.

Baker, R. T. 1900d. On some new species of Eucalyptus. 25: 303-

Baker, R. T. 1901a. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part III. 25: 659-673.

Baker, R. T. 1901b. On some new species of Eucalyptus. 25: 674-

Baker, R. T. 1902a. On Eucalyptus melanophloia, F. v. M., and its
cognate species. 27: 225-229.

Baker, R. T. 1902b. On a new species of Ardisia from New South
Wales. 27: 380-382.

Baker, R. T. 1903a. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part IV. 27: 536-544.

Baker, R. T. 1903b. On a new species of Symplocos from New South
Wales. 27: 594-595.

Baker, R. T. 1903c. A revision of the eucalypts of the Rylstone
District. 28: 349-360.

Baker, R. T. 1904. On a new species of Callitris from eastern
Australia. 28: 839-841.

Baker, R. T. 1905. On an undescribed species of Actinotus from
eastern Australia. 30: 225-228.

Baker, R. T. 1906a. On an undescribed species of Cryptocarya from
eastern Australia. 30: 517-519.

Baker, R. T. 1906b. On two species of Eucalyptus, undescribed or
imperfectly known, from eastern Australia. 31: 303-308.

Baker, R. T. 1907. Contribution to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part V. 31: 711-721.

Baker, R. T. 1913. On two unrecorded myrtaceous plants from New
South Wales. 37: 585-589.

Baker, R. T. 1914. Descriptions of three new species of
Myrtaceae. 38: 597-602.

Ballantyne, B. 1974. Resistance to rust (Uromyces appendiculatus)
in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). 98: 107-121.

Bamber, K. & McGarity, J. W. 1956. A note on the identification
of plant remains in sandrock near Evans Head, N.S.W. 81: 59-

Bamber, R. K. 1960. The anatomy of the barks of five species of
Callistris Vent. 84: 375-381.

Bancroft, T. L. 1890. Preliminary notes on the pharmacology of
some new poisonous plants. (2)4: 1061-1064.

Bancroft, T. L. 1893. Note on bacterial diseases of the roots of
the Leguminosae. (2)8: 51-52.

Bancroft, T. L. 1894a. On the habit and use of nardoo (Marsilea
Drummondii, A. Br.), together with some observations on the
influence of water-plants in retarding evaporation. (2)8:

Barber, H. N. 1957. Polyploidy in the Psilotales. 82: 201-208.

Barlow, B. 1956. A new chromosome form of Casuarina suberosa.
80: 285-288.

Barlow, B. A. 1962. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. I.
Nomenclature and new additions. 87: 51-61.

Barlow, B. A. 1963a. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. III. A
revision of the genus Lysiana Tiegh. 88: 137-150.

Barlow, B. A. 1963b. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. IV.
Chromosome numbers and their relationships. 88: 151-160.

Barlow, B. A. 1965. Classification of the Loranthaceae and
Viscaceae. 89: 268-272.

Barnard, C. 1926. Preliminary note on branch fall in the
Coniferales. 51: 114-128.

Barnard, C. 1927. A note on a dicotyledonous fossil wood from
Ulladulla, New South Wales. 52: 113-121.

Barwick, A. C. 1904. The botany of the “Clears” and “Basalt
Masses”, county of Hunter, N. S. Wales. 28: 932-943.

Basden, R. 1966a. The occurrence and composition of manna in
Eucalyptus and Angophora. 90: 152-156.

Beadle, N. C. W. 1965. Nitrogen economy in arid and semi-arid
plant communities. Part III. The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing
organisms. 89: 273-286.

Beadle, N. C. W. & Costin, A. B. 1952. Ecological classification
and nomenclature. With a note on pasture classification by
C. W. E. Moore. 77: 61-82.

Beadle, N. C. W. & Tchan, Y. T. 1955. Nitrogen economy in semi-
arid plant communities. Part I. The environment and general
considerations. 80: 62-70.

Beard, J. S. 1969. The vegetation of the Boorabbin and Lake
Johnston areas, Western Australia. 93: 239-269.

Bedward, M. 1995. Simple models of pattern and process. 115: 17-

Bennett, K. H. 1882b. On Myoporum platycarpum, a resin producing
tree of the interior of New South Wales. (1)7: 349-351.

Bennett, K. H. 1883b. Notes on the method of obtaining water from
Eucalyptus roots as practiced by the natives of the country,
between the Lachlan and Darling Rivers. (1)8: 213-215.

Bennett, K. H. 1885b. Remarks on the decay of certain species of
eucalypti. (1)10: 453-544.

Bergstrom, D. M. 1986. An atlas of seeds and fruits from
Macquarie Island. 109: 69-90.

Berrie, G. K. 1962. The chromosomes of some Australian
liverworts. 86: 305-306.

Berrie, G.K. 1963a. Australian liverworts. I. Haplomitrium
intermedium, sp. nov. (Calobryales). 87: 191-195.

Berrie, G. K. 1963b. Australian liverworts. II. The sporophyte of
Haplomitrium intermedium Berrie. 88: 103-104.

Bertus, A. L. & Hayward, A. C. 1971. A bacterial leaf spot of
zinnia in New South Wales. 96: 81-84.

Blake, C. D. 1959. A turbidimetric method for estimating the
number of nematode larvae in a suspension. 83: 241-244.

Blakely, W. F. 1917. On a new species of Acacia. 42: 441-444.

Blakely, W. F. 1922a. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part i. 47:

Blakely, W. F. 1922b. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part ii. 47:

Blakely, W. F. 1922c. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part iii.
47: 391-414.

Blakely, W. F. 1923. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part iv. 48:

Blakely, W. F. 1924. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part v. 49:

Blakely, W. F. 1925a. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part vi. 50:

Blakely, W. F. 1925b. Contributions to our knowledge of the flora
of New South Wales. 50: 383-386.

Blakely, W. F. 1928. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part vii. 53:

Blakely, W. F. 1929. A further contribution to our knowledge of
the flora of New South Wales. 54: 681-685.

Blakely, W. F. 1930. Another new species of Eucalyptus from New
England. 55: 594-595.

Blakely, W. F. & McKie, E. N. 1930. Additions to the flora of
New England, N.S.W. 55: 587-593.

Blakely, W. F., McKie, E. N. & Steedman, H. 1938. Descriptions of
four new species and two varieties of eucalypts. 63: 65-69.

Bradke, A. B. & Murray, D. R. 1989. Redistribution of amino acids
and amides during seedling development in Acacia iteaphylla
F. Muell. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). 111: 37-42.

Bradstock, R. A. 1995. Demography of woody plants in relation to
fire: Telopea speciosissima. 115: 25-33.

Breakwell, E. 1914. A study of the leaf-anatomy of some native
species of the genus Andropogon [N.O. Gramineae]. 39: 385-

Breakwell, E. 1915. The anatomical structure of some xerophytic
grasses. 40: 42-55.

Brewer, I. M. 1995. Isonome mapping: graphic analysis of patterns
of species distribution. 115: 259-279.

Brewster, A. A. 1916. Observations on the pollination of Darwinia
fascicularis Rudge. [N.O. Myrtaceae]. 40: 753-758.

Brierley, G. & Cunial, S. 1998. Vegetation distribution on a
gravel point bar on the Wilson River, NSW: a fluvial
disturbance model. 120: 87-103.

Briggs, B. G. 1960. Ranunculus lappaceus and allied species of
the Australian mainland. I. Taxonomy. 84: 295-324.

Briggs, B. G. & Johnson, L. A. S. 1979. Evolution in the
Myrtaceae – Evidence from inflorescence structure. 102: 157-

Brittlebank, C. C. 1908. The life-history of Loranthus exocarpi
Behr. 33: 650-656.

Broadbent, P., Fraser, L. R. & Waterworth, Y. 1971. The reaction
of seedlings of Citrus spp. and related genera to
Phytophthora citrophthora. 96: 119-127.

Brotherus, V. F. & Watts, W. W. 1915. The mosses of Lord Howe
Island. 40: 363-385.

Brough, P. 1923. Preliminary note on the embryo sac of Styphelia
longifolia (R.Br.). 48: 674-680.

Brough, P. 1924. Studies in the Epacridaceae. i. The life-history
of Styphelia longifolia (R. Br.). 49: 162-178.

Brough, P. 1927. Studies in the Goodeniaceae. I. The life-
history of Dampiera stricta (R.Br.). 52: 471-498.

Brough, P. 1932. The life-history of Grevillea robusta (Cunn.).
58: 33-73.

Brough, P., McLuckie, J. & Petrie, A. H. K. 1924. An ecological
study of the flora of Mount wilson. Part i. The vegetation
of the basalt. 49: 475-498.

Brough, P. & Taylor, M. H. 1940. An investigation of the life
cycle of Macrozamia spiralis Miq. 65: 494-524.

Buchanan, R. A. 1980. The Lambert peninsula, Ku-ring-gai Chase
National Park. Physiography and the distribution of podzols,
shrublands and swamps, with details of the swamp vegetation
and sediments. 104: 73-94.

Buchanan, R. A. & Humphreys, G. S. 1980. The vegetation on two
podzols on the Hornsby Plateau, Sydney. 104: 49-71.

Burbidge, N. T. 1956. Robert Brown’s Australian collecting
localities. 80: 229-233.

Burbidge, N. T. 1969. Notes on Vittadinia triloba sens. lat.
(Compositae). 93: 439-443.

Burges, A. 1932. Notes on the mosses of New South Wales. I.
Additional records and description of a new species of
Buxbaumia. 57: 239-244.

Burges, A. 1934. Studies in the genus Uromycladium (Uredineae).
I. General introduction, the anatomy of the galls, and the
cytology of the vegetative mycelium and pycnia of
Uromycladium Tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlp. on Acacia stricta
Willd. 59: 212-228.

Burges, A. 1935a. Notes on the mosses of New South Wales. II.
Additional records. 60: 83-93.

Burges, A. 1935b. Studies in the genus Uromycladium. II. Notes on
the dikaryon stage of Uromycladium tepperianum. 60: 94-96.

Burges, A. 1949. The genus Dawsonia. 74: 83-96.

Burges, N. A. 1935. Additions to our knowledge of the flora of
the Narrabeen stage of the Hawkesbury series in New South
Wales. 60: 257-264.

Byrnes, N. 1971. A new species of Lophopetalum (Celastraceae), a
genus new for Australia. 96: 85-86.

Caddy, H. A. R. & Gross, C. L. 2006. Population structure and
fecundity in the putative sterile shrub, Grevillea
rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae). 127: 11-18.

Calvert, J. 1930. An abnormal Xanthium burr. 55: 475-476.

Cambage, R. H. 1901a. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part I. 25: 591-604.

Cambage, R. H. 1901b. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part II. 25: 708-720.

Cambage, R. H. 1901c. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part III. 26: 197-212.

Cambage, R. H. 1901d. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part IV. 26: 317-333.

Cambage, R. H. 1902a. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part V. 26: 685-699.

Cambage, R. H. 1902b. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part VI. 27: 186-204.

Cambage, R. H. 1903. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part VII. 27: 561-591.

Cambage, R. H. 1905a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part i. – The Tumbarumba and Tumut districts. 29: 685-

Cambage, R. H. 1905b. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part ii. Western slopes on New England. 29: 781-797.

Cambage, R. H. 1905c. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part iii. Orange to Dubbo and Gilgandra. 30: 203-221.

Cambage, R. H. 1905d. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part IV. The occurrence of Casuarina stricta Ait., on
the Narrabeen shales. 30: 376-391.

Cambage, R. H. 1906. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part V. Bowral to the Wombeyan Caves. 31: 432-452.

Cambage, R. H. 1908. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VI. Deepwater to Torrington and Emmaville. 33:

Cambage, R. H. 1909a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VII. Eastern Monaro. 34: 310-335.

Cambage, R. H. 1909b. Description of a new species of Eucalyptus
from the Monaro district, N.S.W. 34: 336-339.

Cambage, R. H. 1912. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VIII. Camden to Burragorang and Mount Werong. 36:

Cambage, R. H. 1913a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Supplementary lists to Part VIII., Camden to
Burragorang and Mount Werong. 37: 617-621.

Cambage, R. H. 1913b. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. 37: 622-651.

Cambage, R. H. 1919. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part x. The Federal Capital Territory. 43: 673-711.

Cambage, R. H. 1925. Presidential Address. 50: i-xxxii.

Cambage, R. H. 1926. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part xi. Moree to Mungindi and Moonie River – with a
description of a new species of Eucalyptus. 51: 315-326.

Campbell, H. 1989. John Vaughan Thompson, F.L.S. 111: 45-64.

Carey, G. 1930. The leaf-buds of some woody perennials in the
New South Wales flora. 55: 708-737.

Carey, G. 1931. A note on the leaf buds of angophoras. 56: 455-

Carey, G. 1934. Further investigations on the embryology of
viviparous seeds. 59: 392-410.

Carey, G. 1938. Comparative anatomy of leaves from species in two
habitats around Sydney. 63: 439-450.

Carey, G. & Fraser, L. 1932. The embryology and seedling
development of Aegiceras majus Gaertn. 57: 341-360.

Carey, S. W. 1935. Note on the Permian sequence in the Werrie
basin. With description of new species of fossil plants. 60:

Carne, W. M. 1911. Note on the occurrence of a limestome flora
at Grose Vale. 35: 849-858.

Carolin, R. C. 1958. The species of the genus Erodium L’Her.
endemic to Australia. (With a key to all the taxa known to
occur in Australia). 83: 92-100.

Carolin, R. C. 1959. Floral structure and anatomy in the family
Goodeniaceae Dumort. 84: 242-255.

Carolin, R. C. 1960a. Floral structure and anatomy in the family
Stylidiaceae Swartz. 85: 189-196.

Carolin, R. C. 1960b. The structures involved in the presentation
of pollen to visiting insects in the order Campanales. 85:

Carolin, R. C. 1962. The genus Pelargonium l’Her. ex Ait. in
Australia. 86: 280-294.

Carolin, R. C. 1963. J. R. and J. G. A. Forster and their
collections. 88: 108-111.

Carolin, R. C. 1964. Notes on the genus Erodium L’Her. in
Australia. 88: 313-319.

Carolin, R. C. 1965a. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the
genus Wahlenbergia in Australia. 89: 235-240.

Carolin, R. C. 1965b. The genus Geranium L. in the south western
Pacific area. 89: 326-361.

Carolin, R. C. 1966. Seeds and fruit of the Goodeniaceae. 91: 58-

Carolin, R. C. 1967. The genus Velleia Sm. 92: 27-57.

Carolin, R. C. 1968. Coopernookia: a new genus of Goodeniaceae.
92: 209-216.

Carolin, R. C. 1970. A new species of Erodium L’Her. from
Australia. 94: 212-213.

Carolin, R. C. 1971. The trichomes of the Goodeniaceae. 96: 8-22.

Carr, S. G. M. & Carr, D. J. 1988. The Sir William Macleay
Memorial Lecture 1987. The elastic-sided gumleaf, or: the
rubber cuticle and other studies of the Corymbosae. 110: 101-

Carrington, B. & Pearson, W. H. 1888. List of Hepaticae collected
by Mr. Thomas Whitelegge in New South Wales, 1884-5. (2)2:

Cash, M. 1945. A contribution to a study of the physiology of
decay in apples. 70: 317-327.

Chalmers, A. C. & Turner, J. C. 1994. Climbing plants in
relation to their supports in a stand of dry rainforest in
the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. 114: 73-90.

Chalson, J. M. & Martin, H. A. 1995. The pollen morphology of
some co-occurring species of the family Myrtaceae from the
Sydney region. 115: 163-191.

Chambers, T. C. & Williams, M. B. 1960. A revision of Nitella
cristata Braun (Characeae) and its allies. Part I.
Experimental taxonomy. 84: 338-345.

Cheel, E. 1902. Notes on Juncus holoschaenus, R. Br., and J.
prismatocarpus, R. Br.; and on certain other New South Wales
plants. 27: 210-213.

Cheel, E. 1917. Notes on the “common nightshade” (Solanum nigrum
Linn.) and some closely related forms and species that have
been confused withit. 42: 583-602.

Cheel, E. 1923. New or noteworthy plants from the National
Herbarium, Sydney. No. 1. 48: 681-688.

Cheel, E. 1925. Two new species of Callistemon, with notes on
certain other species. 50: 259-266.

Cheel, E. 1926. Notes on Melaleuca pubescens Schauer and M.
preissiana Schauer. 51: 408-410.

Cheel, E. 1931. Presidential Address. 56: i-xxvii.

Cheel, E. 1935. The occurrence of hybrid acacias. 60: 443-446.

Cheel, E. 1943. Descriptions of new species of Callistemon. 68:

Cheel, E. 1947. Notes on the Gippsland waratah (Telopea oreades
F.v.M.), with a description of a new species. 71: 270-272.

Chippendale, G. M. 1963. Ecological notes on the “western desert”
area of the Northern Territory. 88: 54-66.

Chippendale, G. M. 1972. Check list of Northern Territory plants.
96: 207-267.

Chisholm, E. C. 1924. Eucalypts of the Blue Mountains and their
defined areas. 49: 147-150.

Chisholm, E. C. 1925. The Comboyne Plateau. Its general
conformation and flora. 50: 284-298.

Chisholm, E. C. 1927. Additional flora of the Comboyne Plateau,
1926. 52: 378-379.

Chisholm, E. C. 1934. Further additions to the flora of the
Comboyne Plateau. 59: 143-155.

Chisholm, E. C. 1937. Final additions to the flora of the
Comboyne Plateau. 62: 65-72.

Churchward, J. G. 1934. A note on the occurrence of seedling
lesions caused by cereal smuts. 59: 197-199.

Clarke, P. J. 1995. The population dynamics of the mangrove shrub
Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae): fecundity, dispersal,
establishment and population structure. 115: 35-44.

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Collins, M. I. 1920b. On the structure of the resin-secreting
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Collins, M. I. 1921. On the mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation
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II. New Zealand species. 74: 97-106.

Davis, G. L. 1949b. Revision of the genus Brachycome Cass. Part
III. Description of three new Australian species and some new
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Davis, G. L. 1950b. Revision of the genus Solenogyne Cass. 75:

Davis, G. L. 1952. Revision of the genus Calotis R.Br. 77: 146-

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Cass. Descriptions of five new Australian species and some
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Davis, G. L. 1963. Embryological studies in the Compositae. 3.
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Davis, G. L. 1968. The embryology of Epaltes australis Less.
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cycle. 74: 26-36.

Davison, D. C. 1949b. The importance of formic dehydrogenase in
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Dorrigo timber-getters. 71: 236-238.

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Deane, H. 1900. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. 25: 463-475.

Deane, H. 1901. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. Part II. 25: 581-590.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1896a. The grey gum of the north coast
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Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1896b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part I. (2)10: 596-612.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1897. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part II. 21: 798-813.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898a. On a new species of Eucalyptus
from the Sydney district. 22: 561-563.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part III. 22: 704-720.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898c. On the white ash of southern New
South Wales. 23: 412-413.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1899a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part IV. 23: 780-801.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1899b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part V. 24: 448-471.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1900a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VI. 24: 612-630.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1900b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VII. 25: 104-113.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1901a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VIII. 26: 122-144.

Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1901b. Further notes on supposed
hybridisation amongst eucalypts (including a description of a
new species). 26: 339-343.

Dixon, T. 1882. Note upon the bark of a reputed ecbolic plant
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Dodson, J. R. & Thom, B. G. 1992. Holocene vegetation history
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Edwards, E. T. 1941. The relation of temperature and soil
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subglutinans. 66: 425-439.

Elix, J. A., Streimann, H. & Archer, A. W. 1992. The lichens of
Norfolk Island. 2: The genera Cladonia, Pertusaria,
Pseudocyphellaria and Ramalina. 113: 57-76.

Elliott, C. G. 1948. The embryogeny of Pherosphaera hookeriana.
73: 120-129.

Elliott, C. G. 1950. A further contribution on the life history
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Elliott, C. G. 1951. Some notes on Athrotaxis. 76: 36-40.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1888d. Additions to the fossil flora of
eastern Australia. (2)3: 1300-1309.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890a. Note on the fructification of
Phlebopteris alethopteroides, Etheridge, Fil., from the Lower
Mesozoic beds of Queensland. (2)4: 625-626.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890d. Note on the structure of Annularia
australis, Feistmantel. (2)5: 47-50.

Etheridge, R., Jr. 1890i. A large Equisetum from the Hawkesbury
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Etheridge, R., Jr. 1894e. On the mode of attachment of the leaves
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relation of the genus to its allies; with a note on its
stratigraphical distribution in Australasia by T. W. E.
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Fitzgerald, W. V. 1902. Notes on some hitherto unrecorded
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Fitzgerald, W. V. 1903. Descriptions of some new species of west
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Fletcher, J. J. & Musson, C. T. 1918. On certain shoot-bearing
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Francis, W. D. 1928a. The growth rings in the wood of Australian
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Francis, W. D. 1928b. Features of the vegetative anatomy of the
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Variation – the essence of life. 95: 158-169.

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Fraser, L. 1933a. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
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Fraser, L. 1933b. The Mycetozoa of New South Wales. 58: 431-436.

Fraser, L. 1935a. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. III. The life histories and systematic positions
of Aithaloderma and Capnodium, together with descriptions of
new species. 60: 97-118.

Fraser, L. 1935b. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
South Wales. IV. The species of the Eucapnodieae. 60: 159-

Fraser, L. 1935c. An investigation of the sooty moulds of New
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Fraser, L. R. 1958. Presidential Address. 83: 1-19.

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with descriptions of two new species and two new variety. 62:

Fraser, L. & Vickery, J. W. 1938. The ecology of the upper
Williams River and Barrington Tops districts. II. The rain-
forest formations. 63: 139-184.

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Williams River and Barrington Tops districts. III. The
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Froggatt, W. W. 1912. Presidential Address. 37: 1-43.

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Gauba, E. & Pryor, L. D. 1961. Seed coat anatomy and taxonomy in
Eucalyptus. III. 86: 96-111.

Gaura, E. & Pryor, L. D. 1959. Seed coat anatomy and taxonomy in
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Hall, C. 1914. The evolution of the eucalypts in relation to the
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Hall, C. 1919. On a new species or form of Eucalyptus. 43: 747-

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Hamilton, A. A. 1915. Topographical and ecological notes on the
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Leguminosae. (2)6: 679-681.

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Island. 23: 112-158.

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of Lord Howe Island. 24: 381-384.

Maiden, J. H. 1900. A new variety of Dendrobium undulatum from
the Solomon Islands. 24: 652.

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Maiden, J. H. 1901b. On one of the so-called honeysuckles of Lord
Howe Island. 26: 156-158.

Maiden, J. H. 1902a. 1. – On Eucalyptus pulverulenta, Sims. ; 2.
– On Eucalyptus stuartiana, F. v. M. ; 3. – On Eucalyptus
gunnii, Hook. F. 26: 547-588.

Maiden, J. H. 1902b. Presidential Address. 26: 740-804.

Maiden, J. H. 1902c. 4. – On Eucalyptus Baueriana, Schauer. ; 5.
– On Eucalyptus calycogona, Turcz. 27: 214-224.

Maiden, J. H. 1902d. On a new Cryptocarya from Lord Howe Island,
together with notes on other plants from that island. 27:

Maiden, J. H. 1903a. 6. – On Eucalyptus bicolor, A. Cunn. ; 7. –
On Eucalyptus polyanthemos, Schauer. 27: 516-535.

Maiden, J. H. 1903b. Presidential Address. 27: 685-720.

Maiden, J. H. 1904a. The flora of Norfolk Island. Part I. 28:

Maiden, J. H. 1904b. The variability of Eucalyptus under
cultivation. Part I. 28: 887-903.

Maiden, J. H. 1904c. On four new species of Eucalyptus. 29: 469-

Maiden, J. H. 1904d. The botany of Funafuti, Ellice Group. 29:

Maiden, J. H. 1905a. Miscellaneous notes (chiefly taxonomic) on
Eucalyptus. i. 29: 751-780.

Maiden, J. H. 1905b. On a new species of Eucalyptus from northern
New South Wales. 30: 336-338.

Maiden, J. H. 1906a. Further notes on hybridisation in the genus
Eucalyptus. 30: 492-501.

Maiden, J. H. 1906b. Miscellaneous notes (chiefly taxonomic) on
Eucalyptus. ii. 30: 502-511.

Maiden, J. H. 1906c. The botany of Howell (Bora Creek): a tin-
granite flora. 31: 63-72.

Maiden, J. H. 1914. Further notes on the botany of Lord Howe
Island. (Fifth paper). 39: 377-384.

Maiden, J. H. 1916a. On Brachychiton populneo-acerifolius F.v.M.
(the crimson-flowered kurrajong). 41: 180-184.

Maiden, J. H. 1916b. On a eucalypt hybrid (E. calophylla x E.
ficifolia). 41: 185-189.

Maiden, J. H. 1920. Notes on the colouration of the young foliage
of Eucalyptus. 44: 761-766.

Maiden, J. H. 1921. A few notes on the botany of Lord Howe
Island. 45: 564-566.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894a. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum, Sydney. No. I. (2)8: 309-316.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894b. Description of a new species
of Acacia. (2)8: 515-516.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894c. Description of a new Croton,
from New South Wales. (2)9: 160-162.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894d. Description of an apparently
new Acacia from New South Wales. (2)9: 163-164.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895a. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum, Sydney. No. II. (2)9: 456-463.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895b. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum. No. III. (2)9: 722-724.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895c. Description of a new species
of Acacia from New South Wales. (2)10: 385-386.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896a. On a new species of
Elaeocarpus from northern New South Wales. (2)10: 469-470.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896b. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum. No. IV. (2)10: 512-518.

Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896c. Descriptions of some new
species of plants from New South Wales. (2)10: 582-595.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897a. On a new species of Macadamia,
together with notes on two plants new to the colony. 21: 624-

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 1. 22: 146-149.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897c. Descriptions of three new
species of Australian plants. 22: 150-152.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 2. 23: 11-14.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898b. Descriptions of four new
species of New South Wales plants. 23: 15-19.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898c. Notes on Sterculia
(Brachychiton) lurida and discolor. 23: 159-161.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1899a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 3. 23: 772-779.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1899b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 4. 24: 143-153.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1900a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 5. 24: 640-651.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1900b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 6. 25: 101-103.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1901. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 7. 26: 79-90.

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Sydney. No. 8. 27: 55-65.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1904. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 9. 28: 904-923.

Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1905a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 10. 29: 734-750.

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Sydney. 30: 354-375.

Maiden , J. H. & Betche, E. 1906. A review of the New South Wales
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White Tartar and Anthony. 87: 141-147.

Upadhyaya, Y. M. & Baker, E. P. 1963b. Studies on the inheritance
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Mutica Ukraine, Trispernia and Victoria in their crosses with
susceptible varieties. 87: 200-219.

Upadhyaya, Y. M. & Baker, E. P. 1966. Studies on the inheritance
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varieties Landhafer, Santa Fe, Mutica Ukraine, Trispernia and
Victoria for crown rust resistance. 90: 129-151.

Valder, P. G. & Shaw, D. E. 1953. Yellow spot disease of wheat
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1801-5. 112: 49-86.

Vaughton, G. & Ramsey, M. 2006. Selfed seed set and inbreeding
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Veitch, R. 1924. The food plants or hosts of some Fijian insects.
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Vickery, J. W. 1933. Vegetative reproduction in Drosera peltata
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Vickery, J. W. 1935. The leaf anatomy and vegetative characters
of the indigenous grasses of New South Wales. I.
Andropogoneae, Zoysieae, Tristegineae. 60: 340-373.

Vickery, J. W. 1937. Two new species and one new variety of
Drimys Forst., with notes on the species of Drimys and Bubbia
van Tiegh. of south-eastern Australia and Lord Howe Island.
62: 78-84.

Virgona, S., Vaughton, G. & Ramsey, M. 2006. Habitat segregation
of Banksia shrubs at Gibraltar Range National Park. 127: 39-

von Lendenfeld, R. 1886c. Recent changes in the forest flora of
the interior of New South Wales. (1)10: 721-722.

von Mueller, F. 1881. Notes on plants, collected by Mr. Edw.
Reader, in the vicinity of Mount Dromedary. (1)5: 286-288.

von Mueller, F. 1882. Two new species of plants from New South
Wales. (1)6: 791-796.

von Mueller, F. 1884a. Far southern localities for various
plants in New South Wales, recorded from Mr. W. Baeuerlen’s
collections. (1)8: 467-469.

von Mueller, F. 1884b. Notes on hybridism in the genus
Brachychiton. (1)9: 379-380.

von Mueller, F. 1885a. Record of an undescribed Correa of New
South Wales. (1)9: 960-962.

von Mueller, F. 1885b. Record of a remarkable Haloragis from New
South Wales. (1)10: 197-198.

von Mueller, F. 1887a. Some hitherto undescribed plants of New
South Wales. (2)1: 1105-1110.

von Mueller, F. 1887b. Descriptive record of two plants additional
to the flora of Australia, and occurring also in New South
Wales. (2)2: 191-195.

von Mueller, F. 1887c. Report on a small collection of plants
from the Aird River, obtained by Mr. Theodore Bevan during
his recent expedition. (2)2: 419-422.

von Mueller, F. 1888. Descriptions of two hitherto unrecorded
west Australian plants. (2)3: 162-164.

von Mueller, F. 1889. Note on the probable occurrence of
Aldrovanda vesiculosa in N.S.W. (2)4: 197-198.

von Mueller, F. 1890a. Notes on a new species of Eucalyptus (E.
maideni) from southern New South Wales. (2)4: 1020-1022.

von Mueller, F. 1890b. Descriptions of hitherto unrecorded
Australian plants, with additional phyto-geographic notes.
(2)5: 15-22.

von Mueller, F. 1890c. Descriptions of hitherto unrecorded
Australian plants. (2)5: 186-188.

von Mueller, F. 1890d. Descriptions of hitherto unrecorded
Australian plants. (2)5: 250.

von Mueller, F. 1892. Observations on plants, collected during
Mr. Joseph Bradshaw’s expedition to the Prince Regent’s
River. (2)6: 457-478.

von Mueller, F. 1894. Description of a new Isopogon of New South
Wales. (2)9: 151-152.

von Mueller, F. & Maiden, J. H. 1893. Description of a new
species of Acacia. (2)8: 13-15.

Walker, J. 1958. A new species of Claviceps on Phalaris tuberosa
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Walker, J. 1963. Notes on plant parasitic fungi. I. 87: 162-176.

Walker, J. 1971. An undescribed species of Ustilago on Cyperus
lucidus R. Br. in Australia, with comments on Robert Brown’s
type collection of C. lucidus. 96: 99-107.

Walker, J. & Bertus, A. L. 1971. Shoot blight of Eucalyptus spp.
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Walkom, A. B. 1918. The geology of the Lower Mesozoic rocks of
Queensland, with special reference to their distribution and
fossil flora, and their correlation with the Lower Mesozoic
rocks of other parts of Australia. 43: 37-115.

Walkom, A. B. 1919. On a collection of Jurassic plants from
Bexhill, near Lismore, N.S.W. 44: 180-190.

Walkom, A. B. 1921a. On the occurrence of Otozamites in
Australia, with descriptions of specimens from Western
Australia. 46: 147-153.

Walkom, A. B. 1921b. On a specimen of Noeggerathiopsis from the
Lower Coal Measures of New South Wales. 46: 374-375.

Walkom, A. B. 1925. Fossil plants from the Narrabeen stage of the
Hawkesbury series. 50: 214-224.

Walkom, A. B. 1928a. Fossil plants from Plutoville, Cape York
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Walkom, A. B. 1928c. Lepidodendroid remains from Yalwal, N.S.W.
53: 310-314.

Walkom, A. B. 1928d. Fossil plants from the Esk district,
Queensland. 53: 458-468.

Walkom, A. B. 1929. Note on a fossil wood from central Australia.
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Walkom, A. B. 1932. Fossil plants from Mount Piddington and
Clarence Siding. 57: 123-126.

Walkom, A. B. 1934. Notes on some Carboniferous plants from New
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Walkom, A. B. 1935. Some fossil seeds from the Upper Palaeozoic
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Wass, R. E. & Gould, I. G. 1969. Permian faunas and sediments
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Waterhouse, J. T. 1987. Presidential Address. The phylogenetic
significance of Dracaena-type growth. (Edited from the
author’s notes by C. J. Quinn). 109: 129-138.

Waterhouse, W. L. 1933. On the production of fertile hybrids
from crosses between vulgare and khapli emmer wheats. 58: 99-

Waterhouse, W. L. 1934. Australian rust studies. IV. Natural
infection of barberries by black stem rust in Australia. 59:

Waterhouse, W. L. 1935. Australian rust studies. V. On the
occurrrence of a new physiologic form of wheat stem rust in
New South Wales. 60: 71-73.

Waterhouse, W. L. 1936. Presidential Address. 61: i-xxxviii.

Waterhouse, W. L. 1952. Australian rust studies. IX. Physiologic
race determinations and surveys of cereal rusts. 77: 209-258.

Waterhouse, W. L. 1957. Australian rust studies. XV. The
occurrence in Australia of stem rust of rye, Puccinia
graminis secalis E. & H. 82: 145-146.

Waterhouse, W. L. & Watson, I. A. 1941. Australian rust studies.
VI. Comparative studies of biotypes of race 34 of Puccinia
graminis tritici. 66: 269-275.

Watson, I. A. 1942. The development of physiological races of
Puccinia graminis tritici singly and in association with
others. 67: 294-312.

Watson, I. A. 1943. Inheritance studies with Kenya varieties of
Triticum vulgare Vill. 68: 72-90.

Watson, I. A. & Baker, E. P. 1943. Linkage of resistance to
Erysiphe graminis tritici and Puccinia triticina in certain
varieties of Triticum vulgare Vill. 68: 150-152.

Watson, I. A. & Butler, F. C. 1948. Resistance to Barley leaf
rust (Puccinia anomala Rost.). 72: 379-386.

Watson, I. A. & de Sousa, C. N. A. 1983. Long distance transport
of spores of Puccinia graminis tritici in the southern
hemisphere. 106: 311-321.

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1958a. Widespread natural infection
of barberry by Puccinia graminis in Tasmania. 83: 181-186.

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1958b. Somatic hybridization in
Puccinia graminis var. tritici. 83: 190-195.

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1959. Somatic hybridization between
Puccinia graminis var. tritici and Puccinia graminis var.
secalis. 84: 207-208.

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1961. Leaf rust on wheat in
Australia: a systematic scheme for the classification of
strains. 86: 241-250.

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1962. Selecting for virulence on
wheat while inbreeding Puccinia graminis var. secalis. 87:

Watson, I. A. & Luig, N. H. 1963a. Asexual intercrosses between
somatic recombinants of Puccinia graminis. 87: 99-104.

Watson, I. A. & Waterhouse, W. L. 1949. Australian rust studies.
VII. Some recent observations on wheat stem rust in
Australia. 74: 113-131.

Watson, J. 1979. Biota of a temperate shallow water reef. 103:

Watts, W. W. 1903. Notes on some New South Wales hepatics. 27:

Watts, W. W. 1904. Further notes on Australian hepatics. 29: 558-

Watts, W. W. 1913. The ferns of Lord Howe Island. 37: 395-403.

Watts, W. W. 1914. Additional notes on the ferns of Lord Howe
Island. 39: 257-262.

Watts, W. W. 1915. Some notes on the ferns of north Queensland.
39: 756-802.

Watts, W. W. 1916. Some cryptogamic notes from the Botanic
Gardens, Sydney. 41: 377-386.

Webb, J. A. 2001. A new marattialean fern from the Middle
Triassic of eastern Australia. 123: 215-224.

Welch, M. B. 1921. The occurrence of oil ducts in certain
eucalypts and angophoras. 46: 475-486.

Welch, M. B. 1922. The occurrence of oil-glands in the barks of
certain eucalypts. 47: 428-438.

Welch, M. B. 1923. The occurrence of secretory canals in certain
myrtaceous plants. 48: 660-673.

Wells, A. G. 1995. Groupings of tidal river systems in northern
Australia based on mangrove species. 115: 135-148.

White, C. T. 1920. A revised account of the Queensland
Lecythidaceae. 44: 822-825.

White, C. T. 1921. Notes on the genus Flindersia (family
Rutaceae). 46: 324-329.

White, C. T. 1923. A new conifer from southern Queensland. 48:

White, C. T. 1926. On a small collection of plants from the Rigo
district, Papua (British New Guinea). 51: 296-298.

White, M. E. 1964. Reproductive structures in Australian Upper
Permian Glossopteridae. 88: 392-396.

Whitelegge, T. 1916. The gametophyte of Psilotum: preliminary
notes. 41: 553-563.

Williams, M. B. 1960. A revision of Nitella cristata Braun
(Characeae) and its allies. Part II. Taxonomy. 84: 346-355.

Williams, M. M. 1923. A contribution to our knowledge of the
Fucaceae. 48: 634-646.

Williams, M. M. 1925a. Contributions to the cytology and
phylogeny of the siphonaceous algae. I. The cytology of the
gametangia of Codium tomentosum (Stack.). 50: 98-111.

Williams, M. M. 1925b. The anatomy of Lindsaya linearis and
Lindaya microphylla. 50: 391-404.

Williams, M. M. 1927. The anatomy of Cheilanthes vellea. 52: 73-

Williams, O. B. 1971. Phenology of species common to three semi-
arid grasslands. 96: 193-203.

Williams, P. R. & Clarke, P. J. 2006. Fire history and soil
gradients generate floristic patterns in montane sedgelands
and wet heaths of Gibraltar Range National Park. 127: 27-38.

Willis, J. L. 1951. The anatomy and morphology of the operculum
in the genus Eucalyptus. Part I. The occurrence of petals in
Eucalyptus gummifera (Gaertn.) Hochr. 76: 31-35.

Wilson, F. D. & Byrnes, N. 1970. Two new species of Hibiscus
section Furcaria (Malvaceae) from Australia. 95: 194-197.

Wood, A. 2005. Collections of Galerina (Agaricales, Fungi) made
by J. B. Cleland and housed in the State Herbarium of South
Australia. 126: 181-196.

Wood, A. E. 1979. A key to the Australian genera of the
Agaricales. 103: 255-273.

Wood, E. J. F. 1959. Some east Australian sea-grass communities.
84: 218-226.

Woolls, W. 1881a. Eucalypts of the county of Cumberland: their
classification, habitat, and uses. (1)5: 288-294.

Woolls, W. 1881b. Species of Eucalyptus in the county of
Cumberland: their habitat and uses. Part II. (1)5: 448-458.

Woolls, W. 1881c. Species of Eucalyptus in the county of
Cumberland: their habitat and uses. Part III. (1)5: 463-469.

Woolls, W. 1881d. Species of Eucalyptus in the county of
Cumberland: their habitat and uses. Part IV. (1)5: 488-493.

Woolls, W. 1881e. Species of Eucalyptus in the county of
Cumberland: their habitat and uses. Part V. (1)5: 503-510

Woolls, W. 1881f. Gesneraceae of Australia. (1)6: 148-150.

Woolls, W. 1881g. The plants of New South Wales. No. I. (1)6:

Woolls, W. 1881h. Plants of New South Wales. No. II. (1)6: 582-

Woolls, W. 1881i. On the plants of New South Wales. No. III.
(1)6: 706-711.

Woolls, W. 1882a. On the plants of New South Wales. No. IV. (1)6:

Woolls, W. 1882b. Note on Palmeria of the Monimiaceae. (1)6: 745.

Woolls, W. 1882c. Species of Alsophila in New South Wales. (1)6:

Woolls, W. 1882d. Plants of New South Wales. No. V. (1)6: 765-770.

Woolls, W. 1882e. Popular nomenclature. (1)6: 770-773.

Woolls, W. 1882f. On the plants of New South Wales. No. VI. (1)6:

Woolls, W. 1882g. On the plants of New South Wales. No. VII.
(1)6: 838-843.

Woolls, W. 1882h. On the plants of New South Wales. No. VIII.
(1)7: 71-76.

Woolls, W. 1882i. On the forage-plants indigenous in New South
Wales. (1)7: 310-318.

Woolls, W. 1883. Species of eucalyps first known in Europe. (1)7:

Woolls, W. 1884a. Plants which have become naturalized in N.S.
Wales. (1)9: 185-205.

Woolls, W. 1884b. On the Myrtaceae of Australia. (1)9: 643-648.

Woolls, W. 1885a. The Proteaceae of Australia. (1)10: 54-60.

Woolls, W. 1885b. Double flowers. (1)10: 455-458.

Woolls, W. 1886a. Note on Eucalyptus leucoxylon (F. v. M.). (2)1:

Woolls, W. 1886b. Botanical notes. (2)1: 929-930.

Woolls, W. 1887. A glance at the flora of Mount Wilson. (2)2: 6-

Woolls, W. 1888a. Lemnaceae or duckweeds. (2)3: 1247-1249.

Woolls, W. 1888b. Sapindaceae of Australia. (2)3: 1270-1276.

Woolls, W. 1889. Specimens of plants collected at King George’s
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Woolls, W. 1891a. On the genus Dodonaea. (2)5: 763-764.

Woolls, W. 1891b. On the classification of eucalypts. (2)6: 49-66.

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King George’s Sound by Mr. H. Willis. (2)7: 25-34.

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