Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW
by subject
Augee, M. L. 2003. Book review. Birds of Australia’s Top
End by Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow. 2001. Scrubfowl Press,
Parap, N.T. 124: 195.
Bennett, K. H. 1881. Notes on the habits of the black breasted
buzzard, Gypoictinia melanosternon, Gould. (1)6: 146-148.
Bennett, K. H. 1882a. On the breeding place of Platalea flavipes
and Ardea pacifica. (1)7: 324-328.
Bennett, K. H. 1883a. On the habits of the Mallee hen, Leipoa
Ocellata. (1)8: 193-197.
Bennett, K. H. 1885a. Notes on the habits, &., of birds breeding
in the interior of New South Wales. (1)10: 162-169.
Bennett, K. H. 1887a. Note on the mode of nidification of a
species of Pachycephala, supposed to be P. Gilbertii, from
the interior of N. S. Wales. (2)2: 103-104.
Bennett, K. H. 1890. Note on the breeding of the glossy ibis,
Falcinellus igneus (Ibis falcinellus, Linn.). (2)4: 1059-
Brazier, J. 1881e. Remarks on Megapodius Brazieri. (1)6: 150-154.
Brooker, M. G. & Caughley, G. 1966. The vertebrate fauna of
“Gilruth Plains”, south-west Queensland. 90: 238-241.
Buchanan, R. A. 1989. Pied currawongs (Strepera graculina):
their diet and role in weed dispersal in suburban Sydney,
New South Wales. 111: 241-255.
Castelnau, F. de, & Ramsay, E. P. 1877. Notes of a collection of
birds from the Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria, with
descriptions of some new species. (1)1: 379-386.
Cleland, J. B. 1922. A second bird census. 47: 132-141.
Cox, J. D. & Hamilton, A. G. 1889. A list of the birds of the
Mudgee district, with notes on their habits. (2)4: 394-424.
de Vis, C. W. 1883a. Description of two new birds of Queensland.
(1)7: 561-563.
de Vis, C. W. 1888d. A glimpse of the post-Tertiary avifauna of
Queensland. (2)3: 1277-1292.
de Vis, C. W. 1891a. On the trail of an extinct bird. (2)6: 117-
de Vis, C. W. 1892. Residue of the extinct birds of Queensland
as yet detected. (2)6: 437-456.
de Vis, C. W. 1895c. Description of a flycatcher, presumably new.
(2)10: 171.
Domrow, R. 1966b. Some mite parasites of Australian birds. 90:
Domrow, R. 1969. The nasal mites of Queensland birds (Acari:
Dermanyssidae, Ereynetidae, and Epidermoptidae). 93: 297-426.
Domrow, R. 1974. Miscellaneous mites from Australian vertebrates.
1-48. 99: 15-35.
Ekert, P. A. & Bucher, D. J. 1999. Winter use of large-leafed
privet Ligustrum lucidum (family: Oleaceae) by birds in
suburban Lismore, New South Wales. 121: 29-38.
Fitzgerald, R. D., Jr. 1888. Notes on the nidification of
Sphecotheres maxillaris, (Lath.), and of Campephaga
leucomelaena, (V. & H.), with descriptions of their eggs.
(2)2: 970-971.
Hall, R. 1899. Note on the occurrence in Victoria of a phase of
the subspecies Pardalotus assimilis, Ramsay. 24: 472-475.
Haswell, W. A. 1879c. Notes on the anatomy of birds. 1. The
brachial plexus of birds. (1)3: 409-413.
Haswell, W. A. 1879h. Notes on the anatomy of birds. (1)4: 303-
Haswell, W. A. 1882d. Note on the anatomy of two rare genera of
pigeons. (1)7: 115-116.
Haswell, W. A. 1882h. Note on some points in the anatomy of the
pigeons referred to by Dr. Hans Gadow in a recent paper on
the anatomy of Pterocles. (1)7: 397-402.
Haswell, W. A. 1887. Observations on the early stages in the
development of the emu (Dromaeus novae-hollandiae). (2)2:
Hull, A. F. B. 1910a. The birds of Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands.
34: 636-693.
Hull, A. F. B. 1911. Further notes on the birds of Lord Howe and
Norfolk Islands. 35: 783-787.
Hutton, F. W. 1879a. On an apparently new species of penguin,
from Campbell Island. (1)3: 334-335.
Hutton, F. W. 1879b. On a species of cormorant from Campbell
Island. (1)4: 356-358.
Hutton, F. W. 1893. On Dinornis (?) Queenslandiae. (2)8: 7-10.
Iredale, T. 1911. An additional note on the birds of Lord Howe
and Norfolk Islands. 35: 773-782.
Johnston, T. H. 1911b. New species of avian cestodes. 36: 58-80.
Johnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. 1941. Some nematode parasites of
Australian birds. 66: 250-256.
Kesteven, H. L. 1942a. The ossification of the avian
chondrocranium, with special reference to that of the emu.
67: 213-237.
Kesteven, H. L. 1942b. The ossification of the basisphenoid and
presphenoid bones in Melopsittacus. 67: 349-351.
Lawrence, J. 1946. some observations on the plasmodia and other
blood parasites of sparrows. 71: 1-5.
Macleay, W. 1875c. Notes on the zoological collections made in
Torres Straits and New Guinea during the cruise of the
Chevert. (1)1: 36-40.
Marshall, A. J. & Baker, J. R. 1940. The sex-ratio in the wild
animal populations of the New Hebrides. 65: 565-567.
Masters, G. 1875. Zoology of the Chevert – Ornithology. Part I.
(1)1: 44-64.
Masters, G. 1877. On Bruchigavia longirostris a new species of
gull, from King George’s Sound. (1)2: 113-115.
Masters, G. 1878. Notes on a collection of birds from Port
Darwin. (1)2: 269-276.
Mathew, G. F. 1885a. Rough notes on the natural history of the
Claremont Islands. (1)10: 251-258.
Morton, A. 1882. Notes on a cruise to the Solomon Islands. (1)7:
Murray, P. D. F. 1926. An experimental study of the development
of the limbs of the chick. 51: 187-263.
North, A. J. 1887a. Notes on the bower-birds (fam. Scenopidae) of
Australia. (2)1: 1155-1162.
North, A. J. 1887b. List of references to authentic descriptions
of Australian birds’ eggs. (2)1: 1163-1174.
North, A. J. 1887c. Notes on the nests and eggs of certain
Australian birds. (2)2: 405-411.
North, A. J. 1887d. Contributions to the oology of the Austro-
Malayan and Pacific regions. (2)2: 441-446.
North, A. J. 1887e. Descriptions of the eggs of two species of
Australian birds. (2)2: 554-555.
North, A. J. 1888a. Notes on the nidification of certain
Australian birds. (2)2: 985-988.
North, A. J. 1888b. Notes on the nests and eggs of certain
Australian birds. (2)3: 146-149.
North, A. J. 1888c. Notes on the nesting of Alcyone pulchra,
Gould. (2)3: 269-270.
North, A. J. 1888d. Notes on the nidification of Rhipidura
preissi, Cabanis, and Malurus pulcherrimus, Gould. (2)3: 414-
North, A. J. 1889. A list of the birds found in the county of
Cumberland, New South Wales. (2)3: 1773-1780.
North, A. J. 1890a. Notes on a small collection of birds made by
Mr. E. H. Saunders, at Roeburne, north-western Australia.
(2)4: 1023-1026.
North, A. J. 1890b. On the nidification of Heteromyias
cinereifrons, Ramsay, and Orthonyx spaldingi, Ramsay. (2)4:
North, A. J. 1890c. Notes upon the plumage of the adult males in
certain species of the genus Malurus. (2)5: 505-509.
North, A. J. 1891. Notes on the nidification of the Torres
Straits pigeon, Myristicivora spilorrhoa. (2)5: 880-882.
North, A. J. 1893. Oological notes. (2)7: 395-398.
North, A. J. 1894a. Notes on the red-crowned parrakeet
(Cyanorhamphus cooki) of Norfolk Island. (2)8: 517-521.
North, A. J. 1894b. Note on the habitat of the naked-eyed
cockatoo, Cacatua gymnopis, Sclater. (2)9: 37-38.
North, A. J. 1894c. Oological notes. (2)9: 39-42.
North, A. J. 1895. Oological notes. (2)10: 215-220.
North, A. J. 1897. Descriptions of the nests and eggs of three
species of Australian birds. 22: 56-61.
North, A. J. 1898. Descriptions of the nests and eggs of four
species of Australian birds. 23: 380-382.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875a. Description of a new species of Ptilotis,
from the Endeavour River, with some remarks on the natural
history of the east coast range, near Rockingham Bay. (1)1:
Ramsay, E. P. 1875b. Description of a new species of
Trichoglossus. (1)1: 30-32.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875d. Characters of a new genus and species of
passerine bird, from the Fiji Islands, proposed to be called
Vitia. (1)1: 41-42.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875e. Description of a new species of blackbird
(Merula) – Description of a new species of flycatcher
(Rhypidura). (1)1: 43-44.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875f. Description of a new species of Pachycephala
from Fiji, in the collection of Wm. Macleay, Esq., F.L.S.
(1)1: 65-66.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875g. Description of a supposed new species of
Pachycephala, from New Britain. (1)1: 66-67.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875h. Description of a new species of the genus
Lamprolia, Finsch; from Fiji. (1)1: 68-69.
Ramsay, E. P. 1875i. Remarks on a collection of birds lately
received from Fiji, and now forming part of the Macleayan
Collection, at Elizabeth Bay; with a list of all the species
at present known to inhabit the Fiji Islands. (1)1: 69-80.
Ramsay, E. P. 1876a. Description of a supposed new species of
fruit pigeon, from Malacola, one of the New Hebrides Islands,
S.S.; proposed to be called Ptilinopus Corriei. (1)1: 133-
Ramsay, E. P. 1876b. Description of a new species of plover, from
north Australia. (1)1: 135-136.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877a. List of Australian game birds and other
species which should be protected by the “Game Preservation
Act”. (1)1: 182-196.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877b. Remarks on a supposed new species of
Poephila. (1)1: 197-199.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877c. Remarks on the large number of game birds
which have of late been offered for sale in Sydney. (1)1:
Ramsay, E. P. 1877d. Note on Poephila Gouldiae. (1)1: 281-282.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877h. Notes of a collection of birds from New
Britain, New Ireland, and the Duke of York Islands, with some
remarks on the zoology of the Group. (1)1: 369-378.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877j. Notes on a collection of birds from Port
Moresby; with descriptions of some new species. (1)1: 386-
Ramsay, E. P. 1877l. On a new species of Platycercus from the
interior of New South Wales. (1)2: 27-28.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877o. Description of a new species of Gerygone.
(1)2: 53-54.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877p. Some further remarks on Poephila Gouldiae
and Poephila mirabilis (Homb. et Jacq.). (1)2: 70-72.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877r. Description of some new species of birds
from New Britain, New Ireland, Duke of York Island, and the
south-east coast of New Guinea. (1)2: 104-107.
Ramsay, E. P. 1877s. Description of some rare eggs of Australian
birds, and a note on the eggs of certain species of
Megapodius. (1)2: 107-112.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878a. Notes on some birds from Savage Island,
Tutuila, &c., in the collection of the Rev. Mr. Whitmee,
F.R.G.S., &c., &c. (1)2: 139-142.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878b. Tabular list of all the Australian birds at
present known – showing the distribution of the species.
(1)2: 177-212.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878c. Description of a species of Edoliosoma from
New Ireland, supposed to be the adult of Ceblepyris
schisticeps (Homb. et Jacq.). (1)2: 222-224.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878d. Description of a new species of Pachycephala
from the Gulf of Carpentaria. (1)2: 224.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878e. Description of a new species of Ianthaenas,
from the Duke of York Islands. (1)2: 248-249.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878f. Descriptions of three supposed new species
of birds from the New Hebrides. (1)2: 286-288.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878g. Description of a new species of Rhipidura,
from Torres Straits? and of a new species of Eopsaltria,
from the Rockingham Bay district, with remarks on some rare
Queensland birds. (1)2: 371-374.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878h. Notes on a specimen of Arses telescopthalmus
(Garn.), from Cape York? Arses kaupii (Gould); and the young
of Cracticus quoyi, Less, &c. (1)2: 374-376.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878i. Notes on the Australian cassowary, C.
australis (Wall). – Note on Carpophaga luctuosa (Temm.).
(1)2: 376-377.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878j. Description of a new species of Ptilotis,
from Torres Straits. (1)3: 2.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878k. Description of a species of Myiolestes, from
Fiji. (1)3: 12-14.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878l. Notes on “List of Australian birds”. (1)3:
Ramsay, E. P. 1878m. Descriptions of five species of new birds,
from Torres Straits and New Guinea, &c. (1)3: 72-75.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878n. Zoology of the Chevert. Ornithology. Part
II. (1)3: 100-116.
Ramsay, E. P. 1878o. On two new species of Gerygone. (1)3: 116-
Ramsay, E. P. 1878p. Note on the tracheae of certain Australian
ducks. (1)3: 154.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879a. On the goshawk from Port Moresby, Astur
cruentus of Salvadori and Sharpe (nec Gould). (1)3: 173-175.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879b. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Parts I and II. (1)3: 241-305.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879c. Notes on a small collection of birds from the
New Hebrides, with a description of a new species of Merula.
(1)3: 336-339.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879d. Description of a new species of Rhipidura,
from Lord Howe’s Island. (1)3: 340-341.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879f. Notes on Puffinus (Nectris) carneipes Gould.
(1)3: 406-408.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879g. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands.
Part I. Aves. (1)4: 65-84.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879h. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part IV. and V. Remarks on recent collections, made by Mr.
Andrew Goldie, in the south east portion of New Guinea and
the Louisiades. (1)4: 85-102.
Ramsay, E. P. 1879i. Notes on some recently described birds from
the Solomon Islands, with remarks on some Australian birds
mentioned in Mr. R. B. Sharpe’s Cat. of Bds., Vol. IV. (1)4:
Ramsay, E. P. 1880a. Note on an undetermined species of Lalage.
(1)4: 396-397.
Ramsay, E. P. 1880b. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part VI. On some new and rare birds, from south east coast
of New Guinea, &c. (1)4: 464-470.
Ramsay, E. P. 1881d. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands,
with descriptions of some new birds. Part II. (1)6: 176-181.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882b. Description of a new species of honey-eater
from s.e. coast of New Guinea. (1)6: 718.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882c. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands,
with descriptions of some new birds. Part III. (1)6: 718-727.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882e. Description of two new birds from the
Solomon Islands. (1)6: 833-835.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882f. Note on the range of Pycnoptilus floccosus,
Gould, and Pachycephala olivacea, Vig. & H. (1)6: 835-836.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882g. On a new species of Eurystopodus. (1)6: 843-
Ramsay, E. P. 1882h. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands.
Part IV. (1)7: 16-43.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882j. Contributions to Australian oology. Part I.
(1)7: 45-59.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882k. Notes on the zoology of Lord Howe’s Island.
(1)7: 86-90.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882m. Description of the eggs of five species of
Fijian birds. (1)7: 112-114.
Ramsay, E. P. 1882o. Description of two new birds from the Solomon
Islands. (1)7: 299-301.
Ramsay, E. P. 1883c. Notes on birds from the Solomon Islands.
(1)7: 665-673.
Ramsay, E. P. 1883d. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part VII. (1)8: 15-29.
Ramsay, E. P. 1884. Descriptions of two new species of birds
from the Austro-Malayan region. (1)9: 863-864.
Ramsay, E. P. 1885. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
(1)10: 242-245.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887a. List of Western Australian birds collected
by Mr. Cairn, and Mr. W. H. Boyer-Bower, at Derby and its
vicinity, with remarks on the species. (2)1: 1085-1100.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887b. Note on the egg of the regent-bird, Sericulus
melinus, Lath. (2)1: 1138.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887c. Notes on the nesting of Pycnoptilus floccosus
(Gould) in N.S.W. (2)1: 1139-1140.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887d. Descriptions of Australian birds’ eggs. (2)1:
Ramsay, E. P. 1887e. Description of a new species of Hapalotis,
(H. boweri) from north west Australia. (2)1: 1153-1154.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887f. List of birds collected at Derby, north west
Australia, by the late T. H. Boyer-Bower, Esq., with notes.
(2)2: 165-173.
Ramsay, E. P. 1887g. Description of a new species of Epimachus,
from the Astrolabe Range, S. E. New Guinea. (2)2: 239-240.
Ramsay, E. P. 1888a. Description of a new species of Philemon
from north-west Australia. (2)2: 676.
Ramsay, E. P. 1888b. Description of a new species of Gerygone from
Lord Howe’s Island. (2)2: 677.
Ramsay, E. P. 1888c. Descriptions of the eggs of three species of
sea-birds from Lord Howe’s Island. (2)2: 678-679.
Ramsay, E. P. 1888d. Description of a new species of Piezorhynchus
from the New Hebrides Islands. (2)3: 1293-1294.
Seebohm, H. 1893. Note on the occurrence of the sanderling
(Calidris arenaria) in Borneo. (2)8: 49-50.
Stanbury, P. J. 1969b. Type specimens in the Macleay Museum,
University of Sydney. III. Birds. 93: 457-461.
Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879l. On some post Tertiary fossils from
New Caledonia. (1)4: 360-363.
Thompson, G. B. & Plomley, N. J. B. 1938. A list of the insect