The Linnean Society of NSW

vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by author

Racek, A. A. 1968. A new species of Metapenaeopsis (Crustacea –
Decapoda) from northern Australian waters. 92: 251-253.

Racek, A. A. & Harrison, F. W. 1975. The systematic and
phylogenetic position of Palaeospongilla chubutensis
(Porifera: Spongillidae). 99: 157-165.

Racek, A. A. & Yaldwyn, J. C. 1971. Notes on littoral Penaeinae
(Crustacea: Decapoda) from the New Guinea area. 95: 209-214.

Rade, J. 1963. Permian microspores and tracheids from the
Narrabri-Curlewis area, New South Wales. 88: 130-136.

Rade, J. 1967. The geology of the White Cliffs Mt. Jack-Perry
Lake area, New South Wales. 92: 174-181.

Raffray, A. 1900. Australian Pselaphidae. 25: 131-249.

Raggatt, H. G. 1929a. Calcareous concretions in the Upper Marine
series, Singleton district, New South Wales. 54: 149-161.

Raggatt, H. G. 1929b. Note on the structural and tectonic geology
of the Hunter valley between Greta and Muswellbrook, with
special reference to the age of the diastrophism. 54: 273-

Rainbow, W. J. 1893a. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 1. (2)7: 471-476.

Rainbow, W. J. 1893b. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 2. (2)8: 16-24.

Rainbow, W. J. 1894a. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 3. (2)8: 287-294.

Rainbow, W. J. 1894b. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 4. (2)9: 153-157.

Rainbow, W. J. 1895. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 5. (2)10: 347-360.

Rainbow, W. J. 1896. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 6. 21: 320-344.

Rainbow, W. J. 1897a. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 7. 21: 628-633.

Rainbow, W. J. 1897b. Contributions to a knowledge of the
arachnidan fauna of Australia. No. 1. 21: 634-636.

Rainbow, W. J. 1898a. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 8. 22: 514-553.

Rainbow, W. J. 1898b. Contribution to a knowledge of the
arachnidan fauna of British New Guinea. 23: 328-356.

Rainbow, W. J. 1899. Contribution to a knowledge of the araneidan
fauna of Santa Cruz. 24: 304-321.

Rainbow, W. J. 1900. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 9. 25: 483-494.

Rainbow, W. J. 1902a. Arachnida from the south seas. 26: 521-532.

Rainbow, W. J. 1902b. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New
South Wales. No. 10. 27: 484-492.

Rajput, M. T. M. & Carolin, R. C. 1984. Phyllotaxis and stem
vascularization of Dampiera R. Br. (Goodeniaceae). 107: 479-

Ramsay, E. P. 1875a. Description of a new species of Ptilotis,
from the Endeavour River, with some remarks on the natural
history of the east coast range, near Rockingham Bay. (1)1:

Ramsay, E. P. 1875b. Description of a new species of
Trichoglossus. (1)1: 30-32.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875c. Description of a new genus and species of
rat kangaroo, allied to the genus Hypsiprymnus, proposed
to be called Hypsiprymnodon moschatus. (1)1: 33-35.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875d. Characters of a new genus and species of
passerine bird, from the Fiji Islands, proposed to be called
Vitia. (1)1: 41-42.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875e. Description of a new species of blackbird
(Merula) – Description of a new species of flycatcher
(Rhypidura). (1)1: 43-44.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875f. Description of a new species of Pachycephala
from Fiji, in the collection of Wm. Macleay, Esq., F.L.S.
(1)1: 65-66.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875g. Description of a supposed new species of
Pachycephala, from New Britain. (1)1: 66-67.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875h. Description of a new species of the genus
Lamprolia, Finsch; from Fiji. (1)1: 68-69.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875i. Remarks on a collection of birds lately
received from Fiji, and now forming part of the Macleayan
Collection, at Elizabeth Bay; with a list of all the species
at present known to inhabit the Fiji Islands. (1)1: 69-80.

Ramsay, E. P. 1875j. Description of a supposed new species of
bat, from Stanwell, near Bulli, N.S.W.. (1)1: 81-82.

Ramsay, E. P. 1876a. Description of a supposed new species of
fruit pigeon, from Malacola, one of the New Hebrides Islands,
S.S.; proposed to be called Ptilinopus Corriei. (1)1: 133-

Ramsay, E. P. 1876b. Description of a new species of plover, from
north Australia. (1)1: 135-136.

Ramsay, E. P. 1876c. Description of a new species of kangaroo,
from New Guinea. (1)1: 162-164.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877a. List of Australian game birds and other
species which should be protected by the “Game Preservation
Act”. (1)1: 182-196.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877b. Remarks on a supposed new species of
Poephila. (1)1: 197-199.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877c. Remarks on the large number of game birds
which have of late been offered for sale in Sydney. (1)1:

Ramsay, E. P. 1877d. Note on Poephila Gouldiae. (1)1: 281-282.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877e. Description of a new species of Halmaturus,
from New Ireland. (1)1: 307-309.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877f. Description of a new species of Perameles,
from New Ireland. (1)1: 310.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877g. Description of a supposed new species of
rock wallaby from the Palm Island, on the north-east coast of
Australia, proposed to be called Petrogale assimilis. (1)1:

Ramsay, E. P. 1877h. Notes of a collection of birds from New
Britain, New Ireland, and the Duke of York Islands, with some
remarks on the zoology of the Group. (1)1: 369-378.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877i. On Perameles Cockerellii. (1)1: 378-379.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877j. Notes on a collection of birds from Port
Moresby; with descriptions of some new species. (1)1: 386-

Ramsay, E. P. 1877k. Zoology of the Chevert. Mammals. Part I.
(1)2: 7-19.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877l. On a new species of Platycercus from the
interior of New South Wales. (1)2: 27-28.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877m. Description of a new species of Pelodryas,
from New Ireland. (1)2: 28-30.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877n. Note of a species of echidna (Tachyglossus),
from Port Moresby, New Guinea. (1)2: 31-33.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877o. Description of a new species of Gerygone.
(1)2: 53-54.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877p. Some further remarks on Poephila Gouldiae
and Poephila mirabilis (Homb. et Jacq.). (1)2: 70-72.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877q. Description of a supposed new species of
Acanthophis, from north Australia. (1)2: 72-73.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877r. Description of some new species of birds
from New Britain, New Ireland, Duke of York Island, and the
south-east coast of New Guinea. (1)2: 104-107.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877s. Description of some rare eggs of Australian
birds, and a note on the eggs of certain species of
Megapodius. (1)2: 107-112.

Ramsay, E. P. 1877t. Note on Macgillivray’s snake, Brachysoma
triste. (1)2: 113.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878a. Notes on some birds from Savage Island,
Tutuila, &c., in the collection of the Rev. Mr. Whitmee,
F.R.G.S., &c., &c. (1)2: 139-142.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878b. Tabular list of all the Australian birds at
present known – showing the distribution of the species.
(1)2: 177-212.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878c. Description of a species of Edoliosoma from
New Ireland, supposed to be the adult of Ceblepyris
schisticeps (Homb. et Jacq.). (1)2: 222-224.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878d. Description of a new species of Pachycephala
from the Gulf of Carpentaria. (1)2: 224.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878e. Description of a new species of Ianthaenas,
from the Duke of York Islands. (1)2: 248-249.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878f. Descriptions of three supposed new species
of birds from the New Hebrides. (1)2: 286-288.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878g. Description of a new species of Rhipidura,
from Torres Straits? and of a new species of Eopsaltria,
from the Rockingham Bay district, with remarks on some rare
Queensland birds. (1)2: 371-374.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878h. Notes on a specimen of Arses telescopthalmus
(Garn.), from Cape York? Arses kaupii (Gould); and the young
of Cracticus quoyi, Less, &c. (1)2: 374-376.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878i. Notes on the Australian cassowary, C.
australis (Wall). – Note on Carpophaga luctuosa (Temm.).
(1)2: 376-377.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878j. Description of a new species of Ptilotis,
from Torres Straits. (1)3: 2.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878k. Description of a species of Myiolestes, from
Fiji. (1)3: 12-14.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878l. Notes on “List of Australian birds”. (1)3:

Ramsay, E. P. 1878m. Descriptions of five species of new birds,
from Torres Straits and New Guinea, &c. (1)3: 72-75.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878n. Zoology of the Chevert. Ornithology. Part
II. (1)3: 100-116.

Ramsay, E. P. 1878o. On two new species of Gerygone. (1)3: 116-

Ramsay, E. P. 1878p. Note on the tracheae of certain Australian
ducks. (1)3: 154.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879a. On the goshawk from Port Moresby, Astur
cruentus of Salvadori and Sharpe (nec Gould). (1)3: 173-175.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879b. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Parts I and II. (1)3: 241-305.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879c. Notes on a small collection of birds from the
New Hebrides, with a description of a new species of Merula.
(1)3: 336-339.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879d. Description of a new species of Rhipidura,
from Lord Howe’s Island. (1)3: 340-341.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879e. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part III. Description of a new marsupial allied to the genus
Perameles, Geoff. (1)3: 402-405.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879f. Notes on Puffinus (Nectris) carneipes Gould.
(1)3: 406-408.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879g. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands.
Part I. Aves. (1)4: 65-84.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879h. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part IV. and V. Remarks on recent collections, made by Mr.
Andrew Goldie, in the south east portion of New Guinea and
the Louisiades. (1)4: 85-102.

Ramsay, E. P. 1879i. Notes on some recently described birds from
the Solomon Islands, with remarks on some Australian birds
mentioned in Mr. R. B. Sharpe’s Cat. of Bds., Vol. IV. (1)4:

Ramsay, E. P. 1880a. Note on an undetermined species of Lalage.
(1)4: 396-397.

Ramsay, E. P. 1880b. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part VI. On some new and rare birds, from south east coast
of New Guinea, &c. (1)4: 464-470.

Ramsay, E. P. 1880c. Description of a new species of Oligorus
from Queensland. (1)5: 93-95.

Ramsay, E. P. 1880d. Notes on Galeocerdo rayneri, with a list of
other sharks taken in Port Jackson. (1)5: 95-97.

Ramsay, E. P. 1881a. On a rare species of perch, from Port
Jackson. (1)5: 294-295.

Ramsay, E. P. 1881b. Notes on Histiophorus gladius. (1)5: 295-297.

Ramsay, E. P. 1881c. Description of a parasitic Syngnatus. (1)5:

Ramsay, E. P. 1881d. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands,
with descriptions of some new birds. Part II. (1)6: 176-181.

Ramsay, E. P. 1881e. Description of a new labroid fish of the
genus Novacula, from Port Jackson. (1)6: 198-199.

Ramsay, E. P. 1881f. Description of a new species of Hemerocoetes
from Port Jackson. (1)6: 575-576.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882a. On the occurrence of Pseudophycis
breviusculus, Richardson, in Port Jackson. (1)6: 717.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882b. Description of a new species of honey-eater
from s.e. coast of New Guinea. (1)6: 718.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882c. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands,
with descriptions of some new birds. Part III. (1)6: 718-727.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882d. Description of a supposed new species of rat
from the interior of New South Wales. (1)6: 763-765.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882e. Description of two new birds from the
Solomon Islands. (1)6: 833-835.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882f. Note on the range of Pycnoptilus floccosus,
Gould, and Pachycephala olivacea, Vig. & H. (1)6: 835-836.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882g. On a new species of Eurystopodus. (1)6: 843-

Ramsay, E. P. 1882h. Notes on the zoology of the Solomon Islands.
Part IV. (1)7: 16-43.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882i. On a new species of Mus from the island of
Ugi, Solomon group. (1)7: 43-44.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882j. Contributions to Australian oology. Part I.
(1)7: 45-59.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882k. Notes on the zoology of Lord Howe’s Island.
(1)7: 86-90.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882l. Notes on Apogon Guntheri, of Castelnau, and
descriptions of two new fishes from N.S.W. (1)7: 110-112.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882m. Description of the eggs of five species of
Fijian birds. (1)7: 112-114.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882n. On a new species of Gobiesox from Tasmania.
(1)7: 148.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882o. Description of two new birds from the Solomon
Islands. (1)7: 299-301.

Ramsay, E. P. 1882p. Description of a new species of Coris from
Lord Howes’ Island and New South Wales. (1)7: 301-302.

Ramsay, E. P. 1883a. Description of a new species of Solea from
Port Stephens. (1)7: 406.

Ramsay, E. P. 1883b. Contributions to Australian oology. Part II.
(1)7: 406-415.

Ramsay, E. P. 1883c. Notes on birds from the Solomon Islands.
(1)7: 665-673.

Ramsay, E. P. 1883d. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
Part VII. (1)8: 15-29.

Ramsay, E. P. 1883e. Description of some new Australian fishes.
(1)8: 177-179.

Ramsay, E. P. 1884. Descriptions of two new species of birds
from the Austro-Malayan region. (1)9: 863-864.

Ramsay, E. P. 1885. Contributions to the zoology of New Guinea.
(1)10: 242-245.

Ramsay, E. P. 1886a. Notes from the Australian Museum.
Description of a new Coris. (1)10: 851-852.

Ramsay, E. P. 1886b. Notes from the Australian Museum. On a new
genus and species of fresh water tortoise from the Fly River,
New Guinea. (2)1: 158-162.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887a. List of Western Australian birds collected
by Mr. Cairn, and Mr. W. H. Boyer-Bower, at Derby and its
vicinity, with remarks on the species. (2)1: 1085-1100.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887b. Note on the egg of the regent-bird, Sericulus
melinus, Lath. (2)1: 1138.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887c. Notes on the nesting of Pycnoptilus floccosus
(Gould) in N.S.W. (2)1: 1139-1140.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887d. Descriptions of Australian birds’ eggs. (2)1:

Ramsay, E. P. 1887e. Description of a new species of Hapalotis,
(H. boweri) from north west Australia. (2)1: 1153-1154.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887f. List of birds collected at Derby, north west
Australia, by the late T. H. Boyer-Bower, Esq., with notes.
(2)2: 165-173.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887g. Description of a new species of Epimachus,
from the Astrolabe Range, S. E. New Guinea. (2)2: 239-240.

Ramsay, E. P. 1887h. Description of two new species of marsupials
(Perameles and Antechinus), and of a new species of Mus (M.
Burtoni), from the neighbourhood of Derby, N.W.A. (2)2: 551-

Ramsay, E. P. 1888a. Description of a new species of Philemon
from north-west Australia. (2)2: 676.

Ramsay, E. P. 1888b. Description of a new species of Gerygone from
Lord Howe’s Island. (2)2: 677.

Ramsay, E. P. 1888c. Descriptions of the eggs of three species of
sea-birds from Lord Howe’s Island. (2)2: 678-679.

Ramsay, E. P. 1888d. Description of a new species of Piezorhynchus
from the New Hebrides Islands. (2)3: 1293-1294.

Ramsay, E. P. 1888e. Notes on the fauna of the Bellenden-Ker
Ranges. (2)3: 1295-1299.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886a. Descriptions of new or rare
Australian fishes. (1)10: 575-579.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886b. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Description of two new fishes from Port Jackson.
(1)10: 757-758.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886c. Descriptions of some new
Australian fishes. (2)1: 4-7.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886d. Notes from the Australian
Museum. A contribution to the knowledge of the fish-fauna of
New Guinea. (2)1: 8-20.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886e. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Description of a new Coris from the New Hebrides.
(2)1: 131-132.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886f. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Descriptions of two new fishes. (2)1: 474-475.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886g. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On specimens of the genus Xiphasia, Swainson, from
Port Jackson. (2)1: 582-584.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886h. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On an undescribed species of Chilodactylus from Port
Jackson. (2)1: 879-880.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1886i. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On an undescribed Sciaena from the New South Wales
coast. (2)1: 941-942.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887a. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Description of a new Australian fish. (2)1: 1101-1102

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887b. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On an undescribed Dules from New Guinea. (2)2: 4-5.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887c. On an undescribed shark from
Port Jackson. (2)2: 163-164.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887d. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Notes on the genera of Australian fishes. (2)2: 181-

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887e. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Descriptions of new Australian fishes. (2)2: 241-243.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1887f. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Descriptions of new Australian fishes. (2)2: 561-564.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888a. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On a new genus and species of labroid fish from Port
Jackson. (2)2: 631-634.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888b. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Descriptions of two new fishes from Port Jackson.
(2)2: 1021-1023.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888c. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Note in correction of certain errors in previous
papers. (2)2: 1024.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888d. Notes from the Australian
Museum. On the genus Tetragonurus of Risso. (2)3: 9-16.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888e. Notes from the Australian
Museum. Description of a new Tripterygium from Port Jackson.
(2)3: 419-420.

Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D. 1888f. Descriptions of two new
Australian fishes. (2)3: 1310-1312.

Ramsay, G. C., McArthur, N. A. & Dowling, V. P. 1996. Building
in a fire-prone environment: research on building survival
in two major bushfires. 116: 133-140.

Ramsay, H. P. 1967. Intraspecific polyploidy in Hypopterygium
rotulatum (Hedw.) Brid. 91: 220-230.

Rao, C. V. 1957. Cytotaxonomy of the Proteaceae. 82: 257-271.

Ratte, F. 1885a. On Tribrachyocrinus corrugatus (F. Ratte) spec.
nov. from the Carboniferous sandstone of New South Wales.
(1)9: 1158-1164.

Ratte, F. 1885b. On the larvae and larva-cases of some Australian
Aphrophoridae. (1)9: 1164-1169.

Ratte, F. 1885c. On a Devonian fossil allied to Worthenia (de
Koninck) from New South Wales. (1)10: 79-80.

Ratte, F. 1886a. Notes from the Australian Museum. On some
remarkable crystals of siderite. (1)10: 759-760.

Ratte, F. 1886b. Note on Crioceras australe, Moore? a lower
Cretaceous fossil from Queensland. (2)1: 133-135.

Ratte, F. 1887a. Notes on Australian fossils. (2)1: 1065-1084.

Ratte, F. 1887b. Note on some trilobites new to Australia. (2)2:

Ratte, F. 1887c. Note on some Australian fossils. (2)2: 137-139.

Ratte, F. 1887d. Note on a remarkable example of fracture in
kerosene shale. (2)2: 140.

Ratte, F. 1887e. Additional evidence on fossil Salisburiae from
Australia. (2)2: 159-162.

Read, R. B. 1878. Lepidoptera having antlia terminal in a
teretron or borer. (1)3: 150-154.

Read, R. B. 1879. On Doris Arbutus, Angas. (1)4: 291-292.

Reid, A. 1998. A complete description of Sepia mira (Cotton 1932)
(Cephalopoda: Sepiidae) from eastern Australia. 119: 155-171.

Reid, A. 2000. Eight new Planipapillus (Onychophora:
Peripatopsidae) from southeastern Australia. 122: 1-32.

Reid, A. 2001. A new cuttlefish, Sepia grahami, sp. nov.
(Cephalopoda: Sepiidae) from eastern Australia. 123: 159-172.

Reid, C. A. M. 1992. Descriptions of the pupae of nine genera of
Australian paropsine Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae). 113: 311-337.

Renbuss, M. A., Chilvers, G. A. & Pryor, L. D. 1973.
Microbiology of an ashbed. 97: 302-310.

Retallack, G., Gould, R. E. & Runnegar, B. 1977. Isotopic dating
of a middle Triassic megafossil flora from near Nymboida,
northeastern New South Wales. 101: 77-113.

Reye, E. J. & Lee, D. J. 1961. An investigation of the possible
role of biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in the
transmission of arthropod-borne virus diseases at Townsville.
86: 230-236.

Reye, E. J. & Lee, D. J. 1963. The influence of the tide cycle on
certain species of Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). 87:

Richards, A. M. 1965. The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of
Australia. Part 2. A new genus. 89: 373-379.

Richards, A. M. 1966. The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of
Australia. 4. A new genus from South Australia. 91: 109-113.

Richards, A. M. 1967. The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of
Australia. Part 5. The Rhaphidophoridae of Flinders Island.
92: 151-156.

Richards, A. M. 1968a. Notes on the biology of two species of
Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) in Tasmania. 92: 273-278.

Richards, A. M. 1968b. The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of
Australia. Part 7. Pallidotettix, a new genus from the
Nullarbor Plain, south-western Australia. 93: 46-51.

Richards, A. M. 1970. Observations on the biology of
Pallidotettix nullarborensis Richards (Rhaphidophoridae:
Orthoptera) from the Nullarbor Plain. 94: 195-206.

Richardson, D. L. 1998. Descriptions of the colour patterns of
juvenile anemonefishes (Pomacentridae: Amphiprion) from New
South Wales and the Lord Howe – Norfolk Island region. 120:

Richardson, L. R. 1968a. An annotated list of Australian leeches.
92: 227-245.

Richardson, L. R. 1968b. A new bdellourid-like triclad
turbellarian ectoconsortic on Murray river Chelonia. 93: 90-

Richardson, L. R. 1969. The family Ozobranchidae redefined, and
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Oedogoniophyceae (Chlorophyta) from northern New South Wales.
104: 245-263.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1888a. Notes on a new dipterous insect belonging
to the family Cecidomyidae infesting grass; also on two
hymenopterous insects parasitic upon the former. (2)2: 1071-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1888b. Diptera of Australia. Part I. (2)3: 17-145.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1888c. Diptera of Australia. Part II. (2)3: 657-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1888d. Diptera of Australia. Part III. (2)3: 1123-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1889a. Diptera of Australia. Part IV. (2)3: 1363-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1889b. Diptera of Australia. Part V. (2)3: 1717-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1889c. Notes on the genus Lestophonus, Williston,
and description of a new species. (2)4: 123-126.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1889d. Description of a new genus (Batrachomyia,
W. S. Macleay, MS.), and two species of dipterous insects
parasitic upon Australian frogs. (2)4: 171-177.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1889e. Diptera of Australia. Part VI. (2)4: 215-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1890a. Diptera of Australia. Part VII. (2)4: 757-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1890b. Diptera of Australia. Part VIII. (2)5: 53-

Skuse, F. A. A. 1890c. Diptera of Australia. Nematocera.
Supplement I. (2)5: 373-412.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1890d. Diptera of Australia. Nematocera.
Supplement II. (2)5: 595-640.

Skuse, F. A. A. 1891. Description of a luminous dipterous insect
(fam. Mycetophilidae), from New Zealand. (2)5: 677-679.

Skvortzov, B. V. 1937. Notes on fossil diatoms from New South
Wales, Australia. I. Fossil diatoms from diatomaceous earth,
Cooma, N.S.W. 62: 175-180.

Slatyer, R. O. 1973. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture, 1972.
Energy flows in the biosphere – The impact of man. 97: 225-

Sloane, T. G. 1888. A note on the Carenides, with descriptions
of new species. (2)3: 1101-1122.

Sloane, T. G. 1889. Studies in Australian entomology. No. I.
Review of the genus Sarticus (Carabidae). (2)4: 501-512.

Sloane, T. G. 1890a. Studies in Australian entomology. No. II.
Six new species of Carabidae. (2)4: 1288-1296.

Sloane, T. G. 1890b. Studies in Australian entomology. No. III.
On Promecoderus and closely allied genera (Carabidae). (2)5:

Sloane, T. G. 1890c. Studies in Australian entomology. No. IV.
New genera and species of Carabidae. (2)5: 641-653.

Sloane, T. G. 1892a. Descriptions of two new species of Carenum
from west Australia, with notes on the synonymy and
distribution of some previously described species. (2)6: 427-

Sloane, T. G. 1892b. Studies in Australian entomology. No. V.
Notes on the subfamily Broscini (Carabidae), with
descriptions of new species. (2)7: 45-64.

Sloane, T. G. 1893. Studies in Australian entomology. No. VI.
Description of a new tiger beetle from Queensland. (2)8: 25-

Sloane, T. G. 1894. A second note on the Carenides, with
descriptions of new species. (2)8: 448-483.

Sloane, T. G. 1895. Studies in Australian entomology. No. VII.
New genera and species of Carabidae (including some notes on
previously described species, and synoptic lists of genera
and species). (2)9: 393-455.

Sloane, T. G. 1896a. On the Australian Clivinides (fam.
Carabidae). (Revision of the Australian species of the genus
Clivina with the description of a new genus, Clivinarchus).
21: 143-257.

Sloane, T. G. 1896b. Appendix to the Australian Clivinides (fam.
Carabidae). The Clivinides of King’s Sound and its vicinity.
21: 275-280.

Sloane, T. G. 1896c. On the Australian Bembidiides referable to
the genus Tachys, with the description of a new allied genus
Pyrrotachys. 21: 355-377.

Sloane, T. G. 1897a. Studies in Australian entomology. No. VIII.
Descriptions of two new tiger beetles. 22: 33-35.

Sloane, T. G. 1897b. On the Carenides (fam. Carabidae). No. III.
22: 190-229.

Sloane, T. G. 1898. On Carabidae from west Australia, sent by
Mr. A. M. Lea (with descriptions of new genera and species,
synoptic tables, &c.). 23: 444-520.

Sloane, T. G. 1900a. Studies in Australian entomology. No. IX.
New species of Carabidae (with notes on some previously
described species, and synoptic lists of species). 24: 553-

Sloane, T. G. 1900b. On the Carenides (fam. Carabidae). No. IV.
25: 361-388.

Sloane, T. G. 1901. Studies in Australian entomology. No. X. 25:

Sloane, T. G. 1902a. Studies in Australian entomology. No. XI.
26: 672-673.

Sloane, T. G. 1902b. A revision of the genus Notonomous (family
Carabidae; subfamily Feronini). 27: 252-325.

Sloane, T. G. 1903. Studies in Australian entomology. No. XII.
New Carabidae (Panageini, Bembidiini, Pogonini, Platysmatini,
Platynini, Lebiini, with revisional lists of genera and
species, some notes on synonymy, &c.). 28: 566-642.

Sloane, T. G. 1904. Studies in Australian entomology. No. XIV.
New species of geodephagous Coleoptera from tropical
Australia. Cicindelidae (3), and Carabidae (5) [Platysmatini,
Morioni, Perigonini, Masoreini, and Physocrotaphini]. 29:

Sloane, T. G. 1905a. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part I. 29: 699-733.

Sloane, T. G. 1905b. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part II. 30: 103-135.

Sloane, T. G. 1905c. Australian Carabidae. Check-list. Part i.
Subfamily Carabinae. Supplement to the Proceedings of the
Linnean Society of New south Wales 1905 (Part i). 30: 1-18.

Sloane, T. G. 1905d. Five new species of Cicindela from tropical
Australia. 30: 229-234.

Sloane, T. G. 1906a. Revision of the Cicindelidae of Australia.
31: 309-360.

Sloane, T. G. 1906b. Supplement to the “Revision of the
Cicindelidae of Australia”. 31: 555-560.

Sloane, T. G. 1907. Studies in Australian entomology. No. XV. New
genera and species of Carabidae, with some notes on synonymy
(Clivinini, Scaritini, Cunipectini, Trigonotomini and
Lebiini). 32: 346-381.

Sloane, T. G. 1909. Second supplement to the “Revision of the
Cicindelidae of Australia”. 34: 296-301.

Sloane, T. G. 1910a. Studies in Australian entomology. No. XVI.
New species of Carabidae. 35: 378-406.

Sloane, T. G. 1910b. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part iii. 35: 435-458.

Sloane, T. G. 1911. Carabidae from Dorrigo, N.S.W.; with an
appendix on Tenebrionidae from Dorrigo by H. J. Carter 35:
823-843, 843-848.

Sloane, T. G. 1913a. Descriptions of two new species of Cicindela
from Western Australia. 38: 401-403.

Sloane, T. G. 1913b. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part iv. The genus Notonomus. 38: 404-449.

Sloane, T. G. 1914a. Description of a new tiger-beetle from
north-western Australia. 39: 565-567.

Sloane, T. G. 1914b. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part v. 39: 568-614.

Sloane, T. G. 1915. Studies in Australian entomology. No. xvii.
New genera and species of Carabidae (Pamborini, Migadopini,
Broscini, Cuneipectini, Nomiini, Pterostichini, Platynini,
Oodini, Harpalini, and Leblini). 40: 438-473.

Sloane, T. G. 1916a. Carabidae from the upper Williams River,
N.S. Wales, [Coleoptera]. 41: 196-208.

Sloane, T. G. 1916b. New Australian species of Carabidae belonging
to the tribe Scaritini [Coleoptera]. 41: 597-630.

Sloane, T. G. 1917a. Description of a new tiger-beetle from the
Northern Territory. 42: 337-338.

Sloane, T. G. 1917b. On the endoskeleton of the head, the anterior
coxae, and the anterior coxal cavities in the families
Carabidae and Cicindelidae (Coleoptera). 42: 339-342.

Sloane, T. G. 1917c. Carabidae from tropical Australia. (New
genera and species, notes and synonymy, and synoptic tables.
Tribes Scaritini, Harpalini, Odacanthini, Lebiini, and
Helluonini). 42: 406-438.

Sloane, T. G. 1920a. The Carabidae of Tasmania. 45: 113-178.

Sloane, T. G. 1920b. A list of the species of Australian
Carabidae which range beyond Australia and its dependent
islands. 45: 320-323.

Sloane, T. G. 1921a. Revisional notes on Australian Carabidae.
Part vi. Tribe Bembidiini. 46: 192-208.

Sloane, T. G. 1921b. Description of a new tiger-beetle from the
Wyndham district. 46: 330-332.

Sloane, T. G. 1923. Studies in Australian entomology. No. xviii.
New genera and species of Carabidae. (Scaritini,
Pterostichini, Merizodini, Bembidiini, Trechini,
Odacanathini, Panagaeini, Licinini, and Lebiini). 48: 17-39.

Sloane, T. G. 1933. Notes on the Australian species of the
family Paussidae [Coleoptera]. 58: 396-404. (Prepared for
publication by H. J. Carter, B.A., F.E.S.).

Smit, F. G. A. M. 1958. A new bird-flea from Tasmania. 83: 173-

Smith, A. K. 1992. Notes and discussion. Tropical scallop found
in Jervis Bay, New South Wales. 113: 339-340.

Smith, B., Augee, M. & Rose, S. 2003. Radio-tracking studies of
common ringtail possums, Pseudocheirus peregrinus, in Manly
Dam Reserve, Sydney. 124: 183-194.

Smith, E. A. 1901. Note on the subgenus Salinator of Hedley. 26:

Smith, E. A. 1904. Note on Terebra Hedleyi, Tate. 29: 211-212.

Smith, G. E. 1895. A preliminary communication upon the cerebral
commissures of the Mammalia, with special reference to the
Monotremata and Marsupialia. (2)9: 635-657.

Smith, G. F., Borsboom, A., Lloyd, R., Lees, N. & Kehl, J. 1998.
Habitat changes, growth and abundance of juvenile giant spiny
crayfish, Euastacus hystricosus (Decapoda: Parastacidae), in
the Conondale Ranges, south-east Queensland. 119: 71-86.

Smith, H. G. 1891. On the occurrence of barite (barytes) in the
Hawkesbury sandstone near Sydney. (2)6: 131-132.

Smith, K. A. 2003. Larval distributions of some commercially
valuable fish species over the Sydney continental shelf.
124: 1-11.

Smith, K. G. V. 1960. A new species of Hilaria (Diptera,
Empididae) from New south Wales. 84: 373-374.

Smith, M. M. 1984. Petrodentine in extant and fossil dipnoan
dentitions: microstructure, histogenesis and growth. 107:

Smith-White, S. 1942. Cytological studies in the Myrtaceae. I.
Microsporogenesis in several genera of the tribe
Leptospermoideae. 67: 335-342.

Smith-White, S. 1948a. Cytological studies in the Myrtaceae. II.
Chromosome numbers in the Leptospermoideae and Myrtoideae.
73: 16-36.

Smith-White, S. 1948b. A survey of chromosome numbers in the
Epacridaceae. 73: 37-56.

Smith-White, S. 1950a. Cytological studies in the Myrtaceae. III.
cytology and phylogeny in the Chamaelaucoidea. 75: 99-121.

Smith-White, S. 1950b. A note on non-reciprocal fertility in
mating between subspecies of mosquitoes. 75: 279-281.

Smith-White, S. 1954. Cytological studies in the Myrtaceae. IV.
The sub-tribe Euchamaelaucinae. 79: 21-28.

Smith-White, S. 1959a. Presidential Address. 84: 1-35.

Smith-White, S. 1959b. Pollen tetrad segregation in Astroloma
pinifolium and in Acrotriche fasciculiflora. 84: 259-270.

Smith-White, S. 1963. Variable tetrad pollen in Astroloma from
southern Australia. 88: 91-102.

Smith-White, S. & McCusker, A. 1960. Spontaneous chromosome
breakage in Astroloma pinifolium. 85: 142-153.

Smith-White, S. & Woodhill, A. R. 1955. The nature and
significance of non-reciprocal fertility in Aedes scutellaris
and other mosquitoes. 79: 163-176.

Smithers, C. 1999. Book review. The Yponomeutinae (Lepidoptera)
of the world exclusive of the Americas. Z. S. Gershenson and
S. A. Ulenberg. 1998. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen. Tweede reeks, deel 99. 121: 199-201.

Smithers, C. N. 1989a. A distinctive new species and new
distribution records of Stilbopteryginae (Insecta:
Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). 110: 407-410.

Smithers, C. N. 1989b. Two new species of Amphientomidae (Insecta:
Psocoptera), the first record of the family for Australia.
111: 31-35.

Smithers, C. N. 1990. Psocoptera (Insecta) from nest webs of
Badumna candida (L. Koch) (Desidae: Araneae) in Queensland.
112: 27-31.

Smithers, C. N. 1996. New species and new records of
Pseudocaeciliidae, Philotarsidae and Elipsocidae (Insecta:
Psocoptera) from the Mount Royal area, Hunter Valley, New
South Wales. 116: 233-243.

Smithers, C. N. 1997. Lepidopsocidae, Trogiidae, Myopsocidae and
Psocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera) from the Mount Royal area,
New South Wales. 118: 111-121.

Smithers, C. N. 1998. New species and new records of Psocoptera
(Insecta) from South Australia. 120: 69-79.

Smithers, C. N., Peters, J. V. & Thornton, I. W. B. 1999. The
Psocoptera (Insecta) of Norfolk and Philip Islands:
occurrence, status and zoogeography. 121: 101-111.

Smithers, C. N. & Thornton, I. W. B. 1973. The Psilopsocidae
(Psocoptera) of New Guinea. 98: 98-103.

Smithers, C. N. & Thornton, I. W. B. 1975. The first record of
Stenopsocidae (Psocoptera) from New Guinea with descriptions
of new species. 100: 156-166.

Smithers, C. N. & Thornton, I. W. B. 1977. A new genus and some
new species of Epipsocidae (Psocoptera) from the Melanesian
arc. 102: 60-75.

Southcott, R. V. 1946a. On the family Smarididae (Acarina). 70:

Southcott, R. V. 1946b. Studies on Trombidiidae (Acarina). Some
observations on the biology of the Microtrombidiinae. 70:

Southcott, R. V. 1946c. Studies on Australian Erythraeidae
(Acarina). 71: 6-48.

Southcott, R. V. 1948. Larval Smarididae (Acarina) from Australia
and New Guinea. 72: 252-264.

Southcott, R. V. 1957. Description of a new Australian
raphignathoid mite, with remarks on the classification of
the Trombidiformes (Acarina). 81: 306-312.

Southcott, R. V. 1983. A new Australian species of Charletonia
(Acarina: Erythraeidae). 107: 123-128.

Southcott, R. V. 1988. A new Australian larval callidosomatine
mite (Acarina: Erythraeidae) parasitic on flies, with notes
on subfamily and tribe classification. 110: 193-204.

Spencer, M. 1965a. Malaria in the D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua,
with particular reference to Anopheles farauti Laveran. 90:

Spencer, M. 1965b. A note on blood preferences of Anopheles
farauti. 90: 128.

Spencer, M. 1969. Sporozoite rate in Anopheles farauti Laveran
related to types of catch and seasonal conditions. 94: 100-

Spencer, M. 1977. Bionomics and behaviour patterns of the
Anopheles punctulatus complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in the
d’Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua. 101: 120-143.

Spencer, W. B. 1926. Joseph James Fletcher. 52: xxxiii-xlii.

Staff, I. A. 1975. The fruits and seed productivity in
Xanthorrhoea. 100: 95-102.

Stanbury, P. J. 1969a. Type specimens in the Macleay Museum,
University of Sydney. I. Fishes. 93: 203-210.

Stanbury, P. J. 1969b. Type specimens in the Macleay Museum,
University of Sydney. III. Birds. 93: 457-461.

Stanbury, P. J. 1969c. Type specimens in the Macleay Museum,
University of Sydney. IV. Mammals. 93: 462-463.

Stanbury, P. J. 1974. Presidential Address. The role of
scientific societies – some suggestions for the future. 99:

Stanisic, J. 1979. Freshwater sponges from the Northern Territory
(Porifera: Spongillidae). 103: 123-130.

Stead, D. G. 1899. Contributions to a knowledge of the Australian
crustacean fauna. No. I. 23: 746-758.

Stead, D. G. 1900. Contributions to a knowledge of the Australian
crustacean fauna. No. II. 24: 687-690.

Steel, J. K. 1923. Anatomical features of the mature sporophyte
of Selaginella uliginosa. 48: 287-300.

Steel, T. 1896. Observations on Peripatus. 21: 94-103.

Steel, T. 1897a. Australian land planarians: descriptions of new
species and notes on collecting and preserving. 22: 104-119.

Steel, T. 1897b. Land planarians from Fiji, with descriptions of
new species. 22: 120-122.

Steel, T. 1898. Contributions to a knowledge of the fauna of
British New Guinea. 23: 357-369.

Steel, T. 1901a. Australian land planarians: descriptions of new
species and notes on collecting and preserving. 25: 563-580.

Steel, T. 1901b. Tasmanian land planarians. 25: 618-631.

Steel, T. 1902. The chemical properties of bacterial gum levan.
26: 626-630.

Steel, T. 1906. Presidential Address. 30: 605-634.

Steel, T. 1907. Presidential Address. 32: 1-40.

Steel, T. 1911. Notes on variable dioecism in Pittosporum
undulatum Andr. 36: 329-332.

Steel, T. 1915. Feeding-track of Limax maximus Linn. 40: 114.

Steel, T. 1919a. The external parasites of the dingo (Canis dingo
Blum.). 44: 93.

Steel, T. 1919b. On water from the roots of the red mallee
(Eucalyptus oleosa). 44: 348-352.

Steel, T. 1920. On dental incrustations and the so-called “gold-
plating” of sheep’s teeth. 45: 324-328.

Steel, T. 1921a. Ulmite, a constituent of black sandstone. 46:

Steel, T. 1921b. The occurrence of calcium oxalate in the Gidgee
wattle (Acacia cambagei Baker). 46: 256-258.

Steel, T. 1921c. Chemical notes. – Botanical. 46: 487-491.

Steel, T. 1922. Chemical notes. General. 47: 441-446.

Steel, T. 1923. On some abnormal sugar-canes. 48: 462-464.

Steel, T. 1924a. Observations on Helix aspera in Australia. 49:

Steel, T. 1924b. The nectar of flowers. 49: 324-328.

Steel, W. O. 1949. On the Australian species of Creophilus
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 74: 57-61.

Steel, W. O. 1950. A new genus and four new species of
Phloecharinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from the Australian
region. 75: 334-344.

Steel, W. O. 1955. New species of Staphylinidae from Australia.
80: 180-185.

Steffe, A. S. 1989. Tidal and diel variations in the abundance of
larval fishes in Botany Bay, New South Wales, with emphasis
on larval silverbiddy Gerres ovatus (fam. Gerreidae) and
gobies (fam. Gobiidae). 111: 225-232.

Steffe, A. S. & Pease, B. C. 1988. Diurnal survey of
ichthyoplankton abundance, distribution and seasonality in
Botany Bay, New South Wales. 110: 1-10.

Steinberg, J. E. 1956. The pelagic nudibranch, Cephalopyge
trematoides (Chun, 1889), in New South Wales with a note on
other species in this genus. 81: 184-192.

Stephens, T. 1909. Notes on the geology of the north-west coast
of Tasmania from the river Tamar to Circular Head. 33: 752-

Stephens, W. J. 1878. Presidential Address. (1)2: 379-401.

Stephens, W. J. 1879. Presidential Address. (1)3: 414-442.

Stephens, W. J. 1883a. Notes on the geology of the western
coalfield. Part I. Capertee. (1)7: 548-555.

Stephens, W. J. 1883b. Notes on the geology of the western
coalfield, Capertee. Part II. (1)7: 598-606.

Stephens, W. J. 1884. Notes on the geology of the southern
portion of the Clarence River basin. (1)8: 519-531.

Stephens, W. J. 1886a. Presidential Address. (1)10: 855-880.

Stephens, W. J. 1886b. Notes on the recent eruptions in the Taupo
zone, New Zealand. (2)1: 513-522.

Stephens, W. J. 1886c. Note on a labyrinthodont fossil from
Cockatoo Island, Port Jackson. (2)1: 931-940.

Stephens, W. J. 1887a. On the Biloela labyrinthodont (second
notice). (2)1: 1113-1121.

Stephens, W. J. 1887b. On some additional labyrinthodont fossils
from the Hawkesbury sandstones of New South Wales. (Platyceps
Wilkinsonii, and two unnamed specimens.). (2)1: 1175-1192.

Stephens, W. J. 1887c. Presidential Address. (2)1: 1209-1236.

Stephens, W. J. 1887d. On some additional labyrinthodont fossils
from the Hawkesbury sandstone of New South Wales. (2)2: 156-

Stephens, W. J. 1888. President’s Address. (2)2: 1086-1113.

Stephens, W. J. 1889a. President’s Address. (2)3: 1781-1816.

Stephens, W. J. 1889b. An attempt to synchronise the Australian,
South African, and Indian coal measures. Part I. The
Australasian and New Zealand formations. (2)4: 331-356.

Stephens, W. J. 1890. President’s Address. (2)4: 1299-1338.

Stevens, J. D. & Paxton, J. R. 1985. A new record of the goblin
shark, Mitsukurina owstoni (family Mitsukurinidae), from
eastern Australia. 108: 37-45.

Stevens, M. M. & Carver, M. 1986. Type-specimens of Hemiptera
(Insecta) transferred from the Macleay Museum, University of
Sydney, to the Australian National Insect Collection,
Canberra. 108: 263-266.

Stevens, N. C. 1952a. Ordovician stratigraphy at Cliefden Caves,
near Mandurama, N.S.W. 77: 114-120.

Stevens, N. C. 1952b. The petrology of the Cowra intrusion and
associated xenoliths. 77: 132-141.

Stevens, N. C. 1954. A note on the geology of Panuara and
Angullong, south of Orange, N.S.W. 78: 262-268.

Stevens, N. C. 1955. The petrology of the northern part of the
Wyangala bathylith. 80: 84-96.

Stevens, N. C. 1959. Palaeozoic geology of the Cooleman Caves
district, New South Wales. 83: 251-258.

Stewardson, C. L., Prvan, T., Meyer, M. A. & Ritchie, R. J. 2008.
Age determination and growth in the male South African fur
seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae)
based upon skull material. 129: 207-252.

Stewardson, C. L., Prvan, T., Meyer, M. A. & Ritchie, R. J. 2009.
Age determination and growth in the male South African fur
seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae)
using external body measurements. 130: 219-244.

Stewardson, C. L., Prvan, T., Meyer, M. A. & Ritchie, R. J. 2010.
Sexual dimorphism in the adult South African (Cape) fur seal
Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae):
standard body lenght and skull morphology. 131: 119-140.

Stewardson, C. L., Prvan, T. & Ritchie, R. J. 2010. Bacular
measurements for age determination and growth in the male
South African fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus
(Pinnipedia: Otariidae). 131: 141-157.

Stirling, J. 1886. On some further evidences of glaciation in
the Australian Alps. (2)1: 483-488.

Stirling, J. 1887. Notes on the Rutaceae of the Australian Alps.
(2)1: 1052-1058.

Stratford, J. & Aitchison, J. 1995. Lower permian fauna from
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Glenrock Station, southern New England orogen. 115: 239-246.

Straughan, I. R. 1968. A taxonomic review of the genus Mixophyes
(Anura, Leptodactylidae). 93: 52-59.

Stride, G. O. & Straatman, R. 1962. The host plant relationship
of an Australian swallowtail, Papilio aegeus, and its
significance in the evolution of host plant selection. 87:

Stride, G. O. & Warwick, E. P. 1960. On two species of Epilachna
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Australia. 85: 208-214.

Strotz, L. 2003. Holocene Foraminifera from Tuross Estuary and
Coila Lake, south coast, New South Wales: a preliminary
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Strusz, D. L. 2009. Silurian rhynchonellide brachiopods from
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Sudzuki, M. & Timms, B. V. 1977. A new species of Brachionus
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Suhardjono, Y. R. & Greenslade, P. 1994. Folsomides arnoldi n.
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Sussmilch, C. A. 1937. Presidential Address. 62: i-xxxiii.

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