Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW
by author
Lamb, K. P. 1971. Aphids of Papua and New Guinea: an annotated
check list. 96: 186-192.
Lambert, D. M. & Paterson, H. E. H. 1984. On ‘Bridging the gap
between race and species’: the isolation concept and an
alternative. 107: 501-514.
Lambert, M. J. & Turner, J. 1989. Redistribution of nutrients in
subtropical rainforest trees. 111: 1-10.
Langdon, R. F. N. 1962. A study of some smuts of Sorghum spp.
87: 45-50.
Larkum, A. W. D. & West, R. J. 1983. Stability, depletion and
restoration of seagrass beds. 106: 201-212.
Larson, H. K. & Hoese, D. F. 1980. The species of the Indo-west
Pacific genus Calumia (Pisces: Eleotridae). 104: 17-22.
Lascelles, J. 1947. The utilization of fumarate and malate by
Escherichia coli in the presence of molecular hydrogen. 72:
Lascelles, J. 1949. Studies on formic hydrogenlyase in washed
suspensions of Escherichia coli. 73: 430-438.
Latter, B. D. H. 1953. Australian clover rusts. 77: 337-356.
Lawler, L. J. & Slaytor, M. 1970. The distribution of alkaloids
in orchids from the territory of Papua and New Guinea. 94:
Lawler, S. H. & Crandall, K. A. 1998. The relationship of the
Australian freshwater crayfish genera Euastacus and
Astacopsis. 119: 1-8.
Lawrence, J. 1946. some observations on the plasmodia and other
blood parasites of sparrows. 71: 1-5.
Lawrence, J., Semple, W. S. & Koen, T. B. 1998. Experimental
attempts at encouraging eucalypt regeneration in non-native
pastures of northern Victoria and central western NSW. 119:
Lawrence, R. F. 1959. A new mite parasite (Harpyrhynchus) from
the roselle parakeet (Trombidiformes, Acari). 84: 238-241.
Lawson, A. A. 1923a. The life history of Microcachrys tetragona
(Hook.). 48: 177-193.
Lawson, A. A. 1923b. The life-history of Pherosphaera. 48: 499-
Lawson, A. A. 1930. The origin of endemism in the angiosperm
flora of Australia. 55: 371-380.
Le Souef, A. S. 1928. Notes on four little-known species of
kangaroos. 53: 397-400.
Lea, A. M. 1894. Descriptions of new species of Bostrychidae.
(2)8: 317-323.
Lea, A. M. 1895a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. (2)9: 589-634.
Lea, A. M. 1895b. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part II. (2)10: 224-319.
Lea, A. M. 1896. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part III. 21: 284-319.
Lea, A. M. 1898a. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part I. 22: 449-
Lea, A. M. 1898b. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part IV. 22: 584-638.
Lea, A. M. 1898c. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. 23: 178-217.
Lea, A. M. 1899a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part V. 23: 521-645.
Lea, A. M. 1899b. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part III. 24:
Lea, A. M. 1900a. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part IV. 24:
Lea, A. M. 1900b. Descriptions of two new blind weevils from
Western Australia and Tasmania. 25: 391-393.
Lea, A. M. 1901. Notes to accompany figures of Boisduval’s types
of six species of Australian Curculionidae, based upon
observations and sketches by M. P. Lesne. 25: 537-541.
Lea, A. M. 1902a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part VI. 26: 481-513.
Lea, A. M. 1902b. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part V. 27: 408-
Lea, A. M. 1903. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. 28:643-679.
Lea, A. M. 1904. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part VII. 29: 60-107.
Lea, A. M. 1905. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. 30: 235-258.
Lea, A. M. 1906a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part VIII. 31: 195-227.
Lea, A. M. 1906b. Descriptions of new species of Lomaptera
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, subfamily Cetonides). 31: 561-563.
Lea, A. M. 1907. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part VIII. 32:
Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part IX. 33:
Lea, A. M. 1910. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part X. 34: 593-
Lea, A. M. 1911. Australian and Tasmanian Pselaphidae. 35: 691-
Lea, A. M. 1912. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part IX. 36: 426-478.
Lea, A. M. 1913a. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part XI. 37:
Lea, A. M. 1913b. Revision of the Australian Curculionidae
belonging to the subfamily Cryptorhynchides. Part XII. 38:
Lea, A. M. 1915a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part X. 39: 650-694.
Lea, A. M. 1915b. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xi. 40: 490-521.
Lea, A. M. 1917a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xii. 41: 720-745.
Lea, A. M. 1917b. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xiii. 42: 545-582.
Lea, A. M. 1919. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xiv. 43: 715-746.
Lea, A. M. 1920a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xv. 44: 735-760.
Lea, A. M. 1920b. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xvi. 45: 375-403.
Lea, A. M. 1921. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xvii. 46(3): 351-369.
Lea, A. M. 1922. On some Anthicidae (Coleoptera). 47: 471-512.
Lea, A. M. 1923. On some Australian Galerucides (Coleoptera,
Chrysomelidae). 48: 519-575.
Lea, A. M. 1924. On some Australian Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera).
49: 283-312.
Lea, A. M. 1925. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part XVIII. 50: 414-431.
Lea, A. M. 1926. On some Australian Curculionidae. 51: 327-362.
Lea, A. M. 1927. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part xix. 52: 354-377.
Lea, A. M. 1928. New species of Australian Erirhinides
(Curculionidae). 53: 375-396.
Lea, A. M. 1929. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. XX. 54: 519-549.
Lea, A. M. 1930. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. XXI. 55: 451-467.
Lea, A. M. 1931. On Baridiinae (Curculionidae), mostly from New
Guinea. 56: 139-171.
Lee, D. J. 1937. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part IV. The genus Theobaldia, with description
of a new species. 62: 294-298.
Lee, D. J. 1944a. A new species of the genus Anopheles from
northern Australia (Diptera, Culicidae). 69: 21-25.
Lee, D. J. 1944b. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part V. The genus Armigeres and new species of
Armigeres, Theobaldia and Culex. 69: 215-225.
Lee, D. J. 1945. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part VI. The genus Tripteroides in the
Australasian region. 70: 219-275.
Lee, D. J. 1948a. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part I. Relation to disease, biology, general
characters and generic classification of the family, with a
note on the genus Ceratopogon. 72: 313-331.
Lee, D. J. 1948b. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part II. The Leptoconops group of genera. 72:
Lee, D. J. 1948c. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part III. The Bezzia group of genera. 72: 339-
Lee, D. J. 1948d. Australsian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part IV. The Stilobezzia group of genera. 72:
Lee, D. J. 1948e. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part V. The Palpomyia group of genera. 73: 57-
Lee, D. J. 1951. Presidential Address. 76: i-xix.
Lee, D. J. 1963. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part ix. The genus Macrurohelea. 87: 339-340.
Lee, D. J., Crust, M. & Sabrosky, C. W. 1956. The Australasian
Diptera of J. R. Malloch. 80: 289-342.
Lee, D. J. & Reye, E. J. 1953. Australasian Ceratopogonidae
(Diptera, Nematocera). Part VI. Australian species of
Culicoides. 77: 369-394.
Lee, D. J. & Reye, E. J. 1955. Australasian Ceratopogonidae
(Diptera, Nematocera). Part VII. Notes on the genera
Alluaudomyia, Ceratopogon, Culicoides and Lasiohelea. 79:
Lee, D. J. & Reye, E. J. 1963. Australasian Ceratopogonidae.
(Diptera, Nematocera). Part x. Additional Australian species
of Culicoides. 87: 352-363.
Lee, D. J., Reye, E. J. & Dyce, A. L. 1963. “Sandflies” as
possible vectors of disease in domesticated animals in
Australia. 87: 364-376.
Lee, D. J. & Waterhouse, D. F. 1968. Anthony Reeve Woodhill,
1900-1965. (Memorial Series No. 21). 92: 285-297.
Leishman, M. R. 1990. Suburban development and resultant changes
in the phosphorus status of soils in the area of Ku-ring-
gai, Sydney. 112: 15-25.
Leishman, M. R. & Eldridge, M. D. B. 1990. Life history
characteristics of two sympatric onychophoran species from
the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. 112: 173-185.
Leitch, E. C. 1981. Rock units, structure and metamorphism of the
Port Macquarie block, eastern New England fold belt. 104:
Leitch, E. C. & Asthana, D. 1985. The geological development of
the Thora district, northern margin of the Nambucca Slate
Belt, eastern New England Fold Belt. 108: 119-140.
Lennox, P. G. 1990. Quartz veining in multiply-folded greywackes,
Bermagui, New South Wales, Australia. 112: 1-14.
Lester, L. N. 1984. Two new chiggers from Australian marsupials
(Acari: Trombiculidae). 107: 493-499.
L’Estrange, W. W. & Greig-Smith, R. 1918. The “springing” of tins
of preserved fruit. 43: 409-414.
Lewis, F. 1992a. Two new species of Armadilloniscus (Isopoda:
Oniscidea: Scyphacidae) from northern Queensland. 113: 151-
Lewis, F. 1992b. Revolutus spinosus: a new genus and species of
Akermaninae (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Armadillidae) from
Queensland. 113: 157-161.
Lighttoller, G. S. 1940. The musculature of the mandibular and
hyoid arches in a sting-ray (Trigonorhina fasciata). 65: 355-
Lindley, I. D. 2000. Pentremites australis sp. n., a new Lower
Carboniferous (Tournaisian) blastoid from New South Wales.
122: 33-42.
Lindley, I. D. 2001. Tertiary echinoids from Papua New Guinea.
123: 119-139.
Lindley, I. D. 2003a. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Clypeasteroida.
124: 125-136.
Lindley, I. D. 2003b. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Regularia. 124:
Lindley, I. D. 2003c. Echinoids of the Kairuku Formation (Lower
Pliocene), Yule Island, Papua New Guinea: Spatangoida. 124:
Lindley, I. D. 2004a. The Yule Island fauna and the origin of
tropical northern Australian echinoid (Echinodermata) faunas.
125: 97-109.
Lindley, I. D. 2004b. Some living and fossil echinoderms from the
Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, and two new echinoid
species. 125: 115-139.
Lindner, E. 1938. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
VI. Family Stratiomyiidae. 63: 431-436.
Littlejohn, M. J. 1958. A new species of frog of the genus
Crinia Tschudi from south-eastern Australia. 83: 222-226.
Littlejohn, M. J. 1964. The breeding biology of the baw
baw frog Philoria frosti Spencer. 88: 273-276.
Littlejohn, M. J. 1970. Crinia tasmaniensis (Anura:
Leptodactylidae): geographic distribution, mating call
structure, and relationships. 94: 119-127.
Lockett, M. M. & Suthers, I. M. 1998. Ontogenetic diet shift and
feeding activity in the temperate reef fish Cheilodactylus
fuscus. 120: 105-116.
Long, J. A. 1984. New phyllolepids from Victoria and the
relationships of the group. 107: 263-308.
Lothian, N. 1947. Critical notes on the genus Wahlenbergia
Schrader; with descriptions of new species in the Australian
region. 71: 201-235.
Lothian, N. 1948. Wahlenbergia limenophylax. An unintentional
orthographic error. 72: 366.
Loveridge, A. 1949. The cotypes of Fordonia papuensis Macleay.
74: 223.
Lower, H. F. 1951. The evolution of the radio-medial area in the
wings of the Muscoidea Acalyptrata (Diptera). 76: 71-82.
Lower, H. F. 1952. A revision of Australian species previously
referred to the genus Empoasca (Cicadellidae, Homoptera). 76:
Lower, H. F. 1953. A new species of Austroasca Lower
(Cicadellidae, Homoptera). 78: 33-34.
Lower, O. B. 1897a. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Lepidoptera, with notes on synonymy. 22: 10-32.
Lower, O. B. 1897b. New Australian Lepidoptera. 22: 263-274.
Lower, O. B. 1898. New Australian Lepidoptera: with a note on
Deilephila livornica, Esp. 23: 42-55.
Lower, O. B. 1899. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera.
24: 83-116.
Lower, O. B. 1900a. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera.
25: 29-51.
Lower, O. B. 1900b. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera.
25: 403-423.
Lower, O. B. 1902. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera.
26: 639-671.
Lower, O. B. 1915. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera.
40: 474-485.
Lowman, M. D. 1995. Herbivory in Australian forests – a
comparison of dry sclerophyll and rain forest canopies. 115:
Lucas, A. H. S. 1895. On the formation of a mackerel sky. (2)9:
Lucas, A. H. S. 1908. Presidential Address. 33: 1-38.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1909. Presidential Address. 34: 1-61.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1912a. The gases present in the floats (vesicles)
of certain marine algae. 36: 626-631.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1912b. Supplementary list of the marine algae of
Australia. 37: 157-171.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1913. Notes on Australian marine algae, i. 38:
Lucas, A. H. S. 1916. Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney.
Parthenogenesis in aquatic phanerogams. 41: 417-421.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1917. An efflorescence on some New Zealand kelps.
41: 676-679.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1919. Notes on Australian marine algae, ii.
Descriptions of four new species. 44: 174-179.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1926. Notes on Australian marine algae. 51: 594-
Lucas, A. H. S. 1927a. Notes on Australian marine algae. iv. The
Australian species of the genus Spongoclonium. 52: 460-470.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1927b. Notes on Australian marine algae. v. 52:
Lucas, A. H. S. 1930. Fletcher Memorial Lecture, 1930. Joseph
James Fletcher, an idealist secretary. 55: 738-750.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1931. Notes on Australian marine algae. VI.
Descriptions of six new species. 56: 407-411.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1934. Notes on Australian marine algae. The algae
of the Low Islands. 59(5/6): 348-350.
Lucas, A. H. S. 1935. The marine algae of Lord Howe Island. 60:
Lucas, A. H. S. & Frost, C. 1896. Description of a new species of
Ablepharus from Victoria, with critical notes on two other
Australian lizards. 21: 281-283.
Lucas, T. P. 1888. Contribution to a knowledge of the genus
Iodis. (2)3: 1263-1269.
Lucas, T. P. 1890a. Description of a new species of Iodis, with
remarks on Pielus imperialis, Olliff. (2)4: 603-604.
Lucas, T. P. 1890b. On Queensland and other Australian Macro-
Lepidoptera, with localities, and descriptions of new
species. (2)4: 1065-1099.
Lucas, T. P. 1891. On Queensland and other Australian
Lepidoptera, with descriptions of new species. (2)6: 277-306.
Lucas, T. P. 1892. On twenty new species of Australian
Lepidoptera. (2)7: 249-266.
Lucas, T. P. 1894. Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera,
with additional localities for known species. (2)8: 133-166.
Lucas, T. P. 1902. New species of Queensland Lepidoptera. 27:
Luig, N. H. & Baker, E. P. 1956. A note on a uredospore colour
mutant in barley leaf rust, Puccinia hordei Otth. 81: 115-
Luig, N. H. & Baker, E. P. 1973. Variability in oat stem rust in
eastern Australia. 98: 53-61.
Luig, N. H., McWhirter, K. S. & Baker, E. P. 1959. Mode of
inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew in barley and
evidence for an allelic series conditioning reaction
Luig, N. H. & Watson, I. A. 1961. A study of inheritance of
pathogenicity in Puccinia graminis var. tritici. 86: 217-229.
Luig, N. H. & Watson, I. A. 1966. Studies on the genetic nature
of resistance to Puccinia graminis var. tritici in six
varieties of common wheat. 90: 299-327.
Luig, N. H. & Watson, I. A. 1970. The effect of complex genetic
resistance in wheat on the variability of Puccinia graminis
F. sp. tritici. 95: 22-45.
Luig, N. H. & Watson, I. A. 1977. The role of barley, rye and
grasses in the 1973-74 wheat stem rust epiphytotic in
southern and eastern Australia. 101: 65-76.
Lundelius, E. L., Jr. & Turnbull, W. D. 1999. Leporillus
(Rodentia: Muridae) from Madura Cave, W.A. 121: 129-146.
Lunney, D., Grant, T. [R]. & Matthews, A. 2004. Distribution of
the platypus in the Bellinger catchment from community
knowledge and field survey and its relationship to river
disturbance. 125: 243-258.
Macdonald, M. B. & Hotchkiss, A. T. 1956. An estipulodic form of
Chara australis R. Br. (=Protochara australis Woms. and
Ophel). 80: 274-284.
Macfie, J. W. S. 1939a. The Diptera of the territory of New
Guinea. X. Family Ceratopogonidae. 64: 367-368.
Macfie, J. W. S. 1939b. A note on the re-examination of Australian
species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera). 64: 555-558.
Macintosh, N. W. G. 1949. Crania in the Macleay Museum. 74: 161-
MacIntyre, R. J. 1961. Larval development of Velacumantus
australis. 86: 183-184.
Mackay, M. M. 1964. Key to the genera of the larger green and
brown marine algae around Sydney. 88: 361-363.
Mackay, W. J. 1888. The inter-coxal lobe of certain crayfishes.
(2)2: 967-969.
Mackerras, I. M. 1925. The Nemestrinidae (Diptera) of the
Australasian region. 50: 489-561.
Mackerras, I. M. 1927a. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part i. The Anophelini of the mainland. 52: 33-
Mackerras, I. M. 1927b. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part ii. The zoogeography of the subgenus
Ochlerotatus, with notes on the species. 52: 284-298.
Mackerras, I. M. 1932. The Australian species of Graphomyia
(Diptera, Muscidae). 57: 361-363.
Mackerras, I. M. 1937. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). Part III. The genus Aedomyia Theobald. 62: 259-
Mackerras, I. M. 1959. An annotated catalogue of described
Australian Tabaninae (Diptera, Tabanidae). 84: 160-185.
Mackerras, I. M. 1964. The classification of animals. 88: 324-
Mackerras, I. M. & Fuller, M. E. 1942. The genus Pelecorhynchus
(Diptera, Tabanoidea). 67: 9-76.
Mackerras, I. M. & Mackerras, M. J. 1925. The haematozoa of
Australian marine Teleostei. 50: 359-366.
Mackerras, I. M. & Mackerras, M. J. 1949. Revisional notes on
Australasian Simuliidae (Diptera). 73: 372-405.
Mackerras, I. M. & Mackerras, M. J. 1952. Notes on Australasian
Simuliidae (Diptera). III. 76: 104-113.
Mackerras, I. M. & Mackerras, M. J. 1953. A new species of
Pelecorhynchus (Diptera, Tabanoidea) from the Dorrigo
Plateau, New South Wales. 78: 38-40.
Mackerras, M. J. 1958. Catalogue of Australian mammals and their
recorded internal parasites. I-IV. Part I. Monotremes and
marsupials. Part II. Eutheria. Part III. Introduced
Herbivora and the domestic pig. Part IV. Man. 83: 101-160.
Mackerras, M. J. & Mackerras, I. M. 1950. Notes on Australasian
Simuliidae (Diptera). II. 75: 167-187.
Mackerras, M. J. & Mackerras, I. M. 1955. Notes on Australasian
Simuliidae (Diptera). IV. 80: 105-112.
Mackness, B. S. 2009. Reconstructing Palorchestes (Marsupialia:
Palorchestidae) – from giant kangaroo to marsupial “tapir”.
130: 21-36.
Maclean, J. L. 1971. The food and feeding of winter whiting
(Sillago maculata Quoy and Gaimard) in Moreton Bay. 96: 87-
Maclean, J. L. 1973. An analysis of the catch by trawlers in
Moreton Bay (Qld.) during the 1966-67 prawning season. 98:
Macleay, W. 1875a. Notes on a series of specimens of Entozoa and
Epizoa taken from a sunfish captured by Mr. Brazier at Port
Stephens on the 28th of November 1874. (1)1: 12-13.
Macleay, W. 1875b. Notes on a new species of Dendrophis from
Cleveland Bay. (1)1: 15-16.
Macleay, W. 1875c. Notes on the zoological collections made in
Torres Straits and New Guinea during the cruise of the
Chevert. (1)1: 36-40.
Macleay, W. 1875d. Chairman’s Address. (1)1: 83-96.
Macleay, W. 1876. The Coleoptera of the Chevert Expedition.
(1)1: 164-168.
Macleay, W. 1877a. Notes on the Entomology of New Ireland. (1)1:
Macleay, W. 1877b. Presidential Address. (1)1: 396-419.
Macleay, W. 1877c. The ophidians of the Chevert Expedition. (1)2:
Macleay, W. 1877d. The lizards of the Chevert Expedition. (1)2:
Macleay, W. 1877e. Note on Monacanthus Cheverti, Alleyne and
M’Leay. (1)2: 69-70.
Macleay, W. 1877f. The lizards of the Chevert Expedition. (1)2:
Macleay, W. 1878a. The batrachians of the Chevert Expedition.
(1)2: 135-138.
Macleay, W. 1878b. On some new Carabidae from Port Darwin. (1)2:
Macleay, W. 1878c. Notes on a collection of snakes from Port
Darwin. (1)2: 219-222.
Macleay, W. 1878d. The fishes of Port Darwin. (1)2: 344-367.
Macleay, W. 1878e. Note on a species of Therapon found in a dam
near Warialda. (1)3: 15-17.
Macleay, W. 1878f. Descriptions of some new fishes from Port
Jackson and King George’s Sound. (1)3: 33-37.
Macleay, W. 1878g. On a new species of Hoplocephalus, from Sutton
Forest. (1)3: 52-54.
Macleay, W. 1878h. On the power of locomotion in the Tunicata.
(1)3: 54-55.
Macleay, W. 1879a. On a species of Amphisile from the Palau
Islands. (1)3: 165-169.
Macleay, W. 1879b. Notes on some fishes from the Solomon Islands.
(1)4: 60-64.
Macleay, W. 1879c. On the Clupeidae of Australia. (1)4: 363-385.
Macleay, W. 1880a. On the Mugilidae of Australia. (1)4: 410-427.
Macleay, W. 1880b. Description of a new species of Galaxias from
Mount Wilson, with remarks on the distribution of the genus.
(1)5: 45-47.
Macleay, W. 1880c. On two hitherto undescribed fishes well-known
in the Sydney market. (1)5: 48-49.
Macleay, W. 1881a. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of
Australia. Part I. (1)5: 302-444.
Macleay, W. 1881b. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of
Australia. Part II. (1)5: 510-629.
Macleay, W. 1881c. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of
Australia. Part III. (1)6: 1-138.
Macleay, W. 1881d. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of
Australia. Part IV. (1)6: 202-387.
Macleay, W. 1881e. On a species of the Phasmatidae destructive to
eucalypti. (1)6: 536-539.
Macleay, W. 1882a. Description of two new species of snakes.
(1)6: 811-813.
Macleay, W. 1882b. Notes on the Pleuronectidae of Port Jackson,
with descriptions of two hitherto unobserved species. (1)7:
Macleay, W. 1882c. The fishes of the Palmer River. (1)7: 69-71.
Macleay, W. 1882d. On a species of Galaxias found in the
Australian Alps. (1)7: 106-109.
Macleay, W. 1882e. Note on a reputed poisonous fly of New
Caledonia. (1)7: 202-205.
Macleay, W. 1882f. Contribution to a knowledge of the fishes of
New Guinea. (1)7: 224-250.
Macleay, W. 1882g. Observations on an insect injurious to the
vine. (1)7: 344-347.
Macleay, W. 1882h. Contribution to a knowledge of the fishes of
New Guinea. No. II. (1)7: 351-366.
Macleay, W. 1882i. Description of two fishes lately taken in or
near Port Jackson. (1)7: 366-367.
Macleay, W. 1883a. Contribution to a knowledge of the fishes of
New Guinea. No. III. (1)7: 585-598.
Macleay, W. 1883b. On a new and remarkable fish of the family
Mugilidae from the interior of New Guinea. (1)8: 2-6.
Macleay, W. 1883c. Notes on a collection of fishes from the
Burdekin and Mary Rivers, Queensland. (1)8: 199-213.
Macleay, W. 1883d. Contribution to a knowledge of the fishes of
New Guinea, No. 4. (1)8: 252-280.
Macleay, W. 1883e. Notices of some undescribed species of
Coleoptera in the Brisbane Museum. (1)8: 409-416.
Macleay, W. 1884a. Notes on some reptiles from the Herbert River,
Queensland. (1)8: 432-436.
Macleay, W. 1884b. On a new genus of fishes from Port Jackson.
(1)8: 439-441.
Macleay, W. 1884c. Some results of trawl fishing outside Port
Jackson. (1)8: 457-462.
Macleay, W. 1884d. Supplement to the descriptive catalogue of the
fishes of Australia. (1)9: 2-64.
Macleay, W. 1884e. Notices of new fishes. (1)9: 170-172.
Macleay, W. 1884f. Census of Australian snakes with descriptions
of two new species. (1)9: 548-568.
Macleay, W. 1884g. The insects of the Maclay coast, New Guinea.
(1)9: 700-712.
Macleay, W. 1885a. On a new snake from the Barrier ranges. (1)10:
Macleay, W. 1885b. On some Reptilia lately received from the
Herbert River district, Queensland. (1)10: 64-68.
Macleay, W. 1885c. Revision of the genus Lamprima of Latreille,
with descriptions of new species. (1)10: 129-140.
Macleay, W. 1885d. Two new Australian Lucandiae [sic]. (1)10: 199-
Macleay, W. 1885e. New fishes from the upper Murrumbidgee. (1)10:
Macleay, W. 1885f. A new genus of the sub-family Lamprimides of
Lacordaire. (1)10: 473-474.
Macleay, W. 1886a. A remarkable fish from Lord Howe Island.
(1)10: 718-720.
Macleay, W. 1886b. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea,
“Coleoptera”. (2)1: 136-157.
Macleay, W. 1886c. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea,
“Coleoptera”. (2)1: 183-204.
Macleay, W. 1886d. Miscellanea entomologica. No. I. The genus
Diphucephala. (2)1: 381-402.
Macleay, W. 1886e. Note on Ctenodax Wilkinsoni, Macl. (2)1: 511-
Macleay, W. 1886f. Miscellanea entomologica, No. II. The genus
Liparetrus. (2)1: 807-852.
Macleay, W. 1887a. Description of a new species of Hoplocephalus.
(2)1: 1111-1112.
Macleay, W. 1887b. Miscellanea entomologica, No. III. The
Scaritidae of New Holland. (2)2: 115-134.
Macleay, W. 1887c. The insects of the Cairns district, northern
Queensland. (2)2: 213-238.
Macleay, W. 1887d. The insects of the Cairns district, northern
Queensland. Part II. (2)2: 307-328.
Macleay, W. 1887e. On a new Hoplocephalus from the Gulf of
Carpentaria. (2)2: 403-404.
Macleay, W. 1887f. Miscellanea entomologica, No. IV. “The
Helaeides”. (2)2: 513-550.
Macleay, W. 1888a. Miscellanea entomologica, No. V. “The
Helaeides”. (2)2: 635-675.
Macleay, W. 1888b. Notes on some Scaritidae from Queensland, with
descriptions of two new species. (2)2: 972-973.
Macleay, W. 1888c. Notes on Mr. Froggatt’s collections made
during the year 1887, in the vicinity of Derby, King’s
Sound, N.W. Australia. (2)2: 1017-1020.
Macleay, W. 1888d. Notes on some ophidians from King’s Sound,
north-west Australia. (2)3: 416-418.
Macleay, W. 1888e. The insects of King’s Sound and its vicinity.
(2)3: 443-480.
Macleay, W. 1888f. The insects of King’s Sound and its vicinity.
Part II. (2)3: 897-924.
Macleay, W. 1888g. The insects of the vicinity of King’s Sound,
N.W. Australia. Part III. (2)3: 1227-1246.
Macphail, M. 1974. Pollen analysis of a buried organic deposit on
the backshore at Fingal Bay, Port Stephens, New South Wales.
98: 222-233.
MacPherson, J. 1903. Ngarrabul and other aboriginal tribes. Part
I. 27: 637-647.
MacPherson, J. 1905. Ngarrabul and other aboriginal tribes. Part
II. – Distribution of the tribes. 29: 677-684.
Mahony, M. 2006. Amphibians of the Gibraltar Range. 127: 83-91.
Maiden, J. H. 1887. Notes on some indigenous sago and tobacco
from New Guinea. (2)2: 457-466.
Maiden, J. H. 1888a. Some reputed medicinal plants of New South
Wales (indigenous species only). (2)3: 355-393.
Maiden, J. H. 1888b. Australian indigenous plants providing human
foods and food-adjuncts. (2)3: 481-556.
Maiden, J. H. 1889. Notes on the geographical distribution of
some New South Wales plants, compiled from information
supplied by W. Bauerlen, and from some diagnoses by Baron
von Mueller, K.C.M.G., F.R.S, &c. (2)4: 107-112.
Maiden, J. H. 1890a. The examination of kinos as an aid in the
diagnosis of eucalypts. Part I. (2)4: 605-618.
Maiden, J. H. 1890b. Spinifex resin. (2)4: 639-640.
Maiden, J. H. 1890c. On cedar gum (Cedrela australis, F.v.M.).
(2)4: 1047-1049.
Maiden, J. H. 1890d. The examination of kinos as an aid in the
diagnosis of eucalypts. Part II. (2)4: 1277-1287.
Maiden, J. H. 1890e. Notes on Australian economic botany. No. I.
(2)5: 273-279.
Maiden, J. H. 1890f. On grass-tree gum. Part I. (2)5: 429-444.
Maiden, J. H. 1891a. Notes on Australian economic botany. No. II.
(2)6: 133-139.
Maiden, J. H. 1891b. On the occurrence of a gum in Echinocarpus
(Sloanea) australis, Benth. (2)6: 140-142.
Maiden, J. H. 1891c. Angophora kino. (2)6: 253-257.
Maiden, J. H. 1892a. The examination of kinos as an aid in the
diagnosis of eucalypts. Part III. (2)6: 389-426.
Maiden, J. H. 1892b. On two undescribed exudations from the
Leguminosae. (2)6: 679-681.
Maiden, J. H. 1892c. On Panax gum. (2)7: 35-39.
Maiden, J. H. 1895. A giant Acacia from the Brunswick River.
(2)10: 337-340.
Maiden, J. H. 1898a. Notes of a trip to Mount Seaview, upper
Hastings River. 23: 20-28.
Maiden, J. H. 1898b. Observations on the vegetation of Lord Howe
Island. 23: 112-158.
Maiden, J. H. 1899. Some further observations on the vegetation
of Lord Howe Island. 24: 381-384.
Maiden, J. H. 1900. A new variety of Dendrobium undulatum from
the Solomon Islands. 24: 652.
Maiden, J. H. 1901a. Description of a new species of Acacia. 26:
Maiden, J. H. 1901b. On one of the so-called honeysuckles of Lord
Howe Island. 26: 156-158.
Maiden, J. H. 1902a. 1. – On Eucalyptus pulverulenta, Sims. ; 2.
– On Eucalyptus stuartiana, F. v. M. ; 3. – On Eucalyptus
gunnii, Hook. F. 26: 547-588.
Maiden, J. H. 1902b. Presidential Address. 26: 740-804.
Maiden, J. H. 1902c. 4. – On Eucalyptus Baueriana, Schauer. ; 5.
– On Eucalyptus calycogona, Turcz. 27: 214-224.
Maiden, J. H. 1902d. On a new Cryptocarya from Lord Howe Island,
together with notes on other plants from that island. 27:
Maiden, J. H. 1903a. 6. – On Eucalyptus bicolor, A. Cunn. ; 7. –
On Eucalyptus polyanthemos, Schauer. 27: 516-535.
Maiden, J. H. 1903b. Presidential Address. 27: 685-720.
Maiden, J. H. 1904a. The flora of Norfolk Island. Part I. 28:
Maiden, J. H. 1904b. The variability of Eucalyptus under
cultivation. Part I. 28: 887-903.
Maiden, J. H. 1904c. On four new species of Eucalyptus. 29: 469-
Maiden, J. H. 1904d. The botany of Funafuti, Ellice Group. 29:
Maiden, J. H. 1905a. Miscellaneous notes (chiefly taxonomic) on
Eucalyptus. i. 29: 751-780.
Maiden, J. H. 1905b. On a new species of Eucalyptus from northern
New South Wales. 30: 336-338.
Maiden, J. H. 1906a. Further notes on hybridisation in the genus
Eucalyptus. 30: 492-501.
Maiden, J. H. 1906b. Miscellaneous notes (chiefly taxonomic) on
Eucalyptus. ii. 30: 502-511.
Maiden, J. H. 1906c. The botany of Howell (Bora Creek): a tin-
granite flora. 31: 63-72.
Maiden, J. H. 1914. Further notes on the botany of Lord Howe
Island. (Fifth paper). 39: 377-384.
Maiden, J. H. 1916a. On Brachychiton populneo-acerifolius F.v.M.
(the crimson-flowered kurrajong). 41: 180-184.
Maiden, J. H. 1916b. On a eucalypt hybrid (E. calophylla x E.
ficifolia). 41: 185-189.
Maiden, J. H. 1920. Notes on the colouration of the young foliage
of Eucalyptus. 44: 761-766.
Maiden, J. H. 1921. A few notes on the botany of Lord Howe
Island. 45: 564-566.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894a. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum, Sydney. No. I. (2)8: 309-316.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894b. Description of a new species
of Acacia. (2)8: 515-516.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894c. Description of a new Croton,
from New South Wales. (2)9: 160-162.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1894d. Description of an apparently
new Acacia from New South Wales. (2)9: 163-164.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895a. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum, Sydney. No. II. (2)9: 456-463.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895b. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum. No. III. (2)9: 722-724.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1895c. Description of a new species
of Acacia from New South Wales. (2)10: 385-386.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896a. On a new species of
Elaeocarpus from northern New South Wales. (2)10: 469-470.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896b. Botanical notes from the
Technological Museum. No. IV. (2)10: 512-518.
Maiden, J. H. & Baker, R. T. 1896c. Descriptions of some new
species of plants from New South Wales. (2)10: 582-595.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897a. On a new species of Macadamia,
together with notes on two plants new to the colony. 21: 624-
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 1. 22: 146-149.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1897c. Descriptions of three new
species of Australian plants. 22: 150-152.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 2. 23: 11-14.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898b. Descriptions of four new
species of New South Wales plants. 23: 15-19.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1898c. Notes on Sterculia
(Brachychiton) lurida and discolor. 23: 159-161.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1899a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 3. 23: 772-779.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1899b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 4. 24: 143-153.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1900a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 5. 24: 640-651.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1900b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 6. 25: 101-103.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1901. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 7. 26: 79-90.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1902. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 8. 27: 55-65.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1904. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 9. 28: 904-923.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1905a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 10. 29: 734-750.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1905b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. 30: 354-375.
Maiden , J. H. & Betche, E. 1906. A review of the New South Wales
species of Halorrhagaceae as described in Prof. A. K.
Schindler’s monograph (1905); with the description of a new
species. 31: 393-398.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1907. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 12. 31: 731-742.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1908. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 13. 33: 304-319.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1909a. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 14. 34: 357-369.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1909b. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 15. On a plant, in fruit, doubtfully referred to
Cymodocea. 34: 585-587.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1911. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 16. 35: 788-802.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1912. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 17. 37: 244-252.
Maiden, J. H. & Betche, E. 1913. Notes from the Botanic Gardens,
Sydney. No. 18. 38: 242-252.
Maiden, J. H. & Cambage, R. H. 1905. Notes on the eucalypts of
the Blue Mountains. 30: 190-202.
Maiden, J. H. & Camfield, J. H. 1898. Notes on some Port Jackson
plants. 23: 264-270.
Malloch, J. R. 1923. Notes on Australian Diptera with
descriptions. 48: 601-622.
Malloch, J. R. 1924a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. ii. 49:
Malloch, J. R. 1924b. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. iii. 49:
Malloch, J. R. 1924c. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. iv. 49:
Malloch, J. R. 1925a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. v. 50: 35-
Malloch, J. R. 1925b. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. vi. 50: 80-
Malloch, J. R. 1925c. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. vii. 50:
Malloch, J. R. 1926a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. viii. 51:
Malloch, J. R. 1926b. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. ix. 51:
Malloch, J. R. 1927a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. x. 52: 1-
Malloch, J. R. 1927b. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xi. 52:
Malloch, J. R. 1927c. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xii. 52:
Malloch, J. R. 1927d. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xiii. 52:
Malloch, J. R. 1928a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xiv. 53:
Malloch, J. R. 1928b. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xv. 53:
Malloch, J. R. 1928c. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xvi. 53:
Malloch, J. R. 1929a. Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xix. 54:
Malloch, J. R. 1929b. Notes on Australian Diptera. XX. 54: 283-
Malloch, J. R. 1929c. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXI. 54: 408-
Malloch, J. R. 1929d. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXII. 54: 505-
Malloch, J. R. 1930a. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXIII. 55: 92-
Malloch, J. R. 1930b. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXIV. 55:
Malloch, J. R. 1930c. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXV. 55: 429-
Malloch, J. R. 1930d. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXVI. 55: 488-
Malloch, J. R. 1931a. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXVII. 56: 60-
Malloch, J. R. 1931b. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXVIII. 56:
Malloch, J. R. 1931c. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXIX. 56: 292-
Malloch, J. R. 1932a. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXX. 57: 64-
Malloch, J. R. 1932b. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXI. 57: 127-
Malloch, J. R. 1932c. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXII. 57: 213-
Malloch, J. R. 1933. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXIII. 58: 74-
Malloch, J. R. 1934. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXIV. 59: 1-8.
Malloch, J. R. 1935. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
III. Families Muscidae and Tachinidae. 60: 74-78.
Malloch, J. R. 1936a. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXV. 61: 10-
Malloch, J. R. 1936b. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXVI. 61: 259-
Malloch, J. R. 1938a. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXVII. 63:
Malloch, J. R. 1938b. Papuan Diptera. I. Family Diopsidae. 63:
Malloch, J. R. 1939a. Description of a new genus and two new
species from Papua. Family Pyrgotidae (Diptera). 64: 51-53.
Malloch, J. R. 1939b. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
VII. Family Otitidae (Ortalidae). 64: 97-154.
Malloch, J. R. 1939c. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
IX. Family Phytalmiidae. 64: 169-180.
Malloch, J. R. 1939d. The genus Adrama, with descriptions of three
new species (Diptera, Trypetidae). 64: 331-334.
Malloch, J. R. 1939e. The Diptera of the territory of New Guinea.
XI. Family Trypetidae. 64: 409-465.
Malloch, J. R. 1940. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXVIII. Family
Chloropidae, part ii. 65: 261-288.
Malloch, J. R. 1941. Notes on Australian Diptera. XXXIX. Family
Chloropidae, part iii. 66: 41-64.
Maloney, K. S. & Harris, J. M. 2008. Early natural history of the
greater glider, Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792). 129: 39-55.
Manefield, T. 1951. Investigations of the preferences shown by
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linn. and Culex (Culex) fatigans
Wied. for specific types of breeding water. 76: 149-154.
Marks, E. N. 1960. Australian mosquitoes described by Macquart.
II. Species in Bigot’s collection, Aedes (Ochlerotatus)
nigrithorax (Macquart). New synonymy. 85: 117-120.
Marks, E. N. 1964. Notes on the subgenus Chaetocruiomyia Theobald
(Diptera: Culicidae). 89: 131-147.
Marks, E. N. & Hodgkin, E. P. 1958. A new species of Aedes
(Finlaya) from northern Australia (Diptera, Culicidae). 83:
Marks, E. N. & Rageau, J. 1957. Culex pipiens australicus
Dobrotworsky and Drummond in New Caledonia. 82: 156.
Marshall, A. J. & Baker, J. R. 1940. The sex-ratio in the wild
animal populations of the New Hebrides. 65: 565-567.
Martin, A. A. 1967. The early development of Tasmania’s endemic
Anura, with comments on their relationships. 92: 107-116.
Martin, A. A. & Littlejohn, M. J. 1966. The breeding biology and
larval development of Hyla jervisiensis (Anura: Hylidae).
91: 47-57.
Martin, A. A., Watson, G. F., Gartside, D. F., Littlejohn, M. J.
& Loftus-Hills, J. J. 1979. A new species of the Litoria
peronii complex (Anura: Hylidae) from eastern Australia. 103:
Martin, A. R. H. 1972. The depositional environment of the
organic deposits on the foreshore at north Deewhy, New South
Wales. 96: 278-281.
Martin, C. J. 1893. Observations on the poisonous constituents
of the venom of the Australian black snake (Pseudechis
porphyriacus). (2)7: 319-322.
Martin, C. J. & Tidswell, F. 1895. Observations on the femoral
gland of Ornithorhynchus and its secretion; together with an
experimental enquiry concerning its supposed toxic action.
(2)9: 471-500.
Martin, H. A. 1984. On the philosophy and methods used to
reconstruct Tertiary vegetation. 107: 521-533.
Martin, H. A. 1987. Presidential Address. Cainozoic history of
the vegetation and climate of the Lachlan River region, New
South Wales. 109: 213-257.
Martin, H. A. 1994. The stratigraphic palynology of the Namoi
River valley, Baan Baa to Boggabri, northern New South
Wales. 114: 45-58.
Martin, H. A. 1995. Stratigraphic palynology of the Murray River
Valley in New South Wales. 115: 193-212.
Martin, H. A. 1996. Wildfires in past ages. 116: 3-18.
Martin, H. A. 1997. The stratigraphic palynology of bores along
the Darling River, downstream from Bourke, New South Wales.
118: 51-67.
Martin, H. A. 1998. Tertiary climatic evolution and the
development of aridity in Australia. 119: 115-136.
Martin, H. A. 1999. The stratigraphic palynology of the Macquarie
River valley, central western New South Wales. 121: 113-127.
Martin, P. G. & Peacock, W. J. 1959. Pollen tetrad patterns in
Leschenaultia. 84: 271-277.
Maskell, W. M. 1890. On a new Australian coccid. (2)5: 280-282.
Maskell, W. M. 1894. On a new species of coccid on fern-roots.
(2)8: 225-226.
Masters, G. 1875. Zoology of the Chevert – Ornithology. Part I.
(1)1: 44-64.
Masters, G. 1877. On Bruchigavia longirostris a new species of
gull, from King George’s Sound. (1)2: 113-115.
Masters, G. 1878. Notes on a collection of birds from Port
Darwin. (1)2: 269-276.
Masters, G. 1885. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part I. (1)10: 359-444.
Masters, G. 1886a. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part II. (1)10: 583-672.
Masters, G. 1886b. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part III. (2)1: 21-126.
Masters, G. 1886c. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part IV. (2)1: 259-380.
Masters, G. 1886d. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. (2)1: 585-686.
Masters, G. 1887a. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part VI. (2)1: 979-1036.
Masters, G. 1887b. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of
Australia. Part VII. (2)2: 13-94.
Masters, G. 1888a. Catalogue of the known Coleoptera of New
Guinea, including the islands of New Ireland, New Britain,
Duke of York, Aru, Mysol, Waigiou, Salwatty, Key, and Jobie.
(2)3: 271-334.
Masters, G. 1888b. Catalogue of the known Coleoptera of New
Guinea, including the islands of New Ireland, New Britain,
Duke of York, Aru, Mysol, Waigiou, Salwatty, Key, and Jobie.
(2)3: 925-1002.
Masters, G. 1896a. Supplement to volume 10(3), (2nd Series).
Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia.
Supplement, Part I. (2)10: 1-48. [Bound at end of volume;
separate pagination].
Masters, G. 1896b. Supplement to volume 21(1). Catalogue of the
described Coleoptera of Australia. Supplement, Part II. 21:
49-108. [Bound at end of volume; separate pagination].
Mathew, G. F. 1885a. Rough notes on the natural history of the
Claremont Islands. (1)10: 251-258.
Mathew, G. F. 1885b. An afternoon among the butterflies of
Thursday Island. (1)10: 259-266.
Matthews, J. M. 1966. Diurnal variation in the release of pollen
by Plantago lanceolata L. 90: 231-237.
Mattingly, P. F. & Marks, E. N. 1955. Some Australasian
mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of the subgenera Pseudoskusea
and Neoculex. 80: 163-176.
Mawson, D. 1905. The geology of the New Hebrides. 30: 400-485.
Mawson, D. 1907. The minerals and genesis of the veins and
schlieren traversing the aegirine-syenite in the Bowral
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May, V. 1938a. A key to the marine algae of New South Wales. Part
1. Chlorophyceae. 63: 207-218.
May, V. 1938b. An albino-form of Macrozamia spiralisn Miq. 63:
May, V. 1939a. A key to the marine algae of New South Wales. Part
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May, V. 1939b. Ectocarpus confervoides (Roth) Le Jol. 64: 537-554.
May, V. 1941. A survey of the mistletoe of New south Wales. 66:
May, V. 1944. Studies on Australian marine algae. I. The
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Lucas. 69: 226-228.
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extending the known geographical range of certain species.
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May, V. 1949a. Studies on Australian marine algae. IV. Further
geographical records. 73: 293-297.
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those of the Gelidium complex. 74: 196-202.
May, V. 1951a. Studies on Australian marine algae. VI. New
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McAlpine, D. 1896c. Puccinia on groundsel, with trimorphic
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McAlpine, D. 1897a. The sooty mould of citrus trees: a study in
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McAlpine, D. 1897b. Two additions to the fungi of New South Wales.
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McAlpine, D. 1898b. A new myxomycete for New South Wales. 23: 82-
McAlpine, D. 1899a. Fungi from Kerguelen Island. 24: 117-124.
McAlpine, D. 1899b. Three additions to the fungi of New South
Wales. 24: 125-127.
McAlpine, D. 1899c. On a micro-fungus from Mount Kosciusko; and
on the first record on Uncinula in Australia. 24: 301-303.
McAlpine, D. 1901a. Phosphorescent fungi in Australia. 25: 548-
McAlpine, D. 1901b. On the Australian fairy-ring puff-ball
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McAlpine, D. 1901c. The “shot-hole” fungi of stone-fruit trees in
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V.-VI. 28: 553-563.
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Meyrick, E. 1888b. Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. (2)2: 835-
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1881c. Temperature of the rock in the
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1881d. On the practice of ovariotomy by
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1883a. Remarks on a skull of an
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1883b. On a very dolichocephalic skull of
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1884a. Temperature of the body of Echidna
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1884b. The “Barometro Araucano” from the
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1884c. On a new species of kangaroo
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(1)9: 569-577.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1884d. On a complete debouchement of the
sulcus rolando into the fissura sylvii in some brains of
Australian aboriginals. (1)9: 578-580.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1884e. Notes on zoology of the Maclay
coast in New Guinea. (1)9: 713-720.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885a. Note about the temperature of the
sea water along the eastern coast of Australia, observed in
July 1878 and 1883. (1)9: 887-890.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885b. On two new species of Macropus
from the south coast of New Guinea. (1)9: 890-895.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885c. On volcanic activity on the islands
near the north-east coast of New Guinea and evidence of
rising of the Maclay coast in New Guinea. (1)9: 963-967.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885d. Notes on the direction of the hair
on the back of some kangaroos. (1)9: 1151-1158.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885e. On the temperature of the body of
Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blumenb. (1)9: 1204-1205.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885f. Notes on zoology of the Maclay
coast in New Guinea. II. (1)10: 141-144.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885g. On two new species of Dorcopsis
from the south coast of New Guinea. (1)10: 145-150.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885h. Note on the brain of Halicore
australis Owen. (1)10: 193-196.
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1885i. List of plants in use by the
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. de. 1886a. A second note on “macrodontism” of
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Miskin, W. H. 1890a. A revision of the Australian species of
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Miskin, W. H. 1890b. A revision of the Australian genus Ogyris,
with description of a new species. (2)5: 23-28.
Miskin, W. H. 1890c. Descriptions of hitherto undescribed
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(2)5: 29-43.
Mitchell, J. 1887a. Notes on the geology of Bowning, N.S.W. (2)1:
Mitchell, J. 1887b. On some new trilobites from Bowning, N.S.W.
(2)2: 435-440.
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Mitchell, J. 1918. The Carboniferous trilobites of Australia. 43:
Mitchell, J. 1919. On two new trilobites from Bowning. 44: 441-
Mitchell, J. 1920. Some additional trilobites from New South
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Mitchell, J. 1921. Some new brachiopods from the Middle
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Mitchell, J. 1922a. A new gasteropod (fam. Euomphalidae) from the
Lower Marine Series of New South Wales. 47: 278.
Mitchell, J. 1922b. Descriptions of two new trilobites, and note
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Mitchell, J. 1923. The Strophomenidae from the fossiliferous beds
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Mitchell, J. 1924. A preliminary reference to a new species of
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Mitchell, J. 1924a. New trilobites from Bowning, with notes on
Encrinurus and Cordania gardneri. 49: 46-54.
Mitchell, J. 1924b. Eleven new species of Aviculopecten from
Carboniferous rocks, Myall Lakes, N.S.W. 49: 468-474.
Mitchell, J. 1924c. A further reference to the occurrence of
Merista plebeia Sowerby in New South Wales. 49: 499-503.
Mitchell, J. 1925. Descriptions of new species of Leaia. 50: 438-
Mitchell, J. 1927a. A new Deltopecten from the Illawarra
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Mitchell, J. 1927b. The fossil Estheriae of Australia. Part i.
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Mitchell, J. & Dun, W. S. 1920. The Atrypidae of New South
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