Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW
by author
C. A. [C. Anderson]. 1936. Charles Hedley. 1862-1926. (Memorial
Series, No. 5). [List of papers compiled by Tom Iredale]. 61:
Caddy, H. A. R. & Gross, C. L. 2006. Population structure and
fecundity in the putative sterile shrub, Grevillea
rhizomatosa Olde & Marriott (Proteaceae). 127: 11-18.
Calvert, J. 1930. An abnormal Xanthium burr. 55: 475-476.
Cambage, R. H. 1901a. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part I. 25: 591-604.
Cambage, R. H. 1901b. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part II. 25: 708-720.
Cambage, R. H. 1901c. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part III. 26: 197-212.
Cambage, R. H. 1901d. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part IV. 26: 317-333.
Cambage, R. H. 1902a. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part V. 26: 685-699.
Cambage, R. H. 1902b. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part VI. 27: 186-204.
Cambage, R. H. 1903. Notes on the botany of the interior of New
South Wales. Part VII. 27: 561-591.
Cambage, R. H. 1905a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part i. – The Tumbarumba and Tumut districts. 29: 685-
Cambage, R. H. 1905b. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part ii. Western slopes on New England. 29: 781-797.
Cambage, R. H. 1905c. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part iii. Orange to Dubbo and Gilgandra. 30: 203-221.
Cambage, R. H. 1905d. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part IV. The occurrence of Casuarina stricta Ait., on
the Narrabeen shales. 30: 376-391.
Cambage, R. H. 1906. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part V. Bowral to the Wombeyan Caves. 31: 432-452.
Cambage, R. H. 1908. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VI. Deepwater to Torrington and Emmaville. 33:
Cambage, R. H. 1909a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VII. Eastern Monaro. 34: 310-335.
Cambage, R. H. 1909b. Description of a new species of Eucalyptus
from the Monaro district, N.S.W. 34: 336-339.
Cambage, R. H. 1912. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part VIII. Camden to Burragorang and Mount Werong. 36:
Cambage, R. H. 1913a. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Supplementary lists to Part VIII., Camden to
Burragorang and Mount Werong. 37: 617-621.
Cambage, R. H. 1913b. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. 37: 622-651.
Cambage, R. H. 1919. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part x. The Federal Capital Territory. 43: 673-711.
Cambage, R. H. 1925. Presidential Address. 50: i-xxxii.
Cambage, R. H. 1926. Notes on the native flora of New South
Wales. Part xi. Moree to Mungindi and Moonie River – with a
description of a new species of Eucalyptus. 51: 315-326.
Cambage, R. H. 1928. Chairman’s Address. 53: i-viii.
Cameron, A. M. 1966. The first zoea of the soldier crab Mictyris
longicarpus (Grapsoidea: Mictyridae). 90: 222_224.
Cameron, P. 1911a. On a collection of parasitic Hymenoptera
(chiefly bred), made by Mr. W. W. Froggatt, F.L.S., in New
South Wales, with descriptions of new genera and species.
Part i. 36: 333-346.
Cameron, P. 1911b. On parasitic Hymenoptera from the Solomon
Islands, collected by Mr. W. W. Froggatt, F.L.S. 36: 349-365.
Cameron, P. 1912a. On a collection of parasitic Hymenoptera
(chiefly bred), made by Mr. W. W. Froggatt, F.L.S., in New
South Wales, with descriptions of new genera and species.
Part ii. 36: 636-655.
Cameron, P. 1912b. On a collection of parasitic Hymenoptera
(chiefly bred), made by Mr. Walter W. Froggatt, F.L.S., in
New South Wales, with descriptions of new genera and species.
Part iii. 37: 172-216.
Cameron, P. 1912c. Descriptions of two new species of
Ichneumonidae from the island of Aru. 37: 217-219.
Campbell, H. 1989. John Vaughan Thompson, F.L.S. 111: 45-64.
Campbell, K. G. 1960. Preliminary studies in population
estimation of two species of stick insects (Phasmatidae
Phasmatodea) occurring in plague numbers in highland forest
area of south-eastern Australia. 85: 121-141.
Campbell, K. G. 1961. The effects of forest fires on three
species of stick insects (Phasmatidae Phasmatodea) occurring
in plagues in forest areas of south-eastern Australia. 86:
Campbell, K. G. 1963. The biology of Roeselia lugens (Walk.), the
gum-leaf skeletonizer moth, with particular reference to the
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. (river red gum) forests of the
Murray valley region. 87: 316-338.
Campbell, K. G. 1992. The biology and population ecology of two
species of Cardiaspina (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in plague
numbers on Eucalyptus grandis in New South Wales. 113: 135-
Campbell, K. G. & Moore, K. M. 1988. Two new species of Glycaspis
(Homoptera: Spondyliaspididae) from potentially endangered
Eucalyptus species, and one from E. stricta. 110: 11-17.
Campbell, K. S. W. & Barwick, R. E. 1984. The choana, maxillae,
premaxillae and anterior palatal bones of early dipnoans.
107: 147-170.
Campbell, M. L. & Clarke, P. J. 2006. Response of montane wet
sclerophyll forest understorey species to fire: evidence
from high and low intensity fires. 127: 63-73.
Carey, G. 1930. The leaf-buds of some woody perennials in the
New South Wales flora. 55: 708-737.
Carey, G. 1931. A note on the leaf buds of angophoras. 56: 455-
Carey, G. 1934. Further investigations on the embryology of
viviparous seeds. 59: 392-410.
Carey, G. 1938. Comparative anatomy of leaves from species in two
habitats around Sydney. 63: 439-450.
Carey, G. & Fraser, L. 1932. The embryology and seedling
development of Aegiceras majus Gaertn. 57: 341-360.
Carey, S. W. 1934. The geological structure of the Werrie basin.
59: 351-379.
Carey, S. W. 1935. Note on the Permian sequence in the Werrie
basin. With description of new species of fossil plants. 60:
Carey, S. W. 1937. The Carboniferous sequence in the Werrie
basin. (With palaeontological notes by I. A. Brown). 62: 341-
Carne, P. B. 1950. The morphology of the immature stages of
Aphodius howitti Hope (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae).
75: 158-166.
Carne, P. B. 1951. Preservation techniques for scarabaeid and
other insect larvae. 76: 26-30.
Carne, P. B. 1955. Notes on the Australian Rutelinae
(Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera). Suppression of a generic name
under Clilopocha Lea. 80: 137.
Carne, P. B. 1956. A revision of Saulostomus Waterhouse and
description of a new ruteline genus (Scarabaeidae,
Coleoptera). 81: 62-70.
Carne, P. B. 1957. Cyclocephala signaticollis Burmeister, an
introduced pasture scarab (Coleoptera). 81: 217-221.
Carne, P. B. 1961. Supplementary note to a revision of the
Australian Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 86: 126-127.
Carne, W. M. 1911. Note on the occurrence of a limestome flora
at Grose Vale. 35: 849-858.
Carolin, R. C. 1958. The species of the genus Erodium L’Her.
endemic to Australia. (With a key to all the taxa known to
occur in Australia). 83: 92-100.
Carolin, R. C. 1959. Floral structure and anatomy in the family
Goodeniaceae Dumort. 84: 242-255.
Carolin, R. C. 1960a. Floral structure and anatomy in the family
Stylidiaceae Swartz. 85: 189-196.
Carolin, R. C. 1960b. The structures involved in the presentation
of pollen to visiting insects in the order Campanales. 85:
Carolin, R. C. 1962. The genus Pelargonium l’Her. ex Ait. in
Australia. 86: 280-294.
Carolin, R. C. 1963. J. R. and J. G. A. Forster and their
collections. 88: 108-111.
Carolin, R. C. 1964. Notes on the genus Erodium L’Her. in
Australia. 88: 313-319.
Carolin, R. C. 1965a. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the
genus Wahlenbergia in Australia. 89: 235-240.
Carolin, R. C. 1965b. The genus Geranium L. in the south western
Pacific area. 89: 326-361.
Carolin, R. C. 1966. Seeds and fruit of the Goodeniaceae. 91: 58-
Carolin, R. C. 1967. The genus Velleia Sm. 92: 27-57.
Carolin, R. C. 1968. Coopernookia: a new genus of Goodeniaceae.
92: 209-216.
Carolin, R. C. 1970. A new species of Erodium L’Her. from
Australia. 94: 212-213.
Carolin, R. C. 1971. The trichomes of the Goodeniaceae. 96: 8-22.
Carr, P. F. 1983. A reappraisal of the stratigraphy of the upper
Shoalhaven group and lower Illawarra Coal Measures, southern
Sydney Basin, New South Wales. 106: 287-297.
Carr, P. F. & Jones, B. G. 1986. Non-contemporaneity in the
Marulan Batholith. 109: 63-67.
Carr, P. F., Jones, B. G., Kantsler, A. J., Moore, P. S. & Cook,
A. C. 1981. The geology of the Bungonia district, New South
Wales. 104: 229-244.
Carr, P. F., Jones, B. G. & Wright, A. J. 1980. Dating of rocks
from the Bungonia district, New South Wales. 104: 111-117.
Carr, S. G. M. & Carr, D. J. 1988. The Sir William Macleay
Memorial Lecture 1987. The elastic-sided gumleaf, or: the
rubber cuticle and other studies of the Corymbosae. 110: 101-
Carr, S. G. M. & Costin, A. B. 1956. Pleistocene glaciation in
the Victorian Alps. 80: 217-228.
Carrington, B. & Pearson, W. H. 1888. List of Hepaticae collected
by Mr. Thomas Whitelegge in New South Wales, 1884-5. (2)2:
Carter, H. J. 1905. Descriptions of new species of Australian
Coleoptera. Part I. 30: 177-189.
Carter, H. J. 1906. Notes on the genus Cardiothorax: with
descriptions of new species of Australian Coleoptera. Part
II. 31: 236-260.
Carter, H. J. 1908a. Revision of the Australian species of
Adelium. 33: 257-285.
Carter, H. J. 1908b. Revision of the genus Seirotrana, together
with descriptions of new species of other Australian
Coleoptera. 33: 392-422.
Carter, H. J. 1909. Notes on Australian Coleoptera: with
descriptions of new species of Tenebrionidae. 34: 120-156.
Carter, H. J. 1910. Revision of Sympetes and Helaeus: with
descriptions of new species of Tenebrionidae [Coleoptera].
35: 77-134.
Carter, H. J. 1911a. Appendix: Tenebrionidae from Dorrigo. 35:
Carter, H. J. 1911b. Revision of Pterohelaeus (continued) and of
Saragus; with descriptions of new species of Australian
Tenebrionidae. 36: 179-223.
Carter, H. J. 1913a. Descriptions of some new species of
Coleoptera. 37: 480-491.
Carter, H. J. 1913b. Notes on the genus Stigmodera, with
descriptions of eleven new species, and of other Buprestidae.
37: 497-511.
Carter, H. J. 1913c. Revision of Australian species of the
subfamilies Cyphaleinae and Cnodaloninae (fam.
Tenebrionidae). 38: 61-105.
Carter, H. J. 1914. Revision of the subfamily Tenebrioninae,
family Tenebrionidae. (Australian species: with descriptions
of new species of Tenebrioninae and Cyphaleinae). 39: 44-86.
Carter, H. J. 1915a. Descriptions of six new species of
Buprestidae. 40: 76-82.
Carter, H. J. 1915b. The Australian Strongyliinae and other
Tenebrionidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
(Tenebrionidae). 40: 522-539.
Carter, H. J. 1916. Descriptions of a new genus and three new
species of Australian Tenebrionidae from Barrington Tops,
New South Wales. 41: 209-214.
Carter, H. J. 1918. Some new Heteromera, and one Stigmodera,
from tropical Australia. 42: 701-719.
Carter, H. J. 1919. Notes on australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. 44: 137-173.
Carter, H. J. 1920. Notes on some Australian Tenebrionidae, with
descriptions of new species; – also of a new genus and
species of Buprestidae. 45: 222-249.
Carter, H. J. 1921. Australian Coleoptera: notes and new species.
46: 301-323.
Carter, H. J. 1922. Australian Coleoptera: notes and new species.
No. ii. 47: 65-82.
Carter, H. J. 1923. Revision of the genera Ethon, Cisseis and
their allies (Buprestidae). 48: 159-176.
Carter, H. J. 1924a. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new
species. No. iii. 49: 19-45.
Carter, H. J. 1924b. Australian Coleoptera: notes and new species.
No. iv. 49: 521-544.
Carter, H. J. 1925. Revision of the Australian species of
Chrysobothris (fam. Buprestidae), together with notes, and
descriptions of new species of Coleoptera. 50: 225-244.
Carter, H. J. 1926a. Presidential Address. 51: i-xxix.
Carter, H. J. 1926b. Revision of the Australasian species of
Anilara (fam. Buprestidae) and Helmis (fam. Dryopidae), with
notes, and descriptions of other Australian Coleoptera. 51:
Carter, H. J. 1926c. Revision of Athemistus and Microtragus (fam.
Cerambycidae) with notes, and descriptions of other
Australian Coleoptera. 51: 492-516.
Carter, H. J. 1927. Australian Coleoptera: notes and new species.
No. v. 52: 222-234.
Carter, H. J. 1928a. Revision of the Australian species of the
genera Curis, Neocuris and Trachys, together with notes and
descriptions of new species of other Coleoptera. 53: 270-290.
Carter, H. J. 1928b. William Aitcheson Haswell. 53: 485-498.
Carter, H. J. 1929a. Australian Coleoptera: notes and new
species. VI. 54: 65-79.
Carter, H. J. 1929b. Revision of the Australian Phoracanthini
(fam. Cerambycidae), with notes, and descriptions of new
species of this group and of allied genera. 54: 118-136.
Carter, H. J. 1930a. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new
species. VII. 55: 179-190.
Carter, H. J. 1930b. New Guinea and Australian Coleoptera. 55:
Carter, H. J. 1932. New Guinea and Australian Coleoptera. Notes
and new species. No. 2. 57: 101-115.
Carter, H. J. 1933. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new species.
VIII. 58: 159-180.
Carter, H. J. 1934. Australian and New Guinea Coleoptera. Notes
and new species. No. III. 59: 252-269.
Carter, H. J. 1935. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new species.
No. IX. 60: 179-193.
Carter, H. J. 1936. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new species.
No. X. 61: 98-110.
Carter, H. J. 1937. A monograph of the Australian Colydiidae. 62:
Carter, H. J. 1939. Australian Coleoptera. Notes and new species.
No. XI. [Mostly Elateridae]. 64: 297-330.
Carter, H. J. 1940. Tabulation of the genera Austrolimnius and
Notriolus [Dryopidae] and description of a new species of
Nyctozoilus [Tenebrionidae]. 65: 219-220.
Carter, J. J. 1986. Metagenesis as a possible key to animal form.
109: 117-128.
Cash, M. 1945. A contribution to a study of the physiology of
decay in apples. 70: 317-327.
Cashner, R. C., Hawkes, G. P., Gartside, D. F. & Marsh-Matthews,
E. 1999. Fishes of the Nymboida, Mann and Orara Rivers of the
Clarence River drainage, New South Wales, Australia. 121: 89-
Casimir, M. 1958. Migration and utilization of reserve substances
during flight in Aphis craccivora Koch. 83: 165-172.
Casimir, M. 1960. Tegea atropicta Stal (Hemiptera, Reduviidae),
an unusual predator of termites. 85: 230-232.
Castelnau, F. de. 1878a. Australian fishes. New or little known
species. (1)2: 225-248.
Castelnau, F. de. 1878b. Notes on the fishes of the Norman River.
(1)3: 41-51.
Castelnau, F. de. 1878c. On several new Australian (chiefly)
freshwater fishes. (1)3: 140-144.
Castelnau, F. de. 1879a. On a new ganoid fish from Queensland.
(1)3: 164-165.
Castelnau, F. de. 1879b. Essay on the ichthyology of Port
Jackson. (1)3: 347-402.
Castelnau, F. de, & Ramsay, E. P. 1877. Notes of a collection of
birds from the Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria, with
descriptions of some new species. (1)1: 379-386.
Catcheside, D. G. 1966. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture,
1966. The centenary of Mendel. 91: 101-108.
Chadwick, C. E. 1963. Some insects and terrestrial arthropods
from Heron Island, Queensland. 87: 196-199.
Chadwick, C. E. 1970. Some aspects of the life history and
ecology of Rhopaea magnicornis Blkb. (Col., Scarabaeidae).
95: 11-21.
Chalmers, A. C. & Turner, J. C. 1994. Climbing plants in
relation to their supports in a stand of dry rainforest in
the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. 114: 73-90.
Chalson, J. M. & Martin, H. A. 1995. The pollen morphology of
some co-occurring species of the family Myrtaceae from the
Sydney region. 115: 163-191.
Chalson, J. M. & Martin, H. A. 2008. A 38,000 year history of the
vegetation at Penrith Lakes, New South Wales. 129: 97-111.
Chalson, J. M. & Martin, H. A. 2009a. A Holocene history of the
vegetation of the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. 130: 77-
Chalson, J. M. & Martin, H. A. 2009b. Modern pollen deposition
under vegetation of the Blue MOuntains, New South Wales. 130:
Chambers, T. C. & Williams, M. B. 1960. A revision of Nitella
cristata Braun (Characeae) and its allies. Part I.
Experimental taxonomy. 84: 338-345.
Chang, M-M. & Yu, X. 1984. Structure and phylogenetic
significance of Diabolichthys speratus gen. et sp. nov., a
new dipnoan-like form from the Lower Devonian of eastern
Yunnan, China. 107: 171-184.
Chapman, F. 1905. Notes on the older Tertiary foraminiferal rocks
on the west coast of Santo, New Hebrides. 30: 261-274.
Chapman, F. 1908. On the Tertiary limestones and foraminiferal
tuffs of Malekula, New Hebrides. 32: 745-760.
Chapman, F. 1918. Appendix i. Devonian Foraminifera; Tamworth
district, New South Wales / Appendix ii. Note on a new
species of Chaetetes. 43: 385-394.
Chapman, H. G. 1905. Contribution to our knowledge of the
physiology of the pancreas. 30: 92-100.
Chapman, H. G. 1906. Note on cerebral localization in the
bandicoot (Perameles). 31: 493-494.
Chapman, H. G. 1908a. The behaviour of Hyla aurea to strychnine.
33: 292-303.
Chapman, H. G. 1908b. The acidity of milk. 33: 436-443.
Chapman, H. G. 1910. A contribution to the study of the
precipitins. 35: 526-554.
Chapman, H. G. 1918. Presidential Address. 43: 1-30.
Chapman, H. G. 1919. Presidential Address. 44: 1-35.
Chase, E. E. 1921. A new trematode. 45: 500-504.
Cheel, E. 1902. Notes on Juncus holoschaenus, R. Br., and J.
prismatocarpus, R. Br.; and on certain other New South Wales
plants. 27: 210-213.
Cheel, E. 1907. List of fungi. 32: 202-205.
Cheel, E. 1917. Notes on the “common nightshade” (Solanum nigrum
Linn.) and some closely related forms and species that have
been confused withit. 42: 583-602.
Cheel, E. 1923. New or noteworthy plants from the National
Herbarium, Sydney. No. 1. 48: 681-688.
Cheel, E. 1925. Two new species of Callistemon, with notes on
certain other species. 50: 259-266.
Cheel, E. 1926. Notes on Melaleuca pubescens Schauer and M.
preissiana Schauer. 51: 408-410.
Cheel, E. 1931. Presidential Address. 56: i-xxvii.
Cheel, E. 1935. The occurrence of hybrid acacias. 60: 443-446.
Cheel, E. 1943. Descriptions of new species of Callistemon. 68:
Cheel, E. 1947. Notes on the Gippsland waratah (Telopea oreades
F.v.M.), with a description of a new species. 71: 270-272.
Cheeseman, T. F. 1895. Note on the correct habitat of Patella
(Scutellastra) kermadecensis, Pilsbry. (2)10: 221-223.
Chenhall, B. E. & Phillips, E. R. 1985. The petrology and
geochemistry of quartzofeldspathic gneisses, Broken Hill
mines area, Broken Hill, New South Wales. 108: 1-21.
Chilton, C. 1884. On a marine species of Philougria. (1)9: 463-
Chilton, C. 1885. Notes on a few Australian Edriophthalmata.
(1)9: 1035-1044.
Chilton, C. 1920. On a new isopodan genus (family Oniscidae)
from Lake Corangamite, Victoria. 44: 723-734.
Chippendale, G. M. 1963. Ecological notes on the “western desert”
area of the Northern Territory. 88: 54-66.
Chippendale, G. M. 1968. The plants grazed by red kangaroos,
Megaleia rufa (Desmarest), in central Australia. 93: 98-110.
Chippendale, G. M. 1972. Check list of Northern Territory plants.
96: 207-267.
Chisholm, E. C. 1924. Eucalypts of the Blue Mountains and their
defined areas. 49: 147-150.
Chisholm, E. C. 1925. The Comboyne Plateau. Its general
conformation and flora. 50: 284-298.
Chisholm, E. C. 1927. Additional flora of the Comboyne Plateau,
1926. 52: 378-379.
Chisholm, E. C. 1932. The occurrence of Atrax venenatus Hickman
on the Comboyne Plateau. 57: 24-26.
Chisholm, E. C. 1933. Useful Coccinellidae found on the Comboyne
Plateau. 58: 405-407.
Chisholm, E. C. 1934. Further additions to the flora of the
Comboyne Plateau. 59: 143-155.
Chisholm, E. C. 1937. Final additions to the flora of the
Comboyne Plateau. 62: 65-72.
Choi, K. H., Anderson, D. T. & Kim, C. H. 1992. Larval
development of the megabalanine balanomorph Megabalanus rosa
(Pilsbry) (Cirripedia, Balanidae). 113: 175-184.
Choo, B. 2009. A basal actinopterygian fish from the Middle
Devonian Bunga Beds of New South Wales, Australia. 130: 37-
Churchward, J. G. 1932a. Inheritance of resistance to bunt,
Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Winter, and other characters in
certain crosses of “Florence” wheat. 57: 133-147.
Churchward, J. G. 1932b. The geographic distribution of Tilletia
spp. on wheat in Australia in 1931. 57: 403-408.
Churchward, J. G. 1934. A note on the occurrence of seedling
lesions caused by cereal smuts. 59: 197-199.
Clague, C. I., Coles, R. B., Whybird, O. J., Spencer, H. J. &
Flemons, P. 1999. The occurrence and distribution of the
tube-nosed insectivorous bat (Murina florium) in Australia.
121: 175-191.
Clapp, F. G. 1925. A few observations on the geology and
geography of north-west and desert basins, Western Australia.
50: 47-66.
Clark, A. M. 1970. The name of the starfish, Anthenea acuta
(Perrier), preoccupied. 95: 157.
Clark, L. R. 1963. On the density and distribution of newly-
established nymphs of Cardiaspina albitextura (Psyllidae) at
times of high abundance. 88: 67-73.
Clarke, P. J. 1995. The population dynamics of the mangrove shrub
Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae): fecundity, dispersal,
establishment and population structure. 115: 35-44.
Clarke, P. J. & Myerscough, P. J. 2006. Introduction to the
biology and ecology of Gibraltar Range National Park and
adjacent areas: patterns, processes and prospects. 127: 1-3.
Clay, T. 1981. A report on a collection of lice (Boopidae:
Phthiraptera) on Petrogale (rock wallabies). 105: 65-78.
Cleland, J. B. 1909. Diurnal variations in the temperatures of
camels. 34: 268-271.
Cleland, J. B. 1922. A second bird census. 47: 132-141.
Cleland, J. B. & Cheel, E. 1917. Records of Australian fungi.
No. i. 41: 853-870.
Cleland, K. W. 1947a. Some observations on the cytology of
oogenesis in the Sydney rock oyster (Ostrea commercialis I. &
R.). 72: 159-182.
Cleland, K. W. 1947b. Studies on the economic biology of the sand
whiting (Sillago ciliata C. & V.). 72: 215-228.
Cleland, K. W. 1950a. A study of the alkaline phosphatase
reaction in tissue sections. Part I. The possibility of its
quantitative use. 75: 35-53.
Cleland, K. W. 1950b. A study of the alkaline phosphatase reaction
in tissue sections. Part II. The histological and cytological
validity. 75: 54-69.
Cleland, K. W. 1950c. Respiration and cell division in developing
oyster eggs. 75: 282-295.
Cleland, K. W. 1950d. The intermediary metabolism of unfertilized
oyster eggs. 75: 296-319.
Cobb, N. A. 1890a. Two new instruments for biologists. (2)5: 157-
Cobb, N. A. 1890b. Oxyuris-larvae hatched in the human stomach
under normal conditions. (2)5: 168-185.
Cobb, N. A. 1890c. Arabian nematodes. (2)5: 449-468.
Cobb, N. A. 1891a. Anticoma: a genus of free-living marine
nematodes. (2)5: 765-774.
Cobb, N. A. 1891b. Onyx and Dipeltis: new nematode genera, with
a note on Dorylaimus. (2)6: 143-158.
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Cobb, N. A. 1898. Australian free-living marine nematodes. 23:
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Cockerell, T. D. A. 1913a. Australian bees. i. A new Crocisa,
with a list of the Australian species of the genus. 37: 594-
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1913b. A small collection of bees from
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Gray. 82: 167-179.
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history of the tiger flathead (Neoplatycephalus macrodon) on
the south-eastern Australian coast. I. 59: 71-91.
Colefax, A. N. 1938. A preliminary investigation of the natural
history of the tiger flathead (Neoplatycephalus macrodon) on
the south-eastern Australian coast. II. Feeding habits;
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Colefax, A. N. 1952. Presidential Address. 77: i-xlvi.
Colefax, A. N. 1956. New information on the corroboree frog
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Colless, D. H. 1948. The anopheline mosquitoes of north-west
Borneo. 73: 71-119.
Colless, D. H. 1960. Some species of Culex (Lophoceraomyia) from
New Guinea and adjacent islands, with descriptions of four
new species and notes on the male of Culex fraudatrix
Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). 84: 382-390.
Colless, D. H. 1963a. Amendments to the disposal of type
specimens of species of Culex (Lophoceraomyia) from New
Guinea. 87: 290.
Colless, D. H. 1963b. New species of Ohakunea Edwards and a
related genus with notes on the relationships of Heterotricha
Loew. (Diptera). 87: 303-308.
Colless, D. H. 1963c. Notes on Australasian Tanyderidae, with
description of a new species of Radinoderus Handl. (Diptera).
87: 309-311.
Colless, D. H. 1963d. Notes on the taxonomy of the Aedes
scutellaris group, and new records of A. paullusi and A.
albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). 87: 312-315.
Colless, D. H. 1964. An Australian species of Microphorella
(Diptera: Empididae), with notes on the phylogenetic
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Collins, M. I. 1918. On the leaf-anatomy of Scaevola crassifolia,
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Collins, M. I. 1920b. On the structure of the resin-secreting
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Collins, M. I. 1921. On the mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation
near Sydney, New South Wales, with special reference to
Cabbage Tree Creek, Port Hacking. 46: 376-392.
Collins, M. I. 1923. Studies in the vegetation of arid and semi-
arid New South Wales. Part i. The plant ecology of the
Barrier district. 48: 229-266.
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Common, I. F. B. 1957. The occurrence of Epinotia lantana (Busck)
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Common, I. F. B. 1961. The generic position of the Australian
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Common, I. F. B. 1964. A new genus for the Australian lucerne
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Cookson, I. C. 1946. Pollens of Nothofagus Blume from Tertiary
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Cookson, I. C. 1947a. On fossil leaves (Oleaceae) and a new type
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72: 183-197.
Cookson, I. C. 1947b. Fossil fungi from Tertiary deposits in the
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Copland, S. J. 1945b. Catalogue of reptiles in the Macleay Museum.
Part I. Sphenomorphus pardalis pardalis (Macleay) and
Sphenomorphus nigricaudis nigricaudis (Macleay). 70: 291-311.
Copland, S. J. 1947a. An occurrence of rhythmic banding in
Ordovician strata of the Shoalhaven River gorge. 71: 130-135.
Copland, S. J. 1947b. Catalogue of reptiles in the Macleay Museum.
Part II. Sphenomorphus spaldingi (Macleay). 71: 136-144.
Copland, S. J. 1947c. Taxonomic notes on the genus Ablepharus
(Sauria: Scincidae). I. A new species from the Darling River.
71: 282-286.
Copland, S. J. 1947d. Reptiles occurring above the winter snowline
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Oudemans. 73: 362-371.
Copland, S. J. 1952a. Taxonomic notes on the genus Ablepharus
(Sauria: Scincidae). III. A new species from north-west
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Copland, S. J. 1952b. A mainland race of the scincid lizard
Lygosoma truncatum (Peters). 77: 126-131.
Copland, S. J. 1953. Presidential Address. 78: i-xxxvii.
Copland, S. J. 1957. Presidential Address. 82: 1-108.
Copland, S. J. 1960. A new tree-frog (genus Hyla) from
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Copland, S. J. 1961. A new name for Hyla pearsoni, preoccupied
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Copland, S. J. 1962. Re-discovery of a little known Victorian
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Copland, S. J. 1963a. Hyla phyllochrous Gunther (Amphibia) as an
addition to the fauna of Victoria, with the description of a
new race and a note on the name of the genus. 87: 137-140.
Copland, S. J. 1963b. Size at metamorphosis of the frog Hyla
aureus raniformis (Keferstein). 88: 105-107.
Coquillet, D. W. 1909. Description of a new fruit-fly of the
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Coquillett, D. W. 1899. Description of Agromyza phaseoli, a new
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Coquillett. D. W. 1900. Descriptions of two new species of
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Cox, J. C. 1879a. On two new species of Helix from the Louisiade
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Cox, J. C. 1881a. Notes on the Moore Park borings. (1)5: 273-280.
Cox, J. C. 1881b. Notes on some of the habits and customes of
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Cox, J. C. 1881c. On the nomenclature and distribution of the
genus Pythia, Bolton. (1)6: 587-621.
Cox, J. C. 1882a. Australian Octopodidae. (1)6: 773-789.
Cox, J. C. 1882b. Presidential Address. (1)6: 847-872.
Cox, J. C. 1882c. On the edible oysters found on the Australian
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Cox, J. C. 1883a. On the edible oysters found on the Australian
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Cox, J. C. 1884. Dimensions of some gigantic land tortoises.
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Cox, J. C. 1888a. Contributions to conchology, No. 1. (2)2: 1061-
Cox, J. C. 1888b. Notes on two wax figures obtained from an
aboriginal camp at Miriam Vale near the head of Baffle Creek,
Rockhampton. (2)3: 1223-1226.
Cox, J. C. 1889. Note on Cypraea venusta, (Sowerby). (2)4: 187.
Cox, J. C. 1890. Descriptions of two new species of Australian
Mollusca. (2)4: 658-660.
Cox, J. C. 1891. The Chairman’s Address. (2)5: 899-917.
Cox, J. C. 1892. Descriptions of some new species of pulmonate
Mollusca from Australia and the Solomon Islands. (2)6: 565-
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Plecotrema and of other species of Mollusca in Port Jackson.
(2)8: 422-429.
Cox, J. C. 1899. Description of a new species of Liparus from
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Craft, F. A. 1928. The physiography of the Cox River basin. 53:
Craft, F. A. 1930a. Goulburn – a vital point on the New South
Wales highlands. 55: 381-385.
Craft, F. A. 1930b. The topography and water supply of Cox’s
River, N.S.W. 55: 417-428.
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valley. I. Tallong-Bungonia. 56: 99-132.
Craft, F. A. 1931b. The physiography of the Shoalhaven River
valley. II. Nerrimunga Creek. 56: 243-260.
Craft, F. A. 1931c. The physiography of the Shoalhaven River
valley. III. Bulee Ridge. 56: 261-265.
Craft, F. A. 1931d. The physiography of the Shoalhaven River
valley. IV. Nerriga. 56: 412-430.
Craft, F. A. 1932a. Geographical studies in the Blue Mountains
tableland. 57: 40-56.
Craft, F. A. 1932b. The physiography of the Shoalhaven River
valley. V. The upper valley and the stream system. 57: 197-
Craft, F. A. 1932c. The physiography of the Shoalhaven River
valley. VI. Conclusion. 57: 245-260.
Craft, F. A. 1932d. Notes on erosional processes and stream
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Craft, F. A. 1933a. The surface history of Monaro, N.S.W. 58:
Craft, F. A. 1933b. The coastal tablelands and streams of New
South Wales. 58: 437-460.
Craft, F. A. 1934. The regimes and cyclical volume changes of the
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Craft, F. A. 1935. The relationship between erosion and
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Crockford, J. 1943. Bryozoa from the Port Keats bore, Northern
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Crockford, J. 1945b. A bryozoan fauna from the Lake’s Creek
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Crockford, J. 1947. Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous of New
South Wales and Queensland. 72: 1-48.
Crockford, J. 1949. Bryozoa from the Upper Carboniferous of
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Crockford, J. 1951. The development of bryozoan faunas in the
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Croft, P., Hofmeyer, D. & Hunter, J. T. 2006. Fire responses in
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Cromer, D. A. N. & Pryor, L. D. 1942. A contribution to rain-
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Crook, K. A. W. 1957. Cross-stratification and other sedimentary
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Crook, K. A. W. 1963. Structural geology of part of the Tamworth
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Cross, D. & Jefferys, E. 2010. Catalogue of insects collected by
William Sharp Macleay in Cuba 1825-1836. 131: 27-35.
Crowcroft, P. W. 1947. The anatomy of two new digenetic
trematodes from Tasmanian food fishes. 71: 108-118.
Crowley, L. E. L. M. & Ivantsoff, W. 1990. A review of species
previously identified as Craterocephalus eyresii (Pisces:
Atherinidae). 112: 87-103.
Crowson, R. A. 1965. A new genus of Australian clavicorn
Coleoptera, probably of a new family. 89: 241-245.
Cumpston, D. M. 1939. Observations on the bionomics and
morphology of seven species of the tribe Paropsini.
[Chrysomelidae]. 64: 353-366.
Cumpston, D. M. 1940. On the external morphology and biology of
Heteronychus sanctae-helenae Blanch. and Metanastes
vulgivagus Olliff (Col., Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). 65: 289-
Cumpston, D. M. 1941. A summary of certain aspects of the scarab
problem, and a contribution to a bibliography of the family
Scarabaeidae. 66: 33-40.
Cunningham, G. H. 1924. A critical revision of the Australian
and New Zealand species of the genus Secotium. 49: 97-119.
Cunningham, G. H. 1925a. Gasteromycetes of Australasia. ii. A
revision of the genus Tulostoma. 50: 245-258.
Cunningham, G. H. 1925b. The gasteromycetes of Australasia. iii.
The genera Bovista and Bovistella. 50: 367-373.
Cunningham, G. H. 1926a. The gasteromycetes of Australasia. iv.
Species of the genus Geaster. 51: 72-93.
Cunningham, G. H. 1926b. Gasteromycetes of Australasia. v. The
genus Calvatia. 51: 363-368.
Cunningham, G. H. 1926c. The gasteromycetes of Australasia. vi.
The genus Lycoperdon. 51: 627-642.
Cunningham, G. H. 1927. The gasteromycetes of Australasia. vii.
The genera Disciseda and Abstoma; viii. The genus
Mycenastrum; ix. Keys to the genera and species of the
Lycoperdaceae. 52: 235-257.
Cunningham, G. H. 1931a. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. X.
The Phallales. Part I. 56: 1-15.
Cunningham, G. H. 1931b. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XI.
The Phallales. Part II. 56: 182-200.
Cunningham, G. H. 1931c. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XII.
The genus Scleroderma. 56: 277-287.
Cunningham, G. H. 1931d. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XIII.
The genus Pisolithus. 56: 288-291.
Cunningham, G. H. 1932a. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XIV.
The family Tulostomataceae. 57: 27-39.
Cunningham, G. H. 1932b. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XV.
The genera Mesophellia and Castoreum. 57: 313-322.
Cunningham, G. H. 1934. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XVI.
Hymenogastraceae, Part I: the genera Rhizopogon,
Melanogaster and Hymenogaster. 59: 156-172.
Cunningham, G. H. 1935. The Gasteromycetes of Australasia. XVII.
Some new species of Hymenogastraceae. 60: 119-120.
Cunningham, G. H. 1950. Australian Polyporaceae in herbia of
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and British Museum of Natural
History. 75: 214-249.
Cunningham, G. H. 1953. Revision of Australian and New Zealand
species of Thelephoraceae and Hydnaceae in the herbarium of
the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 77: 275-299.
Curran, C. H. 1938. New species and records of Tachinidae
(Diptera). 63: 185-206.
Curran, C. H. & Bryan, Jr., E. H. 1926. New Australian Syrphidae
[Diptera] in the Bishop Museum. 51: 129-133.
Curran, J. M. 1884. On some fossil plants from Dubbo, New South
Wales. (1)9: 250-254.
Curran, J. M. 1885a. The geology of Dubbo. (1)10: 170-187.
Curran, J. M. 1885b. Notes on the geology and water supply of the
interior of New South Wales. (1)10: 233-236.
Curran, J. M. 1888a. Note on a leucite-basalt from central New
South Wales. (2)2: 974-975.
Curran, J. M. 1888b. Carboniferous and Silurian fossils from
central New South Wales. (2)3: 800-804.
Curran, J. M. 1891. A contribution to the geology and petrography
of Bathurst, New South Wales. (2)6: 173-234.
Curran, J. M. 1898. On the evidence (so-called) of glacier
action on Mount Kosciusko plateau. 22: 796-809.
Currie, G. A. 1932. Some notes on the biology and morphology of
the immature stages of Harpobittacus tillyardi (order
Mecoptera). 57: 116-122.
Currie, G. A. 1937. Galls on Eucalyptus trees. A new type of
association between flies and nematodes. 62: 147-174.
Dakin, W. J. 1931. On a new bopyrid parasite from the coast of
New South Wales. 56: 267-272.
Dakin, W. J. 1935. Presidential Address. 60: i-xxxii.
Dakin, W. J. 1937. The occurrence of the Australian pilchard,
Sardinops neopilchardus (Steind.), and its spawning season in
New South Wales waters, together with brief notes on other
New South Wales clupeids. 62: 209-216.
Dakin, W. J. & Colefax, A. 1933. The marine plankton of the
coastal waters of New South Wales. I. The chief planktonic
forms and their seasonal distribution. 58: 186-222.
Dakin, W. J. & Colefax, A. N. 1935. Observations on the seasonal
changes in temperature, salinity, phosphates, and nitrate
nitrogen and oxygen of the ocean waters on the continental
shelf off New South Wales and the relationship to plankton
production. 60: 303-314.
Daniels, G. 1976. Three new species of Questopogon Dakin and
Fordham (Diptera: Asilidae) from Australia. 100: 223-230.
Daniels, G. 1977. Asiola, a new Australian genus of the subfamily
Asilinae (Diptera: Asilidae). 102: 43-51.
Daniels, G. 1979. A new species of Dakinomyia from Queensland
(Diptera: Asilidae). 103: 275-281.
Dargan, G. 2007. First record of Thecostegites (Cnidaria:
Tabulata) from central New South Wales. 128[2006]: 217-221.
Darnell-Smith, G. P. 1919a. An account of some observations upon
the life-history of Phoma citricarpa McAlp., the cause of the
“black spot” disease in citrus fruit in New South Wales. 443:
Darnell-Smith, G. P. 1919b. The occurrence of an inverted hymenium
in Agaricus campestris. 43: 883-887.
Dart, P. J. & Mercer, F. V. 1966. Observations on the fine
structure of the meristem of root nodules from some annual
legumes. 90: 252-262.
Dartnall, A. J. 1969. A viviparous species of Patiriella
(Asteroidea, Asterinidae) from Tasmania. 93: 294-296.
Dartnall, A. J. 1970. A new species of Marginaster (Asteroidea:
Poraniidae) from Tasmania. 94: 207-211.
Dartnall, A. J. 1971a. Australian sea stars of the genus
Patiriella (Asteroidea, Asterinidae). 96: 39-49.
Dartnall, A. J. 1971b. A sea star of genus Ctenodiscus from
Tasmania. 96: 50-52.
Dartnall, A. J. 1972. A brooding echinoid from Tasmania. 97: 30-
Dartnall, A. J., Pawson, D. L., Pope, E. C. & Smith, B. J. 1969.
Replacement name for the preoccupied genus name Odinia
Perrier, 1885 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). 93: 211.
David, T. W. E. 1889. Note on the origin of “kerosene shale”.
(2)4: 483-500.
David, T. W. E. 1890. Geological notes. (2)5: 421-428.
David, T. W. E. 1894. President’s Address. (2)8: 540-607.
David, T. W. E. 1895. President’s Address. (2)10: 134-161.
David, T. W. E. 1896. Note on the occurrence of diatomaceous
earth at the Warrumbungle Mountains, New South Wales. 21:
David, T. W. E. 1897. The occurrence of Radiolaria in Palaeozoic
rocks in N.S.Wales. 21: 553-570.
David, T. W. E. 1908. Geological notes on Kosciusko, with special
reference to evidences of glacial action. Part II. 33: 657-
David, T. W. E., Helms, R. & Pittman, E. F. 1999. Geological
notes on Kosciusko, with special reference to evidences of
glacial action. 26: 26-74.
David, T. W. E. & Howchin, W. 1897. Note on the occurrence of
casts of Radiolaria in Pre-Cambrian (?) rocks, South
Australia. 21: 571-583.
Davis, C. 1936a. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part I.
Systematics. 61: 229-253.
Davis, C. 1936b. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part II.
Further notes on systematics. 61: 254-258.
Davis, C. 1936c. Plant ecology of the Bulli district. Part I:
stratigraphy, physiography and climate; general distribution
of plant communities and interpretation. 61: 285-297.
Davis, C. 1938a. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part III:
revision of the genus Metoligotoma, with descriptions of new
species, and other notes on the family Oligotomidae. 63: 226-
Davis, C. 1938b. Notes on the terrestrial ecology of the Five
Islands. I. 63: 357-388.
Davis, C. 1939a. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. I. The
genotype of Oligotoma Westwood. 64: 181-190.
Davis, C. 1939b. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. II. A
new neotropical genus of Embioptera. 64: 217-222.
Davis, C. 1939c. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. III. The
genus Burmitembia Cockerell. 64: 369-372.
Davis, C. 1939d. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. IV. The
genus Clothoda Enderlein. 64: 373-380.
Davis, C. 1939e. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. V. The
genus Donaconethis Enderlein. 64: 381-384.
Davis, C. 1939f. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. VI-X.
Part VI. Three new Asiatic genera related to Embia Latreille.
Part VII. The genus Dictyoploca Krauss. Part VIII. The genus
Dihybocercus Enderlein, and a new African genus related to
it. Part IX. The genus Enveja Navas. Part X. The genus
Leptembia Krauss. 64: 474-495.
Davis, C. 1939g. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XI-XIV.
Part XI: a new genus from the Congo. Part XII: the genus
Haploembia Verhoeff. Part XIII: a new west African genus.
Part XIV: the identity of Embia ruficollis de Saussure and of
Oligotoma venosa Banks. 64: 559-575.
Davis, C. 1940a. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part IV:
supplementary taxonomic notes. 65: 155-160.
Davis, C. 1940b. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XV. The
genus Rhagadochir Enderlein, and genera convergent to it.
65: 171-191.
Davis, C. 1940c. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XVI-
XVII. 65: 323-352. [XVI: the genus Embia Latreille: 323-344 ;
XVII: a new neotropical genus previously confused with Embia
Latreille: 344-352].
Davis, C. 1940d. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XVIII.
The genus Oligotoma Westwood. 65: 362-387.
Davis, C. 1940e. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XIX.
Genera not previously discussed. 65: 525-532.
Davis, C. 1940f. Taxonomic notes on the order Embioptera. XX. The
distribution and comparative morphology of the order
Embioptera. 65: 533-542.
Davis, C. 1941. Plant ecology of the Bulli district. Part II:
plant communities of the plateau and scarp. 66: 1-32.
Davis, C. 1942a. Oxygen economy of Coxelmis novemnotata (King)
(Coleoptera, Dryopidae). 67: 1-8.
Davis, C. 1942b. Hemiptera and Copeognatha from the Upper Permian
of New South Wales. 67: 111-122.
Davis, C. 1942c. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part V:
geographical variation in Metoligotoma reducta Davis. 67:
Davis, C. 1943a. A new species of Permithone (Neuroptera
Planipennia) from the Upper Permian of New South Wales. 68:
Davis, C. 1943b. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part VI.
Records of the genus Metoligotoma from Victoria. 68: 65-66.
Davis, C. 1944. Studies in Australian Embioptera. Part VII. New
Embioptera from tropical Australia. 69: 16-20
Davis, G. L. 1948. Revision of the genus Brachycome Cass. Part I.
Australian species. 73: 142-241.
Davis, G. L. 1949a. Revision of the genus Brachycome Cass. Part
II. New Zealand species. 74: 97-106.
Davis, G. L. 1949b. Revision of the genus Brachycome Cass. Part
III. Description of three new Australian species and some new
locality records. 74: 145-152.
Davis, G. L. 1950a. A revision of the Australian species of the
genus Lagenophora Cass. 75: 122-132.
Davis, G. L. 1950b. Revision of the genus Solenogyne Cass. 75:
Davis, G. L. 1952. Revision of the genus Calotis R.Br. 77: 146-
Davis, G. L. 1955. Supplementary notes on the genus Brachycome
Cass. Descriptions of five new Australian species and some
new locality records. 79: 203-210.
Davis, G. L. 1957. Revision of the genus Podolepis Labill. 81:
Davis, G. L. 1963. Embryological studies in the Compositae. 3.
Sporogenesis, gametogenesis and early embryology in Minuria
denticulata (DC) Benth. (Astereae). 88: 35-40.
Davis, G. L. 1968. The embryology of Epaltes australis Less.
(Compositae). 93: 184-192.
Davison, D. C. 1949a. The distribution of formic and alcohol
dehydrogenases in the higher plants, with particular
reference to their variation in the pea plant during its life
cycle. 74: 26-36.
Davison, D. C. 1949b. The importance of formic dehydrogenase in
the oxidation mechanisms of Pisum sativum. 74: 37-56.
Dawson, L. 1983. The taxonomic status of small fossil wombats
(Vombatidae: Marsupialia) from Quaternary deposits, and of
related modern wombats. 107: 99-121.
Dawson, L. & Augee, M. L. 1997. The late Quaternary sediments
and fossils vertebrate fauna from Cathedral Cave, Wellington
Cave, New South Wales. 117: 51-78.
de Beuzeville, W. A. W. & White, C. T. 1947. A new species of
Longetia: the botanical identity of the “pink cherry” of
Dorrigo timber-getters. 71: 236-238.
de Vis, C. W. 1882a. Description of three new fishes of
Queensland. (1)7: 318-320.
de Vis, C. W. 1882b. Description of a species of squill from
Moreton Bay. (1)7: 321-322.
de Vis, C. W. 1882c. Descriptions of some new Queensland fishes.
(1)7: 367-371.
de Vis, C. W. 1883a. Description of two new birds of Queensland.
(1)7: 561-563.
de Vis, C. W. 1883b. Description of a new Belideus from northern
Queensland. (1)7: 619-620.
de Vis, C. W. 1883c. Description of two new Queensland fishes.
(1)7: 620-621.
de Vis, C. W. 1883d. On remains of an extinct marsupial. (1)8: 11-
de Vis, C. W. 1883e. On tooth-marked bones of extinct marsupials.
(1)8: 187-190.
de Vis, C. W. 1883f. On Brachalletes Palmeri an extinct marsupial.
(1)8: 190-193.
de Vis, C. W. 1883g. Notes on a lower jaw of Palorchestes Azael.
(1)8: 221-224.
de Vis, C. W. 1883h. Descriptions of new genera and species of
Australian fishes. (1)8: 283-289.
de Vis, C. W. 1883i. Myology of Chlamydosaurus Kingii. (1)8: 300-
de Vis, C. W. 1883j. On a fossil calvaria. (1)8: 392-395.
de Vis, C. W. 1883k. On a fossil humerus. (1)8: 404-408.
de Vis, C. W. 1884a. Fishes from the South Sea islands. (1)8:
de Vis, C. W. 1884b. On some new batrachians from Queensland.
(1)9: 65-67.
de Vis, C. W. 1884c. New Australian fishes in the Queensland
Museum. (1)9: 389-400.
de Vis, C. W. 1884d. New Australian fishes in the Queensland
Museum. Part II. (1)9: 453-462.
de Vis, C. W. 1884e. New fishes in the Queensland Museum. No. 3.
(1)9: 537-547.
de Vis, C. W. 1884f. New fishes in the Queensland Museum. No. 4.
(1)9: 685-698.
de Vis, C. W. 1885. New fishes in the Queensland Museum. No. 5.
(1)9: 869-887.
de Vis, C. W. 1886. On certain geckos in the Queensland Museum.
(2)1: 168-170.
de Vis, C. W. 1887. On new or rare vertebrates from the Herbert
River, north Queensland. (2)1: 1129-1137.
de Vis, C. W. 1888a. A contribution to the herpetology of
Queensland. (2)2: 811-826.
de Vis, C. W. 1888b. On a supposed new species of Nototherium.
(2)2: 1065-1070.
de Vis, C. W. 1888c. On an extinct genus of the marsupials allied
to Hypsiprymnodon. (2)3: 5-8.
de Vis, C. W. 1888d. A glimpse of the post-Tertiary avifauna of
Queensland. (2)3: 1277-1292.
de Vis, C. W. 1890a. Descriptions of two lizards of genera new to
Australian herpetology. (2)4: 1034-1036.
de Vis, C. W. 1890b. Reptiles from New Guinea. (2)5: 497-500.
de Vis, C. W. 1891a. On the trail of an extinct bird. (2)6: 117-
de Vis, C. W. 1891b. In confirmation of the genus Owenia so-
called. (2)6: 159-165.
de Vis, C. W. 1891c. Remarks on post-Tertiary Phascolomyidae.
(2)6: 235-246.
de Vis, C. W. 1891d. The incisors of Sceparnodon. (2)6: 258-262.
de Vis, C. W. 1892. Residue of the extinct birds of Queensland
as yet detected. (2)6: 437-456.
de Vis, C. W. 1893. Note on the upper incisor of Phascolonus.
(2)8: 11-12.
de Vis, C. W. 1894. A thylacine of the earlier nototherian
period in Queensland. (2)8: 443-447.
de Vis, C. W. 1895a. [Abstract] A review of the fossil jaws of
the Macropodidae in the Queensland Museum. (2)9: 735.
de Vis, C. W. 1895b. A review of the fossil jaws of the
Macropodidae in the Queensland Museum. (2)10: 75-133.
de Vis, C. W. 1895c. Description of a flycatcher, presumably new.
(2)10: 171.
Deane, C. 1930. Trichopterygidae of Australia and Tasmania.
Descriptions of six new genera and eleven new species. 55:
Deane, C. 1931. Trichopterygidae of Australia and adjacent
islands. Descriptions of five new genera and twenty new
species. 56: 227-242.
Deane, C. 1932a. Trichopterygidae of Australia and adjacent
islands. Descriptions of two new genera and eighteen new
species. 57: 181-196.
Deane, C. 1932b. New species of Corylophidae (Coleoptera). 57:
Deane, H. 1896. President’s Address. (2)10: 619-667.
Deane, H. 1897. President’s Address. 21: 821-859.
Deane, H. 1900. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. 25: 463-475.
Deane, H. 1901. Observations on the Tertiary flora of Australia,
with special reference to Ettingshausen’s theory of the
Tertiary cosmopolitan flora. Part II. 25: 581-590.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1896a. The grey gum of the north coast
districts. (2)10: 541-543.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1896b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part I. (2)10: 596-612.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1897. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part II. 21: 798-813.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898a. On a new species of Eucalyptus
from the Sydney district. 22: 561-563.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part III. 22: 704-720.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1898c. On the white ash of southern New
South Wales. 23: 412-413.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1899a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part IV. 23: 780-801.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1899b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part V. 24: 448-471.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1900a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VI. 24: 612-630.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1900b. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VII. 25: 104-113.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1901a. Observations on the eucalypts of
New South Wales. Part VIII. 26: 122-144.
Deane, H. & Maiden, J. H. 1901b. Further notes on supposed
hybridisation amongst eucalypts (including a description of a
new species). 26: 339-343.
Debenham, M. L. 1970a. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part XI: the Australian species of Pellucidomyia
Macfie, and a description of the male generic characters. 94:
Debenham, M. L. 1970b. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part XII: the status of the genus Heteromyia
Say in the Australian region. 94: 139-144.
Debenham, M. L. 1970c. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part XIII: Australian and New Guinea species of
Echinohelea Macfie. 94: 145-159.
Debenham, M. L. 1970d. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part XIV: the genus Serromyia Meigen. 94: 160-
Debenham, M. L. 1971. Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera,
Nematocera). Part XV: the genus Alluaudomyi Kieffer in
Australia and New Guinea. 96: 128-174.
Dendy, A. 1892. Further notes on the oviparity of the larger
Victorian Peripatus, generally known as P. leuckartii. (2)7:
Dendy, A. 1895a. Notes on some land planarians collected by Thos.
Steel, Esq., F.C.S., in the Blue Mountains, N.S.W. (2)9: 729-
Dendy, A. 1895b. Description of Peripatus oviparus. (2)10: 195-
Denmark, H. A. & Schicha, E. 1975a. A new species of Amblyseius
Berlese (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from apple in Australia. 99:
Denmark, H. A. & Schicha, E. 1975b. A new species of Phytoseius
Ribaga (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from apple in Australia. 99:
Deuquet, C. 1938. Description of three new species of Stigmodera
[Buprestidae]. 63: 305-307.
Deuquet, C. 1947. Australian Buprestidae: description of three
new species of the genus Stigmodera. 72: 199-202.
Deuquet, C. M. 1956. Notes on Australian Buprestidae, with
descriptions of three new species and two subspecies of the
genus Stigmodera, subgenus Castiarina. 81: 153-156.
Deuquet, C. M. 1957. Description of two new species of Australian
Buprestidae of the genus Stigmodera, subgenus Castiarina. 82:
Deuquet, C. M. 1959. Descriptions of two new species of Curis and
one new species of Stigmodera (Buprestidae). 84: 128-130.
Deuquet, C. M. 1964a. Notes on the genus Stigmodera (Buprestidae)
and description of new species. 88: 336-339.
Deuquet, C. M. 1964b. Description of two new species of
Australian Buprestidae of the genus Stigmodera. 89: 128-130.
Deuquet, C. M. 1965. Note on Stigmodera viridicauda Carter. 89:
Dineley, D. L. 1984. Devonian vertebrates in biostratigraphy.
107: 185-196.
Distant, W. L. 1913. Synonymical notes on some recently described
Australian Cicadidae. 37: 600-601.
Dixon, H. N. & Greenwood, W. 1930. The mosses of Fiji. 55: 261-
Dixon, T. 1882. Note upon the bark of a reputed ecbolic plant
from New Caledonia. (1)7: 114-115.
Dixson, T. S. 1904. Presidential Address. 29: 1-31.
Dixson, T. S. 1905. Presidential Address. 30: 2-26.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1953. The Culex pipiens group in south-
eastern Australia. I. 77: 357-360.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1954. The genus Theobaldia (Diptera,
Culicidae) in Victoria. 79: 65-78.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1955a. The Culex pipiens group in south-
eastern Australia. III. Autogeny in Culex pipiens from
molestus. 79: 193-195.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1955b. The Culex pipiens group in south-
eastern Australia. IV. Crossbreeding experiments within the
Culex pipiens group. 80: 33-43.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1956. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). I. Some species of the subgenus
Neoculex. 81: 105-114.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1957. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). II. Notes on Anopheles stigmaticus
Skuse and description of new species of Anopheles from
Australia and New Guinea. 82: 180-188.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1958. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). III. The subgenus Lophoceraomyia in
Victoria. 82: 317-321.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1959. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). IV. Aedes alboannulatus complex in
Victoria. 84: 131-145.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1960a. The subgenus Ochlerotatus in the
Australian region (Diptera: Culicidae). III. Review of the
Victorian species of perkinsi and cunabulanus sections with
descriptions of two new species. 85: 53-74.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1960b. The subgenus Ochlerotatus in the
Australian region (Dipt.: Culicidae). IV. Review of species
of the flavifrons section. 85: 180-188.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1960c. The genus Theobaldia (Diptera,
Culicidae) in Victoria. II. 85: 240-247.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1961. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). V. Subgenus Pseudoskusea in Victoria.
85: 257-267.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1963. Notes on Australian mosquitoes
(Diptera, Culicidae). VI. Five new Victorian species and a
description of the larva of Aedes milsoni (Taylor). 87: 291-
Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1966. Mosquitoes of Tasmania and Bass Strait
islands. 91: 121-146.
Dobrotworsky, N. V. & Drummond, F. H. 1953. The Culex pipiens
group in south-eastern Australia. II. 78: 131-146.
Dobzhansky, T. 1961. Second Sir William Macleay Memorial
Lecture. Bridging the gap between race and species. 85: 322-
Dodd, A. P. 1920. Two new Hymenoptera of the superfamily
Proctotrypidae from Australia. 45: 443-446.
Dodd, A. P. 1926. New species of Australian Proctotrypoidea,
with revisional notes. 51: 369-381.
Dodd, A. P. 1930. A revision of the Australian Teleasinae
[Hymenoptera: Proctotrypoidea]. 55: 41-91.
Dodd, A. P. 1933. A new genus and species of Australian
Proctotrypidae. 58: 275-277.
Dodd, A. P. 1939. Hymenopterous parasites of Embioptera. 64: 338-
Dodson, J. R. & Thom, B. G. 1992. Holocene vegetation history
from the Hawkesbury Valley, New South Wales. 113: 121-134.
Domrow, R. 1955a. Acarine parasites of two species of Rattus from
Brisbane, Australia. 79: 156-158.
Domrow, R. 1955b. A second species of Holothyrus (Acarina:
Holothyroidea) from Australia. 79: 159-162.
Domrow, R. 1955c. The nymph of Euschongastia perameles (Womersley,
1939): Acarina, Trombiculidae. 80: 57-61.
Domrow, R. 1955d. The nymph of Euschongastia smithi (Womersley,
1939) (Acarina, Trombiculidae). 80: 130-132.
Domrow, R. 1955e. A new species of Echinonyssus Hirst, 1925, from
Queensland (Acarina: Liponyssinae). 80: 133-136.
Domrow, R. 1956a. Notes on Australian fur-mites (Listrophoridae,
Atopomelinae), with description of a new genus. 80: 191-200.
Domrow, R. 1956b. The genera Campylochirus Trouessart and
Austrochirus Womersley in Australia (Acarina,
Listrophoridae). 80: 234-239.
Domrow, R. 1956c. Three new Australian chigger nymphs (Acarina,
Trombiculidae). 81: 144-152.
Domrow, R. 1956d. The family Discozerconidae (Acarina,
Mesostigmata) in Australia. 81: 193-196.
Domrow, R. 1957. Some Acarina Mesostigmata from the Great Barrier
Reef. 81: 197-216.
Domrow, R. 1958a. New and little known Australasian Laelaptidae
(Acarina). 82: 352-366.
Domrow, R. 1958b. A summary of the Atopomelinae (Acarina,
Listrophoridae). 83: 40-54.
Domrow, R. 1959. Acarina from Australian bats. 83: 227-240.
Domrow, R. 1961a. The family Speleognathidae in Australia
(Acarina). 85: 374-381.
Domrow, R. 1961b. New and little-known Laelaptidae, Trombiculidae
and Listrophoridae (Acarina) from Australasian mammals. 86:
Domrow, R. 1963a. The genus Walchiella (Acarina, Trombiculidae).
87: 105-115.
Domrow, R. 1963b. New records and species of Austromalayan
laelapid mites. 88: 199-220.
Domrow, R. 1964. The ulysses species-group, genus Haemolaelaps
(Acarina, Laelapidae). 89: 155-162.
Domrow, R. 1966a. Some laelapid mites of syndactylous marsupials.
90: 164-175.
Domrow, R. 1966b. Some mite parasites of Australian birds. 90:
Domrow, R. 1967. Rhinonyssine nasal mite infestations in birds at
Mitchell River mission during the wet and dry seasons. 91:
Domrow, R. 1969. The nasal mites of Queensland birds (Acari:
Dermanyssidae, Ereynetidae, and Epidermoptidae). 93: 297-426.
Domrow, R. 1970. The male of Neocheyletiella artami Domrow
(Acari: Cheyletidae). 94: 273-276.
Domrow, R. 1973. New records and species of Laelaps and allied
genera from Australasia (Acari: Dermanyssidae). 98: 62-85.
Domrow, R. 1974. Miscellaneous mites from Australian vertebrates.
1-48. 99: 15-35.
Domrow, R. 1977. New records and species of Laelaps and allied
genera from Australasia (Acari: Dermanyssidae). Part 2. 101:
Domrow, R. 1979. Some dermanyssid mites (Acari) mostly from
Australasian rodents. 103: 189-208.
Domrow, R. 1981a. The genus Raillietia Trouessart in Australia
(Acari: Dermanyssidae). 104: 183-193.
Domrow, R. 1981b. A new species of the ulysses group, genus
Haemolaelaps Berlese (Acari: Dermanyssidae). 104: 221-227.
Domrow, R. & Smith, D. J. W. 1956. Acarina from five hundred
native mammals from Queensland. 80: 201-206.
Donat & Seurat. 1904. Sur quelques similitudes des langues et des
coutumes des indigenes de Funafuti (Ellice Group) et des
indigenes des iles de la Societe, de l’archipel des Tuamotu,
etc. 28: 926-931.
Dooley, J. K. & Paxton, J. R. 1975. A new species of tilefish
(family Branchiostegidae) from eastern Australia. 99: 151-
Douglas, G. W. 1962. Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera,
Culicidae). 1. The life history of Aedomyia venustipes
(Skuse). 86: 262-267.
Douglas, J. W. & Brown, P. 2000. Notes on successful spawning
and recruitment of a stocked population of the endangered
Australian freshwater fish, trout cod, Maccullochella
macquariensis (Cuvier) (Percichthyidae). 122: 143-147.
Ducker, S. C. 1995. W. H. Harvey in New South Wales. Letters by
the phycologist W. H. Harvey, written in New South Wales in
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Dugan, K. G. 1981. Darwin and Diprotodon: the Wellington caves
fossils and the law of succession. 104: 265-272.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1941a. Notes on the measurement of some physical
and optical properties of the New South Wales torbanites. 66:
Dulhunty, J. A. 1941b. Notes on the Kamilaroi stratigraphy in the
western coalfield of New South Wales. 66: 257-267.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1941c. The physical effects of heat on the
torbanites of New South Wales. 66: 335-348.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1942a. The stratigraphical arrangement and
occurrence of torbanite deposits in the Upper Kamilaroi Coal
Measures of New South Wales. 67: 123-141.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1942b. Notes on solvent extraction of torbanite.
67: 238-248.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1943. Classification of torbanites and relations
to associated carbonaceous sediments in New South Wales. 68:
Dulhunty, J. A. 1944. Origin of the New south Wales torbanites.
69: 26-48.
Dulhunty, J. A. 1945. Principal microspore-types in the Permian
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Dulhunty, J. A. 1947a. Distribution of microspore types in New
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Dulhunty, J. A. 1947b. Sub-surface peat temperatures at Mt.
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Dulhunty, J. A. & Dulhunty, R. 1949. Notes on microspore-types
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Dumbleton, L. J. 1956. The Australian Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera-
Homoptera). 81: 159-183.
Dumbleton, L. J. 1959. Bat-infesting Ornithodoros (Ixodoidea –
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Dun, W. S. 1897. Note on the occurrence of sponge remains in the
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Dun, W. S. 1914. Presidential Address. 39: 1-15.
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Dun, W. S., Rands, W. H., David, T. W. E. 1901. Note on the
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26: 299-309.
Duncan, F. & Brown, M. J. 1995. Edaphics and fire: an
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granite in northeast Tasmania. 115: 45-60.
Durie, P. H. 1951. The paramphistomes (Trematoda) of Australian
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Durrant, J. H. 1891. Description of a new species of Tortricidae.
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Dyne, G. R. 1979. A new species of Microscolex (Diplotrema)
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Dyne, G. R. 1981. Three new species of the earthworm genus
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South Wales and Queensland. 105: 95-106.