The Linnean Society of NSW

vol 131 cover

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW

by author

A. B. W. [A. B. Walkom]. 1942. Walter Wilson Froggatt. 1858-
1937. (Memorial Series. No. 8). 67: 77-81.

A. B. W. [A. B. Walkom]. 1943. Herbert James Carter. 1858-1940.
(Memorial Series, No. 9). 68: 91-94.

A.B.W. [A. B. Walkom] & A.J.N. 1954. Gustavus Athol Waterhouse,
1877-1950. (Memorial Series, No. 14). 78: 269-275.

Abbie, A. A. 1958. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture. Timing
in human evolution. 83: 197-213.

Adam, D. B. & Stokes, J. 1942. The association of Rhizoctonia
bataticola with retting flax in South Australia. 67: 313-317.

Adam, P. 2004. Admiral Doenitz’s legacy. Book review. Murray, D.
R. 2003. Seeds of concern. The genetic manipulation of
plants. UNSW Press. ISBN 0 86840 460 8. $34.95.

Adam, P. 2007. Book review. Linnaeus’ Philosophia Botanica.
Translated by Stephen Freer. Oxford University Press.
128[2006]: 251-253.

Adam, P. & May, E. 2009. Linnaeus: king of natural history. 130:

Adamson, E., Adamson, H., Vesk, M. & Seppelt, R. D. 1990.
Morphological, ultrastructural and physiological
characteristics of damage to an extensive stand of the lichen
Usnea sphacelata at Casey Station, East Antarctica. 112: 229-

Adlem, L. T. & Timms, B. V. 2000. Biogeography of the freshwater
Peracarida (Crustacea) from Barrington Tops, NSW. 122: 131-

Agar, W. E. 1931. Fletcher Memorial Lecture, 1931. The animal
mind and its significance for biology. 56: 526-534.

A. H. S. L. [A.H.S.Lucas]. 1930. Joseph Henry Maiden. 1859-1925.
(Memorial Series, No. 3). 55: 355-370.

Ahyong, S. T. & Norrington, S. F. 1997. Stomatopod Crustacea of
the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. 118: 97-110.

Ajani, P., Hallegraeff, G. & Pritchard, T. 2001. Historic
overview of algal blooms in marine and estuarine waters of
New South Wales, Australia. 123: 1-22.

Alexander, C. P. 1920. An undescribed species of Clytocosmus
Skuse (Tipulidae, Diptera). 45: 183-184.

Alexander, C. P. 1922. New or little-known species of Australian
Tipulidae (Diptera). i. 47: 581-590.

Alexander, C. P. 1926. The Trichoceridae of Australia (Diptera).
51: 299-304.

Alexander, C. P. 1927. The interpretation of the radial field of
the wing in the nematocerous Diptera, with special reference
to the Tipulidae. 52: 42-72.

Alexander, C. P. 1928a. Crane-flies (Tipulidae, Diptera) from
Barrington Tops, New South Wales. 53: 51-70.

Alexander, C. P. 1928b. The Australasian species of the genus
Nemopalpus (Psychodidae, Diptera). 53: 291-294.

Alexander, C. P. 1928c. The Tanyderidae of Australia (Diptera).
53: 367-374.

Alexander, C. P. 1929. Notes on the Australian species of
Molophilus [Tipulidae, Diptera]. I. 54: 137-144.

Alexander, C. P. 1930. Observations on the dipterous family
Tanyderidae. 55: 221-230.

Alexander, C. P. 1932. A review of the Tipulidae of Australia
(Diptera). I. Introduction; Historical; Distribution.
Subfamily Tipulinae: Clytocosmus Skuse. 57: 1-23.

Alexander, C. P. 1934. Notes on the Australian species of
Molophilus [Tipulidae, Diptera]. II. 59: 179-189.

Alexander, C. P. 1935. The Diptera of the territory of New
Guinea. II. Family Tipulidae. 60: 51-70.

Alexander, C. P. 1936a. Contribution to a knowledge of Papuan
Tipulidae (Diptera). 61: 122-127.

Alexander, C. P. 1936b. The Diptera of the territory of New
Guinea. IV. Family Tipulidae. Part II. 61: 169-183.

Alexander, C. P. 1936c. The Diptera of the territory of New
Guinea. V. Family Tipulidae. Part III. 61: 322-340.

Alexander, C. P. 1941. The Diptera of the territory of New
Guinea. XII. Family Tipulidae. Part IV. 66: 138-144.

Alexander, C. P. 1944. New or little-known species of Australian
Tipulidae (Diptera). II. 69: 1-15.

Allen, G. R. 1975. Four new damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from
the southwest Pacific. 99: 87-99.

Allen, G. R. 1977. A new species of scorpaenid fish
(Scorpaenidae) from Western Australia. 101: 145-148.

Allen, G. R. & Starck II, W. A. 1973. Notes on the ecology,
zoogeography, and coloration of the gobiesocid clingfishes,
Lepadichthys caritus Briggs and Diademichthys lineatus
(Sauvage). 98: 95-97.

Allen, S. & Huveneers, C. 2005. First record of an Australian fur
seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) feeding on a
wobbegong shark (Orectolobus ornatus). 126: 95-97.

Allen, S., Marsh, H. & Hodgson, A. 2004. Occurrence and
conservation of the dugong (Sirenia: Dugongidae) in New
South Wales. 125: 211-216.

Alleyne, H. G. & Macleay, W. 1877a. The ichthyology of the
Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 261-281.

Alleyne, H. G. & Macleay, W. 1877b. The ichthyology of the
Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 321-359.

Ancey, C. F. 1895. On some new and hitherto little known land
shells from New Guinea or adjacent islands. (2)10: 374-381.

Ancey, C. F. 1898. Observations on Papuan land and freshwater
shells, with descriptions of new species from New Guinea and
Western Australia. 22: 771-778.

Anderson, C. 1933. Presidential Address. 58: i-xxv.

Anderson, D. T. 1959. The reproduction and early life history of
the gastropod Cymatilesta spengleri (Perry) (fam. Cymatidae).
84: 232-237.

Anderson, D. T. 1960. Ariciid polychaetes in Australia. 85: 105-

Anderson, D. T. 1961. The reproduction and early life history of
the gastropod Bembicium nanum (Lamarck, 1822) (fam.
Littorinidae). 86: 203-206.

Anderson, D. T. 1962. The reproduction and early life histories
of the gastropods Bembicium auratum (Quoy and Gaimard) (fam.
Littorinidae), Cellana tramoserica (Sower.) (fam. Patellidae)
and Melanerita melanotragus (Smith) (fam. Neritidae). 87: 62-

Anderson, D. T. 1965. The reproduction and early life histories
of the gastropods Notoacmaea petterdi (Ten.-Woods),
Chiazacmaea flammea (Quoy and Gaimard) and Patelloida
alticostata (Angas) (fam. Acmaeidae). 90: 106-114.

Anderson, D. T. 1966a. Further observations on the live histories
of littoral gastropods in New South Wales. 90: 242-251.

Anderson, D. T. 1966b. Presidential Address. 91: 1-43. [10-43].

Anderson, D. T. 1967. Presidential Address. The concept of the
inflorescence in the order Campanulales. 92: 1-6, 7-26.

Anderson, D. T. 1979. The Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture
1978. Natural history today. 103: 1-6.

Anderson, D. T. 1980. Cirral activity and feeding in the
lepadomorph barnacle Lepas pectinata spengler (Cirripedia).
104: 147-159.

Anderson, D. T. 1982. Origins and relationships among the animal
phyla. 106: 151-166.

Anderson, D. T. 1986. The circumtropical barnacle Tetraclitella
divisa (Nilsson-Cantell) (Balanomorpha, Tetraclitidae):
cirral activity and larval development. 109: 107-116.

Anderson, D. T. & Rossiter, G. T. 1969. Hatching and larval
development of Haplostomella australiensis Gotto (Copepoda,
fam. Ascidicolidae), a parasite of the ascidian Styela
etheridgii Herdman. 93: 464-481.

Anderson, D. T., White, B. M. & Egan, E. A. 1976. The larval
development and metamorphosis of the ascidians Pyura
praeputialis (Heller) and Pyura pachydermatina (Herdman)
(Pleurogona, family Pyuridae). 100: 205-217.

Anderson, E. J. 1966. Plant parasitic nematodes in fruit tree
nurseries of New South Wales. 90: 225-230.

Anderson, J. M. E. 1981. Biology and distribution of Scymnodes
lividigaster (Mulsant) and Leptothea galbula (Mulsant),
Australian ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). 105: 1-15.

Anderson, J. M. E. & Richards, A. M. 1977. First record of
reproductive diapause and aggregation in Australian
Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). 102: 13-17.

Anderson, R. H. 1923. A revision of the Australian species of the
genus Bassia. 48: 317-355.

Anderson, R. H. 1926. A revision of certain Australian
Chenopodiaceae. 51: 382-386.

Anderson, R. H. 1930. Notes on the Australian species of the
genus Atriplex. 55: 493-505.

Anderson, R. H. 1934. Notes on Australian Chenopodiaceae. 59:

Anderson, R. H. 1941. Presidential Address. 66: i-xxiii.

Andrew, W. D. & David, D. J. 1959. Iron deficiency in Eucalyptus
dives Schauer. 84: 256-258.

Andrewartha, H. G. 1965. Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture,
1964. How animals can live in dry places. 89: 287-294.

Andrews, E. C. 1902. Preliminary note on the geology of the
Queensland coast with references to the geography of the
Queensland and N.S. Wales plateau. 27: 146-185.

Andrews, E. C. 1904. Notes on the geography of the Blue Mountains
and Sydney district. 28: 786-825.

Andrews, E. C. 1906. The New Zealand sound (and lake) basins and
the canyons of eastern Australia in the bearing on the
theory of the peneplain. 31: 499-516.

Andrews, E. C. 1908. The geographical significance of floods,
with especial reference to glacial action. 32: 795-834.

Andrews, E. C. 1913. The development of the natural order
Myrtaceae. 38: 529-568.

Andrews, E. C. 1938. Presidential Address. 63: i-xl.

Andrews, E. C. 1948. Carl Adolph Sussmilch. 1875-1946. (Memorial
Series, No. 12). 73: 242-248.

Andrews, J. 1932. Rainfall reliability in Australia. 57: 95-100.

Andrews, J. C. & Anderson, D. T. 1963. The development of the
polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa Lamarck (fam. Serpulidae).
87: 185-188.

Andrews, J. & Maze, W. H. 1933a. Some climatological aspects of
aridity in their application to Australia. 58: 105-120.

Andrews, J. & Maze, W. H. 1933b. Seasonal incidence and
concentration of rainfall in Australia. 58: 121-124.

Annual General Meeting. 1970. 95: 1-8.

Annual General Meeting. 1971. 96: 1-7.

Annual General Meeting. 1975. 100: 1-12.

Annual General Meeting. 1976. 101: 1-12.

Annual General Meeting. 1977. 102: 1-12.

Annual General Meeting. 1979. Record of the annual General
Meeting, 1978. 103: 75-82.

Anon. 1929. List of papers by the late J. J. Fletcher. 54: 686-

Anon. 1964. Arthur Bache Walkom, D. Sc. 89: Frontispiece.

Archer, A. W. 1986. The chemistry and distribution of Cladonia
capitellata (J. D. Hook. & Taylor) Church. Bab. (Lichenes) in
Australia. 108: 191-194.

Archer, A. W. 1988. The lichen genus Cladonia section Cocciferae
in Australia. 110: 205-213.

Archer, M., Black, K. & Nettle, K. 1997. Giant ringtail possums
(Marsupialia, Pseudocheiridae) and giant koalas
(Phascolarctidae) from the late Cainozoic of Australia. 117:

Archer, M. & Kirsch, J. A. W. 1977. The case for the
Thylacomyidae and Myrmecobiidae Gill, 1872, or why are
marsupial families so extended? 102: 18-25.

Armand, L., Ride, W. D. L. & Taylor, G. 2000. The stratigraphy
and palaeontology of Teapot Creek, MacLaughlin River, NSW.
122: 101-121.

Armstrong, J. 1971. Pallial marking of some Permian spiriferids.
95: 201-208.

Armstrong, J. & Telford, P. 1970. Species of Attenuatella Stehli
(Brachiopoda) from New South Wales. 94: 113-118.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1941. On Australian Dermestidae. Part I.
Descriptions of a new genus and two new species; also a note
on the genus Anthrenus. 66: 388-390.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1942. On Australian Dermestidae. Part II. The
genus Trogoderma Berthold. 67: 321-330.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1943. On Australian Dermestidae. Part III.
The genera Anthrenocerus Arrow and Orphinus Motsch.; also a
note on the genus Cryptorhopalum Guer. 68: 57-63.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1945. On Australian Dermestidae. Part IV.
Notes and the description of a new genus and four new
species. 70: 47-52.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1948. On Australian Coleoptera. Part I. 72:

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1949. On Australian Dermestidae. Part V.
Notes and the description of four new species. 74: 107-111.

Armstrong, J. W. T. 1953. On Australian Helodidae (Coleoptera).
I. Description of new genera and species. 78: 19-32.

Ashby, E. & May, V. 1941. Physiological studies in drought
resistance. I. Technique. 66: 107-112.

Ashley, P. M. 1990. Calcium borosilicate minerals from Devils
Elbow, Nundle area, New South Wales. 112: 33-46.

Ashmead, W. H. 1900. Notes on some New Zealand and Australian
parasitic Hymenoptera, with descriptions of new genera and
new species. 25: 327-360.

Ashton, D. H., Bond, H. & Morris, G. C. 1975. Drought damage on
Mount Towrong, Victoria. 100: 44-69.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1954. Inheritance and the genetic
relationship of resistance possessed by two Kenya wheats of
races of Puccinia graminis tritici. 79: 1-14.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1955. Inheritance of reaction to
wheat stem rust in crosses involving Marquillo, Thatcher and
Hochzucht. 80: 113-129.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1956. Resistance to Puccinia
graminis tritici in Khapstein, a vulgare derivative of
Khapli emmer. 81: 71-77.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1957a. Inheritance of resistance to
wheat leaf rust in Mentana, a variety of Triticum vulgare.
82: 245-251.

Athwal, D. S. & Watson, I. A. 1957b. Inheritance studies with
certain leaf rust resistant varieties of Triticum vulgare
Vill. 82: 272-284.

Augee, M. L. 1997. Dedication. Professor Richard Dehm. July 1907
– March 1996. 117: 1.

Augee, M. L. 2001. Book review. The forgotten naturalist. In
search of Alfred Russel Wallace by John G. Wilson. 2000.
Australian Scholarly Publishing, Kew, Victoria. 123: 261-262.

Augee, M. L. 2003. Book review. Birds of Australia’s Top
End by Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow. 2001. Scrubfowl Press,
Parap, N.T. 124: 195.

Augee, M. L. 2004. Book review. Citizen Labillardiere: a
naturalist’s life in revolution and exploration (1755-1834)
by Edward Duyker. 2003. The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne.
125: 333-334.

Augee, M. L. 2006. Book review. Conservation of Australia’s
Forest Fauna (Second Edition). Daniel Lunney (editor). Royal
Zoological Society of New South Wales. 127: 257-258.

Augee, M. L. 2007. Book review. Lampreys: life without jaws.
128[2006]: 255.

Augee, M. L. 2008a. Book review. Proceedings of CAVEPS 2005.
Alcheringa Special issue 1, 2006. 129: 263-264.

Augee, M. L. 2008b. Book review. Platypus – 4th Edition (2007).
129: 265.

Augee, M. L. 2008c. Book review. Animals of arid Australia: out
on their own? (2007). 129: 267-268.

Augee, M. L. & Ford, D. 1999. Radio-tracking studies of grey-
headed flying-foxes, Pteropus poliocephalus, from the Gordon
colony, Sydney. 121: 61-70.

Auld, B. A. & Martin, P. M. 1976. Morphology and distribution of
Bassia birchii (F. Muell.) F. Muell. 100: 167-178.

Auld, T. D. 1987. Post-fire demography in the resprouting shrub
Angophora hispida (Sm.) Blaxell: flowering, seed production,
dispersal, seedling establishment and survival. 109: 259-269.

Auld, T. D. & Tozer, M. 1995. Patterns in emergence of Acacia
and Grevillea seedling after fire. 115: 5-15.

Aurousseau, M. 1915. Petrological notes. No. i. Igneous rocks
and tuff from the Carboniferous of New South Wales. 40: 294-

Aurousseau, M. 1916. Petrological notes. No. ii. The relations
between some Western Australian gneissic and granitic rocks.
41: 261-266.

Aurousseau, M. 1920. An interesting form of sub-surface drainage.
44: 826-827.

Aurousseau, M. 1926. Analyses of three Australian rocks. 51: 614-

Backhouse, J. M. & McKenzie, K. G. 1983. The re-establishment of
the ostracod fauna of Llangothlin Lagoon after a drought.
107: 35-40.

Bailey, F. M. 1878a. A general account of the flora of tropical
Queensland. (1)2: 276-286.

Bailey, F. M. 1878b. On the ferns of Queensland. (1)3: 118-122.

Bailey, F. M. 1879a. On some of the introduced plants of
Queensland. (1)4: 26-36.

Bailey, F. M. 1879b. On a new species of fern, Asplenium
Prenticei. (1)4: 36-38.

Bailey, F. M. 1880a. Medicinal plants of Queensland. (1)5: 1-29.

Bailey, F. M. 1880b. On Queensland ferns, with a description of
two new species. (1)5: 29-33.

Bailey, F. M. 1880c. On a new species of Nepenthes. (1)5: 185-187.

Bailey, F. M. 1881. On the flora of Stradbroke Island, with a
description of new species. (1)6: 139-146.

Bailey, F. M. & Tenison-Woods, J. E. 1879. A census of the flora
of Brisbane. (1)4: 137-204.

Baker, A. C., Hose, G. C. & Murray, B. R. 2006. Vegetation
responses to Pinus radiata (D. Don) invasion: a multivariate
analysis using principal response curves. 127: 191-197.

Baker, E. P. 1967. Inheritance of resistance to bunt in turkey
wheat selections. 91: 189-210.

Baker, E. P. & McWhirter, K. S. 1955. Systematic status of a
leaf rust on Hordeum leporinum Link in Australia. 80: 154-

Baker, E. P. & Upadhyaya, Y. M. 1956. Physiologic specialization
in crown rust of oats. 80: 240-257.

Baker, E. P. & Upadhyaya, Y. M. 1967. Studies on the inheritance
of rust resistance in oats. IV. Expression of allelomorphism
and gene interaction for crown rust resistance in crosses
involving the oat variety bond. 91: 155-175.

Baker, R. T. 1892. Some New South Wales plants illustrated. No.
1. (2)6: 572-573.

Baker, R. T. 1893a. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 333-334.

Baker, R. T. 1893b. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 379-380.

Baker, R. T. 1893c. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)7: 666.

Baker, R. T. 1894a. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)8: 167-168.

Baker, R. T. 1894b. Some New South Wales plants illustrated.
(2)8: 237.

Baker, R. T. 1894c. Plants of New South Wales illustrated. (2)9:

Baker, R. T. 1895a. Description of a new Isopogon from New South
Wales. (2)9: 658-659.

Baker, R. T. 1895b. Plants of New South Wales illustrated. No.
VIII. (2)10: 382-384.

Baker, R. T. 1896a. Two new species of Prostanthera from New
South Wales. 21: 378-381.

Baker, R. T. 1896b. On the botany of Rylstone and the Goulburn
River districts. Part I. 21: 427-466.

Baker, R. T. 1897a. Descriptions of two new species of Acacia
from New South Wales. 22: 153-157.

Baker, R. T. 1897b. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. No. I. 22: 230-239.

Baker, R. T. 1897c. On the Cinnamomums of New South Wales: with a
special research on the oil of C. Oliveri, Bail. 22: 275-284.

Baker, R. T. 1898a. Descriptions of two new species of Pultenaea.
22: 438-440.

Baker, R. T. 1898b. Plants of New South Wales, illustrated. Part
IX. 22: 693-697.

Baker, R. T. 1898c. On two well-known but hitherto undescribed
species of Eucalyptus. 23: 162-171.

Baker, R. T. 1898d. On two new species of Eucalyptus. 23: 414-419.

Baker, R. T. 1899a. On a supposed new genus of the N.O.
Myrtaceae. 23: 767-771.

Baker, R. T. 1899b. On three new species of Eucalyptus. 24: 292-

Baker, R. T. 1899c. On an apocynaceous plant yielding large edible
tubers. 24: 385-390.

Baker, R. T. 1899d. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. No. II. 24: 437-447.

Baker, R. T. 1900a. On three new species of Eucalyptus. 24: 596-

Baker, R. T. 1900b. On two new species of Casuarina. 24: 605-611.

Baker, R. T. 1900c. On a new species of Angophora. 25: 84-86.

Baker, R. T. 1900d. On some new species of Eucalyptus. 25: 303-

Baker, R. T. 1901a. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part III. 25: 659-673.

Baker, R. T. 1901b. On some new species of Eucalyptus. 25: 674-

Baker, R. T. 1902a. On Eucalyptus melanophloia, F. v. M., and its
cognate species. 27: 225-229.

Baker, R. T. 1902b. On a new species of Ardisia from New South
Wales. 27: 380-382.

Baker, R. T. 1903a. Contributions to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part IV. 27: 536-544.

Baker, R. T. 1903b. On a new species of Symplocos from New South
Wales. 27: 594-595.

Baker, R. T. 1903c. A revision of the eucalypts of the Rylstone
District. 28: 349-360.

Baker, R. T. 1904. On a new species of Callitris from eastern
Australia. 28: 839-841.

Baker, R. T. 1905. On an undescribed species of Actinotus from
eastern Australia. 30: 225-228.

Baker, R. T. 1906a. On an undescribed species of Cryptocarya from
eastern Australia. 30: 517-519.

Baker, R. T. 1906b. On two species of Eucalyptus, undescribed or
imperfectly known, from eastern Australia. 31: 303-308.

Baker, R. T. 1907. Contribution to a knowledge of the flora of
Australia. Part V. 31: 711-721.

Baker, R. T. 1913. On two unrecorded myrtaceous plants from New
South Wales. 37: 585-589.

Baker, R. T. 1914. Descriptions of three new species of
Myrtaceae. 38: 597-602.

Bale, W. M. 1888. On some new and rare Hydroida in the Australian
Museum collection. (2)3: 745-799.

Bale, W. M. 1934. Note on Campanularia integra and Orthopyxis
caliculata. 59: 273-275.

Ballantyne, B. 1974. Resistance to rust (Uromyces appendiculatus)
in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). 98: 107-121.

Ballantyne, B. 1975. Powdery mildew on Cucurbitaceae: identity,
distribution, host range and sources of resistance. 99: 100-

Bamber, K. & McGarity, J. W. 1956. A note on the identification
of plant remains in sandrock near Evans Head, N.S.W. 81: 59-

Bamber, R. K. 1960. The anatomy of the barks of five species of
Callistris Vent. 84: 375-381.

Bancroft, T. L. 1890. Preliminary notes on the pharmacology of
some new poisonous plants. (2)4: 1061-1064.

Bancroft, T. L. 1893. Note on bacterial diseases of the roots of
the Leguminosae. (2)8: 51-52.

Bancroft, T. L. 1894a. On the habit and use of nardoo (Marsilea
Drummondii, A. Br.), together with some observations on the
influence of water-plants in retarding evaporation. (2)8:

Bancroft, T. L. 1894b. Note on bungwall (Blechnum serrulatum,
Rich.), an aboriginal food. (2)9: 25-26.

Bancroft, T. L. 1928. On the life-history of Ceratodus. 53: 315-

Bancroft, T. L. 1933. Some further observations on the rearing of
Ceratodus. 58: 467-469.

Bann, G. R. & Jones, B. G. 2001. The Coolangatta Latite Member
and associated tuffs: newly identified basal units in the
Gerringong volcanics, southern Sydney basin, NSW. 123: 23-37.

Barber, H. N. 1957. Polyploidy in the Psilotales. 82: 201-208.

Barkas, J. P. 1976. Early Devonian igneous activity and some
stratigraphic correlations in the Tumut region, New South
Wales. 101: 13-26.

Barlow, B. 1956. A new chromosome form of Casuarina suberosa.
80: 285-288.

Barlow, B. A. 1962. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. I.
Nomenclature and new additions. 87: 51-61.

Barlow, B. A. 1963a. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. III. A
revision of the genus Lysiana Tiegh. 88: 137-150.

Barlow, B. A. 1963b. Studies in Australian Loranthaceae. IV.
Chromosome numbers and their relationships. 88: 151-160.

Barlow, B. A. 1965. Classification of the Loranthaceae and
Viscaceae. 89: 268-272.

Barlow, C. C., McLoughlin, R. & Bock, K. 1987. Complementary
feeding habits of golden perch Macquaria ambigua (Richardson)
(Percichthyidae) and silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus
(Mitchell) (Teraponidae) in farm dams. 109: 143-152.

Barnard, C. 1926. Preliminary note on branch fall in the
Coniferales. 51: 114-128.

Barnard, C. 1927. A note on a dicotyledonous fossil wood from
Ulladulla, New South Wales. 52: 113-121.

Barton, P. S. & Aberton, J. G. 2005. Larval development and
autogeny in Ochlerotatus camptorhynchus (Thomson) (Diptera:
Culicidae) from southern Victoria. 126: 261-267.

Barwick, A. C. 1904. The botany of the “Clears” and “Basalt
Masses”, county of Hunter, N. S. Wales. 28: 932-943.

Basden, R. 1966a. The occurrence and composition of manna in
Eucalyptus and Angophora. 90: 152-156.

Basden, R. 1966b. The composition, occurrence and origin of lerp,
the sugary secretin of Eurymela distincta (Signoret). 91: 44-

Basden, R. 1968. The occurrence and composition of the sugars in
the honeydew of Eriococcus coriaceus (Mask.). 92: 222-226.

Basden, R. 1970. A note on the composition of the lerp and
honeydew of Eucalyptolyma maidenii Froggatt. 95: 9-10.

Basden, R. 1972. A series of oligosaccharides, occurring in the
honeydew of insects, based on turanose. 97: 95-97.

Bass, A. J. 1979. Records of little-known sharks from australian
waters. 103: 247-254.

Beadle, N. C. W. 1965. Nitrogen economy in arid and semi-arid
plant communities. Part III. The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing
organisms. 89: 273-286.

Beadle, N. C. W. & Costin, A. B. 1952. Ecological classification
and nomenclature. With a note on pasture classification by
C. W. E. Moore. 77: 61-82.

Beadle, N. C. W. & Tchan, Y. T. 1955. Nitrogen economy in semi-
arid plant communities. Part I. The environment and general
considerations. 80: 62-70.

Beard, J. S. 1969. The vegetation of the Boorabbin and Lake
Johnston areas, Western Australia. 93: 239-269.

Beard, L. A. & Grigg, G. C. 2000. Reproduction in the short-
beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus: field observations at
an elevated site in south-east Queensland. 122: 89-99.

Bearup, A. J. 1962. Observations on the life cycle of Stictodora
lari (Trematoda: Heterophyidae). 86: 251-257.

Bearup, A. J. & Lawrence, J. J. 1947. A search for the vector of
Plasmodium pteropi Breinl. 71: 197-200.

Beddome, C. E. 1896. Note on Cypraea angustata, Gray, var.
subcarnea, Ancey. 21: 467-468.

Beddome, C. E. 1897a. Description of a new species of Pupina from
Queensland. 21: 814-815.

Beddome, C. E. 1897b. Description of a new species of land shell.
22: 123.

Beddome, C.E. 1898. Notes on species of Cypraea inhabiting the
shores of Tasmania. 22: 564-576.

Bedford, G. O. 1976. Defensive behaviour of the New Guinea stick
insect Eurycantha (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae: Eurycanthinae).
100: 218-222.

Bedford, L. 1965. The histology and anatomy of the reproductive
system of the littoral gastropod Bembicium nanum (Lamarck)
(fam. Littorinidae). 90: 95-105.

Bedward, M. 1995. Simple models of pattern and process. 115: 17-

Bell, F. J. 1884. Notes on a collection of Echinodermata from
Australia. (1)9: 496-507.

Bennett, K. H. 1881. Notes on the habits of the black breasted
buzzard, Gypoictinia melanosternon, Gould. (1)6: 146-148.

Bennett, K. H. 1882a. On the breeding place of Platalea flavipes
and Ardea pacifica. (1)7: 324-328.

Bennett, K. H. 1882b. On Myoporum platycarpum, a resin producing
tree of the interior of New South Wales. (1)7: 349-351.

Bennett, K. H. 1883a. On the habits of the Mallee hen, Leipoa
Ocellata. (1)8: 193-197.

Bennett, K. H. 1883b. Notes on the method of obtaining water from
Eucalyptus roots as practiced by the natives of the country,
between the Lachlan and Darling Rivers. (1)8: 213-215.

Bennett, K. H. 1885a. Notes on the habits, &., of birds breeding
in the interior of New South Wales. (1)10: 162-169.

Bennett, K. H. 1885b. Remarks on the decay of certain species of
eucalypti. (1)10: 453-544.

Bennett, K. H. 1887a. Note on the mode of nidification of a
species of Pachycephala, supposed to be P. Gilbertii, from
the interior of N. S. Wales. (2)2: 103-104.

Bennett, K. H. 1887b. Notes on a species of rat (Mus Tompsonii,
Ramsay), now infesting the western portion of N.S.W. (2)2:

Bennett, K. H. 1890. Note on the breeding of the glossy ibis,
Falcinellus igneus (Ibis falcinellus, Linn.). (2)4: 1059-

Benson, R. B. 1959. On some pergine sawflies reared by Mr. M. F.
Leask (Hymenoptera, Pergidae). 83: 288-290.

Benson, W. N. 1907. The geology of Newbridge, near Bathurst,
N.S.W. 32: 523-553.

Benson, W. N. 1913. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part I. 38: 490-517.

Benson, W. N. 1914a. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part ii. The geology of
the Nundle district. 38: 569-596.

Benson, W. N. 1914b. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part iii. Petrology. 38:

Benson, W. N. 1914c. Petrological notes on various New South
Wales rocks. 39: 447-453.

Benson, W. N. 1915a. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part iv. The dolerites,
spilites, and keratophyres of the Nundle district. 40: 121-

Benson, W. N. 1915b. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part v. The geology of
the Tamworth district. 40: 540-624.

Benson, W. N. 1917. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part vi. A general
account of the geology and physiography of the western slopes
of New England. 42: 223-245 ; 250-283.

Benson, W. N. 1918a. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part vi. Appendix. The
Attunga district. 42: 693-700.

Benson, W. N. 1918b. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part vii. The geology of
the Loomberah district and a portion of the Goono Goono
estate, with two palaeontological appendices by F. Chapman.
43: 320-384 ; 385-394.

Benson, W. N. 1918c. The geology and petrology of the Great
Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part viii. The extension
of the Great Serpentine Belt from the Nundle district to the
coast. 43: 593-599.

Benson, W. N., Dun, W. S. & Browne, W. R. 1920. The geology and
petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales.
Part IX. The geology, palaeontology and petrography of the
Currabubula district, with notes on adjacent regions. 45:
285-317 ; 337-374 ; 405-423.

Bergstrom, D. M. 1986. An atlas of seeds and fruits from
Macquarie Island. 109: 69-90.

Berrie, G. K. 1962. The chromosomes of some Australian
liverworts. 86: 305-306.

Berrie, G.K. 1963a. Australian liverworts. I. Haplomitrium
intermedium, sp. nov. (Calobryales). 87: 191-195.

Berrie, G. K. 1963b. Australian liverworts. II. The sporophyte of
Haplomitrium intermedium Berrie. 88: 103-104.

Bertram, B. 1927. Mosquito control in the municipality of Lane
Cove, New South Wales. 52: 563-569.

Bertrand, E. G. 1901. Description d’un echantillon de kerosene
shale de Megalong valley, N.S.W. 25: 637-649.

Bertus, A. L. & Hayward, A. C. 1971. A bacterial leaf spot of
zinnia in New South Wales. 96: 81-84.

Bethge, P., Munks, S., Otley, H. & Nicol, S. 2004. Platypus
burrow temperatures at a subalpine Tasmanian lake. 125: 273-

Bezzi, M. 1923. Fissicorn Tachinidae, with description of new
forms from Australia and South America. 48: 647-659.

Bezzi, M. 1925. On the tachinid genus Euthera (Diptera), with
description of new species from Australia, Africa and South
America. 50: 275-283.

Bezzi, M. 1929. Australian Pyrgotidae (Diptera). 54: 1-31.

Bishop, N. 1997. Functional anatomy of the macropodid pes. 117:

Blackburn, T. 1888a. Notes on the Hemiptera of the Hawaiian
Islands. (2)3: 343-354.

Blackburn, T. 1888b. Notes on Australian Coleoptera with
descriptions of new species. (2)3: 805-875.

Blackburn, T. 1889a. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with
descriptions of new species. Part I. (2)3: 1321-1362.

Blackburn, T. 1889b. Further notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new genera and species. (2)3: 1387-1506.

Blackburn, T. 1889c. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with
descriptions of new species. Part II. (2)4: 137-170.

Blackburn, T. 1889d. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with
descriptions of new species. Part III. (2)4: 425-444.

Blackburn, T. 1889e. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part III. (2)4: 445-482.

Blackburn, T. 1890a. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with
descriptions of new species. Part IV. (2)4: 661-706.

Blackburn, T. 1890b. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part IV. (2)4: 707-746.

Blackburn, T. 1890c. Revision of the genus Heteronyx, with
descriptions of new species. Part V. (2)4: 1217-1246.

Blackburn, T. 1890d. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part V. (2)4: 1247-1276.

Blackburn, T. 1890e. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part VI. (2)5: 147-156.

Blackburn, T. 1890f. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part VII. (2)5: 303-366.

Blackburn, T. 1890g. Revision of the genera Colpochila (including
Haplonycha), sericesthis and their allies, with descriptions
of new species. Part I. (2)5: 517-552.

Blackburn, T. 1890h. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part VIII. (2)5: 553-592.

Blackburn, T. 1891. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part IX. (2)5: 775-790.

Blackburn, T. 1892a. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. (2)6: 479-550.

Blackburn, T. 1892b. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part XI. (2)7: 65-151.

Blackburn, T. 1892c. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part XII. (2)7: 283-300.

Blackburn, T. 1893a. Revision of the Australian Amarygmides. Part
I. (2)7: 411-470.

Blackburn, T. 1893b. Revision of the Australian Amarygmides. Part
II. (2)8: 53-106.

Blackburn, T. 1894a. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part XIII. (2)8: 185-208.

Blackburn, T. 1894b. Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with
descriptions of new species. Part XIV. (2)8: 245-286.

Blackburn, T. 1894c. Notes on Australian Coleoptera with
descriptions of new species. Part XV. (2)9: 85-108.

Blackburn, T. 1897a. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part I. 21:

Blackburn, T. 1897b. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part II. 22:

Blackburn, T. 1898. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part III.
23: 218-263.

Blackburn, T. 1899a. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part IV. 23:

Blackburn, T. 1899b. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part V. 24:

Blackburn, T. 1901. Revision of the genus Paropsis. Part VI. 26:

Blackburn, T. 1904. A revision of the Australian species of
Bolboceras, with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera,
fam. Scarabaeidae). 29: 481-526.

Blair, K. G. 1919. Notes on the Australian genus Cestrinus Er.
(fam. Tenebrionidae) and some allied genera. 44: 529-532.

Blake, C. D. 1959. A turbidimetric method for estimating the
number of nematode larvae in a suspension. 83: 241-244.

Blake, C. D. 1964. Identification and distribution of root knot
nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in New South Wales with special
reference to the Richmond-Tweed region. 88: 373-378.

Blakely, W. F. 1917. On a new species of Acacia. 42: 441-444.

Blakely, W. F. 1922a. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part i. 47:

Blakely, W. F. 1922b. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part ii. 47:

Blakely, W. F. 1922c. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part iii.
47: 391-414.

Blakely, W. F. 1923. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part iv. 48:

Blakely, W. F. 1924. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part v. 49:

Blakely, W. F. 1925a. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part vi. 50:

Blakely, W. F. 1925b. Contributions to our knowledge of the flora
of New South Wales. 50: 383-386.

Blakely, W. F. 1928. The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part vii. 53:

Blakely, W. F. 1929. A further contribution to our knowledge of
the flora of New South Wales. 54: 681-685.

Blakely, W. F. 1930. Another new species of Eucalyptus from New
England. 55: 594-595.

Blakely, W. F. & McKie, E. N. 1930. Additions to the flora of
New England, N.S.W. 55: 587-593.

Blakely, W. F., McKie, E. N. & Steedman, H. 1938. Descriptions of
four new species and two varieties of eucalypts. 63: 65-69.

Boardman, W. 1941. On the anatomy and functional adaptation of
the thorax and pectoral girdle in the wallaroo (Macropus
robustus). 66: 349-387.

Boardman, W. 1943. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part I.
Description of species. 68: 95-113.

Boardman, W. 1945a. Some points in the external morphology of the
pouch young of the marsupial, Thylacinus cynocephalus Harris.
70: 1-8.

Boardman, W. 1945b. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part II.
Description of species, continued. 70: 179-202.

Boardman, W. 1949. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part III.
Description of species, concluded. 74: 192-195.

Boardman, W. 1950a. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part IV.
Direction characteristics of whorls and meristic repetition
of radial fields. 75: 89-95.

Boardman, W. 1950b. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part V. A
contribution on causation. 75: 254-266.

Boardman, W. 1950c. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part VI.
Evolution and genetics of tract pattern. 75: 267-272.

Boardman, W. 1950d. The hair tracts in marsupials. Part VII. A
system of nomenclature. 75: 273-278.

Booth, D. J. & Schultz, D. L. 1999. Seasonal ecology, condition
and reproductive patterns of the smooth toadfish Tetractenos
glaber (Freminville) in the Hawkesbury estuarine system,
Australia. 121: 71-84.

Booth, D. T. 1999a. Incubation temperature and growth of Brisbane
River turtle (Emydura signata) hatchlings. 121: 45-52.

Booth, D. T. 1999b. Size, water and energy content of eggs of the
freshwater turtles, Emydura signata and Chelodina expansa.
121: 53-59.

Borsboom, A. 1998. Aspects of the biology and ecology of the
Australian freshwater crayfish, Euastacus urospinosus
(Decapoda: Parastacidae). 119: 87-100.

Boulenger, G. A. 1890. Description of a new genus of
cystignathoid frogs from New South Wales. (2)5: 593-594.

Boulenger, G. A. 1893. Description of a new tree-frog from New
South Wales. (2)7: 403.

Boulenger, G. A. 1895. On a new Typhlops previously confounded
with Typhlops unguirostris, Peters. (2)9: 718-719.

Bourne, G. 1936. The adrenal gland in new-born mammals. 61: 221-

Boxshall, G. A. 1986. A new species of Mugilicola Tripathi
(Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) and a review of the family
Therodamasidae. 108: 183-186.

Bradke, A. B. & Murray, D. R. 1989. Redistribution of amino acids
and amides during seedling development in Acacia iteaphylla
F. Muell. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). 111: 37-42.

Bradley, H. H. B. 1876a. The Araneides of the Chevert Expedition.
(1)1: 137-150.

Bradley, H. H. B. 1876b. On some new forms of Arachnidae. (1)1:

Bradley, H. H. B. 1876c. On a new genus of Arachnidae. (1)1: 240-

Bradley, H. H. B. 1877. Araneides of the Chevert Expedition.
Part II. (1)2: 115-120.

Bradstock, R. A. 1995. Demography of woody plants in relation to
fire: Telopea speciosissima. 115: 25-33.

Brazier, J. 1875a. Description of fourteen new species of shells
from Australia and the Solomon Islands. (1)1: 1-9.

Brazier, J. 1875b. Descriptions of eight species of Australian
and Tasmanian land and fresh water shells. (1)1: 17-20.

Brazier, J. 1876a. Description of two new species of Australian
land shells. (1)1: 97.

Brazier, J. 1876b. Descriptions of thirty-five new species of land
shells from New Guinea, Australia, and islands in Torres
Straits, collected during the Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 98-

Brazier, J. 1876c. List of land shells collected during the
Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 117-133.

Brazier, J. 1876d. Description of a new Pupina collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)1: 136-137.

Brazier, J. 1876e. A list of the Pleurotomidae collected during
the Chevert Expedition, with the description of the new
species. (1)1: 151-162.

Brazier, J. 1877a. List of marine shells, with descriptions of
the new species collected during the Chevert Expedition.
(1)1: 169-181.

Brazier, J. 1877b. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 199-215.

Brazier, J. 1877c. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 224-240.

Brazier, J. 1877d. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition, with descriptions of the new species. (1)1: 249-

Brazier, J. 1877e. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition, with new species. (1)1: 283-301.

Brazier, J. 1877f. Notes on Laevicardium Beechei. (1)1: 306-307.

Brazier, J. 1877g. Shells collected during the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 311-321.

Brazier, J. 1877h. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)1: 362-368.

Brazier, J. 1877i. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)2: 1-6.

Brazier, J. 1877j. Description of a new Murex, collected at Port
Darwin, by Mr. W. Bednall. (1)2: 6-7.

Brazier, J. 1877k. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 20-25.

Brazier, J. 1877l. Description of three new species of shells,
from Australia and New Guinea. (1)2: 25-27.

Brazier, J. 1877m. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 41-46.

Brazier, J. 1877n. Continuation of the Mollusca, collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 46-53.

Brazier, J. 1877o. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 55-60.

Brazier, J. 1877p. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 74-89.

Brazier, J. 1877q. Description of two new species of Helix, from
New Guinea and the Louisiade Islands. (1)2: 120-122.

Brazier, J. 1878a. Continuation of the Mollusca collected during
the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 128-135.

Brazier, J. 1878b. Mollusca of the Chevert Expedition. (1)2: 143-

Brazier, J. 1878c. Continuation of the Mollusca of the Chevert
Expedition. (1)2: 368-369.

Brazier, J. 1878d. Notes and remarks on Mollusca recently found
in Port Jackson and New Caledonia. (1)2: 369-371.

Brazier, J. 1878e. Descriptions of seven new species of
terrestrial and Marine shells from Australia. (1)3: 77-81.

Brazier, J. 1878f. Mollusca of the Chevert Expedition. (1)3: 155.

Brazier, J. 1879a. Description of a new species of Vivipara.
(1)3: 221-222.

Brazier, J. 1879b. A series of Cylindrella from the West Indies
and South America. (1)3: 305.

Brazier, J. 1880a. Synonymy of, and remarks upon Port Jackson,
New Caledonian and other shells, with their distribution.
(1)4: 388-392.

Brazier, J. 1880b. List of land shells found on Thursday Island,
with descriptions of the new species. (1)4: 392-396.

Brazier, J. 1880c. List of Brachiopoda or lamp shells found in
Port Jackson and the coast of New South Wales. (1)4: 399-403.

Brazier, J. 1880d. Tropical Mollusca recently dredged at Port
Jackson Heads. (1)4: 428-431.

Brazier J. 1880e. Note on Oniscia ponderosa, with its locality.
(1)4: 431.

Brazier, J. 1880f. Notes on a new variety of Bulimus Caledonicus.
(1)5: 190-191.

Brazier, J. 1881a. Notes on shells from the Solomon Islands and
Australia. (1)5: 444-447.

Brazier, J. 1881b. Notes on recent Mollusca found in Port Jackson
and on the coast of New South Wales and other localities
with their synonyms. (1)5: 481-488.

Brazier, J. 1881c. List of species of Porcellana or Cypraea found
in Moreton Bay, Queensland. (1)5: 496-503.

Brazier, J. 1881d. Remarks on some recently redescribed Australian
shells. (1)5: 630-633.

Brazier, J. 1881e. Remarks on Megapodius Brazieri. (1)6: 150-154.

Brazier, J. 1881f. Synonymy of and remarks upon two Australian
species of Melania. (1)6: 551-552.

Brazier, J. 1881g. Description of a new Bulimus from New
Caledonia. (1)6: 586-587.

Brazier, J. 1882a. Remarks on some fluviatile shells of New South
Wales. (1)7: 83-86.

Brazier, J. 1882b. A list of Cypraeidae, found on the Victorian
coast, collected by Mr. J.F. Bailey. (1)7: 117-121.

Brazier, J. 1882c. Notes on Bulimus Gunni. (1)7: 121-122.

Brazier, J. 1882d. Habitat of Cypraea citrina of Gray. (1)7: 322-

Brazier, J. 1883a. Synonymy of Australian and Polynesian land and
marine Mollusca. (1)8: 224-234.

Brazier, J. 1883b. Localities of some species of recent Polynesian
Mollusca. (1)8: 294-296.

Brazier, J. 1884a. Critical list of Mollusca from north-west
coast of Australia. (1)9: 793-803.

Brazier, J. 1884b. Synonymy of some land Mollusca from Papua or
New Guinea. (1)9: 804-806.

Brazier, J. 1885a. List of some recent shells found in layers of
clay on the Maclay coast, New Guinea. (1)9: 988-992.

Brazier, J. 1885b. Synonymy of and remarks upon the specific names
and authorities of four species of Australian marine shells,
originally described by Dr. John Edward Gray in 1825 and
1827. (1)10: 85-94.

Brazier, J. 1886a. Description of a new species of Onchidium.
(1)10: 729.

Brazier, J. 1886b. New species of land and fresh water Mollusca
from Maclay coast and Triton bay, New Guinea, collected by
baron Maclay. (1)10: 841-844.

Brazier, J. 1886c. Notes on the distribution of Ceratella fusca,
Gray. (2)1: 575-576.

Brazier, J. 1890. Mollusca trawled off Merimbula, New South
Wales. (2)4: 747-750.

Brazier, J. 1891. Description of a new cone from Mauritius.
(2)6: 276.

Brazier, J. 1892. On the synonymy of Helix (Hadra) gulosa,
Gould. (2)6: 321-328.

Brazier, J. 1893. Synonymy of and remarks on old-described
Australian Mollusca, with notes on their distribution. (2)8:

Brazier, J. 1894a. On a new Murex from South Australia. (2)8:

Brazier, J. 1894b. Distribution of little-known Mollusca from
Polynesia and Australia, with their synonyms. (2)8: 430-435.

Brazier, J. 1894c. On a Patella said to have been found on the
Kermadec Islands. (2)9: 183-184.

Brazier, J. 1895a. On the correct habitat of Patella
kermadecensis, Pilsbry. (2)9: 566.

Brazier, J. 1895b. Trochus Adamsi from Port Jackson, and new
varieties of Bulimus miltocheilus from the Solomon Islands.
(2)9: 567-570.

Brazier, J. 1895c. On some Australian and Tasmanian Mollusca,
with their synonyms. (2)9: 691-700.

Brazier, J. 1895d. A British bivalve mollusc (Cryptodon flexuosus,
Mont.) found in Australia and Tasmania, with its
distribution. (2)9: 725-727.

Brazier, J. 1895e. Rossiteria, a new subgenus of the family
Trochidae. (2)9: 728.

Brazier, J. 1896a. New species of cone from the Solomon Islands.
(2)10: 471.

Brazier, J. 1896b. A new genus and three new species of Mollusca
from New South Wales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia.
21: 345-347.

Brazier, J. 1898a. New marine shells from the Solomon Islands and
Australia. 22: 779-782.

Brazier, J. 1898b. Four new species of Mollusca from Victoria.
23: 271-272.

Breakwell, E. 1914. A study of the leaf-anatomy of some native
species of the genus Andropogon [N.O. Gramineae]. 39: 385-

Breakwell, E. 1915. The anatomical structure of some xerophytic
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